c# entity framework savechangesasync saves new record but returns 0 - entity-framework

Entity Framework: 6.1.3.
I have a function that reads a simple table for a record and either updates it or first creates a new entity. Either way it then calls AddOrUpdate and SaveChangesAsync. This function has worked for quite some time without any apparent problem.
In my current situation, however, I'm getting a return value of 0 from SaveChangesAsync. I have a break point just before the save and verified that the record doesn't exist. I step through the code and, as expected, a new entity was created. The curious part is that the record is now in the table as desired. If I understand the documentation, 0 should indicate that nothing was written out.
I'm not using transactions for this operation. Other database operations including writes would have already occurred on the context prior to this function being called, however, they should all have been committed.
So how can I get a return of 0 and still have something written out?
Here is a slightly reduced code fragment:
var settings = OrganizationDb.Settings;
var setting = await settings.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.KeyName == key).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (setting == null)
setting = new Setting()
KeyName = key,
setting.Value = value;
if (await OrganizationDb.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) == 0)
//// error handling - record not written out.


What impact does changing a IReliableQueue to a IReliableConcurrentQueue have in an existing deployment?

I am working in a Service Fabric application that uses IReliableQueue. For the uses cases of this system, the IReliableConcurrentQueue makes sense to use and some local testing (i.e. basically by just changing the code to use IReliableConcurrentQueue instead of IReliableQueue - queue name does not change) shows great performance improvements. However, I am worried about the impact of changing this in a production system (i.e. upgrading). I can't find any docs or online questions (unless I just missed them) about these considerations. For example, in this system, the existing IReliableQueue will almost always have items. So what happens to that data when I upgrade the SF application? Will it be available to dequeue in the IReliableConcurrentQueue? Or would data be lost? I know I can "just try it" but wanted to see if someone out there had done the same or could offer pointers to existing resources. Thanks!
Sorry for a late answer (that you probably don't need anymore but still).
When we calling GetOrAddAsync method on IReliableStateManager we aren't retrieving the interface to store values - we actually creating an instance of reliable collection. This basically means that type of the interface we specify is very important.
Taking this into account if we do this:
Service v. 1.0
// Somewhere in RunAsync for example
await this.StateManager.GetOrAddAsync<IReliableQueue<long>>("MyCollection")
Then doing this in the next version:
Service v. 1.1
// Somewhere in RunAsync for example
await this.StateManager.GetOrAddAsync<IReliableConcurrentQueue<long>>("MyCollection")
will throw an exception:
Returned reliable object of type Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.Collections.DistributedQueue`1[System.Int64] cannot be casted to requested type Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data.Collections.IReliableConcurrentQueue`1[System.Int64]
and then:
System.ExecutionEngineException: 'Exception of type 'System.ExecutionEngineException' was thrown.'
The above exception looks like a bug so I have filled one.
UPDATE 2019.06.28
It turned out that appearance of System.ExecutionEngineException isn't a bug but rather an undocumented behavior of Environment.FailFast method in combination with Visual Studio debugger.
Please see my comment to the above issue.
This is what would happen.
There are plenty ways to overcome this.
Here is the most obvious one:
var migrate = false; // This flag indicates whether the migration was already done.
var migrateValues = new List<long>();
var applicationFlags = await this.StateManager
.GetOrAddAsync<IReliableDictionary<string, bool>>("application-flags");
using (var transaction = this.StateManager.CreateTransaction())
var flag = await applicationFlags
.TryGetValueAsync(transaction, "queue-to-concurrent-queue-migration");
if (!flag.HasValue || !flag.Value)
var queue = await this.StateManager
for (;;)
var c = await queue.TryDequeueAsync(transaction);
if (!c.HasValue)
migrate = true;
if (migrate)
await this.StateManager.RemoveAsync("value-collection");
using (var transaction = this.StateManager.CreateTransaction())
var concurrentQueue = await this.StateManager
foreach (var i in migrateValues)
await concurrentQueue.EnqueueAsync(transaction, i);
await applicationFlags.AddOrUpdateAsync(
(s, b) => true);
await transaction.CommitAsync();
Please note that this code is just an illustrative example and should be properly tested before applying it to real life application.

Parallel.Foreach and BulkCopy

I have a C# library which connects to 59 servers of the same database structure and imports data to my local db to the same table. At this moment I am retrieving data server by server in foreach loop:
foreach (var systemDto in systems)
var sourceConnectionString = _systemService.GetConnectionStringAsync(systemDto.Ip).Result;
var dbConnectionFactory = new DbConnectionFactory(sourceConnectionString,
var dbContext = new DbContext(dbConnectionFactory);
var storageRepository = new StorageRepository(dbContext);
var usedStorage = storageRepository.GetUsedStorageForCurrentMonth();
var dtUsedStorage = new DataTable();
var dcIp = new DataColumn("IP", typeof(string)) {DefaultValue = systemDto.Ip};
var dcBatchDateTime = new DataColumn("BatchDateTime", typeof(string))
DefaultValue = batchDateTime
using (var blkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(destinationConnectionString))
blkCopy.DestinationTableName = "dbo.tbl";
Because there are many systems to retrieve data, I wonder if it is possible to use Pararel.Foreach loop? Will BulkCopy lock the table during WriteToServer and next WriteToServer will wait until previous will complete?
-- EDIT 1
I've changed Foreach to Parallel.Foreach but I face one problem. Inside this loop I have async method: _systemService.GetConnectionStringAsync(systemDto.Ip)
and this line returns error:
System.NotSupportedException: A second operation started on this
context before a previous asynchronous operation completed. Use
'await' to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed
before calling another method on this context. Any instance members
are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
Any ideas how can I handle this?
In general, it will get blocked and will wait until the previous operation complete.
There are some factors that may affect if SqlBulkCopy can be run in parallel or not.
I remember when adding the Parallel feature to my .NET Bulk Operations, I had hard time to make it work correctly in parallel but that worked well when the table has no index (which is likely never the case)
Even when worked, the performance gain was not a lot faster.
Perhaps you will find more information here: MSDN - Importing Data in Parallel with Table Level Locking

Which transaction isolation level to choose for atomic "Get Or Create" Scenario

Which Transaction IsolationLevel is the best to guarantee that only 1 Datarow get created.
Assuming SQL Server 2012 and EntityFramework 6 is used.
using(var db = new XyzContext())
using(var dbContextTransaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction(???))
Item obj = db.Item.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Hashcode.Equals(hashCode));
//it is possible that 2 threads are coming through here and both have obj == null
if(obj == null)
obj = db.Item.Add(new Item
Hashcode = hashCode,
State = 0,
If your scenario was update, then Snapshot is good,(which is a default behavior of ef 6).
But in your case which is insert, then most of methods would not work properly.
You must be sure that your lock escalation level is table(which is default).
Then apply RepeatableRead transaction mode.
It prevents other threads from reading the table, until first thread is done.
It's better to have a unique constraint column on one of your columns instead of this method.
Or create a special table in your sql server database, then put row lock on specific record of that table before your main query & insert, then do your works, there is not bottle neck for your other operations with that table and is fast enough.
Good luck

Code First - Retrieve and Update Record in a Transaction without Deadlocks

I have a EF code first context which represents a queue of jobs which a processing application can retrieve and run. These processing applications can be running on different machines but pointing at the same database.
The context provides a method that returns a QueueItem if there is any work to do, or null, called CollectQueueItem.
To ensure no two applications can pick up the same job, the collection takes place in a transaction with an ISOLATION LEVEL of REPEATABLE READ. This means that if there are two attempts to pick up the same job at the same time, one will be chosen as the deadlock victim and be rolled back. We can handle this by catching the DbUpdateException and return null.
Here is the code for the CollectQueueItem method:
public QueueItem CollectQueueItem()
using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, new TransactionOptions { IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead }))
var queueItem = this.QueueItems.FirstOrDefault(qi => !qi.IsLocked);
if (queueItem != null)
queueItem.DateCollected = DateTime.UtcNow;
queueItem.IsLocked = true;
return queueItem;
catch (DbUpdateException) //we might have been the deadlock victim. No matter.
{ }
return null;
I ran a test in LinqPad to check that this is working as expected. Here is the test below:
var ids = Enumerable.Range(0, 8).AsParallel().SelectMany(i =>
Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(j => {
using (var context = new QueueContext())
var queueItem = context.CollectQueueItem();
return queueItem == null ? -1 : queueItem.OperationId;
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var results = ids.GroupBy(i => i).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Count());
Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time: {0}", sw.Elapsed);
Console.WriteLine("Deadlocked: {0}", results.Where(r => r.Key == -1).Select(r => r.Value).SingleOrDefault());
Console.WriteLine("Duplicates: {0}", results.Count(r => r.Key > -1 && r.Value > 1));
//IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead:
//Elapsed time: 00:00:26.9198440
//Deadlocked: 634
//Duplicates: 0
//IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted:
//Elapsed time: 00:00:00.8457558
//Deadlocked: 0
//Duplicates: 234
I ran the test a few times. Without the REPEATABLE READ isolation level, the same job is retrieved by different theads (seen in the 234 duplicates). With REPEATABLE READ, jobs are only retrieved once but performance suffers and there are 634 deadlocked transactions.
My question is: is there a way to get this behaviour in EF without the risk of deadlocks or conflicts? I know in real life there will be less contention as the processors won't be continually hitting the database, but nonetheless, is there a way to do this safely without having to handle the DbUpdateException? Can I get performance closer to that of the version without the REPEATABLE READ isolation level? Or are Deadlocks not that bad in fact and I can safely ignore the exception and let the processor retry after a few millis and accept that the performance will be OK if the not all the transactions are happening at the same time?
Thanks in advance!
Id recommend a different approach.
a) sp_getapplock
Use an SQL SP that provides an Application lock feature
So you can have unique app behaviour, which might involve read from the DB or what ever else activity you need to control. It also lets you use EF in a normal way.
b) Optimistic concurrency
//Object Property:
public byte[] RowVersion { get; set; }
//Object Configuration:
Property(p => p.RowVersion).IsRowVersion().IsConcurrencyToken();
a logical extension to the APP lock or used just by itself is the rowversion concurrency field on DB. Allow the dirty read. BUT when someone goes to update the record As collected, it fails if someone beat them to it. Out of the box EF optimistic locking.
You can delete "collected" job records later easily.
This might be better approach unless you expect high levels of concurrency.
As suggested by Phil, I used optimistic concurrency to ensure the job could not be processed more than once. I realised that rather than having to add a dedicated rowversion column I could use the IsLocked bit column as the ConcurrencyToken. Semantically, if this value has changed since we retrieved the row, the update should fail since only one processor should ever be able to lock it. I used the fluent API as below to configure this, although I could also have used the ConcurrencyCheck data annotation.
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.Property(p => p.IsLocked)
I was then able to simple the CollectQueueItem method, losing the TransactionScope entirely and catching the more DbUpdateConcurrencyException.
public OperationQueueItem CollectQueueItem()
var queueItem = this.QueueItems.FirstOrDefault(qi => !qi.IsLocked);
if (queueItem != null)
queueItem.DateCollected = DateTime.UtcNow;
queueItem.IsLocked = true;
return queueItem;
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) //someone else grabbed the job.
{ }
return null;
I reran the tests, you can see it's a great compromise. No duplicates, nearly 100x faster than with REPEATABLE READ, and no DEADLOCKS so the DBAs won't be on my case. Awesome!
//Optimistic Concurrency:
//Elapsed time: 00:00:00.5065586
//Deadlocked: 624
//Duplicates: 0

delete and then insert object Entity framework

I have this method that delete object if exist and insert the new instance any way :
internal void SaveCarAccident(WcfContracts.BLObjects.Contract.Dtos.CarAccident DTOCarAccident)
using(var context = BLObjectsFactory.Create())
context.ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
CarAccident NewCarAccident = ConvertToCarAccident(DTOCarAccident);
CarAccident carFromDB = context.CarAccident.FirstOrDefault(current => current.CarAccidentKey.Equals(NewCarAccident.CarAccidentKey));
if(carFromDB != null)
I sometimes get exception that the key already exist in table.
I wnted to know if the way I save the changes is a problem (saving after delete and insert and not after each one)
At the time I got the exception there were few clients that activate the method at the same time I blocked other clients from writing already, but is this may be the problem ?