git rebase onto shows old commits that have already been merged - github

Essentially, I followed these steps:
The only difference is that I used get rebase onto master to sync master into my feature branch. This is my workflow:
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout <my branch>
git rebase onto master
git push -f origin <my branch>
However, when I now go into github to do a pull request, it is showing old commits that have already been merged.


How to make pull request?

I am new in git and in nodejs. My question is I build a project and uploaded it on github in main branch. But members are asking to to give pull request. How can I make a pull request please tell me full procedure with commands if possible thankyou.
I uploaded on git like this
Git init
Git add .
Git commit -m"initial commit"
Git git add origin main githublink(ssh)
Git push -u origin main
After this my project is uploaded successfully
Now how can I make a pull request
first you need to checkout from the main branch by git checkout
then you develop and code in that branch
next you commit and push that branch on github repo
git commit -m"initial commit"
git add origin <your_branch> githublink(ssh)
git push -u origin <your_branch>
finally you access the github page and your new branch. create a pull request into the main branch. then share that pr to your colleagues.
for example the last step:

Github - How to merge to remote feature branch

My team mate created a feature branch from our master branch. I created my own feature branch based off of team mate's feature branch. i.e.
Team mate:
git checkout master
git checkout -b teammateA-feature-branch
What I did:
git checkout teammateA-feature-branch
git pull
git checkout -b teammateB-feature-branch
I made my changes into teammateB-feature-branch and committed them.
Now, how would I create a PR such that my committed changes gets merged to team mate's remote branch i.e. teammateB-feature-branch merging into teammateA-feature-branch??
Any thoughts??
You can do this locally using Git bash:
git checkout teammateA-feature-branch
git merge teammateB-feature-branch
Then, push changes to teammateA-feature-branch:
git push origin teammateA-feature-branch:teammateA-feature-branch
If these branches are available remotely (and locally), you can do the following:
Go to the pull requests tab in your repository.
Click on the Compare button.
Compare teammateA-feature-branch with teammateB-feature-branch.
Create your pull request.
Merge your changes.

Is it possible to delete specific commits from forked repo by github website

I searched this but unable to find my answer.
And I just want to know the non command line way to do this....
Or is there any other way to achieve this same ?
You can delete files (from a repo you own, like a fork)
But you cannot directly from the web interface delete commits.
For that you would need to clone, do an interactive rebase (dropping the commits you don't want) and git push --force.
Even a revert does not seem possible.
The OP adds:
Actually I have 3 branches one is master and rest two are patch-1 and patch-2 and I messed up with master branch before creating patch-1 and patch-2 branches so some useless commits are also cloned from master to patch-1 and patch-2 branch so please can you help me to delete those commits which are cloned from master?
No without cloning the repo though:
git clone /url/of/your/fork
cd yourfork
git remote add upstream /url/original/repo
git fetch upstream
git checkout -b patch-1 origin/patch-1
git checkout -b patch-2 origin/patch-2
Then replay your patches on top of upstream master:
git rebase --onto upstream/master master patch-1
git rebase --onto upstream/master master patch-2
Finally reset master to the upstream master branch:
git checkout master
git reset --hard upstream/master
And then push everything back to your fork:
git push --force --mirror

How to merge master branch in local feature branch

In one of case I have created an branch and started to work on. I keep on commit & push changes in local branch but did not merge in master & neither pulled any changes from master.
Now I'm done with local branch changes. I followed derekgourlay tutorial & followed following steps to merge my project.
git fetch origin
git rebase −p origin/develop
First it game me number of conflict which was obvious but changes that I committed in my local branch those are not there after merge.
Am I missing anything. Any suggestion?
You can merge develop branch with your feature branch.
$ git checkout feature
$ git pull origin develop # pull (fetch + merge) develop branch into feature
$ git push origin HEAD # update remote/feature

fatal error in git hub when pushing in branch

I want to push to a branch which is not master. That is what I did:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first"
git push origin second (second is the name of a branch) but it say
fatal: origin does not appear to be a git repository.
fatal: could not read from remote repository.
Please sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.
Last night I could do that and in the morning suddenly it does not recognize my branch! it does not show my branch when I do git branch, it only shows a master branch. But why I experience this problem sometimes?
Thanks :)
First, make sure you are in the right branch: if git branch doesn't list 'second', you can create it:
git checkout -b second
Actually "second" branch exists and I can see it on the github site
git checkout -b second --track origin/second
(a git fetch origin might be in order first)
Then, make sure the remote 'origin' exists:
git remote -v
And then, push and set origin/second as upstream branch of your local branch second.
git push -u origin second
(See "Why do I need to explicitly push a new branch?" for more)
git pull origin master
git push origin master
I had the same error and it worked for me.