PG::DuplicateTable: ERROR: relation "boards" already exists - postgresql

I created a model in no2 branch, then I find some error and decided to delete this branch and start a new one.
But when I rewrote this model and db:migrate , it told me that this table already exist.
I tried db:rollback but didn't work, and the migrate:status showed that:
and my schema.rb is empty

I dropped my db & re db:migrate.

Use sql script, to remove a record from schema_migrations table where version is 20191215065743.
Further, if the boards table exist, drop it using psql command.


How to connect public schema to restore backup in pgAdmin4

I am trying to restore a postgresql database backup file of power outage information sent by a work colleague and keep running into an error. They sent a file with a .backup extension and said "it should restore to the public schema of an empty postgresql database". I am using pgAdmin 4 and following the steps suggested here to restore the database of
creating a new empty database
right clicking on the new database and clicking restore
linking to file path of backup and running
however, each time I get the error
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR: schema "outage_data" does not exist
Not sure how to solve it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
(Not sure if it is important but I am running on Windows 10 and pgAdmin4 version 6)
Do you get more errors after that? This might be a harmless error.
For example, if a table in "public" references a table in "outage_data", but only public was dumped, then you will get this error when it tries to recreate the foreign key constraint. That constraint of course will be missing, but no other harm is done. The public table and all of its data will still be there.

Prisma db push error when removing column that has a default value

After removing a column from schema.prisma, and running npm prisma db push, I'm getting the error...
Error: The object 'users_role_df' is dependent on column 'role'.
I'm using Prisma 3.3.0 with the sqlserver connection.
The model looks like this...
model User {
id ....
name ...
role String #default("USER")
I see the initial push created the CONSTRAINT users_role_df but now when I remove it from the model, and run push, it's not handling removing the constraint first and then the column.
How can I fix this?
You could try running the command npx prisma migrate dev --create-only to see what the generated SQL looks like for the migration.
You could manually add a DROP CONSTRAINT users_role_df; inside the generated migration or change the order of the SQL commands (if such a command already exists in the generated migration).
It is fine for you to make changes to the migration file as long as you do it before applying the migration to your database.

TypeORM migration entries lost from DB, `migration:run` re-runs them, then fails with "relation already exists"

I have a NestJS app with TypeORM, dockerized. I have synchronize turned off, using migrations instead. In the container entry point, I do yarn typeorm migration:run. It works well the first time around, and according to the logs it inserts records into the migrations table.
I noticed that when I start the project the next time it often tries to re-run migrations and fails (as expected) due to "relation already exists". At this point I can verify that entries are indeed missing from the migrations table via docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres -c 'SELECT * FROM "migrations" "migrations". The DB schema is up to date. When I insert a new record manually it gets an incremental ID after the missing records. So the records were there at some point.
I can't figure out what might cause entries in the migrations table to disappear (be rolled back?). This happens on the project linked above. It's a straightforward example project. I don't have an entity accidentally named "migrations". :)
As a workaround I currently insert into the migrations table manually:
docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres -c "INSERT INTO migrations (timestamp, name) VALUES ('1619623728180', 'AddTable1619623728180');"
Running specs that synchronized the DB was the issue.
I had a .env.test to use a different DB, but as it turns out that is not supported by dotenv. There are a few ways to make it work. I chose dotenv-flow/config and added it to my test script:
jest --collect-coverage --setupFiles dotenv-flow/config

How to delete old database

I'm using the PostgreSQL app and I want to delete my old database for my old project. How do I do that? I've tried drop database portfoliodb but it's still there and I don't receive any feedback.
First, connect to postgres not to portfoliodb. You cannot drop the database that you (or anybody else) is connected to.
Then, don't forget the semicolon after the SQL statement to complete it:
DROP DATABASE portfoliodb;
You probably forgot to add a semicolon on the end of your command.
You ran: drop database portfoliodb
But you should have run: drop database portfoliodb;

pgadmin drop sequence

In an SQL script I declare:
drop sequence if exists my_sequence_seq cascade;
pgadminIII, version 1.14.3 displays the following error:
the relation my_sequence_seq already exists
I don't see my mistake.
The error message doesn't make any sense. That's what you get when trying to create a sequence that already exists.
Maybe some weird mistake in the old version of pgAdmin 1.14.3? Try upgrading to the current version pgAdmin 1.16.1.