Can you create a class via an object reference? - coffeescript

Is something like this possible?
var obj = {test: hi}
class TestClass
Ultimately what I'm trying to do is create a mixin that I can add to the class

They way you are trying to do it, is not supported in coffeescript. The usual approach for dynamic extension of objects is to extend their prototype. The coffeescript class syntax is actually nothing but sugar for adding methods to the prototype (instance methods) or the class function (static methods).
Have a look at coffeescript mixin recipe. There are also some libraries available that offer mechanisms for mixins.


Is there an empty data class in SystemVerilog that is similar to "Object" in Java?

I was wondering if SystemVerilog has a generic class handler similar to how Java has an "Object" class or how C has a void*?
If so, what is it called? What I'm trying to do is have a class that when it is instantiated is passed a defined object, however it could be any object. So, I'm hoping that I can have an empty handler to this unknown data class (or generic) and I'm hoping that I don't have to create an empty data class and use one that is already part of the SystemVerilog library.
I should add that I'm not using UVM or any other methodologies, otherwise I would have just started from a uvm_component or uvm_object.
Java's Object class is the root base class of all classes. There is no such root class in SystemVerilog.
The UVM's uvm_object provides the functionality you are looking for and I suggest using it if for nothing else.

When to use a class vs. module extending self in Crystal?

In Crystal, there's two different ways to achieve similar results:
Creating a class...
class Service
def self.get
# ...
or a module extending self:
module Service
extend self
def get
# ...
Both can invoke the method get by Service.get.
But when to use a class or a module? What's the difference between Crystal's classes and modules?
There is not much difference between class and module regarding definition of class methods. They are however fundamentally different in the fact that a class defines a type that can be instantiated ( Modules can have instance methods as well, but they can't be instantiated directly, only included in a class.
If you only need a namespace for class methods, you should use module. class would work fine for this too, but conveys a different meaning.
Btw: While you can't extend or include a class, in a module you can write def self.get instead of extend.
But when to use a class or a module?
Use a module. In this way a module can be used as a namespace.
What's the difference between Crystal's classes and modules?
A module cannot be instantiated, and can be included inside a class
See: Modules documentation

Extend a type using generics

In Swift, I am trying to create a generic class that can extend another class, while inheriting from it. I am able to do it in C++ as follows, but is there a way to do the same in Swift?
class Atom {};
template<typename Base, typename Extension>
class Extend: Base {
Extension _value;
int main() {
return 0;
One approach I have been trying to apply is Protocol Oriented Design, but it doesn't seem to be able to take a class and extend it. The best I reached is something like creating the extension manually, and declaring that it does extend Atom, but at that point, I would just create another class and add to it the respective property manually.
One way to do it is by generating the code for the subclass at compile or run time. check these answers of these questions:
How to generate code dynamically with annotations at build time in Java?, and Generating, compiling and using Java code at run time?.
You can add a custom generic method to the base class that would be overridden by each subclass (in the generated code) and it may return Object. It would be a working approach, if it's worth the hassle.

Swift: class func .... why use this instead of func when creating a method inside a class?

I'm new to coding, apologies for dumb question.
Am following a tutorial to build a note taking app using Swift in Xcode.
Within a class definition I have been defining methods using the keyword func myMethod etc. At one point the instructor decides to define a Class method (within the existing class) using class func myMethod.
Why would you do this?
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
By defining a class method it means that you don't need an instance of that class to use the method. So instead of:
var myInstance: MyClass = MyClass()
You can simply use:
The static (class) function is callable without needing an instance of the class available; it may be called without having to instantiate an object.
This can be useful for encapsulation (avoiding placing the function in the global namespace), or for operations that apply to all objects of a given class, such as tracking the total number of objects currently instantiated.
Static functions can be used to define a namespaces collection of related utility functions:
aDate = Utils.getDate()
aTime = Utils.getTime()
Another common use is for the singleton pattern, where a static function is used to provide access to an object that is limited to being instantiate only once:
obj = MySingleton.getInstance()
One answer is namespacing. If a function is only relevant to a certain class there is no need to declare the function globally.
This is Swift's take on static methods:
Static methods are meant to be relevant to all the instances of a class (or no instances) rather than to any specific instance.
An example of these are the animation functions in UIView, or the canSendMail function from MFMailComposeViewController.

Type aliasing Java classes with statics

Suppose MyClass is a class defined in Java, and has many static as well as non-static members. I tried to alias this class (and associated companion object) in a Scala object MyObject as shown below:
object MyObject {
import javastuff._
type MyAlias = MyClass
val MyAlias = MyClass
Scalac complains:
error: object MyClass is not a value
val MyAlias = MyClass
How do I work around this? Thanks.
Although this works in pure Scala for a class + companion object, it's not possible with Java's static methods, as these don't belong to any interface.
Scala could, in theory, create an object containing delegates to all the static methods of some class, but it doesn't do this currently. It's also possible to write a compiler plugin for this if you feel comfortable writing plugins.
Failing that, you'll either have to create an object full of delegates yourself, or just cherry-pick a few methods and pass them around as functions.
it's not possible with Java's static methods, as these don't belong to any interface.
Update 5 years later: PR 5131 mentions:
We used to disable generation of static forwarders when a object had a
trait as a companion, as one could not add methods with bodies to an
interface in JVM 6.
The JVM lifted this restriction to support default methods in interfaces,
so we can lift the restriction on static forwarders, too.
Fixes scala-dev issue 59
See commit 41c9a17 by Jason Zaugg (retronym).