VSTS-GITHUB Workflow - github

Please elaborate the steps to create a workflow of Visual
Studio Team Services and Github.
Integration of Github with VSTS and creating a workflow.
Once we create user stories in vsts, is there any way to create a
transition from one state to another(New->Active->resolved),
based on repository update(github).

There is a way to transition from on state to another when github repo is update:
Create a CI build definition for the github repo.
Add a power shell task to change the stories state.
But usually user stories are linked with repo on VSTS not github, that’s more useful and meaningful.

Automatically is only using VSTS git repo.
If you like update this, you need to create a manual integration, possible using the VSTS Rest Api.


Adding a custom "Where is your code" source

If at all possible, how can one define a custom source for the "Where is your code" selection in Azure DevOps?
Purely for example, say I wanted to use GitLab as my source. Given that no current extensions exist in the marketplace that do this, how could someone go about defining one that adds a custom source for Azure DevOps Pipelines?
While it is true that one could store the pipeline definition in one location and use a "checkout" task to clone the code itself, such a technique causes some functionality to be lost (build status reporting, for example).
Additionally, while using "Other Git" allows one to connect to any git repository, it has its own issues:
You would need to create a custom service connection per repository. This is not sustainable given a large number of repositories.
You still will have the issues found when storing the pipeline definition in one place and checking out a specific repository: loss of build status reporting, PR/merge decoration, etc.
I have looked around Microsoft's documentation websites, as well as the various repositories like the Azure DevOps Task Lib, but I have not found anything that even states if this is possible.
Update Feb 17, 2020
As per the answer below, this is not possible today (Feb 17, 2021). I have opened a corresponding User Voice idea: Custom code sources for Azure DevOps Pipelines
how can one define a custom source for the "Where is your code"
selection in Azure DevOps
For this issue, I am afraid that this is currently not possible in azure devops. If you want to select a custom code source for the pipeline, then you cannot avoid creating gitlab service connections. Currently azure devops only provides the option "Other Git" to choose from.
As a workaround , you can try to create repository mirror​​​ing. Repository mirroring allows for mirroring of repositories to and from external sources. It can be used to mirror branches, tags, and commits between repositories.
Push: for mirroring a GitLab repository to another location.
In addition, you could add your request for this feature on our UserVoice site , which is our main forum for product suggestions.After suggest raised, you can vote and add your comments for this feedback. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.

My azure pipeline is not triggering when my team members are pushing changes in GitHub repo

I created a classic CI azure pipeline for a .net application present in GitHub repo and enabled continuous integration in triggers and also added 2 branches in branch filters. But when my team members made some changes and make commits, my pipeline is not triggering and build is not created. I can't understand what might be the problem as I'm new to azure pipelines
Here is some troubleshooting advices, and you can click this document for more detailed information:
Are you using the GitHub app connection to connect the pipeline to GitHub? If you are using a GitHub app connection, follow these steps:
Is the mapping set up properly between GitHub and Azure DevOps? Open a
pull request in your GitHub repository, and make the comment /azp
where. This reports back the Azure DevOps organization that the
repository is mapped to.
If no organizations are set up to build this repository using the app,
go to
https://github.com/<org_name>/<repo_name>/settings/installations and
complete the configuration of the app.
If a different Azure DevOps organization is reported, then someone has
already established a pipeline for this repo in a different
organization. We currently have the limitation that we can only map a
GitHub repo to a single DevOps org. Only the pipelines in the first
Azure DevOps org can be automatically triggered. To change the
mapping, uninstall the app from the GitHub organization, and
re-install it. As you re-install it, make sure to select the correct
organization when you are redirected to Azure DevOps.
Are you using OAuth or PAT to connect the pipeline to GitHub? If you are using a GitHub connection, follow these steps:
OAuth and PAT connections rely on webhooks to communicate updates to
Azure Pipelines. In GitHub, navigate to the settings for your
repository, then to Webhooks. Verify that the webhooks exist. Usually
you should see three webhooks - push, pull_request, and issue_comment.
If you don't, then you must re-create the service connection and
update the pipeline to use the new service connection.
Select each of the webhooks in GitHub and verify that the payload that
corresponds to the user's commit exists and was sent successfully to
Azure DevOps. You may see an error here if the event could not be
communicated to Azure DevOps.
Is your pipeline paused or disabled? Open the editor for the pipeline, and then select Settings to check. If your pipeline is
paused or disabled, then triggers do not work.
Have you used variables in defining the trigger or the paths? That is not supported.
Have you excluded the branches or paths to which you pushed your changes? Test by pushing a change to an included path in an included
branch. Note that paths in triggers are case-sensitive. Make sure that
you use the same case as those of real folders when specifying the
paths in triggers.
You don't need to change webhooks in github, what you need to do is that go to github Settings -> Webhooks, check whether there are "Recent Deliveries". If there are errors in recent deliveries, the cause of the question is indicated.
If Azure DevOps and GitHub are properly connected, GitHub will automatically generate Webhooks. As shown below:
The content of "Payload URL" is:
Please note that a GitHub repository can only connect to one Azure DevOps organization. If you have connected to more than one organizations, keep the only one you are using currently.
In DevOps click Pipelines on the left-hand side navigation
Select your pipeline.
Click Edit
Then in the new window pane (top left), you'll see a tab for triggers.
This is where you can configure the continuous integration settings to trigger builds on push / pull requests etc.
Here's an example
Continues integration is enabled for the development branch, thus any push to that branch will trigger a build.

How to manage the full Pull Request process in Visual Studio Code with Azure DevOps

I was trying to have a full change from the commit to the pull-request/review process in a Azure DevOps repo with Visual Studio Code.
All good till the point where I have to create a Pull Request.
I didn't find an embedded way to do it.
There is a plugin Pull Requests for Azure Devops but it seems to be not maintained anymore.
Do you know any other good way to do it? Or may be Microsoft can invest in this important feature?
In our team, we started using the Azure CLI but found it too verbose to be practical. We also wanted to have a similar API to the GitHub CLI.
To fix this, we developed doing-cli, which is essentially a wrapper around the Azure CLI with a feel of the GitHub CLI.
A typical workflow for us is:
doing list to see open work items
doing issue create <issue title> to create a new work item
doing pr create <issue number> to create a branch and a PR based on an existing work item
Our company requires that all PRs are linked to a work item. But sometimes you want to fix things quickly, without having to always create a new work item, create a new branch, link them and open a PR. So we implemented doing workon <title> which will do all these steps for you, as well as checkout the newly created branch.
There used to be an extension, but it got pulled.
When you install the azure cli and the devops extension and then create a pull request from the terminal:
az extension add --name azure-devops
az devops configure --defaults organization=https://dev.azure.com/contoso project=ContosoWebApp
az devops pr create --repository MyRepo --open --source-branch branch-name
That last command needs 2 parameters that can be teased out of the context in a repo folder, that way you can easily alias this to a generic command.
Very few people were uring the Azure Repos and PR for Azure DevOps extensions. And most of Microsoft's investments are in GitHub.
As suggested by Jessehouwing's answer, you can create pull requests using Azure CLI.
In addition, you can also use the REST API Pull Requests - Create:
POST https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/git/repositories/{repositoryId}/pullrequests?api-version=6.0
Here is an example of the request body:
"sourceRefName": "refs/heads/npaulk/my_work",
"targetRefName": "refs/heads/new_feature",
"title": "A new feature",
"description": "Adding a new feature"

Team Services - Create issue in Github on failed build

I am using Github as my repo as well as my Kanban/Scrum board. We use Visual Studio Team Services for our automated builds. We really like the way VSTS works and it works well with Github as the repo.
However, I want to be able to create a new Github issue/bug if and when our Continuous Integration build fails. I know you can create a VSTS Work Item but I would rather keep all issues centralized.
Is there any way to hook up VSTS to create a Github repo whenever a build fails? Or perhaps create a Github issue whenever a new VSTS Work Item is created?
We are running our own build server so possibly something can be done on that end?
Yes, you can create a github issue when VSTS build failed with two options.
In VSTS build definition, add a powershell task in the end of the build process. Functions in the powershell should include:
Detect above build tasks in the build definition. Use REST API timeline to get build detail, you can find each task result in result parameter.
Determine to create a github issue or not. If all above build tasks are pass to build, don’t create github issue. Else, create a github issue by github API.
Create your own website, and in VSTS use web hooks to tigger build fail information for your own website. After your own website receive the build information, it can create a github issue.

Trigger Visual Studio Team Services build for a GitHub Pull Request

How do you get VSTS to build when a PR is created in GitHub? I've tried several triggers in the VSTS build like refs/pull/*/merge and refs/pull/*/head. I have a build working when a commit is made to the master branch, but I can't get a build to trigger when a PR is created.
I get the following when a PR is created.
Also, the webhook history shows that a message was successfully posted to VSTS, but the build never starts.
The official Microsoft VSTS GitHub Integration extension now supports this directly.
I think it's the trigger. Try what's described in this blog post.
There is not an easy way to enable this today for PRs. It is on the VSTS feature backlog that we want to address soon.
The way to make it work today would be to do something like: add a webhook to call your own custom service endpoint. Within your service endpoint, you could then call into VSTS to queue a build, and the build would need a step to post success/fail back to GitHub.
In your custom service endpoint, you would need to make sure the user is authorized as a contributor on the GitHub repo.
On the new VSTS UI you can find it in Build Edit -> Triggers: