I am developing a recommendation engine. I think I can’t keep the whole similarity matrix in memory.
I calculated similarities of 10,000 items and it is over 40 million float numbers. I stored them in a binary file and it becomes 160 MB.
The problem is that I could have nearly 200,000 items.
Even if I cluster them into several groups and created similarity matrix for each group, then I still have to load them into memory at some point.
But it will consume a lot memory.
So, is there anyway to deal with these data?
How should I stored them and load into the memory while ensuring my engine respond reasonably fast to an input?
You could use memory mapping to access your data. This way you can view your data on disk as one big memory area (and access it just as you would access memory) with the difference that only pages where you read or write data are (temporary) loaded in memory.
If you can group the data somewhat, only smaller portions would have to be read in memory while accessing the data.
As for the floats, if you could do with less resolution and store the values in say 16 bit integers, that would also half the size.
When I try running
Adj = zeros(x*y);
I am receiving the following error:
Error using zeros
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
where x*y=37901. The occupancy of my PC storage is
I know the C drive doesn't have much space but 34.2 GB should be more than enough for creating a 37901*37901 matrix.
When I run the memory command this is what I got:
>> memory
Maximum possible array: 4825 MB (5.059e+09 bytes) *
Memory available for all arrays: 4825 MB (5.059e+09 bytes) *
Memory used by MATLAB: 12369 MB (1.297e+10 bytes)
Physical Memory (RAM): 12218 MB (1.281e+10 bytes)
* Limited by System Memory (physical + swap file) available.
How can I solve this issue? (I am using MATLAB 2017b)
Actually, coding side, variables are normally stored into memory (your computer RAM) rather than into hard disk space. That's what your error complains about... you don't have enough memory to store the variable you want to allocate.
The default numerical variable used by Matlab is double, which is used to represent double precision floating-point values and takes up 8 bytes of memory. Hence, you are trying to allocate:
37901 * 37901 * 8 = 11491886408 bytes
~= 10.7 gigabytes
When you only have something like 11.9 gigabytes of available memory and Matlab is telling you that you can't allocate an array greater than 4.7 gigabytes. As a workaround, I suggest you to take a look at Tall Arrays, which are a Matlab feature tailored around handling very big data flows:
Tall arrays are used to work with out-of-memory data that is backed by
a datastore. Datastores enable you to work with large data sets in
small chunks that individually fit in memory, instead of loading the
entire data set into memory at once. Tall arrays extend this
capability to enable you to work with out-of-memory data using common
What is a Tall Array?
Since the data is not loaded into memory all at once, tall arrays can be arbitrarily large in the first dimension
(that is, they can have any number of rows). Instead of writing
special code that takes into account the huge size of the data, such
as with techniques like MapReduce, tall arrays let you work with large
data sets in an intuitive manner that is similar to the way you would
work with in-memory MATLAB® arrays. Many core operators and functions
work the same with tall arrays as they do with in-memory arrays.
MATLAB works with small chunks of the data at a time, handling all of
the data chunking and processing in the background, so that common
expressions, such as A+B, work with big data sets.
Benefits of Tall Arrays
Unlike in-memory arrays, tall arrays typically remain unevaluated until you request that the calculations
be performed using the gather function. This deferred evaluation
allows you to work quickly with large data sets. When you eventually
request output using gather, MATLAB combines the queued calculations
where possible and takes the minimum number of passes through the
data. The number of passes through the data greatly affects execution
time, so it is recommended that you request output only when
I'm working on a real-time test software in MATLAB. On user input I want to extract the value of one (or a few neighbouring) pixels from 50-200 high resolution images (~25 MB).
My problem is that the total image set is to big (~2000 images) to store in RAM, consequently I need to read each of the 50-200 images from disk after each user-input which of course is way to slow!
So I was thinking about splitting the images into sub-images (~100x100 pixels) and saving these separately. This would make the image-read process quick enough.
Are there any problems I should be aware of with this approach? For instance I've read about people having trouble copying many small files, will this affect me to i.e. make the image-read slower?
rahnema1 is right - imread(...,'PixelRegion') will fasten read operation. If it is not enough for you, even if your files are not fragmented, may be it is time to think about some database?
Disk operations are always the bottleneck. First we switch to disk caches, then distributed storage, then RAID, and after some more time, we finish with in-memory databases. You should choose which access speed is reasonable.
I've heard quite a couple times people talking about KDB deal with millions of rows in nearly no time. why is it that fast? is that solely because the data is all organized in memory?
another thing is that is there alternatives for this? any big database vendors provide in memory databases ?
A quick Google search came up with the answer:
Many operations are more efficient with a column-oriented approach. In particular, operations that need to access a sequence of values from a particular column are much faster. If all the values in a column have the same size (which is true, by design, in kdb), things get even better. This type of access pattern is typical of the applications for which q and kdb are used.
To make this concrete, let's examine a column of 64-bit, floating point numbers:
q).Q.w[] `used
q)t: ([] f: 1000000 ? 1.0)
q).Q.w[] `used
As you can see, the memory needed to hold one million 8-byte values is only a little over 8MB. That's because the data are being stored sequentially in an array. To clarify, let's create another table:
q)u: update g: 1000000 ? 5.0 from t
q).Q.w[] `used
Both t and u are sharing the column f. If q organized its data in rows, the memory usage would have gone up another 8MB. Another way to confirm this is to take a look at k.h.
Now let's see what happens when we write the table to disk:
q)`:t/ set t
q)\ls -l t
"total 15632"
"-rw-r--r-- 1 kdbfaq staff 8000016 May 29 19:57 f"
16 bytes of overhead. Clearly, all of the numbers are being stored sequentially on disk. Efficiency is about avoiding unnecessary work, and here we see that q does exactly what needs to be done when reading and writing a column - no more, no less.
OK, so this approach is space efficient. How does this data layout translate into speed?
If we ask q to sum all 1 million numbers, having the entire list packed tightly together in memory is a tremendous advantage over a row-oriented organization, because we'll encounter fewer misses at every stage of the memory hierarchy. Avoiding cache misses and page faults is essential to getting performance out of your machine.
Moreover, doing math on a long list of numbers that are all together in memory is a problem that modern CPU instruction sets have special features to handle, including instructions to prefetch array elements that will be needed in the near future. Although those features were originally created to improve PC multimedia performance, they turned out to be great for statistics as well. In addition, the same synergy of locality and CPU features enables column-oriented systems to perform linear searches (e.g., in where clauses on unindexed columns) faster than indexed searches (with their attendant branch prediction failures) up to astonishing row counts.
Sources(S): http://www.kdbfaq.com/kdb-faq/tag/why-kdb-fast
as for speed, the memory thing does play a big part but there are several other things, fast read from disk for hdb, splaying etc. From personal experienoce I can say, you can get pretty good speeds from c++ provided you want to write that much code. With kdb you get all that and some more.
another thing about speed is also speed of coding. Steep learning curve but once you get it, complex problems can be coded in minutes.
alternatives you can look at onetick or google in memory databases
kdb is fast but really expensive. Plus, it's a pain to learn Q. There are a few alternatives such as DolphinDB, Quasardb, etc.
I have a sharded and replicated MongoDB with dozens millions of records. I know that Mongo writes data with some padding factor, to allow fast updates, and I also know that to replicate the database Mongo should store operation log which requires some (actually, a lot of) space. Even with that knowledge I have no idea how to estimate the actual size required by Mongo given a size of a typical database record. By now I have a descrepancy with a factor of 2 - 3 between weekly repairs.
So the question is: How to estimate a total storage size required by MongoDB given an average record size in bytes?
The short answer is: you can't, not based solely on avg. document size (at least not in any accurate way).
To explain more verbosely:
The space needed on disk is not simply a function of the average document size. There is also the space needed for any indexes you create. Then there is the space needed if you do trigger those moves (despite padding, this does happen) - that space is placed on a list to be re-used but depending on the data you subsequently insert, it may or may not be possible to re-use that space.
You can also add into the fact that pre-allocation will mean that occasionally a handful of documents will increase your on-disk space utilization by ~2GB as a new data file is allocated. Of course, with sufficient data, this will be essentially a rounding error but it is worth bearing in mind.
The only way to estimate this type of data to size ratio, assuming a consistent usage pattern, is to trend it over time for your particular use case and track the disk space usage versus the data inserted (number of documents might be better than data volume depending on variability of doc size).
Similarly, if you track the insertion rate, doc size and the space gained back from a resync/repair. FYI - you can resync a secondary from scratch to get a "fresh" copy of the data files rather than running a repair, which can be less disruptive, and use less space depending on your set up.
I have a VERY large array (96,000 elements of type GLfloat). It was previously 24,000 elements, until I made a couple of changes. Now I'm getting a crash. I haven't done much to debug it yet, but when I noticed how ridiculously large one of my arrays was getting I thought it might be worth looking into. So, my only question is whether 96,000 elements (or 384,000 bytes) is too much for a single array?
That should be fine on the heap, but you should avoid allocations of that size on the stack. So malloc/free or new[]/delete[] is what you should use to create and destroy an array of that size.
If the device has low memory, you can expect requests for large amounts of memory to occasionally return NULL. There are applications (such as photo/image processing) which request allocations at tens of megabytes -- many times greater than your 384 KiB allocation.
There is no upper bound on the size of an array, save the amount of available RAM on the device.
I don't think it's too big. Some image resources would take up that much or more contiguous space without problem. For example, a 400x400px image would take about 160,000*4 = 640,000 bytes of memory. I think the problem is somewhere else.