MATLAB: Are there any problems with many (millions) small files compared to few (thousands) large files? - matlab

I'm working on a real-time test software in MATLAB. On user input I want to extract the value of one (or a few neighbouring) pixels from 50-200 high resolution images (~25 MB).
My problem is that the total image set is to big (~2000 images) to store in RAM, consequently I need to read each of the 50-200 images from disk after each user-input which of course is way to slow!
So I was thinking about splitting the images into sub-images (~100x100 pixels) and saving these separately. This would make the image-read process quick enough.
Are there any problems I should be aware of with this approach? For instance I've read about people having trouble copying many small files, will this affect me to i.e. make the image-read slower?

rahnema1 is right - imread(...,'PixelRegion') will fasten read operation. If it is not enough for you, even if your files are not fragmented, may be it is time to think about some database?
Disk operations are always the bottleneck. First we switch to disk caches, then distributed storage, then RAID, and after some more time, we finish with in-memory databases. You should choose which access speed is reasonable.


Howto compress time-series data in Matlab (e.g. delta-rle)?

We have terabytes of time-series data, handled with Matlab, filling our disks.
I know that rle-compression could greatly reduce the storage requirement of time-series data, if it were delta-encoded (or even delta-of-delta).
(Reason: The differences between consecutive values are mostly small, often just 0, +1, -1, and rle-compression works great if data contains some values much more often than others.)
As the admin I want our Matlab-users to save disk space. Is there an easy way to do this in Matlab? Ideally mostly transparent, so they do not need to manually rewrite all places in their scripts where they access data.
I don't even need the actual compression, because the filesystem already does that, just automatic delta-encoding would be sufficient.

How should I store data in a recommendation engine?

I am developing a recommendation engine. I think I can’t keep the whole similarity matrix in memory.
I calculated similarities of 10,000 items and it is over 40 million float numbers. I stored them in a binary file and it becomes 160 MB.
The problem is that I could have nearly 200,000 items.
Even if I cluster them into several groups and created similarity matrix for each group, then I still have to load them into memory at some point.
But it will consume a lot memory.
So, is there anyway to deal with these data?
How should I stored them and load into the memory while ensuring my engine respond reasonably fast to an input?
You could use memory mapping to access your data. This way you can view your data on disk as one big memory area (and access it just as you would access memory) with the difference that only pages where you read or write data are (temporary) loaded in memory.
If you can group the data somewhat, only smaller portions would have to be read in memory while accessing the data.
As for the floats, if you could do with less resolution and store the values in say 16 bit integers, that would also half the size.

Optimizing compression using HDF5/H5 in Matlab

Using Matlab, I am going to generate several data files and store them in H5 format as 20x1500xN, where N is an integer that can vary, but typically around 2300. Each file will have 4 different data sets with equal structure. Thus, I will quickly achieve a storage problem. My two questions:
Is there any reason not the split the 4 different data sets, and just save as 4x20x1500xNinstead? I would prefer having them split, since it is different signal modalities, but if there is any computational/compression advantage to not having them separated, I will join them.
Using Matlab's built-in compression, I set deflate=9 (and DataType=single). However, I have now realized that using deflate multiplies my computational time with 5. I realize this could have something to do with my ChunkSize, which I just put to 20x1500x5 - without any reasoning behind it. Is there a strategic way to optimize computational load w.r.t. deflation and compression time?
Thank you.
1- Splitting or merging? It won't make a difference in the compression procedure, since it is performed in blocks.
2- Your choice of chunkshape seems, indeed, bad. Chunksize determines the shape and size of each block that will be compressed independently. The bad is that each chunk is of 600 kB, that is much larger than the L2 cache, so your CPU is likely twiddling its fingers, waiting for data to come in. Depending on the nature of your data and the usage pattern you will use the most (read the whole array at once, random reads, sequential reads...) you may want to target the L1 or L2 sizes, or something in between. Here are some experiments done with a Python library that may serve you as a guide.
Once you have selected your chunksize (how many bytes will your compression blocks have), you have to choose a chunkshape. I'd recommend the shape that most closely fits your reading pattern, if you are doing partial reads, or filling in in a fastest-axis-first if you want to read the whole array at once. In your case, this will be something like 1x1500x10, I think (second axis being the fastest, last one the second fastest, and fist the slowest, change if I am mistaken).
Lastly, keep in mind that the details are quite dependant on the specific machine you run it: the CPU, the quality and load of the hard drive or SSD, speed of RAM... so the fine tuning will always require some experimentation.

Tensorflow tf.train.Saver saves suspiciously large .ckpt files?

I'm working with a reasonably sized net (1 convolutional layer, 2 fully connected layers). Every time I save variables using tf.train.Saver, the .ckpt files are half a gigabyte each of disk space (512 MB to be exact). Is this normal? I have a Caffe net with the same architecture that requires only a 7MB .caffemodel file. Is there a particular reason why Tensorflow saves such large file sizes?
Many thanks.
Hard to tell how large your net is from what you've described -- the number of connections between two fully connected layers scales up quadratically with the size of each layer, so perhaps your net is quite large depending on the size of your fully connected layers.
If you'd like to save space in the checkpoint files, you could replace this line:
saver = tf.train.Saver()
with the following:
saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.trainable_variables())
By default, tf.train.Saver() saves all variables in your graph -- including the variables created by your optimizer to accumulate gradient information. Telling it to save only trainable variables means it will save only the weights and biases of your network, and discard the accumulated optimizer state. Your checkpoints will probably be a lot smaller, with the tradeoff that it you may experience slower training for the first few training batches after you resume training, while the optimizer re-accumulates gradient information. It doesn't take long at all to get back up to speed, in my experience, so personally, I think the tradeoff is worth it for the smaller checkpoints.
Maybe you can try (in Tensorflow 1.0):, filename, write_meta_graph=False)
which doesn't save meta Graph information.
Typically you only save tf.global_variables() (which is shorthand for tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES), i.e. the collection of global variables). This collection is meant to include variables which are necessary for restoring the state of the model, so things like current moving averages for batch normalization, the global step, the states of the optimizer(s) and, of course, the tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES collection. Variables of more temporary nature, such as the gradients, are collected in LOCAL_VARIABLES and it is usually not necessary to store them and they might take up a lot of disk space.

Why do game developers put many images into one big image?

Over the years I've often asked myself why game developers place many small images into a big one. But not only game developers do that. I also remember the good old Winamp MP3 player had a user interface design file which was just one huge image containing lots of small ones.
I have also seen some big javascript GUI libraries like ext.js using this technique. In ext.js there is a big image containing many small ones.
One thing I noticed is this: No matter how small my PNG image is, the Finder on the Mac always tells me it consumes at least 4kb. Which is heck of a lot if you have just 10 pixels.
So is this done because storing 20 or more small images into a big one is much more memory efficient versus having 20 separate files, each of them probably with it's own header and metadata?
Is it because locating files on the file system is expensive and slow, and therefore much faster to simply locate only one big image and then split it up into smaller ones, once it is loaded into memory?
Or is it lazyness, because it is tedious to think of so many file names?
Is ther a name for this technique? And how are those small images separated from the big one at runtime?
This is called spriting - and there are various reasons to do it in different situations.
For web development, it means that only one web request is required to fetch the image, which can be a lot more efficient than several separate requests. That's more efficient in terms of having less overhead due to the individual requests, and the final image file may well be smaller in total than it would have been otherwise.
The same sort of effect may be visible in other scenarios - for example, it may be more efficient to store and load a single large image file than multiple small ones, depending on the file system. That's entirely aside from any efficiencies gained in terms of the raw "total file size", and is due to the per file overhead (a directory entry, block size etc). It's a bit like the "per request" overhead in the web scenario, but due to slightly different factors.
None of these answers are right. The reason we pack multiple images into one big "sprite sheet" or "texture atlas" is to avoid swapping textures during rendering.
OpenGL and Direct-X take a performance hit when you draw from one image (texture) and the switch to another, so we pack multiple images into one big image and then we can draw several (or hundreds) of images and never switch textures. It has nothing to do with the 4K file size (or hasn't in 15 years).
Also, up until very recently, textures had to by powers of 2 (64, 128, 256) and if your game had lots of odd sized images, that's a lot of wasted memory. Packing them in a single texture could save a lot of space.
The 4kb usage is a side effect of how files are stored on disk. The smallest possible addressable bit of storage in a filesystem is a block, which is usually a fixed size of 512, 1024, 2048, etc... bytes. In your Mac's case, it's using 4k blocks. That means that even a 1-byte file will require at least 4kbytes worth of physical space to store, as it's not possible for the file system to address any storage unit SMALLER than 4k.
The reasons for these "large" blocks vary, but the big one is that the more "granular" your addressing gets (the small the blocks), the more space you waste on indexes to list which blocks are assigned to which files. If you had 1-byte sized blocks, then for every byte of data you store in a file, you'd also need to store 1+ bytes worth of usage information in the file system's metadata, and you'd end up wasting at least HALF of your storage on nothing but indexes.
The converse is true - the bigger the blocks, the more space is wasted for every smaller-than-one-block sized file you store, so in the end it comes down to what tradeoff you're willing to live with.
The reasons are a bit different in different environments.
On the web the main reason is to reduce the number of requests to the web server. Each requests creates overhead, most notably a separate round trip over the network.
When fetching from good ol' mechanical hard drives good read performance requires contiguous data. If you save data in lots of files you get extra seek-time for each file. There is also the block size to consider. Files are made out of blocks, in your case 4kB. When reading a file of one byte you need to read a whole block anyway. If you have many small images you can stuff a whole bunch of them in a single disk block and get them all in the same time as if you had only one small image in the block.
Another reason from days of yore was palletes.
If you did one image you could theme it with one pallete Colour = 14 = light grey with a hint of green.
If you did lots of little images you had to make sure you used the same pallet for every one while designing them, or you got all sort of artifacts.
Given you had one pallete then you could manipulate that, so everything currently green could be made red, by flipping one value in the palletes instead of trawling through every image.
Lots of simple animations like fire, smoke, running water are still done with this method.