Where can I write concurrent assertion in monitor? - system-verilog

I have to write the following concurrent assertion in my monitor:
assert property (vif.cos == 1 |-> vif_out.y == vif.xi/sqrt(2));
I tried to put it in the run_phase, but I got the following error:
Concurrent assertions are not allowed in tasks/class methods.
Where should I put it?

Please refer to the IEEE Std 1800-2012, Section 14.16 (Concurrent assertions).
A concurrent assertion statement may be specified in any of the following:
An always procedure or initial procedure as a statement, wherever these procedures may appear
A module
An interface
A program
A generate block
A checker
Personally, I would just move that piece of code into the interface file.

Concurrent assertions are not allowed in tasks/class methods. You have to put them in a module or similar (interface/program/checker).


Is it allowed to use #1step as a procedural delay?

I am not sure if the LRM is clear about the #1step usage, but I have a case of creating a smallest possible delay a simulator could detect. So, I have written the following code:
virtual task drive_signal();
// Initialise mysignal to a value of '1'.
m_vif.mysignal= 1;
#1step; // Advance with 1 time step
m_vif.mysignal= 0;
#m_cfg.configured_delay; //Delay by configured value
m_vif.mysignal= 1;
Is this a valid way to do so?
I did however use #0 instead of #1step but it did not create any runtime delay.
This is currently an open issue in the IEEE 1800-2017 SystemVerilog LRM, but the intent was not to allow it.
The use of simple delays like #0 or #1 is a bad practice as they increase the potential for race conditions. Since you tagged this question with UVM, the use of any delays in a driver is highly discouraged and instead you should use synchronous clock edge in an interface or top-level testbench.

Point of REQUIRE_NOTHROW in the catch c++ testing framework

What is the point of the REQUIRE_NOTHROW assertion? If I just put a statement and don't wrap it in any assertion macro it will fail if it throws anyway?
It's the difference between the TEST_CASE failing and an individual assertion failing. The REQUIRE macros ensure that the next lines aren't executed if they fail. Conversely, the CHECK macros can mark the test case as a failure but continue.
Consider this example:
So we're explicitly requesting that passing valid input does not cause an exception, but bad input does. If we didn't use the REQUIRE_NOTHROW() macro, then the test would fail but then we'd need to decipher where it failed - an exception could have come from other lines of test code.

Specman: Get number of assertion errors in test

Is it possible to retrieve the number of verilog assertions failures in test from specman code? Is it possible to change the printing at the end of the test to include this data as well? For example:
Checking is complete - 0 DUT errors, 0 DUT warnings, 1 Assertion failures.
Thanks, Alex
In theory, you can get the verilog assertion count using external C-DPI via UCIS into the Specman world. In practice it is easy to merge the simulation log file into the Specman log file and post-process it.

what to choose between require and assert in scala

Both require and assert are used to perform certain checks during runtime to verify certain conditions.
So what is the basic difference between them?
The only one I see is that require throws IllegalArgumentException and assert throws AssertionError.
How do I choose which one to use?
As Kigyo mentioned there is a semantic difference
assert means that your program has reached an inconsistent state this might be a problem with the current method/function (I like to think of it a bit as HTTP 500 InternalServerError)
require means that the caller of the method is at fault and should fix its call (I like to think of it a bit as HTTP 400 BadRequest)
There is also a major technical difference:
assert is annotated with #elidable(ASSERTION)
meaning you can compile your program with -Xelide-below ASSERTION or with -Xdisable-assertions and the compiler will not generate the bytecode for the assertions. This can significantly reduce bytecode size and improve performance if you have a large number of asserts.
Knowing this, you can use an assert to verify all the invariants everywhere in your program (all the preconditions/postconditions for every single method/function calls) and not pay the price in production.
You would usually have the "test" build with all the assertions enabled, it would be slower as it would verify all the assertions at all times, then you could have the "production" build of your product without the assertions, which you would eliminate all the internal state checks done through assertion
require is not elidable, it makes more sense for use in libraries (including internal libraries) to inform the caller of the preconditions to call a given method/function.
This is only my subjective point of view.
I use require whenever I want a constraint on parameters.
As an example we can take the factorial for natural numbers. As we do not want to address negative numbers, we want to throw an IllegalArgumentException.
I would use assert, whenever you want to make sure some conditions (like invariants) are always true during execution. I see it as a way of testing.
Here is an example implementation of factorial with require and assert
def fac(i: Int) = {
require(i >= 0, "i must be non negative") //this is for correct input
#tailrec def loop(k: Int, result: Long = 1): Long = {
assert(result == 1 || result >= k) //this is only for verification
if(k > 0) loop(k - 1, result * k) else result
When result > 1 is true, then the loop was executed at least once. So the result has to be bigger or equal to k. That would be a loop invariant.
When you are sure that your code is correct, you can remove the assert, but the require would stay.
You can see here for a detailed discussion within Scala language.
I can add that, the key to distinguish between require and assert is to understand these two. These two are both tools of software quality but from different toolboxes of different paradigms. In summary assert is a Software testing tool which takes a corrective approach, whereas require is a design by contract tool which takes a preventive approach.
Both require and assert are means of controlling validity of state. Historically there were 2 distinct paradigms for dealing with invalid states. The first one which is mainstream collectively called software testing discipline methodologies and tools. The other, called design by contract. These are two paradigms which are not comparable.
Software testing ensures a code versatile enough to be capable of error prone actions, were not misused. Design by contract controls code from having such capability. In other words Software testing is corrective, and design by contract is preventive.
assert is used to write unit tests, i.e. if a method passes all tests each written by an assert expression, the code is qualified as error free. So assert seats besides operational code, and is an independent body.
require is embedded within code and part of it to assure nothing harmful can happen.
In very simple language:
Require is used to enforce a precondition on the caller of a function or the creator of an object of some class. Whereas, assert is used to check the code of the function itself.
So, if a precondition fails, then you get an illegal argument exception. Whereas, if an assertion fails and it's not the caller's fault and consequently you get an assertion error.
require, ensure and invariance are concepts in Contract By Design (CBD) development process.
require checks for the pre-conditions that the caller should satisfy to consume the routine.
ensure checks for the correctness in the return value (and to also verify only the desired change has happened and nothing more)
invariance checks for the validness of the class at all critical times.
CBD is a development methodology to build correct/robust software. For more details on CBD Google and you should hit a link from Eiffel Software. Hope this helps.
Scaladocs/javadocs are pretty good as well:
Tests an expression, throwing an AssertionError if false. Calls to this method will not be generated if -Xelide-below is greater than ASSERTION.
Tests an expression, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if false. This method is similar to assert, but blames the caller of the method for violating the condition.

System verilog:: Static Variable non-blocking Assignent outside program-block?

I'm new to system verilog and i'm stuck with a basic concept, kindly provide rationale behind the following behavior:
In System verilog, Why Static class properties declared in other than program-block scope cannot be assigned with blocking assignment from program block?
2.Why is that, even if static variable is assigned with non-blocking statement, the change in that static variable is no visible ($display) immediately, it is available after a delay of say #1.
class A ;
static int i;
program main ;
A obj;
obj.i = 123; // Not Allowed, can only be done using <= ... WHY ??
#1 $display(obj.i);
There is no such rule in the IEEE 1800-2012 LRM Earlier version of SystemVerilog had more restrictions on the types of assignments allowed, but those have all been removed. I do not recommend that anyone use program blocks anymore. There are a big source of unnecessary confusion. See http://go.mentor.com/programblocks
The purpose of "program" block in SystemVerilog is to guarantee that there will not be any race condition between the testbench and the DUT if the user encloses his testbench in program block(s) and keeps the DUT outside of program block(s). Another way to avoid race conditions is implemented by limiting DUT/testbench interaction to interfaces/clocking blocks. Also note that:
a) blocking assignments (since they are executed immediately and therefor the result of the execution can vary with the order of execution of threads) can lead to race conditions
b) hardware (RTL) variables can only be static
Given the whole scenario, the compiler makes out that the blocking statement could lead to a race condition between the DUT and the testbench. And hence the error.
When you use non-blocking assignment, the assignment is scheduled and not executed immediately. It would get executed once the scheduler gets a chance to execute it. And that would happen only after the present thread yields because of a blocking expression that involves time increment. In the given code snippet that happens once the executing thread encounters #1; the $display after #1 sees the result of the non-blocking assignment while the one before does not.