TeamCity 4.5 not recognizing trycatch element in nant script - nant

Our team recently upgraded to TeamCity 4.5.4 but we're having trouble with TeamCity running our nant build scripts.
We now get an error message saying: Invalid element <trycatch>. Unknown task or datatype.
We haven't changed our build script during or after the upgrade so I'm wondering what, if any, change do we need to make to get this working again.
The part of the script that is causing problems is as follows:
<snip>this does ncover stuff</snip>
<catch property="failure">
<echo message="At least one test failed: ${failure}"/>
<property name="fail.message" value="${failure}"/>
<property name="test.failed" value="true"/>
Has anyone else experienced this issue?

I think the trycatch task is part of NantContrib. It is possible that NantContrib isn't included with team city anymore. Or your script needs an update reference to nantcontrib. Just a thought.


RoslynTargetsPath appears to be not set for VisualStudio

Today (without me initiating any updates) VisualStudio (VisualStudio for Mac Community Version 8.0.6 build 4) all of a sudden kept telling me I needed to upgrade Mono (I'm on a Mac). I did so. After that none of my projects would compile because it seems the configuration is messed up and I think RoslynTargetsPath is not set. I'm using VisualStudio with Unity if that makes any difference.
The first error I got was this
was not found"
Looking at the file system I saw that the file was in the Rosyln subfolder. So I edited my Assembly-CSharp.csproj file and changed the import definition from
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)/Microsoft.CSharp.Core.targets" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)/Roslyn/Microsoft.CSharp.Core.targets" />
Once I did this the error changed to
"The target "Build" does not exist in the project. (MSB4057)"
I researched that and tried adding this to the project file
The error went back to this
was not found".
Notice the "//" in the path. I checked my MSBuild.dll.config and the definition for RoslynTargetsPath is this
<property name="RoslynTargetsPath" value="$([MSBuild]::GetToolsDirectory32())\Roslyn" />
So then I changed the import in my project file to this
<Import Project="$(RoslynTargetsPath)/Microsoft.CSharp.Core.targets" />
And the error changed to
"/Microsoft.CSharp.Core.targets was not found".
So it looks like RoslynTargetsPath is an empty string. I don't know why I was forced to upgrade Mono when VisualStudio had not been updated.

Run a command in ccnet.config

I am trying to run the nuget command that I would normally set in the projects post build $(ProjectDir)nuget\pack.bat $(ProjectDir) $(TargetDir) $(ConfigurationName) $(SolutionDir) to run instead in the ccnet.config on a successful build. What I have does not seem to be running at all.
<buildArgs>/C c:\build\project\nuget\pack.bat c:\build\project\ c:\build\project\bin\nuget\ Nuget c:\build\project\ /M</buildArgs>
Figured it out partially. Needed to make sure I was pointing to <executable>c:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe</executable> and not using cmd.

specflow plugin with nunit and TFS build

I am in the middle of trying to get specflow UI tests working with TFS build and I am very very close.
I wanted to be able to run the same test on a number of browsers, and so after some research I found this:
And it works like a dream for local test runs. the next step was to get this to call a selenium grid during a TFS 2010 build.
After getting the nunit community build task into my build template, I am now stuck with an error I can't seem to resolve. The build reports the following error:
Error: The system cannot find the file specified. Stack Trace: at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo) at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() at TfsBuildExtensions.Activities.CodeQuality.NUnit.RunProcess(String fullPath, String workingDirectory, String arguments) in d:\Projects\CodePlex\teambuild2010contrib\CustomActivities\Legacy\VS2010\Source\Activities\CodeQuality\NUnit\NUnit.cs:line 339 at TfsBuildExtensions.Activities.CodeQuality.NUnit.PublishMSTestResults(String resultTrxFile, String collectionUrl, String buildNumber, String teamProject, String platform, String flavor) in d:\Projects\CodePlex\teambuild2010contrib\CustomActivities\Legacy\VS2010\Source\Activities\CodeQuality\NUnit\NUnit.cs:line 394 at TfsBuildExtensions.Activities.CodeQuality.NUnit.PublishTestResultsToTFS(ActivityContext context, String folder) in d:\Projects\CodePlex\teambuild2010contrib\CustomActivities\Legacy\VS2010\Source\Activities\CodeQuality\NUnit\NUnit.cs:line 387 at TfsBuildExtensions.Activities.CodeQuality.NUnit.InternalExecute() in d:\Projects\CodePlex\teambuild2010contrib\CustomActivities\Legacy\VS2010\Source\Activities\CodeQuality\NUnit\NUnit.cs:line 299 at TfsBuildExtensions.Activities.BaseCodeActivity.Execute(CodeActivityContext context) in d:\Projects\CodePlex\teambuild2010contrib\CustomActivities\Legacy\VS2010\Source\Common\BaseCodeActivity.cs:line 67.
however, this seems to be masking a deeper error as to me it simply says that nunit can't load a custom assembly. So I had a look through the binaries folder on the build server for the nunit logs, and sure enough in my test run .xml file I find another error:
System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException : The type 'OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver, Baseclass.Contrib.SpecFlow.Selenium.NUnit.SpecFlowPlugin' could not be found. It may require assembly qualification, e.g. "MyType, MyAssembly".
at Autofac.Configuration.ConfigurationRegistrar.LoadType(String typeName, Assembly defaultAssembly)
at Autofac.Configuration.ConfigurationRegistrar.RegisterConfiguredComponents(ContainerBuilder builder, SectionHandler configurationSection)
at Autofac.Configuration.ConfigurationRegistrar.RegisterConfigurationSection(ContainerBuilder builder, SectionHandler configurationSection)
at Autofac.Configuration.Core.ConfigurationModule.Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
at Autofac.Module.Configure(IComponentRegistry componentRegistry)
at Autofac.ContainerBuilder.Build(IComponentRegistry componentRegistry, Boolean excludeDefaultModules)
at Autofac.ContainerBuilder.Build(ContainerBuildOptions options)
at RegistrationForm.Tests.Acceptance.Features.UserRegistrationFeature.FeatureSetup() in c:\Builds\1\Testing\RegistrationForm - Nightly - Main\Sources\Testing\RegistrationForm\Main\RegistrationForm.Tests.Acceptance\Features\UserRegistration.feature.cs:line 0
From this I started to look at the path to the custom assembly. This is specified in the app.config file for the project (which is transformed during the build. I also checked to ensure the file is being transformed, and in the binaries directory on the build server it is). the relevant section of the file is this.
<stepAssembly assembly="SpecFlow.Assist.Dynamic" />
<stepAssembly assembly="Baseclass.Contrib.SpecFlow.Selenium.NUnit.Bindings" />
<unitTestProvider name="SeleniumNUnit" />
<add name="Baseclass.Contrib.SpecFlow.Selenium.NUnit" path="..\packages\Baseclass.Contrib.SpecFlow.Selenium.NUnit.1.2.0\tools" />
Which works locally. I figured I just need to change the path in the transformed file. At first I assumed the working directory was the binaries directory so in the transform file I have this:
<plugins xdt:Transform="Replace">
<add name="Baseclass.Contrib.SpecFlow.Selenium.NUnit" path="." />
The dll is in the same dir (binaries) so I tried ".", "", ".\" - none of these worked. So after thinking a little more and reading the errors more carefully I thought I needed to look in the Sources folder on the build server. The Dll is in the packages folder (nuget package restore), and so the path should be the same as I use locally. this didn't work either. So what about a path relative to the ".feature" file throwing the error? this simply needed an extra "..\" - still no luck.
So i am at a bit of a loss, I feel I have tried all the paths i can think of, but my knowledge of specflow plugins and TFS build is letting me down. can anyone give me any pointers?
But the initial error is basically saying the TFSs nunit support cant find a file when it calls CreateProcess, and as you say it works for local test runs, so is it as simple as NUnit isn't installed on the machine that is running the test for you?
I got there in the end!
So somewhere along the lines of setting this up I endded up with something like this in my app.config:
type="Baseclass.Contrib.SpecFlow.Selenium.NUnit.RemoteWebDriver, Baseclass.Contrib.SpecFlow.Selenium.NUnit.SpecFlowPlugin"
service="OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver, WebDriver"
<parameter name="browser" value="InternetExplorer" />
<parameter name="url" value="" />
The problem (as it says in the error) is that it could not find OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver. I belive I saw this in one of the examples I found on the bassclass page. After changing it to OpenQA.Selenium.IWebDriver everything worked fine, and nUnit was able to run my specFlow tests on my TFS 2010 build server. I did hit another snag in that when the build tried to parse the results, it tried to use MSTest 11 rather than 10 (prob because I was using VS 2012). However, this TFS machine was just a proof of concept and was a windows 2008 32bit edition running on Virtual PC on windows 7. (I could therfor not run 64bit, and so could not install VS2012 on my build server). I resolved this by creating a new environment variable for MStest 11 and pointing it at MSTest 10. The entire process now works perfectly.

TeamCity SpecFlow NUnit Watin and ApartmentState STA

Im trying to get our specflow watin tests to run on our new teamcity server. The problem is that I cant get the built in nunit runner to run tests in appartmentstate STA.
We used this configuration earlier, which works with other testrunners:
<add key="ApartmentState" value="STA" />
But the TeamCity NUnit test runner doesnt seem to pick up on this config. We have other config sanity tests in place, so we know the testrunner reads the configuration for our test project atleast.
There's the alternative to use the RequiresSTA attribute like so:
[Test, RequiresSTA]
public void ShouldRunThreadApartmentStateSTAWith()
Assert.AreEqual(ApartmentState.STA, Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState());
But since the NUnit tests are generated by SpecFlow, I don't have control over how these attributes are set.
How can I get this setup to work?
Found the answer.
Setting the RequireSTA attribute in AssemblyInfo.cs makes the configuration obsolete.
The NUnit tests generated by SpecFlow is a partial class definition, so simply create another partial class definition in another file that has the attributes on it.

NUnit components for version 4.0.30319 of the CLR are not installed

I am trying to implement an automated build process. After the build, the unit tests on nunit-console.exe are run. The following error is displayed:
> c:\nunit_2.5.10\nunit-console.exe c:\builds\Output\bin\TDD.nunit /framework=4.0.30319 /nologo /trace=Off
ProcessModel: Default DomainUsage: Default
Execution Runtime: v4.0.30319
Unhandled Exception:
System.ArgumentException: NUnit components for version 4.0.30319 of the CLR are not installed
Parameter name: targetRuntime
at NUnit.Util.TestAgency.LaunchAgentProcess(RuntimeFramework targetRuntime, Boolean enableDebug)
at NUnit.Util.TestAgency.CreateRemoteAgent(RuntimeFramework framework, Int32 waitTime, Boolean enableDebug)
at NUnit.Util.TestAgency.GetAgent(RuntimeFramework framework, Int32 waitTime, Boolean enableDebug)
at NUnit.Util.ProcessRunner.Load(TestPackage package)
at NUnit.ConsoleRunner.ConsoleUi.Execute(ConsoleOptions options)
at NUnit.ConsoleRunner.Runner.Main(String[] args)
There is no nunit-agent.exe on the build machine. However, on my machine it is not even called, so I suppose it is not necessary.
Why is nunit-agent.exe required in some cases but not always required? What conditions should be satisfied so nunit-agent would not need to launch?
Edit: I have found one resource, which kind of describes how it works, but not quite well: It says that it is launched when program needs to run under a different framework than the one being used by NUnit (which is the case, since NUnit is compiled for 2.0). However, on my machine the nunit-agent.exe does not run although conditions seem to be the same.
I ran into this same error and it was definitely solved by including nunit-agent.exe in the folder where nunit-console.exe was launched. The complete list of .exes and .dlls necessary to run a test successfully was:
All files are packaged in the download available from As of this post, 2.6.3 is the current version. Documentation for the console runner can be found here. And the direct download for the zip file is here.
For a test assembly targeting .NET 4.5.1, the following statement will execute tests:
nunit-console.exe your-assembly.dll /framework=v4.5.1
Adding a "startup/supportedRuntime" configuration tag to nunit-console.exe.config solved it for me.
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0.30319" />
Try using Fusion to see what assembly might be missing and where the .exe is looking.