How to use Scaldi Conditions to do default binding - scala

I am using Scaldi with Play and Slick in my application.
I need to bind a DatabaseConfig dependency to different configurations depending on some condition.
Mode = Dev => Oracle DB
Mode = UAT => Another Oracle DB
Mode = Test => Local H2 DB
No Mode specified => same as Mode = Test
How do I handle the last part? I tried to do the following but it does not work.
val inDevMode = SysPropCondition(name = "mode", value = Some("dev"))
val inTestMode = SysPropCondition(name = "mode", value = Some("test")) or SysPropCondition(name = "mode", value = None)
bind [DatabaseConfig[JdbcProfile]] when (inDevMode) to new DbConfigHelper().getDecryptedConfig("gem2g") destroyWith (_.db.close)
bind [DatabaseConfig[JdbcProfile]] when (inTestMode) to DatabaseConfig.forConfig[JdbcProfile]("h2") destroyWith (_.db.close)

val inTestMode = SysPropCondition(name=MODE, value=Some("test")) or SysPropCondition(name=MODE, value=None) or
Condition(System.getProperty(MODE) == null)


How to remove JanusGraph index?

but the index status is installed,how to change the status to registed and then disable it to remove it please help me ,
GraphTraversalSource g = janusGraph.traversal();
JanusGraphManagement janusGraphManagement = janusGraph.openManagement();
JanusGraphIndex phoneIndex =
PropertyKey phone = janusGraphManagement.getPropertyKey("phone");
SchemaStatus indexStatus = phoneIndex.getIndexStatus(phone);
String name =;
if (indexStatus == INSTALLED) {
If you are unable to change the status of index from Install to Enable, I suggest you to check the running instances of JanusGraph and close all the instances except the one with "(Current)" and then try again removing the index.
To check and close instances use following command in gremlin shell:
mgmt = graph.openManagement()
mgmt.getOpenInstances() //all open instances
mgmt.forceCloseInstance('7f0001016161-atlantis1') //remove an instance
To remove the index use following code:
// Disable the "name" composite index = this.graph.openManagement()
def nameIndex =, SchemaAction.DISABLE_INDEX).get()
// Block until the SchemaStatus transitions from INSTALLED to REGISTERED
ManagementSystem.awaitGraphIndexStatus(graph, indexName).status(SchemaStatus.DISABLED).call()
// Delete the index using JanusGraphManagement = this.graph.openManagement()
def delIndex =
def future =, SchemaAction.REMOVE_INDEX)
I faced the same issue and tried a lot of other things then finally the above procedure worked!
Index has to be disabled first then it could be removed.
// Disable the "phoneIndex" composite index
janusGraphManagement = janusGraph.openManagement()
phoneIndex = janusGraphManagement.getGraphIndex('phoneIndex')
janusGraphManagement.updateIndex(phoneIndex, SchemaAction.DISABLE_INDEX).get()
// Block until the SchemaStatus transitions from INSTALLED to REGISTERED
ManagementSystem.awaitGraphIndexStatus(janusGraph, 'phoneIndex').status(SchemaStatus.DISABLED).call()
// Delete the index using TitanManagement
janusGraphManagement = janusGraph.openManagement()
phoneIndex = janusGraphManagement.getGraphIndex('phoneIndex')
future = janusGraphManagement.updateIndex(phoneIndex, SchemaAction.REMOVE_INDEX)

close connection elasticsearch, is it necessary?

im create a API using scala and library Spray.IO. my API, search into elasticsearch.
my questions is also related with question.
var klt:TransportClient = EsClient_08012017.klien1
var arg = Array(JsObject(Map("id"->JsString("-1"), "item" -> JsString("-1"), "score"-> JsString("-1"))))
if(cariIndex(namaIndexCari)==true && cariIndex(namaIndexCari+"_2")==true)
if(hitungJumlahIndex(namaIndexCari) > hitungJumlahIndex(namaIndexCari+"_2"))
val ar = ambilRekomendasi(idPenggunaCari, namaTipeCari, namaIndexCari, jumlah, false)
val atd = acakTanpaDuplikat(ar)
arg = parsingJsObject(atd)
val ar = ambilRekomendasi(idPenggunaCari, namaTipeCari, namaIndexCari+"_2", jumlah, false)
val atd = acakTanpaDuplikat(ar)
arg = parsingJsObject(atd)
val ar = ambilRekomendasi(idPenggunaCari, namaTipeCari, namaIndexCari, jumlah, false)
val atd = acakTanpaDuplikat(ar)
arg = parsingJsObject(atd)
for 1st time, hit API its fine. but, the 2nd hit API im get some error
None of the configured nodes are available: [{#transport#-1}{}{}]
what i want to achieve are, each of hit API its also like close connection to ES and open connection. but, the reference link said "it's okay without close connections". thanks for help, or link, or reference!
Never close it unless you are closing your application

neo4j 3.0 embedded - no nodes

There's sometime I must be missing about neo4j 3.0 embedded. After creating a node, setting some properties, and marking the transaction as success. I then re-open the DB, but there are no nodes in it! What am I missing here? The neo4j documentation is pretty poor.
val graph1 = {
val graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory()
.newEmbeddedDatabase(new File("/opt/neo4j/deviceGraphTest" ))
val tx = graphDb.beginTx()
val node = graphDb.createNode()
node.setProperty("name", "kitchen island")
node.setProperty("bulbType", "incandescent")
val graph2 = {
val graphDb2 = new GraphDatabaseFactory()
.newEmbeddedDatabase(new File("/opt/neo4j/deviceGraphTest" ))
val tx2 = graphDb2.beginTx()
val allNodes = graphDb2.getAllNodes.iterator().toList
allNodes.foreach(node => {
The transaction what you have opened has to be closed with the command tx.close() after setting the transaction to state success. I do not know the exact scala syntax but it would be good to put the full block into a try/catch and to finally close the transaction in the finally block.
Here is the documentation for Java:

How do I programmatically set configuration for the ImageResizer SQLReader plugin v4?

I was previously using v3 of ImageResizer but am now trying to use v4.
I need to programmatically set the several config options for the SQLReader plugin. I had this previous code, but it no longer works, stating that the type SqlReaderSettings could not be found:
// SqlReader Plugin
var fileSettings = new SqlReaderSettings
ConnectionString = ApplicationConfigurationContext.Current.DefaultSiteSqlConnectionString,
PathPrefix = "~/Images",
StripFileExtension = true,
ImageIdType = SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier,
ImageBlobQuery = ???,
ModifiedDateQuery = ???,
ImageExistsQuery = ???,
CacheUnmodifiedFiles = true,
RequireImageExtension = true
I cannot use the web.config file to store some of these settings. Specifically the connection string may change at run-time, and cannot be stored un-encrypted in the web.config file due to company policy.
Thanks for the help.
Update: This is the code I now use. I did not add in this plugin from the Web.config as it would be redundant.
new SqlReaderPlugin
ConnectionString = ApplicationConfigurationContext.Current.DefaultSiteSqlConnectionString,
ImageIdType = SqlDbType.VarChar,
QueriesAreStoredProcedures = true,
ModifiedDateQuery = "procFileImageResizerSelectTimestamps",
ImageBlobQuery = "procFileImageResizerSelectData",
ExposeAsVpp = true,
VirtualFilesystemPrefix = filesUri,
RequireImageExtension = true,
StripFileExtension = true,
CacheUnmodifiedFiles = true
You can replace SqlReaderSettings with SqlReaderPlugin directly; it no longer uses a separate settings class. Nearly all the class members should be the same, so just change the name of the class you are initializing.

Saving to new cluster returns error

I'm creating cluster dynamically in xtend/Java
for (int i : 0 ..< DistributorClusters.length) {
val clusterName = classnames.get(i) + clusterSuffix;
new OCommandSQL('''ALTER CLASS «classnames.get(i)» ADDCLUSTER «clusterName»''')).execute();
Then I create I add the oRole and Grant the security to the new oRole
val queryOroleCreation = '''INSERT INTO orole SET name = '«clusterSuffix»', mode = 0, inheritedRole = (SELECT FROM orole WHERE name = 'Default')''';
val ODocument result = database.command(new OCommandSQL(queryOroleCreation)).execute();
for (int i : 0 ..< classnames.length) {
new OCommandSQL(
'''GRANT ALL ON database.cluster.«classnames.get(i)»«clusterSuffix» TO «clusterSuffix»''')).
Finally I try to save a JsonObject to one of the newly created cluster. I checked in the database and the cluster exists.
val doc = new ODocument();
val savedDoc =, "ClassName"+clusterSuffix);
But Orient returns the following error :
SEVERE: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cluster name 'cluster:ClassNameclusterSuffix' is not configured
My Question :
What causes that exception? And can you add values to new cluster created?
The doc object contains reference to other classes. i.e:
user : {
username: "Apu",
The user gets created in the default cluster, but the customer throws the exception.
You should remove the "cluster:" part. The second parameter of the method is "Name of the cluster where to save", it doesn't need any special prefix.
val savedDoc =, "ClassName"+clusterSuffix);
should just work
I find out that using a query works fine source.
The following code worked on the first try:
val query = '''INSERT INTO ClassNameCLUSTER «"ClassName"+clusterSuffix» CONTENT «jsonToSave.toString()»'''
val ODocument savedDoc = database.command(new OCommandSQL(query)).execute();