PNChart-swift not working - swift

I wanna use some charts in my swift project, actually I was using PNChart before, but now I need to move on to PNChart-swift.
as the readme saids I added some lines in Podfile, and I
pod install
then I get "no such module PNChart-swift"
I think Pod is cloning the wrong Codes from the PNChart-swift repository.
Is there any way I can clone the codes and use as the library without using Pod?
Thank you.

For manual installation you could just download the repo as zipfile and than drag the .xcodeproj file into your project.
This will create the required reference so that you can use it.
You may also need to add it as embedded framework in your project settings.


How do I prevent the .dccache file from being created?

vscode keeps adding a file named .dccache. How can I prevent this?
It messes up the github diffs and I keep on having to add .dccache to the .gitignore for several different projects.
I can't find anything about why .dccache is being created in the first place
It can also be created by the Snyk extension.
I have the same file, I believe this is being created from DeepCode:
This is a code analysis tool to try to find issues. Check if you installed the DeepCode extension in VSCode if you want to get rid of this file, otherwise ignoring it should be fine.
The DeepCode plugins or the CLI is using this file to create a cache for the source code bundles send to the analysis engine. Without this cache, the collection and upload would be very time-consuming.
As it only serves as a caching mechanism, you can exclude it from git uploads and ignore it otherwise.
Snyk extention has a Help&Feedback tab, on the FAQ there is a 'Add custom .dcignore file to your workspace'.
Sometimes git ignore doesn't work for me
I used this file:
just create .dcignore and copy all contents to that. I manually add .dccache and .dcignore just in case.
I had the same issue and when I disabled Snyk extension on VS code editor is disappeared, if you don't have Snyk installed and still have .dccache appearing every now and them, just keep an eye on the other extensions, disable each one at a time and see which one is creating the .dccache file

How to embed third party framework on ionic capacitor custom plugin?

I am developing an Ionic Capacitor plugin which imports 2 iOs .framework files and a .bundle that refers to one of this .framework files. The thing is that no matter how I link/embed and point/copy this files on the plugin project, xcode claims, on the app project, that it cant find the module in the swift file.
I already tried to add the files to the project, used the "Embedded binaries" option, linked libraries, allow non-modular includes (on build options menu), add the files to the headers (on build phases), and so on....
The line that xcode point the error is:
import OneFramework
And xcode claims:
No such module 'OneFramework'
I was expecting that when I add the plugin to my app project via npm, and later running a "$ rm -rf ios && ionic capacitor run ios" to run the app, xcode find all the modules of the plugin that I am trying to do.
I found the solution. To achieve this the first thing to know is that when you do npx #capacitor/cli plugin:generate what the CLI do for you is the generation of a cocoa pod. The root of this pod is the generated folder itself.
With that in mind, the next thing to do is to learn how to make pods, but i'll sumarize the principal aspects that led me to the success.
-First of all you open the *.xcworkspace. Followed by that, click on the "Add Files to Pod..." option and add your files. Please ensure that the "Copy files if needed" option is marked. Please refer to the picture below.
-Now its nice to create a folder for your .framework and another for the .bundle (if there are any) files. Do this by right clicking the Pods project and select the option "New group". Select a name like that is different from the pattern of xcode, it is nice to know that this folders are created by you.
-If you done this right, the frameworks you recently added to the project will appear on the pods project like this:
-Now, for your swift implementation find your files, drag your .frameworks that are on the pods project for the "Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded content" of the plugin project. The result will be something like this:
-Ok, files included and linked. Now we should let our cocoa pod know about this and declare this files. The file "YourAwesomePlugin.podspec" (located at the root of the plugin project) is the main entrance of the pod. In this file you will declare which files (.frameworks, .bundle, etc) belong to your pod and consequently will belong to your plugin when you npm install it. To declare this you'll need three directives:
s.vendored_frameworks = 'ios/Pods/YourFrameworkFolder/**'
s.resource = 'ios/Pods/YourResourceFolder/YourBundle.bundle'
s.xcconfig = {'ENABLE_BITCODE' => 'NO'} #This is mandatory on my case, but you need to evaluate if this options applies to your plugin.
-Now we hit play on the plugin project. To test on your app if the plugin is ok, you need to add the path of the root of the plugin project on the podfile of the pods project of the APP project. Like this:
-To install it you can go on Yourproject/ios/App and run pod install.
Please note that:
To declare the existence of your recently created plugin you you need to do some declarations as well, but this part is easy and already documented on capacitor/plugin docs.
The installation method via pod install that I suggested is for testing. It would be nice if you pack your plugin using npm and npm install it like all other plugins.
I dont have much knowledge on cocoapods like I wish, but this works and I think that is a clean solution. If not, please let me know.
If this answer is useful for you, please thumbs it up, it is a week of research and trying that I am sharing, along the time to write it all down.

Swift mongoc.h file not found

I am trying to install the Mongo Swift library using cocoapods but am fronting some problems.
As the documentation pointed out, for the mongo swift pod to work, it needs the mongo-c-driver. Which I installed using homebrew and is sitting in the Cellar folder in my usr folder(Meaning it is installed). I then modified the podfile the same as the example and when running pod install the library is correctly installed.
The problem then comes when i open the project and try to build it. I have now these two errors:
'mongoc.h' file not found
Could not build Objective-C module 'libmongoc'
I made sure that I open the xcworkspace and not the default workspace.
I also tried to add the path to the mongoc.h file to the Runpath Search Path in hope of some results but without luck.
As you may see i do not understand a lot of this and it basically could be something silly. But I do not know how to get this library to work.
So i managed to get it to work.
I don't know why this happened but the header and library search paths were set wrongfully. I had installed version 1.10 of the mongo-c-driver and the search version in xCode was set to 1.94.
I also was trying to modify the search paths in my own project rather in the cocoa project which led to absolutely no results.
TLDR; Add the correct include and lib folder to the Header/Library Search Path in Xcode and make sure you set it in the Pods Project.

Cocoapods not including additional files

I have a cocoapod I've built which makes use of Apples new coreml library. As such it has several .mlmodel files that it makes use of to do data categorization etc.
The issue I am facing is that when I add the pod to another project and run a pod install it installs the pod as required, but the .mlmodel files are all missing - meaning the class files they generate are not found, so as such if I try to do a build, it fails. I know that .mlmodel files are a bit special as they are static files that generate a class on compilation, but I'm not sure how to force them to be included as files in the pod.
I have tried using smaller models in case it was a file size issue, ala the 100MB limit that git has for example, but this did not help. I'm not sure how to deal with it, as a static image file, for example, works fine.
Currently, I just manually drag the .mlmodel files into the pod folder after I've done an install, but this obviously is not a feasible method for build servers etc.
Use preserve_paths in the podspec for the .mlmodel files.

Creating a new cocoapods pod

I'm trying to create my first pod, and, as per the recommendation on the website, am doing so at the command line with pod lib create <mylib>. The trouble is lib create assumes I want to create an iOS library, when in fact I'm developing for OS X. I've grep'ed my way through the cocoapod files on my computer looking for the template on which the generated project is based, but have come up empty-handed. Does anyone know how I might fiddle with these settings, wherever they are, to get the configuration I'm after?
If you already have your library created and just want to create a sample podspec you should use:
pod spec create
Instead. You can also pass this a URL to set that as the source automatically. See
pod spec create --help
For more info.