Date plots with function "addtodate" in Matlab - matlab

In Matlab, I want to create a plot of the hourly prices "DataSeriesEl" (size is 744 x 1). They should go from January 1, 2008, 00:00:00 to January 31, 2008, 23:00:00. However, my code switches at January 7 to 05:59:59 - see below. Do you know what the problem is?
StartYearData = 2008;
StartMonthData = 1;
StartDayData = 1;
date(1) = datenum(StartYearData,StartMonthData,StartDayData,0,0,0);
for m = 2:length(DataSeriesEl)
date(m) = addtodate(date(m-1), 1, 'hour');
str = datestr(date)

I think this is a much simpler solution if you use this method , for this method you dont have to use a for loop
StartYearData = 2008;
StartMonthData = 1;
StartDayData = 1;
EndDayData = 31;
dates(1) = datenum(StartYearData,StartMonthData,StartDayData,0,0,0);
dates(2) = datenum(StartYearData,StartMonthData,EndDayData ,23,0,0);
myDateTime = datetime(dates, 'ConvertFrom', 'datenum')
hours = (myDateTime (2) - myDateTime (1) )/duration(1,0,0);
date = linspace(myDateTime(1),myDateTime(2),hours +1 )


Matlab Code for weekdays and weekends [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Weekend extraction in Matlab
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I were able to successfully made a schedule in which the output is 1 if time is between 7 AM-5PM and otherwise 0, time is based on my computer. However the day Monday-Sunday is based on my computer as well.. I cant find the solution to put an output 1 on Monday-Saturday and output 0 on Sunday. The code I have is below
function y = IsBetween5AMand7PM
time = zeros(1,6);
time = clock;
current = 3600*time(4) + 60*time(5) + time(6); %seconds passed from the beginning of day until now
morning = 3600*7; %seconds passed from the beginning of day until 7AM
evening = 3600*17; %seconds passed from the beginning of day until 5PM
y = current > morning && current < evening;
Now the time here is correct already what I need is for the day (Monday-Sunday) to have my needed output. Also this matlab code is inside a matlab function on Simulink block.
If you use weekday like this, you can generate a 0/1 value as you specified for today's date:
if (weekday(now) > 1)
day_of_week_flag = 1;
day_of_week_flag = 0;
or if you like, this one-liner does the same thing, but may not be as easy to read if you're not familiar with the syntax:
day_of_week_flag = ( weekday(now) > 1);
You can also use date-strings like this to convert other dates:
day_of_week_flag = ( weekday('01-Mar-2016') > 1 )
Finally, if you have a numeric array of date/time values, like [2016 3 3 12 0 0], you first need to convert to a serial date using datenum, then use weekday:
time = clock;
day_of_week_flag = ( weekday(datenum(time)) > 1);
An alternate way to check without using weekday is the following:
time = clock;
day_of_week = datestr(time, 8);
if (day_of_week == 'Sun')
day_of_week_flag = 0;
day_of_week_flag = 1;

display dates based on week number asp classic

I want to display the weeks dates based on a week number that I get from my db.
So if I get week=43 then it would display all 7 dates for that week.
Like this.
Have tested with a lot of date formating but I can't get it working.
So any input really appreciated, thanks!
I ended up with this, works perfect!
currentDate = Date
weekNumber=DatePart("ww", currentDate, vbMonday, vbFirstFourDays)
y = Year(Date)
Public Function FirstDayOfWeek(Year, Week)
Dim TempDate
TempDate = DateSerial(Year, 1, 1)
Do Until DatePart("ww", TempDate, vbMonday, vbFirstFourDays) = 1
TempDate = TempDate + 7
TempDate = TempDate + (7 * (Week - 1))
FirstDayOfWeek = TempDate - Weekday(TempDate, vbMonday) + 1
End Function
Dim startDatum
Dim slutDatum
startDatum = FirstDayOfWeek(y, weekNumber)
slutDatum = startDatum + 6
mon=DatePart("d", startDatum)
tus=DatePart("d", startDatum+1)
wen=DatePart("d", startDatum+2)
tur=DatePart("d", startDatum+3)
fri=DatePart("d", startDatum+4)
sat=DatePart("d", startDatum+5)
sun=DatePart("d", startDatum+6)
Well, there isn't really an inverse DatePart() function, so you have to make your own calculations.
dim w, wd, y, m, i
y = Year(Date) '- year of the week in question; I'm using today's date
w = 43
wd = DateAdd("d",w*7,CDate("1/1/" & y)) '- adjust as needed for 1st week of year
m = DateAdd("d",2-Weekday(wd),wd) '- find Monday of week
Hopefully, you can go from there.

how to get the range date in vb6

i have 2 date picker
Dim pday, eitday, otherday, tpenalty, difday, subpenalty As Integer
difday = Val(L1.Caption) - Val(L2.Caption)
pday = 7
eitday = 8
otherday = difday - eitday
tpenalty = 25
If difday <= pday Then
PENALTY.Caption = 0
ElseIf difday = eitday Then
PENALTY.Caption = tpenalty
ElseIf difday > eitday Then
For i = 0 To otherday - 1
subpenalty = subpenalty + 5
Next i
PENALTY.Caption = tpenalty + subpenalty
End If
the problem is when the month is change the calculation is invalid.
I'm guessing based on your code (as many things are unclear), but this should give the number of days between two dates:
difday = DateDiff("d", StartDate, EndDate)
I've used StartDate and EndDate to signify the start and end of the lone period which are used to set L1 and L2, as you shouldn't be converting from strings to dates for calculations.

Matlab: Converting Timestamps to Readable Format given the Reference Date-Time

I have a text file that contains timestamps out of a camera that captures 50 frames per second .. The data are as follows:
1 20931160389
2 20931180407
3 20931200603
4 20931220273
5 20931240360
50 20932139319
... and so on.
It gives also the starting time of capturing like
Date: **02.03.2012 17:57:01**
The timestamps are in microseconds not in milliseconds, and MATLAB can support only till milliseconds but its OK for me.
Now I need to know the human format of these timestamps for each
1 20931160389 02.03.2012 17:57:01.045 % just an example
2 20931180407 02.03.2012 17:57:01.066
3 20931200603 02.03.2012 17:57:01.083
4 20931220273 02.03.2012 17:57:01.105
5 20931240360 02.03.2012 17:57:01.124
and so on
I tried this:
%Refernce Data
clc; format longg
refTime = [2012,03,02,17,57,01];
refNum = datenum(refTime);
refStr = datestr(refNum,'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF');
% Processing data
dn = 24*60*60*1000*1000; % Microseconds! I have changed this equation to many options but nothing was helpful
for i = 1 : size(Data,1)
gzTm = double(Data{i,2}); %timestamps are uint64
gzTm2 = gzTm / dn;
gzTm2 = refNum + gzTm2;
gzNum = datenum(gzTm2);
gzStr = datestr(gzNum,'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF'); % I can't use 'SS.FFFFFF'
fprintf('i = %d\t Timestamp = %f\t TimeStr = %s\n', i, gzTm, gzStr);
But I got always strange outputs like
i = 1 Timestamp = 20931160389.000000 TimeStr = **2012-03-08 13:29:28.849**
i = 2 Timestamp = 20931180407.000000 TimeStr = **2012-03-08 13:29:29.330**
i = 3 Timestamp = 20931200603.000000 TimeStr = **2012-03-08 13:29:29.815**
The output time is about some hours late/earlier than the Referenced Time. The day is different.
The time gap between each entry in the array should be nearly 20 seconds..since I have 50 frames per second(1000 millisecond / 50 = 20) ..and the year,month, day,hour,minute and seconds should also indicate the initial time given as reference time because it is about some seconds earlier.
I expect something like:
% just an example
1 20931160389 02.03.2012 **17:57:01.045**
2 20931180407 02.03.2012 **17:57:01.066**
Could one help me please..! Where is my mistake?
It looks like you can work out the number of microseconds between a record and the first record:
usecs = double(Data{i,2}) - double(Data{1,2});
convert that into seconds:
secsDiff = usecs / 1e6;
then add that to the initial datetime you'd calculated:
matDateTime = refNum + secsDiff / (24*60*60);

Convert date to closest end-of-month date MATLAB

I need to convert a datenumber to its closest end-of-month date. I found an online link but it is very inefficient for a large matrix (at Does Matlab (Financial Toolbox) has an inbuilt function for this? I couldn't find it.
date_in = 734421 ;
somefunction(date_in) --> Sept 2010
Basically, it sounds like you are asking for whether a given date is closer to the preceding or following month. You can greatly simplify the logic involved if you use the functions EOMDAY to find the date for the end of the month and ADDTODATE to shift the current month up or down by one. Here's an example function that takes a date number as input:
function closestString = closest_month(dateNumber)
dateVector = datevec(dateNumber);
daysInMonth = eomday(dateVector(1),dateVector(2));
if dateVector(3) > daysInMonth/2
dateNumber = addtodate(dateNumber,1,'month');
dateNumber = addtodate(dateNumber,-1,'month');
closestString = datestr(dateNumber,'mmm yyyy');
I had some errors in my previous version. Here's the logic incorporated into a function. It also checks for the month and updates accordingly.
function out = roundMonth(dateNumber)
dateVector = datevec(dateNumber);
day = dateVector(3);
month = dateVector(2);
year = dateVector(1);
month = month + sign(day - 15 + double(~(month-2)))...
+ double(~(day-15 + double(~(month-2))));
dateVector(1) = year + double((month-12)==1) - double((1-month)==1);
dateVector(2) = mod(month,12) + 12*double(~mod(month,12));
out = datestr(dateVector,'mmm yyyy');
ans =
Sep 2010
ans =
Nov 2010
ans =
Jan 2011
ans =
Dec 2009