We bought the install4j license. Please let us know to integration of license key with Ant build script ?
According to the documentation:
you can set the license key with the license attribute of the install4j ant task.
The following worked for me,
<taskdef name="install4j"
<target name="build-media">
<install4j license="License Key" projectfile="project.install4j" destimation="Destination Dir"/>
<variable>If Any<variable>
<variable>If Any<variable>
I'm trying to upload a new NuGet package on the website.
On the first attemp I received an error that says I need to specify the license.
I don't want but... ok.
So, my first attempt with a specified license failed. I read the linked documentation and I tried multiple times.
I tried with a <license> property and also including a license.txt file in the package.
These are my try with the .nuspec file and the error I receive:
<license type="MIT"/>
=> Error: Unsupported license type 'MIT'.
(I know it is wrong but I found this "example" here: https://github.com/NuGet/Home/wiki/Packaging-License-within-the-nupkg)
<license type="expression">MIT</license>
=> Error: To provide a better experience for older clients when a license expression is specified, must be set to 'https://licenses.nuget.org/MIT'.
<license type="expression">BSD-2-Clause OR MIT</license>
=> Error: To provide a better experience for older clients when a license expression is specified, must be set to 'https://licenses.nuget.org/BSD-2-Clause%20OR%20MIT'.
<license type="expression">https://licenses.nuget.org/MIT</license>
=> Error: Invalid license metadata: The license expression 'https://licenses.nuget.org/MIT' contains invalid characters.
I also tried with my license.txt without success.
What I'm doing exactly is: modify the mylibrary.nuspec file contained in a generated mylibrary.nupkg adding the <license> field.
Why? Because this VS studio project generatse the package using nuget.exe mylibrary.csproj file, and it does not contains the license.
I updated nuget.exe to the latest 5.1 version, but I don't want to modify the VS solution or project.
Any idea ?
Edit the .csproj file. Add the following:
Using License file:
<None Include="licenses\LICENSE.txt" Pack="true"
Using PackageLicenseExpression:
For more details, see
In my case I had to set two properties:
PackageLicenseUrl - https://licenses.nuget.org/MIT
PackageLicenseExpression - MIT
Windows 2008 R2 64Bit SDK installed at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1
Framework installed at C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
Trying to run Nant to compile some .NET 4 classes and we are getting
the following message.
The SDK for the 'net-4.0' framework is not available or not configured.:
NAnt.Core.BuildException: The SDK for the 'net-4.0'
framework is not available or not configured.
at NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.DetermineFilePath()
at NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.get_ProgramFileName()
NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.PrepareProcess(Process process)
at NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.StartProcess()
at NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.ExecuteTask()
at NAnt.Core.Task.Execute()
at NAnt.Core.Target.Execute()
at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(String targetName, Boolean
at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute()
at NAnt.Core.Project.Run()
In looking at the NANt.exe.config it would appear that it looks to the
registry to find the applicable path for the SDK.
hive="LocalMachine" />
<locatesdk property="sdkInstallRoot"
minwinsdkver="v7.0A" minnetfxver="4.0" maxnetfxver="4.0.99999"
failonerror="false" />
The key does not exist in the registry nor does our SDK version match the minwinsdkver="v7.0A"
Anyone run into this issue and found a valid work-around?
Simplest solution is to add the key to the registry.
For myself the registry entry was slightly different: at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramework set sdkInstallRootv2.0=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A.
After this Nant compiled fine as expected.
I ran into this issue yesterday. Another workaround is to mark the NAnt executable as 32 bit.
Open a Developer Command Prompt
Change to the directory that contains your NAnt executable.
Run the following command: corflags NAnt.exe /32Bit+
In TeamCity, i need to state exact locations of assemblies that contain NUnit tests to be executed.
Is there an option to state a .SLN file so it will look up these test projects dynamically?
You can use wildcard expressions in the Run tests from box:
The above would run tests from any assembly under any bin folder under the Source folder which contains 'Tests' at the end of the assembly name.
Depending on whether you're using MSBuild or NAnt, you can add an entry to your build script like this:
<TestAssemblies Include="tests\\test*.dll"/>
<TestAssemblies Include="tests.lib\\test*.dll"/>
<Target Name="runTests">
<Exec Command="$(teamcity_dotnet_nunitlauncher) v2.0 x86 NUnit-2.5.0 %(TestAssemblies)" />
In the example above, the two TestAssemblies lines point to your assemblies.
You can read more about this here: http://blogs.jetbrains.com/teamcity/2008/09/24/using-teamcity-nunit-launcher/
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Closed 10 years ago.
Solved: Look at the bottom of this question for the working configuration
I am attempting to set up NCover for usage in my FinalBuilder project, for a .NET 4.0 C# project, but my final coverage output file contains no coverage data.
I am using:
NCover 3.3.2
NUnit 2.5.4
All tools are the latest official as of today.
I've finally managed to coax FB into running my unit tests under NCover for the .NET 4.0 project, so I get Tests run: 184, ..., which is correct.
However, the final Coverage.xml file output from NCover is almost empty, and looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- saved from NCover 3.0 Export url='http://www.ncover.com/' -->
<coverage profilerVersion="" driverVersion="3.3.2" exportversion="3" viewdisplayname="" startTime="2010-04-22T08:55:33.7471316Z" measureTime="2010-04-22T08:55:35.3462915Z" projectName="" buildid="27c78ffa-c636-4002-a901-3211a0850b99" coveragenodeid="0" failed="false" satisfactorybranchthreshold="95" satisfactorycoveragethreshold="95" satisfactorycyclomaticcomplexitythreshold="20" satisfactoryfunctionthreshold="80" satisfactoryunvisitedsequencepoints="10" uiviewtype="TreeView" viewguid="C:\Dev\VS.NET\LVK.IoC\LVK.IoC.Tests\bin\Debug\Coverage.xml" viewfilterstyle="None" viewreportstyle="SequencePointCoveragePercentage" viewsortstyle="Name">
<rebasedpaths />
<filters />
<doc id="0" excluded="false" url="None" cs="" csa="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" om="0" nid="0" />
The output in FB log is:
***************** End Program Output *****************
Execution Time: 1,5992 s
Coverage Xml: C:\Dev\VS.NET\LVK.IoC\LVK.IoC.Tests\bin\Debug\Coverage.xml
NCover Success
My configuration of the FB step for NCover:
NCover what?: NUnit test coverage
Command: C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.5.4\bin\net-2.0\nunit-console.exe
Command arguments: LVK.IoC.Tests.dll /noshadow /framework:4.0.30319 /process=single /nothread
Note: I've tried with and without the /process and /nothread options
Working directory: %FBPROJECTDIR%\LVK.IoC.Tests\bin\Debug
List of assemblies to profile: %FBPROJECTDIR%\LVK.IoC.Tests\bin\Debug\LVK.IoC.dll
Note: I've tried just listing the name of the assembly, both with and without the extension.
The documentation for the FB step doesn't help, as it only lists minor sentences for each property, and fails to give examples or troubleshooting hints.
Since I want to pull the coverage results into NDepend to run build-time analysis, I want that file to contain the information I need.
I am also using TestDriven, and if I right-click the solution file and select "Test with NCover", NCover-explorer opens up with coverage data, and if I ask it to show me the folder with coverage files, in there is an .xml file with the same structure as the one above, just with all the data that should be there, so the tools I have is certainly capable of producing it.
Has anyone an idea of what I've configured wrong here?
Solved: The following configuration finally worked for me. It produces a code coverage basic statistics on the start results page for a build, with a link to a detailed report with everything.
Since I name my unit test projects the same as the project it tests, only with a .Tests suffix, I've excluded those from the code coverage. Also, I had to specifically include only my own assemblies (which all start with LVK.) otherwise I would get some assemblies loaded by the TeamCity runner, which slightly impacted my coverage statistics.
First, I installed latest of the tools (as of this edit):
NCover 3.4.8
TeamCity 5.1.2
NUnit 2.5.5
The configuration on the build-screen in TeamCity is then as follows:
Targets: Rebuild
Configuration: Debug
Platform: Any CPU
.NET Coverage Tool: NCover (3.x)
.NET Runtime: .NET Framework 4.0, Version: Native
Path to NCover 3: %system.ncover.v3.x64.path% (this is Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit)
Additional NCover Arguments:
//ias LVK.*
//eas .*Tests
//eas LVK\.CodeQuality
//ea LVK\.CodeQuality\.IgnoreCodeCoverageAttribute
Additional NCover Reporting Arguments:
//or FullCoverageReport:Html:{teamcity.report.path}
NUnit Runner: NUnit 2.5.5
.NET Runtime Platform: auto (MSIL), Version: 4.0
Run tests from: **\bin\Debug*Tests.dll
As far as I know, NCover is not capable of covering tests for .NET 4.0. They announced a new version for .NET 4.0 but it is not there yet.
Find info on the subject here. Personally I have no experience with this task...
Update: They released NCover 3.4 with .NET 4.0 support. Perhaps You give it a try.
I've found your answer from this thread: NUnit isn't running Visual Studio 2010 code
To the nunit-console-x86.exe.config file, under <configuration> add:
<requiredRuntime version="v4.0.30319" />
Under <runtime> add
<loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true" />
Fixed it for me. I'm using TeamCity not FinalBuilder though.
I'm also using NCover 3.4.
Our team recently upgraded to TeamCity 4.5.4 but we're having trouble with TeamCity running our nant build scripts.
We now get an error message saying: Invalid element <trycatch>. Unknown task or datatype.
We haven't changed our build script during or after the upgrade so I'm wondering what, if any, change do we need to make to get this working again.
The part of the script that is causing problems is as follows:
<snip>this does ncover stuff</snip>
<catch property="failure">
<echo message="At least one test failed: ${failure}"/>
<property name="fail.message" value="${failure}"/>
<property name="test.failed" value="true"/>
Has anyone else experienced this issue?
I think the trycatch task is part of NantContrib. It is possible that NantContrib isn't included with team city anymore. Or your script needs an update reference to nantcontrib. Just a thought.