Convert date to closest end-of-month date MATLAB - matlab

I need to convert a datenumber to its closest end-of-month date. I found an online link but it is very inefficient for a large matrix (at Does Matlab (Financial Toolbox) has an inbuilt function for this? I couldn't find it.
date_in = 734421 ;
somefunction(date_in) --> Sept 2010

Basically, it sounds like you are asking for whether a given date is closer to the preceding or following month. You can greatly simplify the logic involved if you use the functions EOMDAY to find the date for the end of the month and ADDTODATE to shift the current month up or down by one. Here's an example function that takes a date number as input:
function closestString = closest_month(dateNumber)
dateVector = datevec(dateNumber);
daysInMonth = eomday(dateVector(1),dateVector(2));
if dateVector(3) > daysInMonth/2
dateNumber = addtodate(dateNumber,1,'month');
dateNumber = addtodate(dateNumber,-1,'month');
closestString = datestr(dateNumber,'mmm yyyy');

I had some errors in my previous version. Here's the logic incorporated into a function. It also checks for the month and updates accordingly.
function out = roundMonth(dateNumber)
dateVector = datevec(dateNumber);
day = dateVector(3);
month = dateVector(2);
year = dateVector(1);
month = month + sign(day - 15 + double(~(month-2)))...
+ double(~(day-15 + double(~(month-2))));
dateVector(1) = year + double((month-12)==1) - double((1-month)==1);
dateVector(2) = mod(month,12) + 12*double(~mod(month,12));
out = datestr(dateVector,'mmm yyyy');
ans =
Sep 2010
ans =
Nov 2010
ans =
Jan 2011
ans =
Dec 2009


How to calculate days between two dates only if they belong to a certain month

For example the date range is
28-01-2022 and 20-03-2022
I want to count separately the days that belong to january (3) february (27) and march (19)
I would really appreciate the help!!
In python, you can do the following:
import calendar
import datetime
from dateutil import relativedelta
start_str = "1-03-2022"
end_str = "20-12-2024"
start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_str, "%d-%m-%Y")
end = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_str, "%d-%m-%Y")
days = []
while start.year <= end.year and start.month <= end.month:
if start.year == end.year and start.month == end.month:
days.append( -
start.year, start.month)[1]
start = start.replace(day=1)
start += relativedelta.relativedelta(months=1)
This includes the start day and excludes the end date, meaning that in your example, 4 days belong to January and 19 to March. Does February have 27 days only?

how can i get the day of the week for a particular given date in Matlab

As today is Wednesday with date June 8, 2016. how can i write a code to get the day of given dates:
like what day is Nov 29
I'm trying to create a struct with
with month and date as input
Use the builtin weekday() function:
>> [num, name] = weekday('08-Jun-2016')
num =
name =
>> [num, name] = weekday('29-Nov-2016')
num =
name =
In addition to the weekday function, you can use the DDD or DDDD formats in the datestr function, like this:
datestr('08-Jun-2016','DDD') %Returns the string 'Wed'
datestr('08-Jun-2016','DDDD') %Returns the string 'Wednesday'
Or, to use a more practical format
datestr('08-Jun-2016','DDDD, mmmm DD, yyyy')
% Returns the string: 'Wednesday, June 08, 2016'

Matlab Code for weekdays and weekends [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Weekend extraction in Matlab
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I were able to successfully made a schedule in which the output is 1 if time is between 7 AM-5PM and otherwise 0, time is based on my computer. However the day Monday-Sunday is based on my computer as well.. I cant find the solution to put an output 1 on Monday-Saturday and output 0 on Sunday. The code I have is below
function y = IsBetween5AMand7PM
time = zeros(1,6);
time = clock;
current = 3600*time(4) + 60*time(5) + time(6); %seconds passed from the beginning of day until now
morning = 3600*7; %seconds passed from the beginning of day until 7AM
evening = 3600*17; %seconds passed from the beginning of day until 5PM
y = current > morning && current < evening;
Now the time here is correct already what I need is for the day (Monday-Sunday) to have my needed output. Also this matlab code is inside a matlab function on Simulink block.
If you use weekday like this, you can generate a 0/1 value as you specified for today's date:
if (weekday(now) > 1)
day_of_week_flag = 1;
day_of_week_flag = 0;
or if you like, this one-liner does the same thing, but may not be as easy to read if you're not familiar with the syntax:
day_of_week_flag = ( weekday(now) > 1);
You can also use date-strings like this to convert other dates:
day_of_week_flag = ( weekday('01-Mar-2016') > 1 )
Finally, if you have a numeric array of date/time values, like [2016 3 3 12 0 0], you first need to convert to a serial date using datenum, then use weekday:
time = clock;
day_of_week_flag = ( weekday(datenum(time)) > 1);
An alternate way to check without using weekday is the following:
time = clock;
day_of_week = datestr(time, 8);
if (day_of_week == 'Sun')
day_of_week_flag = 0;
day_of_week_flag = 1;

How to convert year month and min information to day num

I want to convert the given year, month and min information to day of year info.
For eg lets say
year 2004, month 2, day 2 = 33rd day of year
how can I do it in matlab?
Get the datenum for Jan 1 of that year, and subtract it from the given yy/mm/dd. For example, today's day of the year:
jan1 = datenum(datestr(now,'yy'),'yy')
now - jan1 + 1
Check the above against here.
For a specific date,
>> yy = 2004; mm = 2; dd = 2;
>> doty = datenum(yy,mm,dd) - datenum(yy,1,0)
doty =

Google Bookmark Export date format?

I been working on parsing out bookmarks from an export file generated by google bookmarks. This file contains the following date attributes:
These are not standard unix style timestamps. Can someone point me in the right direction here? I'll be parsing them using c# if you are feeling like really helping me out.
Chrome uses a modified form of the Windows Time format (“Windows epoch”) for its timestamps, both in the Bookmarks file and the history files. The Windows Time format is the number of 100ns-es since January 1, 1601. The Chrome format is the number of microseconds since the same date, and thus 1/10 as large.
To convert a Chrome timestamp to and from the Unix epoch, you must convert to seconds and compensate for the difference between the two base date-times (11644473600).
Here’s the conversion formulas for Unix, JavaScript (Unix in milliseconds), Windows, and Chrome timestamps (you can rearrange the +/× and -/÷, but you’ll lose a little precision):
u : Unix timestamp eg: 1378615325
j : JavaScript timestamp eg: 1378615325177
c : Chrome timestamp eg: 13902597987770000
w : Windows timestamp eg: 139025979877700000
u = (j / 1000)
u = (c - 116444736000000) / 10000000
u = (w - 1164447360000000) / 100000000
j = (u * 1000)
j = (c - 116444736000000) / 10000
j = (w - 1164447360000000) / 100000
c = (u * 10000000) + 116444736000000
c = (j * 10000) + 116444736000000
c = (w / 10)
w = (u * 100000000) + 1164447360000000
w = (j * 100000) + 1164447360000000
w = (c * 10)
Note that these are pretty big numbers, so you’ll need to use 64-bit numbers or else handle them as strings like with PHP’s BC-math module.
In Javascript the code will look like this
function chromeDtToDate(st_dt) {
var microseconds = parseInt(st_dt, 10);
var millis = microseconds / 1000;
var past = new Date(1601, 0, 1).getTime();
return new Date(past + millis);
1231721701079000 looks suspiciously like time since Jan 1st, 1970 in microseconds.
perl -wle 'print scalar gmtime(1231721701079000/1_000_000)'
Mon Jan 12 00:55:01 2009
I'd make some bookmarks at known times and try it out to confirm.
Eureka! I remembered having read the ADD_DATE’s meaning at some website, but until today, I could not find it again.
offers this explanation as a “Note” just before the heading “Exports and Imports”:
“Throughout this file[-]format definition, {date} is a decimal integer that represents the number of seconds elapsed since midnight January 1, 1970.”
Before that, examples of {date} were shown:
<DT><H3 FOLDED ADD_DATE="{date}">{title}</H3>
Someday, I will write a VBA macro to convert these to recognizable dates, but not today!
If someone else writes a conversion script first, please share it. Thanks.
As of the newest Chrome Version 73.0.3683.86 (Official Build) (64-bit):
When I export bookmark, I got an html file like "bookmarks_3_22_19.html".
And each item has an 'add_date' field which contains date string. like this:
Stack Overflow
This timestamp is actually seconds (not microseconds) since Jan 1st, 1970. So we can parse it with Javascript like following code:
function ChromeTimeToDate(timestamp) {
var seconds = parseInt(timestamp, 10);
var dt = new Date();
dt.setTime(seconds * 1000);
return dt;
For the upper example link, we can call ChromeTimeToDate('1553220774') to get Date.
12:09:03.263 Fri Mar 22 2019 10:12:54 GMT+0800 (Australian Western Standard Time)
Initially looking at it, it almost looks like if you chopped off the last 6 digits you'd get a reasonable Unix Date using the online converter
1231721701 = Mon, 12 Jan 2009 00:55:01 GMT
1227217588 = Thu, 20 Nov 2008 21:46:28 GMT
The extra 6 digits could be formatting related or some kind of extended attributes.
There is some sample code for the conversion of Unix Timestamps if that is in fact what it is.
look here for code samples:
// my groovy (java) code finally came out as:
def convertDate(def epoch)
long dv = epoch / 1000; // divide by 1,000 to avoid milliseconds
String dt = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(new java.util.Date (dv));
// to get epoch date:
//long epoch = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").parse("01/01/1970 01:00:00").getTime() * 1000;
return dt;
} // end of def
So firefox bookmark date exported as json gave me:
json.lastModified :1366313580447014
convert from epoch date:18/Apr/2013 21:33:00
from :
println "convert from epoch date:"+convertDate(json.lastModified)
function ConvertToDateTime(srcChromeBookmarkDate) {
//Hp --> The base date which google chrome considers while adding bookmarks
var baseDate = new Date(1601, 0, 1);
//Hp --> Total number of seconds in a day.
var totalSecondsPerDay = 86400;
//Hp --> Read total number of days and seconds from source chrome bookmark date.
var quotient = Math.floor(srcChromeBookmarkDate / 1000000);
var totalNoOfDays = Math.floor(quotient / totalSecondsPerDay);
var totalNoOfSeconds = quotient % totalSecondsPerDay;
//Hp --> Add total number of days to base google chrome date.
var targetDate = new Date(baseDate.setDate(baseDate.getDate() + totalNoOfDays));
//Hp --> Add total number of seconds to target date.
return new Date(targetDate.setSeconds(targetDate.getSeconds() + totalNoOfSeconds));
var myDate = ConvertToDateTime(13236951113528894);
var alert(myDate);
//Thu Jun 18 2020 10:51:53 GMT+0100 (Irish Standard Time)
#Python program
import time
d = 1630352263 #for example put here, if (ADD_DATE="1630352263")
print(time.ctime(d)) #Mon Aug 30 22:37:43 2021 - you will see