My azure pipeline is not triggering when my team members are pushing changes in GitHub repo - github

I created a classic CI azure pipeline for a .net application present in GitHub repo and enabled continuous integration in triggers and also added 2 branches in branch filters. But when my team members made some changes and make commits, my pipeline is not triggering and build is not created. I can't understand what might be the problem as I'm new to azure pipelines

Here is some troubleshooting advices, and you can click this document for more detailed information:
Are you using the GitHub app connection to connect the pipeline to GitHub? If you are using a GitHub app connection, follow these steps:
Is the mapping set up properly between GitHub and Azure DevOps? Open a
pull request in your GitHub repository, and make the comment /azp
where. This reports back the Azure DevOps organization that the
repository is mapped to.
If no organizations are set up to build this repository using the app,
go to<org_name>/<repo_name>/settings/installations and
complete the configuration of the app.
If a different Azure DevOps organization is reported, then someone has
already established a pipeline for this repo in a different
organization. We currently have the limitation that we can only map a
GitHub repo to a single DevOps org. Only the pipelines in the first
Azure DevOps org can be automatically triggered. To change the
mapping, uninstall the app from the GitHub organization, and
re-install it. As you re-install it, make sure to select the correct
organization when you are redirected to Azure DevOps.
Are you using OAuth or PAT to connect the pipeline to GitHub? If you are using a GitHub connection, follow these steps:
OAuth and PAT connections rely on webhooks to communicate updates to
Azure Pipelines. In GitHub, navigate to the settings for your
repository, then to Webhooks. Verify that the webhooks exist. Usually
you should see three webhooks - push, pull_request, and issue_comment.
If you don't, then you must re-create the service connection and
update the pipeline to use the new service connection.
Select each of the webhooks in GitHub and verify that the payload that
corresponds to the user's commit exists and was sent successfully to
Azure DevOps. You may see an error here if the event could not be
communicated to Azure DevOps.
Is your pipeline paused or disabled? Open the editor for the pipeline, and then select Settings to check. If your pipeline is
paused or disabled, then triggers do not work.
Have you used variables in defining the trigger or the paths? That is not supported.
Have you excluded the branches or paths to which you pushed your changes? Test by pushing a change to an included path in an included
branch. Note that paths in triggers are case-sensitive. Make sure that
you use the same case as those of real folders when specifying the
paths in triggers.
You don't need to change webhooks in github, what you need to do is that go to github Settings -> Webhooks, check whether there are "Recent Deliveries". If there are errors in recent deliveries, the cause of the question is indicated.
If Azure DevOps and GitHub are properly connected, GitHub will automatically generate Webhooks. As shown below:
The content of "Payload URL" is:{organization}/_apis/public/hooks/externalEvents?publisherId=github&channelId={channelId}&api-version=6.1-preview
Please note that a GitHub repository can only connect to one Azure DevOps organization. If you have connected to more than one organizations, keep the only one you are using currently.

In DevOps click Pipelines on the left-hand side navigation
Select your pipeline.
Click Edit
Then in the new window pane (top left), you'll see a tab for triggers.
This is where you can configure the continuous integration settings to trigger builds on push / pull requests etc.
Here's an example
Continues integration is enabled for the development branch, thus any push to that branch will trigger a build.


How do I show multiple Azure Pipeline pipelines in GitHub?

We use Azure DevOps for our CI/CD pipelines, but our repositories are in GitHub. We currently trigger the CI pipelines on each push, but there is no link to GitHub so we lose easily seeing the status of a build in pull requests / automatically failing a check if a build fails.
Azure Pipelines has an app on GitHub Marketplace for integrating pipelines with repositories / pull requests. I installed this in our GitHub organization and configured it with the repository access it needs, which then had me authenticate with Azure DevOps, select the project and the pipeline yaml associated with the repository.
This works great and I can see the status directly in a pull request -
The issue is that I have multiple pipelines I would like to run and display the status of in the pull request. We have a monorepo but I only want to build an app if it was modified, so I utilize path filters in the Azure Pipelines yaml so the CI is only run when I need it to. GitHub does not discover/display the status of other CI pipelines I have in the project.
Initially, I tried just setting up another azure pipelines yaml that is triggered by pull requests. When I make a pull request, I see in Azure Pipelines the CI was triggered by 'PR automated for {pr number}', but it does not display it's status in GitHub.
I ended up going to the Azure Pipelines app settings in GitHub, 'revoking' access to the repository, and then immediately re-configuring it with access to the same project as before, but selecting a different pipeline yaml. This worked, it retained the first build I configured and added the second, and now multiple builds are shown in the pull request -
But this does not seem like the intended way to accomplish this. The GitHub app links to the entire documentation for Azure Pipelines, not specifically to docs about the app, and I have not been able to find any info within on how to do this.
Is there a way to add multiple pipelines with the Azure Pipelines app on GitHub, outside of this workaround?

Azure Pipelines CI Not firing

My organization recently changed from using personal GitHub accounts to using GitHub Enterprise Managed Users. Since that change our pipeline continuous integration (in Azure Devops) has stopped working. We can still run the builds manually without issue, but it isn't even attempting to start the builds automatically. I've created new personal access tokens for the pipelines, but that hasn't fixed the continuous integration. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should look at to get this working again?
Instead of relying on user-authenticates service connections between GitHub and Azure Pipelines, I recommend switching over go the Github App for Azure Pipelines to control what repositories Azure Pipelines can access:
That will drastically simplify access maintenance between GitHub and Azure Pipelines and will break the reliance on personal or enterprise managed accounts.
I wound up fixing this by going to the repository in Git Hub, go to settings on the repository, and then to Web Hooks. In there, the hook that Azure Pipelines uses had an error on it because when our tech group migrated the repo they did not bring the secret over. To fix it I just had to delete the web hook, go to the pipeline and a button appeared to restore the connection.

How to configure and execute Azure Devops classic editor pipeline after commit in Github?

I have a Github and Azure Devops classic editor pipeline. I want to configure an auto-trigger of Azure pipeline after a commit happened in Github (If any commit happens in the repository, it needs to trigger my Azure Devops pipeline)
I tried configuring Continuous Integration in pipeline level, and it does not trigger my pipeline after a Github commit.
Many documents are for yaml pipeline but we need for classic editor pipeline. Could someone provide your inputs on how can we achieve the same ? Thanks!
You are looking for CI/CD triggers, you can simply choose the proper branch in the build trigger combo box.
"In the classic editor, pipeline triggers are called build completion triggers. You can select any other build in the same project to be the triggering pipeline.
After you add a build completion trigger, select the triggering build. If the triggering build is sourced from a Git repo, you can also specify branch filters. If you want to use wildcard characters, then type the branch specification (for example, features/modules/*) and then press Enter."
if you are looking for deployment triggers you can find more info here:
release trigger snapshot
The configuration of #Bayoudhi Bilel is correct, after you select the Github as resource for Class editor pipeline, enable CI trigger in "Triggers" tab. (official doc here)
Check on my side, it works fine:
If your setting doesn't work, please firstly check if you have select correct branch to monitor. If it's correct, you can follow below steps to reconnect between azure devops and github repo.
Delete all webhooks on github repo setting.
Then edit your pipeline, go to "Triggers" tab, "restore" the webhook.
change to a new service connection(it's recommended to regenerate the github PAT, you can simply add all scope):
In my Azure devops, i did it by going to pipeline > Triggers tab and i activated "Enable continous integration". You can also configure the branches you want to build from.
It worked for me this way.
Please find screenshot attached.

Azure DevOps Repos synchronization between Organization

We have two Azure DevOps Organizations,
1. Development
2. Client
I would like to know if we can synchronize Azure DevOps Repos from one organization (Development) to different organization (Client) in a secure way?
If it is possible, what would be the best way to sync from one organization to another securely?
NOTE: We are able to manually clone the Repo from one to another organization for the first time with the help of PAT and GIT Auth but the problem arises when we want to update or re-sync the code. We have to manually re-import the repo (By deleting the existing one) to make changes.
We need to do this programmatically and to another organization.
Azure DevOps Repos synchronization between Organization
Sorry but as I know there's no such out-of-box feature available in Azure Devops Service.
There're similar user voices here: Sync between projects in same org and Automatically Sync Azure Devops Repos with GitHub Repos. Usually one organization is responsible for one product, so Azure Devops doesn't recommend cross-organization actions. But if you do want this behavior in your scenario, you can use these two directions:
1.Try free Git Tools for Azure Devops extension from Martin Hinshelwood. Some steps about how to use it:
Install it in your Development organization, it contains one Publish Git Repo task.
Create a new classic build pipeline named SyncRepos, add the Publish Git Repo task in it.
(Yaml pipeline also works well, but since this is one pipeline in which only exists one task, classic pipeline is enough)
Configure the task. We only need to configure the git repo url, so it's quite easy.
Assuming the name of same repos in another organization Client is ReposToSync, and this repos is in ProjectA. So the url you should enter in pipeline(in organization Development) should be:
See this:
(You should use a PAT which has repos-related permissions. I used Full Access one to test it easily but it should be much better if you create a PAT scoped in repos permissions. It's more secure !)
Now set the trigger, enable the CI and add all the branches into filter.
Yaml pipeline is better in step4 cause it supports trigger all branches with wildcard *. See this.
Now in Development organization, when I have any change in master and qwe branches, it will automatically trigger the pipeline to run. Then the task will sync the changes in Development's repos with repos in 'Client' organization.
Any change in Development org will start a sync, if you want to same behavior in 'Client', you also need another similar pipeline in 'Client'. And, yaml pipeline with wildcard is better if you want the pipeline to monitor newly created branch.
In additions: Apart from using the task from extension, we can also use git commands in CMD task if you're familiar with those commands.
2.Feel free to post a new feature request to our User Voice forum. If you gets enough votes, the request's priority increases and the team would consider it seriously.
Hope all above helps :)
No matter git commands or extension, if we want to make it more secure(avoid using PAT or other secrets directly in task), we can use secrets to store the important info like PAT.
1.See create secret variable in Variable Group, then link the variable group, after that we can use $(MyPat) in task and it won't be displayed in log.
2.Also you can consider using Azure Key Valut. Related doc: Link secrets from an Azure key vault.
Today I tried a way of doing it I found in a blog post and it worked perfectly (and is tremendously easy to do).
Create a PAT (personal access token) to your Development organization (I see you already have one so skip this step)
Go to the target repo in the Development organization, click clone and copy the url
In the Client organization import the repository with the url you have copied and with your PAT (same here, I think you already did this so skip this step)
Now clone the repo to your computer from the Client organization and add a remote to the repo in your Development organization. If you don't know about remotes, this page could help: Managing remote repositories
After this, you will be able to push and fetch from the Development organization's repo.
Source: Azure DevOps Fork Repos between two Organization - Michael Ghebremedin

Connect Azure Pipelines to GitHub Enterprise

We have a hosted GitHub Enterprise (GHE) account which needs to integrate with Azure Pipelines. I have installed the Azure Pipelines app from the GitHub Marketplace for our GHE account. The installation of the Azure Pipelines app asks to select an Azure DevOps project and GHE repo to setup the integration. This results in one pipeline being connected to a GHE repo.
But my question is, how to we setup other pipelines within Azure DevOps to use repos in GHE?
Nowhere in the Azure Pipelines interface can I find an option to select a GHE repo. Only public GitHub and GitHub Enterprise (on-prem) server repos. It seems that only the Azure Pipelines app setup wizard allows you to configure a pipeline with a GHE.
I can't imagine that we would have to initiate the setup wizard of the Azure Pipelines app every time we want to connect a pipeline to a GHE repo. That wouldn't even be possible, because most coworkers won't have the permissions to do that. What am I missing?
Remark: I realize that we could create a service connection in Azure DevOps using on a Personal Access Token or username+password. But that's tied to someone's personal account. If that person would leave, the connection is broken. Unless you create a service/dummy account, which doesn't seem very elegant.
If you use GitHub Enterprise, then you can integrate with Azure AD. Then based on group membership you can assign access to repositories with the help of Github Teams.
Then based on those permissions the repos to which somebody has access will be visible during the setup of the Azure DevOps pipeline.
Some useful resources:
I found out the cause of the issue.
First of all, when you install the Azure Pipelines app from the GitHub marketplace, you first need to make sure that you select your GitHub organisation and not your personal account.
Secondly, during the installation you are taken to Azure DevOps to setup your project. Two different authorization pages will be shown; "Azure Pipelines by Microsoft would like to [...]" and the page for OAuth authorization. As can be seen in below image, there is a small grant button that's easily overlooked. You need to press that button before you press the large green that says "Authorize AzurePipelines"
I am now able to select my GitHub Enterprise repositories when I create a new pipeline in Azure DevOps. I simply choose GitHub as the source where my repository lives.