Unable to execute testng in eclipse - eclipse

I'm usually able to run my test with testng just fine. Now when I click "run as testng", all it does is as shown in the image below. There's no output or error message in the console.
Eclipse TestNg
The image is showing 2 tasks; happens that I clicked twice when I captured the image.
To drill down the problem, I'm just running a very simple test:
public void test(){
I tried to restart PC, restart Eclipse, install fresh copy of Eclipse/testng and JDK but no luck.
Any help would be much appreciated!

the problem is related to the change i made to the host file. got it working again by removing all the losthost entries in the host file


Eclipse running previous programs

I have a problem running programs on eclipse. It's not running any new program.It's stuck on few last projects I previously ran. Overtime I'm trying to run a new program it runs another program that I'm done working on. I don't know what's causing it. I tried everything in my knowledge but nothing seems to be useful. If anyone can help me, I would very much appreciate it.
Don't click on Run button in eclipse it sometime run the cached program i.e., already runned programmedIt is not a good practicebeing a experienced eclipse user I can advise you to try to right click on your program after saving it then click Run As option and further option(optoin vary like in JSE program it shows java Application and in JEE program it shows server option)hope you will try this and it can solve your problem

SWbot testcases hanging in jenkins build

Followed the instructions given over here http://wiki.eclipse.org/SWTBot/Automate_test_execution#On_Jenkins and successfully did the integration were the swtbot testcases worked fine but now all of sudden after adding few more swtbot testcases it started hanging and completely stopped working!
Things which I tried till now are,
-> Ran the testcases in Linux local server which passes without any issue but the same in jenkins hangs now.
-> Changing Xvfb process to Xvnc -> Still same issue, build hangs
-> Commented all swtbot testcase and added simple test like creating a project which works fine without any issues.
-> Changed the jenkins server to new slave to make sure if it's DISPLAY issue but again same problem in the new slave.
-> Used NX Client to track the UI flow which happen in jenkins server via sandbox build but fails with widget not found exception.
-> Used upgraded SWTBot plugin but no help
Mailed to swtbot-dev#eclipse.org 4 days back but no reply still! Can someone please help me in this asap? Not sure what else to try with to resolve this problem now.
When you connect via VNC, try checking out if there's not any other modal window hiding behind the Eclipse workbench. We used to have problems especially with the "Usage data" window.
Found the issue finally and fixed the problem!
Our testcases involves checking the shortcut keys which are meant for table operations such as, inserting a new row - insert key, delete a row - delete key and so on..
It seems that when swtbot executes the keystroke as,
it makes the entire eclipse to hang. Am still not sure what is the reason behind it, so replaced DELETE with CTRL + Q key combination in our implementation code and then it started working fine.
Eclipse hangs even when some keystroke is added in the testcase which doesn't do any ui operations. So, did those cleanup and all the testcases are passing now :)
Seems to be a another limitation in swtbot and hope that development team will analyze this further if possible. Already have posted it in eclipse community as well. http://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/m/1234514/#msg_1234514
Thanks to Cpt. Senkfuss and Lula for your suggestions!!

Setting up libgdx in IntelliJ Idea with GWT Support?

So far the documentation doesn't include the set up of GWT project in IDEA, and my limited google skill can't find the solution. Is it possible?
If you generated your libgdx project using the gdx-setup.jar file, then you should import your project by using the following link: https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/wiki/Gradle-and-Intellij-IDEA
HTML: View -> Tool Window -> Terminal, in the terminal, make sure you are in the root folder of your project. Then execute gradlew.bat html:superDev (Windows) or ./gradlew html:superDev (Linux, Mac OS X). This will take a while, as your Java code is compiled to Javascript.
Once you see the message The code server is ready, fire up your browser and go to http://localhost:8080/html. This is your app running in the browser! When you change any of your Java code or assets, just click the SuperDev refresh button while you are on the site and the server will recompile your code and reload the page! To kill the process, simply press CTRL + C in the terminal window.
Once this bug in the Gradle tooling API is fixed, we can simplify running the HTML5 by using the Gradle integration. At the moment, the Gradle process will run forever even if canceled.
Also just a heads up, after you have run the gradle command it might say something like this:
The code server is ready.
Next, visit: http://localhost:9876/
Building 91% > :html:superDev
Even though it says 91%, don't worry it will still work, just go here to run it: http://localhost:8080/html/, NOT the url mentioned in the log.
Also to deploy you need to run ./gradlew html:dist to generate production code, you want to copy everything inside ./html/build/dist/ to your server. Running that command produces the code in that directory. https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/a/82588/54396
I was able to make GWT work with libgdx simply by:
downloading (http://www.gwtproject.org/download.html) the GWT SDK,
extracting it,
then in the project structure -> project-name-html -> dependencies,
just press the + and add the extracted GWT directory
A dialog appears and I just unticked all the samples
The "Dependencies Storage Format" needed to be "Intellij IDEA", not Eclipse for this to work for me.

Type Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: wrapper was not properly loaded first

I have had all sorts of bizarre errors, like the one in the title, happen when I am using the Android SDK and AVD Manager with Eclipse. Generally I just unplug the phone and plug it back in or close and reopen Eclipse but it is frustrating. Apparently Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: wrapper was not properly loaded first doesn't allow me to compile my app, i think it is because I was trying to run the emulator with some suggestions from emulator is so slow to no avail. thought i should add im running eclipse 3.5.2 on Ubuntu 11.04
Just restart the eclipse and run the project. The error arises while installing a new target version. After completion of the installation it will get fix automatically. Else restart eclipse.
I met with the same error on my Macbook. I tried one of the methods explained at this link http://techmologies.blogspot.com/2009/05/conversion-to-dalvik-format-failed-with_06.html and solved the problem.
Put the following 2 lines in the eclipse.ini file:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\bin\javaw.exe
Please modify the 2nd line according to the actual situation.
If you have upgraded your SDK, and if you have not updated ADT plugin it will show this error. Please check it once by updating ADT plugin
I made a new installation of Eclipse in different folder(with the same SDK folder) and imported the code to the workspace & it started to work again.

Workspace is closed error

I have created a EMF model and generated a model code for that. I have created one plugin project and i have created one class named as 'CommandTest' which is having "public static void main()" method which reads mymodel resource file.
Its working fine in eclipse 3.5.2. There is no issues am able to read the contents.
But same thing am running through command prompt, am getting error "Workspace is closed". I have included my plugin folder in my classpath.
I have used one statement resource.load(null). In this line am getting "IllegalStateException: Workspace is closed".
I want to run my project in commandline not in eclipse environment. I have searched this problem in internet, i can able to find some solutions but its all related to eclipse environment.
If anything am doing wrong in this following statement
====Code Snippet======
file = "C:\temp\mytemp.xml";
// Creating resource
XMLResource resource = (XMLResource) new MyModelResourceFactoryImpl().createResource(
URI.createURI(file.toURI().toString(), true));
Is it possible to run plugin project in commandline? if it is possible could any one guide me how to achieve this to avoid "workspace is closed" error?
Did you try to specify a workspace with the -data <workspace-path> command line switch? You could try as well to call Plugin.getStateLocation().