sending email through webpack vuejs - email

I'm a beginner in vuejs2 and I'm trying to make a simple contact form (using webpack and vuejs2).
I've created my form with the send button pointing to the following method:
<button #click.prevent="sendemail" class="btn btn-xl">Send</button>
And the method:
methods: {
sendemail () {
var mailgun = require('mailgun.js')
var mg = mailgun.client({username: 'MYUSERNAME', key: MYAPIKEY})
mg.messages.create('MYDOMAIN', {
from: 'FROMEMAIL',
to: ['TOEMAIL'],
subject: 'SUBJECT',
text: 'TEXT'
.then(msg => console.log(msg)) // logs response data
.catch(err => console.log(err)) // logs any error
When I press send button I get the following error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load Request header field Authorization is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response.
Any suggestions or any other way to do it?

The mailgun-js docs specify a way on how can we do this:
var domain = '';
var mailgun = require('mailgun-js')({apiKey: api_key, domain: domain});
var data = {
from: 'Excited User <>',
to: '',
subject: 'Hello',
text: 'Testing some Mailgun awesomness!'
mailgun.messages().send(data, function (error, body) {
Also a word of caution, I would not put the api_key in my frontend as anyone can use it and send emails. Instead, try opting for a backend which will send emails for you.


Strapi custom email template

I'm using nodemailer for email submission and running from my localhost. I have email services created manually in the following dir /api/email/services/Email.js
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
host: '',
port: 587,
secure: false,
auth: {
user: 'user',
pass: 'password',
module.exports = {
send: (from, to, subject, html) => {
const options = {
return transporter.sendMail(options);
So then I can use it like, email, subject, html);
Usually, I write my html template in the code line const html = '<p>Email testing</p>' to be passed in the email services. But I don't want to do this for every email submission from different controllers.
So, I created a html template in /config/email-templates/custom-email.html and tried to call it like const html = path.join(__dirname + '/../../../config/email-templates/custom-email.html');.
When I run it, the email can be sent successfully but it cannot render the html. Instead of a rendered html, it's showing the full path of the custom-email.html as the email message. Is this method possible to achieve in strapi?
Instead of passing the path to the file, you need to pass the actual content. In the first case const html = '<p>Email testing</p>' , you are actually passing the content , but in the second case you are passing the file path.
Modified send method could look something like below:
send: (from, to, subject, htmlpath) => {
const readHTMLFile = (path, callback)=> {
fs.readFile(path, {encoding: "utf-8"}, function (err, html) {
if (err)
return callback(err);
return callback(null, html);
readHTMLFile(htmlpath, function(err, html) {
const options = {
return transporter.sendMail(options);
}); }

Nodemailer - email send but not receive

I'm build an API with feathersjs and I need to send an email with an attachment.
The email seems to be send but I receive nothing.
In my mail.service.js
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
host: '',
port: 587,
secure: false, // secure:true for port 465, secure:false for port 587
auth: {
user: '',
pass: 'MyPassWord'
// Check the connection to the service.
transporter.verify(function(error, success) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('Server is ready to take our messages');
Then in my hook
hook => {
const file = hook.params.file;
const email = {
from: '', // sender address
to: '', // list of receivers
subject: 'Test Nodemailer', // Subject line
// text: req.body.text, // plaintext body
html: '<b>Hello world 🐴</b>', // html body
attachments: [
filename: file.originalname,
contents: new Buffer(file.buffer, 'base64'),
encoding: 'base64'
.then(function (result) {
console.log('Sent email', result);
}).catch(err => {
then I got
Server is ready to take our messages
Sent email
Object {from: "", to: "", subject: "Test Nodemailer", html: "Hello world 🐴"}
I have no idea how to check where the problem come from.
I was missing the from part while creating a mail while I was able to send mail via google smtp but my own smtp was failing with the above configuration
Was working with google
var mailOptions = { to: email, subject: 'Forgot Password', html: mailData };
Working with my smtp as well:
var mailOptions = { from: '', to: email, subject: 'Forgot Password', html: mailData };
Consider adding name while defining nodemailer configuration as well
let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
name: '' // <= Add this
host: '',
port: 587,
Ok I figure it out !
I needed to add the transporter.sendMail() inside the mail.class.js to trigger this action when I call'mail').create(email)
Working and the attachement file that is 0 byte in the mail but the good size inside my variable.
For me this was what I realized; if the html does not have the html tags, then the email is not sent. i.e.
This template will work
Hello and welcome
This template will not work:
Hello and welcome
This is especially when sending to office365, refer to this other question here:
Nodemailer doesn't send emails to outlook.office365 accounts

401 error using SparkPost with XHR

Hi I'm trying to send a POST call to the SparkPost API in a JavaScript web app. It works fine with curl and Postman, but as soon as I try sending from my localhost site I get a 401 Unauthorized error.
My current code looks like the below, but I've tried fetch as well with the same results.
sendEmail(subject, data) {
let textbody = "blah blah blah";
const url = "";
const fetchbody = {
content: {
from: "",
subject: subject,
text: textbody
recipients: [{address: ""}]
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
if (this.readyState === 4) {
});"POST", url);
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json");
xhr.setRequestHeader("accept", "application/json");
xhr.setRequestHeader("authorization", creds);
xhr.setRequestHeader("cache-control", "no-cache");
Is there something wrong with my credentials setup here? Note that creds is set to my secret API key string.
Figured it out after chatting with the Sparkpost devs a bit - the service only allows "strict CORS" i.e. requests from server-side, and I was sending the request from client-side code.

Getting and "Error, wrong validation token" when trying to create a Facebook Chatbot

I'm trying to create a Facebook chatbot with NodeJS, Express, and a Heroku server.
I created my webhook on heroku and had it verified and saved by facebook. I then started adding code that would reply to the incoming messages and I can't seem to get it connected. It keeps saying "Error, wrong validation token" when I try to load my webhook in my browser. And when I try to send my bot a message I get no response. Even though I already had it verified and didn't change the code.
Here is my code:
var express = require('express');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var app = express();
var port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
// body parser middleware
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
// test route
//app.get('/', function (req, res) { res.status(200).send('Hello world!') });
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
if (req.query['hub.verify_token'] === '8FKU9XWeSjnZN4ae') {
res.send('Error, wrong validation token');
})'/', function (req, res) {
messaging_events = req.body.entry[0].messaging;
for (i = 0; i < messaging_events.length; i++) {
event = req.body.entry[0].messaging[i];
sender =;
if (event.message && event.message.text) {
text = event.message.text;
sendTextMessage(sender, "Text received, echo: "+ text.substring(0, 200));
// error handler
app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
app.listen(port, function () {
console.log('Listening on port ' + port);
var token = <myToken>;
function sendTextMessage(sender, text) {
messageData = {
url: '',
qs: {access_token:token},
method: 'POST',
json: {
recipient: {id:sender},
message: messageData,
}, function(error, response, body) {
if (error) {
console.log('Error sending message: ', error);
} else if (response.body.error) {
console.log('Error: ', response.body.error);
So I'm confused as to why nothing is happening and why I'm getting that error. I feel like I'm missing a whole step. I am following this tutorial by the way:
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Edit: Here are my heroku logs
Do not post your full access tokens here!
Have you tested the output of the challenge? Since it's just a GET and you know all values you can try it yourself: which sould print 'ping' if everything work fine.
Make sure you add sendStatus(200) to the hub challenge response, too.
You need to subscribe your page to the app first. To do so make a POST request to /your-page-id/subscribed_apps which should return "success". You can make a GET request to the same endpoint afterwards to double check your app is subscribed to your page
You did not mention which events you subscribed to (needs to be message_deliveries, messages, messaging_optins, messaging_postbacks)
Make sure the webhooks tab in your app dashboard now says "complete"
Test again
You are actually using "request" but you are never importing it anywhere. Here's how to fix it:
var request = require("request")
Once you have added that to your index.js or app.js file (basically whatever this file is), make sure you do:
npm install request --save
This should fix it. Unfortunately, Heroku doesn't error out and say that it does not know what "request" is and that's why it was so hard to figure this out in the first place!

Getting error sending email in nodejs with emailjs

[error: can't set headers after they are sent.]
createCredentials() is deprecated, use tls.createSecureContext instead
{[Error: bad response on command '-']
smtp : '550 5.3.4 Requested action not token; To continue sending messages,
please sign in to your account.\n}
I have been trying to send email in nodejs with emailjs and nodemailer but i keep on getting the error above.
transportEmail: email.server.connect({
user: "",
host: "",
tls: {ciphers: "SSLv3"}
note: i have include all modules.
i'm hoping somebody can point me to the right path. i just want to send me using outlook or gmail in node app.
Below is the code for sending email from nodejs app (through Gmail):
Using Nodemailer v1.3.4:
var nodemailer = require("nodemailer");
var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
service: "Gmail",
auth: {
user: "email_id_of_gmail_account",
pass: "password_of_gmail_account"
var mailOptions = {
from: 'sender_email_id', // sender address
to: 'receiver_email_id, some_other_email_if_requierd', // list of receivers
cc: 'cc_email_id'
subject: 'subject text', // Subject line
text: 'body plain text', // plaintext body
html: '<b>body html</b>' // html body
var sendEMail = function () {
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, info){
console.log('Message sent: ' + info.response);
Note: if you are using Nodemailer version 0.7 or lower, then transporter object will created like this:
var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport('SMTP', {
service: "Gmail",
auth: {
user: "email_id_of_gmail_account",
pass: "password_of_gmail_account"
Using emailJs v0.3.16:
var email = require("/node_modules/emailjs/email.js");
var server = email.server.connect({
user: "emailId_of_gmail_account",
password: "password_of_gmail_account",
host: "",
ssl: true // in case outlook, use "tls: {ciphers: "SSLv3"}"
var message = {
text: "body text",
from: "senderName <sender's_email_id>",
to: "receiverName <receiver_email_id>",
subject: "subject text",
attachment: // optional
{data: "<html>i <i>hope</i> this works! html </html>", alternative: true},
{path: "path/to/", type:"application/zip", name:""}
var sendEMail = function () {
server.send(message, function (err, message) {
console.log(err || message);