How do I fix alembic's "Requested revision overlaps with other requested revisions"? - alembic

I work on a team using alembic to manage db migrations. I recently pulled master, and tried to run alembic upgrade heads. I got the following message;
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
ERROR [alembic.util.messaging] Requested revision a04c53fd8c74 overlaps with other requested revisions 453d88f67d34
FAILED: Requested revision a04c53fd8c74 overlaps with other requested revisions 453d88f67d34
I got the same message when I tried to run alembic downgrade -1. Running alembic history prints this;
453d88f67d34 -> a04c53fd8c74 (label_1, label_2) (head), Create such and such tables.
2f15c778e709, 9NZSZX -> 453d88f67d34 (label_1, label_2) (mergepoint), empty message
b1861bb8b23f, b8aa3acdf260 -> 2f15c778e709 (label_1, label_2) (mergepoint), Merge heads b18 and b8a
(...many more old revisions)
which to me looks like a perfectly fine history. alembic heads reports a04c53fd8c74 (label_1, label_2) (head).
The only thing that looks odd to me is that my alembic version db has two values in it;
my_postgres=# SELECT * FROM alembic_version;
(2 rows)
The only reference I can find from googling the exception is the source code, which I'd rather not read through.
How could this situation have come about? How should I fix it? What does "overlaps" mean?

I "fixed" it by deleting the older version number in the database;
my_postgres=# DELETE FROM alembic_version WHERE version_num = '453d88f67d34';
my_postgres=# SELECT * FROM alembic_version;
(1 row)
I can now run upgrades and downgrades. My history and heads look the same. But I still don't know why it happened, or whether there is some db state that is subtly messed up, so if anyone has a better answer please post it!

For those who find this, this happened to me as well because I tried restoring my database to an older version of it without first dropping it. I believe you should only ever have one row in your alembic_version table with the version_num of whatever version your database should currently be at.
So when I restored my database and did not drop it first, rather than replacing the current version number, it added a new row. In order to fix it I had to delete the incorrect version from my alembic table (whatever the version number of the database was that I should have dropped first). ... just to give a little more context to Altair's answer.

The alembic_version table should have only one row for consistency.
If you restore a database data from another version, restore operation WILL ADD another row.
After you restore the data, delete the row which was added from the
restore operation.
This one worked for me:
delete from alembic_version where version_num='e69ad4aec63b';

Find the last applied migration and copy revision name.
Delete every records from alembic_version table.
Insert the copied revision name as the only revision name (RECORD 1).
alembic upgrade head


Alembic version in database is not in the version history

According to Alembic's docs, the migration algorithm is trying to calculate the migration "path" to target revision from the version it finds in the alembic_version table. Upon checking that in the db of the service I'm working with, I found out that the current version that Alembic operates from is not in the version history, i.e. there is no migration script in projects migrations folder with that revision ID.
It seems that for this reason, when I added a manually written migration script (with empty template from alembic revision), calling alembic upgrade with this revision's ID failed silently without carrying out the migration. I got an output ending with
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
and exit code 1.
However, when I changed the value in alembic_version table to the penultimate version ID (the one revised by my own script), alembic upgrade head worked.
It is unclear whether or not the database actually was in the state corresponding with the revision ID I set manually. The script I migrated with only creates a table like this:
import sqlalchemy as sa
from alembic import op
from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql as pg
# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = '09d841dcd114'
down_revision = '450e39fe439d'
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None
def upgrade():
sa.Column('id', pg.UUID(), autoincrement=False, nullable=False),
sa.Column('user_id', sa.INTEGER(), autoincrement=False, nullable=False),
sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['user_id'], [''], name='schemaname_tablename_user_id_fkey'),
so it's partly reliant on existing database state, but does not determine the state exacly.
So my question is: is it normally possible that the alembic_version in db is not among existing revisions? Was that the reason why my previous attempts to migrate the db failed silently? What would be the correct solution for this problem? Setting the alembic version manually feels like an improper way to deal with this.
The alembic commands here were mostly given using Flask-Migrate, but it seems to not affect anything in this context.
There was a hotfix revision not merged into the main branch, but used on the service. That's where the missing version was

PG::DuplicateTable: ERROR: relation "boards" already exists

I created a model in no2 branch, then I find some error and decided to delete this branch and start a new one.
But when I rewrote this model and db:migrate , it told me that this table already exist.
I tried db:rollback but didn't work, and the migrate:status showed that:
and my schema.rb is empty
I dropped my db & re db:migrate.
Use sql script, to remove a record from schema_migrations table where version is 20191215065743.
Further, if the boards table exist, drop it using psql command.

Why is Alembic running the wrong migration script?

When I try
alembic upgrade head
Alembic runs the previous migration script, obviously raising an error because my schema has changed.
In my database, I have version_num set to 48957fdfe8d5. After running
alembic revision -m '<my message>'
Alembic created the new script file—the one I want to run—with this at the top
revision = '28cc06993b73'
down_revision = '4d5f9ba76c5e'
In other words, everything looks good. So why is it clearly running the code in 4d5f9ba76c5e rather than 28cc06993b73? I have also tried
alembic upgrade 28cc06993b73
But it still runs the code in 4d5f9ba76c5e. Here is that log:
$ alembic upgrade 28cc06993b73
INFO [alembic.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl.
INFO [alembic.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
Starting in DEBUG mode
INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 48957fdfe8d5 -> 4d5f9ba76c5e, Breaking up metadata into required and optional
Also, if I check Alembic's history, I see that head is on 28cc06993b73:
$ alembic history
Starting in DEBUG mode
4d5f9ba76c5e -> 28cc06993b73 (head), creating soft file table
48957fdfe8d5 -> 4d5f9ba76c5e, Breaking up metadata into required and optional
<base> -> 48957fdfe8d5, Init
Thanks in advance.
Well firstly you said that your version number is 48957fdfe8d5 in the db so an upgrade from 48957fdfe8d5 -> 4d5f9ba76c5e is expected based on your alembic history.
You also say "Alembic runs the previous migration script, obviously raising an error because my schema has changed." What error is it showing? Did you manually change the db so that it reflects what is supposed to happen in 28cc06993b73? If that is the case then you could run
alembic stamp head
to get your db in sync with alembic migrations

org.sonar.api.utils.MessageException: Database relates to a more recent version of sonar

I am facing the below error.
org.sonar.api.utils.MessageException: Database relates to a more recent version of sonar. Please check your settings.
i have 2 different servers. one for sonar and another for database.
1. I have taken snapshot of sonar server, but i didnot take snapshot for database(forgot to take it).
2. I have upgraded sonar from sonar 4.0 to sonarqube4.5.1 after taking backup of database(postgresql) using pg_dump command... but as i have faced some loss of data after upgrading sonar and database i have reverted back to previous snapshot (sonar server)
3. now we have done restoring the database using pg_restore command successfully but the sonar 4.0 is not getting started and gives the above error
could anyone help me with this
Message is quite obvious. You are starting your SQ 4.0 instance connected to a DB which is recognized as more recent.
Options are limited:
either the DB is really your original SQ 4.0 DB and you are not running the exact same SQ 4.0 software you used to
or you are running the same SQ 4.0 software and the DB is not your original SQ 4.0 DB
My guess is that you did not successfully restore your DB to its SQ 4.0 state, or only partially.
Under the hood, SQ uses table schema_migrations to know which version of the DB it is connected to.
Each db migration "script" (lets use that name for simplicity sake) has a unique number (number is strictly increasing) and each SQ version knows the number of the last migration script it bundles. When a script is successfully executed, a row is added to table schema_migrations.
SQ checks at startup its last script's number against the highest number in schema_migrations:
same number, everything is ok
lower number, DB needs an upgrade
higher number, the error message you got

Target database is not up to date

I'd like to make a migration for a Flask app. I am using Alembic.
However, I receive the following error.
Target database is not up to date.
Online, I read that it has something to do with this.
Unfortunately, I don't quite understand how to get the database up to date and where/how I should write the code given in the link.
After creating a migration, either manually or as --autogenerate, you must apply it with alembic upgrade head. If you used db.create_all() from a shell, you can use alembic stamp head to indicate that the current state of the database represents the application of all migrations.
This Worked For me
$ flask db stamp head
$ flask db migrate
$ flask db upgrade
My stuation is like this question, When I execute "./ db migrate -m 'Add relationship'", the error occused like this "
alembic.util.exc.CommandError: Target database is not up to date."
So I checked the status of my migrate:
(venv) ]#./ db heads
d996b44eca57 (head)
(venv) ]#./ db current
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl SQLiteImpl.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
and found that the heads and the current are different!
I fixed it by doing this steps:
(venv)]#./ db stamp heads
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl SQLiteImpl.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running stamp_revision 715f79abbd75 -> d996b44eca57
And now the current is same to the head
(venv) ]#./ db current
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl SQLiteImpl.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
d996b44eca57 (head)
And now I can do the migrate again.
This can be solved bby many ways :
1 To fix this error, delete the latest migration file ( a python file) then try to perform a migration afresh.
If issue still persists try these commands :
$ flask db stamp head # To set the revision in the database to the head, without performing any migrations. You can change head to the required change you want.
$ flask db migrate # To detect automatically all the changes.
$ flask db upgrade # To apply all the changes.
$ flask db stamp head # To set the revision in the database to the head, without performing any migrations. You can change head to the required change you want.
$ flask db migrate # To detect automatically all the changes.
$ flask db upgrade # To apply all the changes.
You can find more info at the documentation
I had to delete some of my migration files for some reason. Not sure why. But that fixed the problem, kind of.
One issue is that the database ends up getting updated properly, with all the new tables, etc, but the migration files themselves don't show any changes when I use automigrate.
If someone has a better solution, please let me know, as right now my solution is kind of hacky.
I did too run into different heads and I wanted to change one of the fields from string to integer, so first run:
$ flask db stamp head # to make the current the same
$ flask db migrate
$ flask db upgrade
It's solved now!
To fix this error, delete the latest migration file ( a python file) then try to perform a migration afresh.
This can also happen if you, like myself, have just started a new project and you are using in-memory SQLite database (sqlite:///:memory:). If you apply a migration on such a database, obviously the next time you want to say auto-generate a revision, the database will still be in its original state (empty), so alembic will be complaining that the target database is not up to date. The solution is to switch to a persisted database.
I also had the same problem input with flask db migrate
I used
flask db stamp head
and then
flask db migrate
Try to drop all tables before execute the db upgrade command.
To solve this, I drop(delete) the tables in migration and run these commands
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade