JS Date picker scrollbar like in Google Photos on android - datepicker

Google Photos (at least on android) has a floating month picker that appears once you start scrolling through photos.
I am not sure what the agreed terminology for it is though and am having a hard time finding an equivalent for a browser based application. Is there a equivalent JS widget or code example someone can point me to?


How to display info on the default screen of a Google Nest hub

I am trying to display infos from a Google Sheet to the "lockscreen" (don't know how to call it) of a Google Nest Hub.
I want the info to be displayed all the time and take advantage of this screen that is always on.
Basically that would be a Todo list. I don't understand why I need to invoke an app or talk to my device while the screen is always on with weather, time displayed and the background picture.
I have serched the generic documentation for Google Assistant (https://developers.google.com/assistant)
I don't see any doc about that or any app available (yet?) that has this feature.
Thanks for any help/suggestion.
The platform does not provide a way for third-party apps to add content to the homescreen.

iPhone Google Maps and GPS location

I have created a QR Code which displays a map of our mountain bike trails. First off I'm not an Apple guy, so I'm not sure what needs to be done to make this cross platform Android and Apple. The QR Code works correctly on Android. When scanned it opens up the kml file in Google Maps and displays the map and your GPS location.
When I scan this with an iPhone is displays the map and asks if you would like to accept sharing your current location. I accept it but it won't display my location. Is there something I need to do to make it work on Android and Apple, or any other suggestions. A little frustrating. As I look at the logs majority of the users what scan the code are iphones so I need to get it to work on them.
Update: here is a screenshot of the iPhone.
It should also have your gps location like this
Thanks for the help!
On Android, the default Google Maps behavior appears to be to show to the current location up front.
On iOS, however, it seems that Google Maps decides that the user can hit the location button if they want thier current location.
As far as I'm concerned, I side with Google.
Also, it could be that you need to try some different QR scanners - some might automatically show the location, some might decide to conserved resources instead.
P.S. To take a screenshot on iPhone, press the lock and home buttons at the same time :)

How does the development of a mobile website differ from a normal one?

We are going to redevelop one website we developed as an ASP.NET website to be a mobile one.
So, I'm wondering how does the development of a mobile website differ from a normal one?
Also, what is the best approach to do this taken in consideration that this mobile website will be browsed mainly from iPhone?
There are a number of differences between a mobile device and a standard computer.
The screens are much smaller (fewer pixels to display your page). You should put fewer elements on each page.
They are typically viewed in portrait mode (narrow display - narrow page). You should plan on using the full width of the screen instead of setting a fixed page width like most people do on standard web pages.
People use finger gestures to manipulate the page instead of a mouse (buttons/links should be larger)
They can include additional features such as geo-location, telephone, etc. that you can incorporate into your app to be easier to use. There are some libraries available to help you use these, such as jQuery Mobile.
Users are concerned about battery life plus the CPU tends to be slower. Make sure you keep animations and client side processing to a minimum.
Users are concerned about data usage. Keep ajax calls to a minimum (don't ask the server for data every few seconds!) and use graphics sparingly (it's better to use html/CSS to make the page attractive).
Flash isn't supported on iPhone and is not well supported on other devices. However, most mobile devices have decent support for HTML5, so you can typically use that instead.
Users on smartphones are used a different experience.
In addition to Brian's answer I'd add:
Screens are not resized but scrolled, however sides scrolling is not generally a good experience
Screens orientations can change, but the same scrolling rules apply
Consumers are used App like behaviour and as such less information with backwards and forwards between pages is common and between sites
Consumers generally have data concerns so data traffic needs to be minimised
Controls/buttons/selections/data entry need to optimised for hand gestures - for example think of what happens with the keyboard pops up to allow data entry, how much screen is available - can the see all their input easily if they need to?
I suggest that for developing a mobile website is to use the target smartphone for a few weeks to understand how the device is used in the real world.
I'm afraid you cannot use current asp-View to mobile especially for iPhone. There's special control set for iphone development - componentone.
If you web application is based on MVC or MVP patterns then moving will be not difficult.
Recently we have developed a site for iphone users, we are using asp.net/sql for normal site.
But when you look at mobile sites, mobile normally have small screens and some time optimization problem.
We use jqtouch for mobile development. A JQuery plugin for mobile web development on the iPhone,Android, iPod Touch, and other forward-thinking devices.
Learning Video
Getting started
Establish the context for the mobile site: is there subset of information that is more relevant to your mobile users? Maybe your regular site has apps that are irrelevant on mobile devices? Either way, you should create your mobile site separately in a mobile folder! You can then use a sub-domain to reach it: for example, http://m.mysite.com
You can use a combination of CSS Media Queries and 51degrees.Mobi to detect browser features and render the correct size layout depending on which type of device the user has.
http://www.modernizr.com/ (this is included in HTM5 Boilerplate)
Do not make the stupid mistake of following current fads like "Responsive Web Design" which attempts to squeeze a desktop version of a website into a mobile screen. Above links should get you started.

Why do mobile HTML geolocation apps get fewer location updates than native apps?

I noticed that HTML5 geolocation position updates do not arrive as often as native Apps position updates.
While the location in iphone's native maps App moves smoothly, the position on google's mobile maps page jumps from point to point when driving a car.
I assumed that mobile safari gets its position from the OS, so shouldn't the both be synchronous?
Because when you are getting the location in Safari it only gets the Geo Location as Fast as it is specified in the Javascript Function, Basically if the webpage asks for the link and the location is under the specified Time Frame then it will leave the Location where it is at. If the Location is Too old then the webpage gets a new location and that process starts over.
Thats the way it used to work, and i am still looking into how the details work but thats what i have come across so far. - and is probably outdated now But Hey its still cool!

*Send to Instagram* Trick by *100 Cameras in 1*

From Day One I was told that each third-party iOS app was perfectly sand-boxed and therefore there was no way for a third-party app to transfer messages other than some pre-defined urls to another app.
But this Send to Instagram trick done by 100 Cameras in 1 just caught my attention. When the user triggers this action, he jumps from 100 Cameras in 1 to Instagram right away (which is OK and could be easily implemented by the url trick mentioned above.) However, what is interesting is that Instagram will display the image just processed by 100 Camera in 1 as if it was displaying a image from its own sandbox.
I understand that Cocoa Touch must have some APIs to support this. My question is, what are they? Are they only limited to images?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Edited: I understand there's the Cocoa Touch URL scheme thing, but if it's the url scheme that did the trick... the url scheme must contain info of a pointer/reference to the image. Otherwise even if we jump from 100 Cameras in 1 to Instagram, Instagram won't have access to that image.
Edited (2nd time): Though I haven't tried yet, Tom H's answer might finally led to a solution. So I accepted his answer as the final answer. As for unset's answer, unset kept mentioning the url scheme thing (but dude, we all know that. And it's not the switching-between-apps-by-calling-url that confused us. It's how Instagram accessed that image from another app that confused us.) Since unset's answer doesn't provide much useful info and never answered my question to the point, I down-voted his answer, and I suggest those who up-voted adjust your votes accordingly. Stack Overflow is a great place because we could almost always have answers that are to the point, not because there are people who's answers are nothing wrong but are never really to the point.
Edited (3rd time): The official Instagram developer page now gives the official solution.
If your application creates photos and
you'd like your users to share these
photos using Instagram, you can use
the Document Interaction API to open
your photo in Instagram's sharing
You must first save your file in PNG
or JPEG (preferred) format and use the
filename extension ".ig". Using the
iOS Document Interaction APIs you can
trigger the photo to be opened by
Instagram. The Identifier for our
Document Interaction UTI is
com.instagram.photo, and it conforms
to the public/jpeg and public/png
UTIs. See the Apple documentation
articles: Previewing and Opening Files
and the
UIDocumentInteractionController Class
Reference for more information.
When triggered, Instagram will
immediately present the user with our
filter screen. The image is preloaded
and sized appropriately for Instagram.
Other than using the appropriate image
format, described above, our only
requirement is that the image is at
least 612px tall and/or wide. For best
results, Instagram prefers opening a
JPEG that is 612px by 612px square. If
the image is larger, it will be
resized dynamically.
An important note: If either dimension
of the image is less than 612 pixels,
Instagram will present an alert to the
user saying we were unable to open the
file. It's our current policy not to
upscale or stretch images to our
minimum dimension.
If anyone's interested, here's the actual documentation needed to do such a thing:
Instagram has registered the URL scheme instagram:// (type "instagram://something" in your iPhones safari and hit "open"). Maybe your app has discovered the format to send images into Instagram – or Instagram provides a documented API.
For the possible parameters, check this post.
I think what's happening (or what could possibly happen, also thank you Angelo) is first:
100 Cameras in 1 saves the image to Photos.app.
Then, it passes the name/filename/path of the image to Instagram (via the url scheme).
Then, Instagram retrives the photo from Photos.app, and loads it up.
There is probably not a way to do this with things other than images, however if you have a look at the UIDocumentInteractionController class which lets you open files in other apps, to an extent.