How to remove JanusGraph index? - titan

but the index status is installed,how to change the status to registed and then disable it to remove it please help me ,
GraphTraversalSource g = janusGraph.traversal();
JanusGraphManagement janusGraphManagement = janusGraph.openManagement();
JanusGraphIndex phoneIndex =
PropertyKey phone = janusGraphManagement.getPropertyKey("phone");
SchemaStatus indexStatus = phoneIndex.getIndexStatus(phone);
String name =;
if (indexStatus == INSTALLED) {

If you are unable to change the status of index from Install to Enable, I suggest you to check the running instances of JanusGraph and close all the instances except the one with "(Current)" and then try again removing the index.
To check and close instances use following command in gremlin shell:
mgmt = graph.openManagement()
mgmt.getOpenInstances() //all open instances
mgmt.forceCloseInstance('7f0001016161-atlantis1') //remove an instance
To remove the index use following code:
// Disable the "name" composite index = this.graph.openManagement()
def nameIndex =, SchemaAction.DISABLE_INDEX).get()
// Block until the SchemaStatus transitions from INSTALLED to REGISTERED
ManagementSystem.awaitGraphIndexStatus(graph, indexName).status(SchemaStatus.DISABLED).call()
// Delete the index using JanusGraphManagement = this.graph.openManagement()
def delIndex =
def future =, SchemaAction.REMOVE_INDEX)
I faced the same issue and tried a lot of other things then finally the above procedure worked!

Index has to be disabled first then it could be removed.
// Disable the "phoneIndex" composite index
janusGraphManagement = janusGraph.openManagement()
phoneIndex = janusGraphManagement.getGraphIndex('phoneIndex')
janusGraphManagement.updateIndex(phoneIndex, SchemaAction.DISABLE_INDEX).get()
// Block until the SchemaStatus transitions from INSTALLED to REGISTERED
ManagementSystem.awaitGraphIndexStatus(janusGraph, 'phoneIndex').status(SchemaStatus.DISABLED).call()
// Delete the index using TitanManagement
janusGraphManagement = janusGraph.openManagement()
phoneIndex = janusGraphManagement.getGraphIndex('phoneIndex')
future = janusGraphManagement.updateIndex(phoneIndex, SchemaAction.REMOVE_INDEX)


Calling a custom function in Rasa Actions

I am facing a problem in developing a chatbot using rasa .
I am trying to call a custom function in rasa action file. But i am getting an error saying "name 'areThereAnyErrors' is not defined"
here is my action class. I want to call areThereAnyErrors function from run method. Could someone please help how to resolve this?
class ActionDayStatus(Action):
def areThereAnyErrors(procid):
errormessagecursor = connection.cursor()
errormessagecursor.execute(u"select count(*) from MT_PROSS_MEAGE where pro_id = :procid and msg_T = :messageT",{"procid": procid, "messageT": 'E'})
counts = errormessagecursor.fetchone()
errorCount = counts[0]
print("error count is {}".format(errorCount))
if errorCount == 0:
return False
return True
def name(self):
return 'action_day_status'
def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
import cx_Oracle
import datetime
# Connect as user "hr" with password "welcome" to the "oraclepdb" service running on this computer.
conn_str = dbconnection
connection = cx_Oracle.connect(conn_str)
cursor = connection.cursor()
dateIndicator = tracker.get_slot('requiredDate')
delta = datetime.timedelta(days = 1)
now =
currentDate = (now - delta).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute(u"select * from M_POCESS_FILE where CREATE_DATE >= TO_DATE(:createDate,'YYYY/MM/DD') fetch first 50 rows only",{"createDate":currentDate})
all_files = cursor.fetchall()
total_number_of_files = len(all_files)
print("total_number_of_files are {}".format(total_number_of_files))
Answer given by one of the intellectuals : Decide whether you want a static method or class method or instance method and call it appropriately . Also when you are using connection within the function it should be a member variable or passed to the method You dont have self as a parameter so you may be intending it as a static method - but you dont have it created as such

Unable to add data in archive table in Entity Framework

I wrote the code to update my table (SecurityQuestionAnswer) with new security password questions and move to old questions to another table (SecurityQuestionAnswersArchives). Total no of security questions is 3. I am able to update the current table, but when I add the same rows to history table, it shows weird data: only two records are added instead of 3 and the data is also duplicated. My code is as follows:
if (oldQuestions.Any())
var oldquestionstoarchivelist = new List<SecurityQuestionAnswersArchives>();
var oldquestionstoarchive =new SecurityQuestionAnswersArchives();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
oldquestionstoarchive.Id = oldQuestions[i].Id;
oldquestionstoarchive.SecurityQuestionId = oldQuestions[i].SecurityQuestionId;
oldquestionstoarchive.Answer = oldQuestions[i].Answer;
oldquestionstoarchive.UpdateDate = oldQuestions[i].UpdateDate;
oldquestionstoarchive.IpAddress = oldQuestions[i].IpAddress;
oldquestionstoarchive.SecurityQuestion = oldQuestions[i].SecurityQuestion;
oldquestionstoarchive.User = oldQuestions[i].User;
user.SecurityQuestionAnswersArchives = oldquestionstoarchivelist;
//await Store.UpdateAsync(user);
await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
The loop looks fine, It iterates three times(0,1,2), which is expected. First issue is with AddRange function to which I was passing a list , but it takes an IEnumerable input, I rectified it using following code.
IEnumerable<SecurityQuestionAnswersArchives> finalArchiveses = oldquestionstoarchivelist;
The other issue is duplicate data , which I am unable to figure out where the issue is. Please help me in finding this out.
Your help is much appreciated !
Got it ! Just sharing in case anybody has same issue.
The problem was with initialization at wrong place. I moved
var oldquestionstoarchive =new SecurityQuestionAnswersArchives();
in side the Forloop, now the variable will hold the unique values over each iteration.
var oldquestionstoarchivelist = new List<SecurityQuestionAnswersArchives>();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
var oldquestionstoarchive = new SecurityQuestionAnswersArchives();
oldquestionstoarchive.SecurityQuestionId = oldQuestions[i].SecurityQuestionId;
oldquestionstoarchive.Answer = oldQuestions[i].Answer;
oldquestionstoarchive.UpdateDate = oldQuestions[i].UpdateDate;
oldquestionstoarchive.IpAddress = oldQuestions[i].IpAddress;
oldquestionstoarchive.SecurityQuestion = oldQuestions[i].SecurityQuestion;
oldquestionstoarchive.User = oldQuestions[i].User;

Saving to new cluster returns error

I'm creating cluster dynamically in xtend/Java
for (int i : 0 ..< DistributorClusters.length) {
val clusterName = classnames.get(i) + clusterSuffix;
new OCommandSQL('''ALTER CLASS «classnames.get(i)» ADDCLUSTER «clusterName»''')).execute();
Then I create I add the oRole and Grant the security to the new oRole
val queryOroleCreation = '''INSERT INTO orole SET name = '«clusterSuffix»', mode = 0, inheritedRole = (SELECT FROM orole WHERE name = 'Default')''';
val ODocument result = database.command(new OCommandSQL(queryOroleCreation)).execute();
for (int i : 0 ..< classnames.length) {
new OCommandSQL(
'''GRANT ALL ON database.cluster.«classnames.get(i)»«clusterSuffix» TO «clusterSuffix»''')).
Finally I try to save a JsonObject to one of the newly created cluster. I checked in the database and the cluster exists.
val doc = new ODocument();
val savedDoc =, "ClassName"+clusterSuffix);
But Orient returns the following error :
SEVERE: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cluster name 'cluster:ClassNameclusterSuffix' is not configured
My Question :
What causes that exception? And can you add values to new cluster created?
The doc object contains reference to other classes. i.e:
user : {
username: "Apu",
The user gets created in the default cluster, but the customer throws the exception.
You should remove the "cluster:" part. The second parameter of the method is "Name of the cluster where to save", it doesn't need any special prefix.
val savedDoc =, "ClassName"+clusterSuffix);
should just work
I find out that using a query works fine source.
The following code worked on the first try:
val query = '''INSERT INTO ClassNameCLUSTER «"ClassName"+clusterSuffix» CONTENT «jsonToSave.toString()»'''
val ODocument savedDoc = database.command(new OCommandSQL(query)).execute();

JSTree creating duplicate nodes when loading data with create_node

I'm having an issue when I'm trying to load my initial data for JSTree; I have 2 top level nodes attached to the root node but when I load them it looks like the last node added is being duplicated within JSTree. At first it looked as if it was my fault for not specifically declaring a new object each time but I've fixed that. I'm using .net MVC so the initial data is coming from the model that is passed to my view (that is the data passed into the data parameter of the method).
this.loadInitialData = function (data) {
var tree = self.getTree();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var node = new Object(); = data[i].Id;
node.parent = data[i].Parent;
node.text = data[i].Text;
node.state = {
opened: data[i].State.Opened,
disabled: data[i].State.Disabled,
selected: data[i].State.Selected
node.li_attr = { "node-type": data[i].NodeType };
node.children = [];
for (var j = 0; j < data[i].Children.length; j++) {
var childNode = new Object(); = data[i].Children[j].Id;
childNode.parent = data[i].Children[j].Parent;
childNode.text = data[i].Children[j].Text;
childNode.li_attr = { "node-type": data[i].Children[j].NodeType };
childNode.children = data[i].Children[j].HasChildren;
tree.create_node("#", node, "last");
My initial code was declaring node like the following:
var node = {
id: data[i].Id
I figured that was the cause of what I'm seeing but fixing it has not changed anything. Here is what is happening when I run the application; on the first pass of the method everything looks like it is working just fine.
But after the loop is run for the second (and last) time here is the final result.
It looks like the node objects are just a copy of each other, but when I run the code through the debugger I see the object being initialized each time. Does anyone have an idea what would cause this behavior in JSTree? Should I be using a different method to create my initial nodes besides create_node?
Thanks in advance.
I found the issue; I didn't realize but I was setting my id property to the same id for both node groups. After I fixed it everything started working as expected.

Manipulate Doctrine NestedSet tree

I am using NestedSet behavior with doctrine 1.2.4 with Zend framework
but i am having some difficulty when inserting a child node of already saved root node
the Doctrine documentation showed the case of creating both root + child elements on the same page
while in my case , the root is already created and saved and i need to insert a child of it
here is an example
//// reading old order info
$order = new Order();
$orderInfo = $order->read($order_id);
$oldOrder = $orderInfo->toArray();
$oldOrder = $oldOrder[0];
//// building the new order information
$renew = new Orders();
$renew->domain_id = (int) $oldOrder["domain_id"];
$renew->auth_id = (int) $oldOrder["auth_id"];
$renew->price = $oldOrder["price"];
$renew->type = (string) $oldOrder["type"];
$renew->timestamp = $oldOrder["timestamp"];
//// doctrine throwing an error here complaining the $orderInfo should be an instance of Doctrine_Record while its now an instance of Doctrine_Collection
$aa = $renew->getNode()->insertAsLastChildOf($orderInfo);
i don't really know how to retrieve the order from the db and how to convert it to doctrine_record or there is other ways to manipulate this nestedset
any suggestion would be appreciated
Try this:
// This will retrieve the 'parent' record
$orderInfo = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Order')->find($order_id);
// building the new order information
$renew = new Orders();
$renew->domain_id = (int) $oldOrder["domain_id"];
$renew->auth_id = (int) $oldOrder["auth_id"];
$renew->price = $oldOrder["price"];
$renew->type = (string) $oldOrder["type"];
$renew->timestamp = $oldOrder["timestamp"];
That should get a Doctrine Record of the parent node and you can use that to insert the child as the last child of.