Scala procedure and function differences - scala

I am learning Scala and running below code .I knew functions, that do not return anything is procedures in Scala but when running below code why extra () is coming in output. Here in procedure i am just printing the value of 'value'.
Can someone explain about this.
class Sample{
private var value = 1
def test() {value += 2; println(value)}
def test2() = value
object Main2 extends App {
val my_counter = new Sample()

The so-called "procedure syntax" is just "syntactic sugar" for a method that returns Unit (what you would call void in Java).
def sayHello(toWhom: String) {
println(s"hello $toWhom")
Is semantically equivalent (and gets actually translated) to:
def sayHello(toWhom: String): Unit = {
println(s"hello $toWhom")
Notice the explicit type and the equal sign right after the method signature.
The type Unit has a single value which is written () (and read unit, just like it's type). That's what you see: the method test prints value and then produces () of type Unit, which you then move on to print on the screen itself.
As noted in a comment, the "procedure syntax" is deprecated and will be removed in Scala 3.

Procedure syntax compiles to a method that returns unit.
calling toString on Unit produces "()"
You are printing out the result of test (which is Unit) so you see its string representation, () in the output.


how is it possible to assign println() method into a variable

I started learning Scala only a day ago, now I'm testing a few random codes to see how it behaves. I find it a quite interesting programming language, especially for its SCALAbility.
Any way, while trying some code, I "accidentally" ran this:
var myVal = println("test")
and I was surprised that it runs successfully without any errors, and the output was simply:
so I tried to find out what data type was given to this variable
and it was
What I understood is that, as we all know, the println() method returns void which is logically nothing and cannot be assigned, but I guess it's possible in Scala to do so (even though there is no type for variables called void).
So, if I suppose this is possible, I must have nothing into my variable, it must be empty, because it is void, why do I have () as output? and what will be the type myVal?
println("test") is an expression in Scala just like any other expression which means it evaluates to a value of particular type. println("test") returns a value () of type Unit. The value () might look a bit unusual initially, but it is nevertheless just a regular value. Consider the following
val x: Int = 42
val u: Unit = ()
The type Unit does not carry much semantic value. It tells us a side-effect was executed, but does not pin down exactly what kind of side-effect it was. Imagine compiler desugars definition of
def println(x: Any): Unit = Console.println(x)
to something like
def println(x: Any): Unit = {
Console.println(x) // execute side-effect
return () // return value
Note the return ().

Strange behavior of Scala compiler when initializing a class with a lazy argument

How possible that the first is correct Scala code but the second won't even compile?
The one that does compile
object First {
class ABC(body: => Unit) {
val a = 1
val b = 2
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val x = new ABC {
a + b
This one doesn't compile on Scala 2.11 and 2.12
object Second {
class ABC(body: => Int) {
val a = 1
val b = 2
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val x = new ABC {
a + b
It's not strange at all. Let's look at the first example:
You declare your class ABC to receive a pass by name parameter that returns Unit and you think this snippet:
val x = new ABC {
a + b
is passing that body parameter, it isn't.What's really happening is:
val x = new ABC(()) { a + b }
If you run that code you will see that println(body) prints () because you're not passing a value for your body parameter, the compiler allows it to compile because as the scaladoc states there is only 1 value of type Unit:
Unit is a subtype of scala.AnyVal. There is only one value of type Unit, (), and it is not represented by any object in the underlying runtime system. A method with return type Unit is analogous to a Java method which is declared void.
Since there is only one value the compiler allows you to omit it and it will fill in the gap. This doesn't happen with singleton objects because they don't extend AnyVal. Just has the default value for Int is 0 the default value for Unit is () and because there is only this value available the compiler accepts it.
From documentation:
If ee has some value type and the expected type is Unit, ee is converted to the expected type by embedding it in the term { ee; () }.
Singleton objects don't extend AnyVal so they don't get treated the same.
When you use syntax like:
new ABC {
// Here comes code that gets executed after the constructor code.
// Code here can returns Unit by default because a constructor always
// returns the type it is constructing.
You're merely adding things to the constructor body, you are not passing parameters.
The second example doesn't compile because the compiler cannot infer a default value for body: => Int thus you have to explicitly pass it.
Code inside brackets to a constructor is not the same as passing a parameter. It might look the same in same cases, but that's due to "magic".
You cannot pass a single argument to a constructor in curly braces, because this would be parsed as defining an anonymous class. If you want to do this, you need to enclose the curly braces in normal braces as well, like this:
new ABC({
a + b
As for why does compiler accept new ABC {a + b}, the explanation is a bit intricate and unexpected:
new ABC {...} is equivalent to new ABC() {...}
new ABC() can be parsed as new ABC(()) because of automatic tupling, which is a feature of the parser not mentioned in the specs, see SI-3583 Spec doesn't mention automatic tupling. The same feature casues the following code to compile without an error:
def f(a: Unit) = {}
def g(a: (Int, Int)) = {}
Note the call produces a warning (even your original example does):
Adaptation of argument list by inserting () has been deprecated: this is unlikely to be what you want.
The warning is produced since 2.11, see issue SI-8035 Deprecate automatic () insertion.

Why in Scala function defined without empty parentheses doesn't behave like function?

Consider the following 2 objects
object TestObj1 {
def testMethod = "Some text"
object TestObj2 {
def testMethod() = "Some text"
and if I call those methods directly, they do what I expect
scala> TestObj1.testMethod
res1: String = Some text
scala> TestObj2.testMethod
res2: String = Some text
But now if we define following function
def functionTakingFunction(callback: () => String) {
println("Call returns: " + callback())
and try to call it, the method defined without () is not accepted.
scala> functionTakingFunction(TestObj1.testMethod)
<console>:10: error: type mismatch;
found : String
required: () => String
scala> functionTakingFunction(TestObj2.testMethod)
Call returns: Some text
I also noticed that you can't call the TestObj1.testMethod using parentheses, since it already is a String. But what is causing this behavior?
You are not passing the method, you're invoking it and then passing its result into the call.
If you want to pass the method, you first have to convert it into a function, and pass that:
functionTakingFunction(TestObj1.testMethod _)
Here the testMethod is converted into a partially applied function (said to be "tied").
The reason you have to do that is because TestObj1.testMethod does not evaluate to function0 (which is what need to be passed to functionTakingFunction), but to a String because of the way it is declared (without parentheses).
It works on TestObj2 because the testMethod is defined with parentheses and thus just typing TestObj2.testMethod does not invoke it.
functionTakingFunction(TestObj1.testFunction) is called as functionTakingFunction("Some text") - it is evaluated rather than passed
Here, you are not passing the function. What you are trying to do is evaluate TestObj1.testFunction and then pass that result to functionTakingFunction
But if you see the definition of functionTakingFunction, it says clearly
def functionTakingFunction(callback: () => String)
means this function expects a function with Return Type as Unit. But TestObj1.testFunction is having no return type.
The difference between Unit Return Type and No Return Type is:
No Return Type means this method will not return anything
Unit Return Type means this method will return something which is having no meaningful value.
Hope it helps you now. Happy coding and enjoy Scala.

Why the following scala code is valid?

My understanding is Unit = void, but why I can pass in multiple argument?
So can anyone explain why the following code is valid?
def foo(x: Unit) = println("foo")
foo("ss", 1)
If you run your snippet with scala -print you'll roughly get the following output for the code:
/* Definition of foo */
private def foo(x: scala.runtime.BoxedUnit): Unit = {
/* Invocation of foo */
new Tuple2("ss",;
As you can see, the arguments to foo are rewritten into a code block that creates a tuple but then returns UNIT.
I can't see a good reason for this behaviour and I'd rather get a compiler error thrown instead.
A related question which gives a decent answer to this is here:
Scala: Why can I convert Int to Unit?
From Section 6.26.1 of the Scala Language Specification v2.9, "Value Discarding":
If e has some value type and the expected type is Unit, e is converted to the expected type by embedding it in the term { e; () }.
So, in your case it seems ("ss", 1) is being converted to a tuple so that it can be treated as a single argument, then as that argument type is not Unit, it is converted to a block which computes that tuple value then returns unit to match with the required type of the parameter.

What does this piece of code mean in scala?

def func(arg: String => Int): Unit = {
// body of function
I mean this fragment:
String => Int
Short answer
Its a function that receives a String and returns a Int
Long answer
In Scala, functions are first class citizens. That means you can store them in variables or (like in this case) pass them around as arguments.
This is how a function literal looks like
() => Unit
This is a function that receives no arguments and returns Unit (java's equivalent to void).
This would be a function that receives a String as a parameter and returns an Int:
(String) => Int
Also, scala let's you drop the parenthesis as a form of syntactic sugar, like in your example. The preceding arg: is just the name of the argument.
Inside func you would call the function received (arg) like this:
val result = arg("Some String") // this returns a Int
As mentioned in Advantages of Scala’s Type System, it is a Functional type.
The article Scala for Java Refugees Part 6: Getting Over Java describes this syntax in its section "Higher-Order Functions".
def itrate(array:Array[String], fun:(String)=>Unit) = {
for (i <- 0 to (array.length - 1)) { // anti-idiom array iteration
val a = Array("Daniel", "Chris", "Joseph", "Renee")
iterate(a, (s:String) => println(s))
See? The syntax is so natural you almost miss it.
Starting at the top, we look at the type of the fun parameter and we see the (type1, …)=>returnType syntax which indicates a functional type.
In this case, fun will be a functional which takes a single parameter of type String and returns Unit (effectively void, so anything at all).
Two lines down in the function, we see the syntax for actually invoking the functional. fun is treated just as if it were a method available within the scope, the call syntax is identical.
Veterans of the C/C++ dark-ages will recognize this syntax as being reminiscent of how function pointers were handled back-in-the-day.
The difference is, no memory leaks to worry about, and no over-verbosity introduced by too many star symbols.
In your case: def func(arg: String => Int): Unit, arg would be a function taking a String and returning an Int.
You might also see it written (perhaps by a decompiler) as
def func(arg: Function1[String, Int]): Unit = {
// body of function
They are precisely equivalent.