iPhone Google Maps and GPS location - iphone

I have created a QR Code which displays a map of our mountain bike trails. First off I'm not an Apple guy, so I'm not sure what needs to be done to make this cross platform Android and Apple. The QR Code works correctly on Android. When scanned it opens up the kml file in Google Maps and displays the map and your GPS location.
When I scan this with an iPhone is displays the map and asks if you would like to accept sharing your current location. I accept it but it won't display my location. Is there something I need to do to make it work on Android and Apple, or any other suggestions. A little frustrating. As I look at the logs majority of the users what scan the code are iphones so I need to get it to work on them.
Update: here is a screenshot of the iPhone.
It should also have your gps location like this
Thanks for the help!

On Android, the default Google Maps behavior appears to be to show to the current location up front.
On iOS, however, it seems that Google Maps decides that the user can hit the location button if they want thier current location.
As far as I'm concerned, I side with Google.
Also, it could be that you need to try some different QR scanners - some might automatically show the location, some might decide to conserved resources instead.
P.S. To take a screenshot on iPhone, press the lock and home buttons at the same time :)


Bing Maps GeoLocationProvider service not working

I have recently posted a question regarding getting the user location which I thought I had solved using geolocation.GeoLocationProvider. However, I am having strange behaviour on different devices. On an iphone 5s, I get the most accurate and smallest circle marking my position. On a galaxy S3 I get very large circles and takes long to connect. I then connected a Nexus to my mobile over bluetooth and shared 3G internet. Funnily enough, my position was not showing at all. In all 3 cases, I tried going into bing maps and google maps and they all have shown my position very accurately. Is there anything I am skipping for this discrepancy between my code and bing/google maps' code?
Thanks you all,
The Bing Maps site uses the same functionality. All this does is wrap the different web based geolocation API's for different browsers into one easy to use class. This method pulls the location from the browser built-in geolocation functionality (older browsers had several different ways of doing this). This will make use of a GPS device if it has access (small circle), fall back to WIFI or IP address (large circles). A couple of things worth checking, if this is being used in an app, have you enabled access to the geolocation sensors? If this is being used in as a web app through the browser, did you get a prompt to allow access to your location and did you press Allow? If the device isn't able to access the GPS and it's using share WIFI from another phone I could see how this might confuse things.
Another option is to use the HTML5 geolocation API: http://www.w3schools.com/HTML/html5_geolocation.asp

Record iPhone screen and user's actions

In order to do usability testing I'd like to record an iPhone's display along with every user action. I can't modify the application itself however jailbreaking the phone wouldn't be a problem.
Ideally I'd like to get a full resolution video of the screen display with an overlay showing touch events on top of it.
For now the best solution I've found is using a video-out cable and record its output, but with this solution I'd need an external camera to capture what the user was doing and it wouldn't be very precise.
Other ideas?
The application display recorder, found in the big boss repo (cydia) works very well for this.
I have tried MirrorOp (requires JailBreak) and AirSquirrels' Reflector (no JB required) for usability testing. Both work very well, but none grab touch feedback. You can use a second camera or a Hug the notebook approach.

open Google map app via webpage in iphone Safari browser and create waypoints/directions

I built a fun project called poorsquare.us and I'm looking to add a simple mobile map component to it without actually building an app.
Note: This is just a simple webpage (not a native iphone app)
I want to display a link on mobile safari (iphone) that, when clicked, sends the user to the maps app with multiple waypoints, walking directions, optimized for travel and with custom labels.
So far this link will take me from safari into the maps app, but I'm not sure what parts of the URL to change to get the labels working, if that's even possible.
what i'd like is for the link to:
sense the current GPS (so "sensor=true") as the starting point
set up many (like 10-25) different waypoints that are displayed in the map app.
for each waypoint i can provide: title, lat/lon, text address - i'd like the title to be displayed on the pin (right now it's just saying "86 street" or something generic like that)
i'd also like to provide text information (so when you click the pin, and then click the little right arrow, it opens the address info screen - in that area i'd like to put a description
and mode=walking
i'm not sure what the other params are in the url above (which i basically took from the google map directions from my browser).
I'd say direct to a page to get the users location first using HTML5 components, then redirect to the maps app with the returned coordinates. You'll need the coordinates first before pointing to the map app.
For walking directions use the param:
Having custom pins like that won't work without a native app though...

Why do mobile HTML geolocation apps get fewer location updates than native apps?

I noticed that HTML5 geolocation position updates do not arrive as often as native Apps position updates.
While the location in iphone's native maps App moves smoothly, the position on google's mobile maps page jumps from point to point when driving a car.
I assumed that mobile safari gets its position from the OS, so shouldn't the both be synchronous?
Because when you are getting the location in Safari it only gets the Geo Location as Fast as it is specified in the Javascript Function, Basically if the webpage asks for the link and the location is under the specified Time Frame then it will leave the Location where it is at. If the Location is Too old then the webpage gets a new location and that process starts over.
Thats the way it used to work, and i am still looking into how the details work but thats what i have come across so far. - and is probably outdated now But Hey its still cool!

Standard practice for showing a location in IOS - mapkit or link to google map?

I have an app that I want to have a button that will show you the location of somewhere (it's a conference app, so want to show the convention centre on google map). At the moment my link opens up google maps with the long/lat.
My question is, is that standard practice in IOS? or it against some design guideline (seeing as it opens another app). Should I embed a mapkit view instead? I'm under a really tight deadline so don't want to get my app rejected, so thought I'd ask which was the generally accepted practice.
Neither will get your app rejected but using an embedded map will make your users happier. You might also give a button which opens the location in the maps app so the user can get directions.