Use a trained neural network to imitate its training data - neural-network

I'm in the overtures of designing a prose imitation system. It will read a bunch of prose, then mimic it. It's mostly for fun so the mimicking prose doesn't need to make too much sense, but I'd like to make it as good as I can, with a minimal amount of effort.
My first idea is to use my example prose to train a classifying feed-forward neural network, which classifies its input as either part of the training data or not part. Then I'd like to somehow invert the neural network, finding new random inputs that also get classified by the trained network as being part of the training data. The obvious and stupid way of doing this is to randomly generate word lists and only output the ones that get classified above a certain threshold, but I think there is a better way, using the network itself to limit the search to certain regions of the input space. For example, maybe you could start with a random vector and do gradient descent optimisation to find a local maximum around the random starting point. Is there a word for this kind of imitation process? What are some of the known methods?

How about Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN, Goodfellow 2014) and their more advanced siblings like Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks? There are plenty of proper research articles out there, and also more gentle introductions like this one on DCGAN and this on GAN. To quote the latter:
GANs are an interesting idea that were first introduced in 2014 by a
group of researchers at the University of Montreal lead by Ian
Goodfellow (now at OpenAI). The main idea behind a GAN is to have two
competing neural network models. One takes noise as input and
generates samples (and so is called the generator). The other model
(called the discriminator) receives samples from both the generator
and the training data, and has to be able to distinguish between the
two sources. These two networks play a continuous game, where the
generator is learning to produce more and more realistic samples, and
the discriminator is learning to get better and better at
distinguishing generated data from real data. These two networks are
trained simultaneously, and the hope is that the competition will
drive the generated samples to be indistinguishable from real data.
(DC)GAN should fit your task quite well.


Design of a Neural Network for Emotion Classification using Tweet Data

I have a dataset of four emotion labelled tweets (anger, joy, fear, sadness). For instance, I transformed tweets to a vector similar to the following input vector for anger:
Mean of frequency distribution to anger tokens
word2vec similarity to anger
Mean of anger in emotion lexicon
Mean of anger in hashtag lexicon
Is that vector valid to train a neural network?
Your input vector looks fine to start with. Of-course, you might later make it much advanced with statistical and derivative data from twitter or other relevant APIs or datasets.
Your network has four outputs, just like you mentioned:
Joy: [1,0,0,0]
Sadness: [0,1,0,0]
Fear: [0,0,1,0]
Anger: [0,0,0,1]
And you may consider adding multiple hidden layers and make it a deep network, if you wish, to increase stability of your neural network prototype.
As your question also shows, it may be best to have a good preprocessor and feature extraction system, prior to training and testing your data, which it certainly seems you know, where the project is going.
Great project, best wishes, thank you for your good question and welcome to!
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Using a learned Artificial Neural Network to solve inputs

I've recently been delving into artificial neural networks again, both evolved and trained. I had a question regarding what methods, if any, to solve for inputs that would result in a target output set. Is there a name for this? Everything I try to look for leads me to backpropagation which isn't necessarily what I need. In my search, the closest thing I've come to expressing my question is
Is it possible to run a neural network in reverse?
Which told me that there, indeed, would be many solutions for networks that had varying numbers of nodes for the layers and they would not be trivial to solve for. I had the idea of just marching toward an ideal set of inputs using the weights that have been established during learning. Does anyone else have experience doing something like this?
In order to elaborate:
Say you have a network with 401 input nodes which represents a 20x20 grayscale image and a bias, two hidden layers consisting of 100+25 nodes, as well as 6 output nodes representing a classification (symbols, roman numerals, etc).
After training a neural network so that it can classify with an acceptable error, I would like to run the network backwards. This would mean I would input a classification in the output that I would like to see, and the network would imagine a set of inputs that would result in the expected output. So for the roman numeral example, this could mean that I would request it to run the net in reverse for the symbol 'X' and it would generate an image that would resemble what the net thought an 'X' looked like. In this way, I could get a good idea of the features it learned to separate the classifications. I feel as it would be very beneficial in understanding how ANNs function and learn in the grand scheme of things.
For a simple feed-forward fully connected NN, it is possible to project hidden unit activation into pixel space by taking inverse of activation function (for example Logit for sigmoid units), dividing it by sum of incoming weights and then multiplying that value by weight of each pixel. That will give visualization of average pattern, recognized by this hidden unit. Summing up these patterns for each hidden unit will result in average pattern, that corresponds to this particular set of hidden unit activities.Same procedure can be in principle be applied to to project output activations into hidden unit activity patterns.
This is indeed useful for analyzing what features NN learned in image recognition. For more complex methods you can take a look at this paper (besides everything it contains examples of patterns that NN can learn).
You can not exactly run NN in reverse, because it does not remember all information from source image - only patterns that it learned to detect. So network cannot "imagine a set inputs". However, it possible to sample probability distribution (taking weight as probability of activation of each pixel) and produce a set of patterns that can be recognized by particular neuron.
I know that you can, and I am working on a solution now. I have some code on my github here for imagining the inputs of a neural network that classifies the handwritten digits of the MNIST dataset, but I don't think it is entirely correct. Right now, I simply take a trained network and my desired output and multiply backwards by the learned weights at each layer until I have a value for inputs. This is skipping over the activation function and may have some other errors, but I am getting pretty reasonable images out of it. For example, this is the result of the trained network imagining a 3: number 3
Yes, you can run a probabilistic NN in reverse to get it to 'imagine' inputs that would match an output it's been trained to categorise.
I highly recommend Geoffrey Hinton's coursera course on NN's here:
He demonstrates in his introductory video a NN imagining various "2"s that it would recognise having been trained to identify the numerals 0 through 9. It's very impressive!
I think it's basically doing exactly what you're looking to do.

How do neural networks handle large images where the area of interest is small?

If I've understood correctly, when training neural networks to recognize objects in images it's common to map single pixel to a single input layer node. However, sometimes we might have a large picture with only a small area of interest. For example, if we're training a neural net to recognize traffic signs, we might have images where the traffic sign covers only a small portion of it, while the rest is taken by the road, trees, sky etc. Creating a neural net which tries to find a traffic sign from every position seems extremely expensive.
My question is, are there any specific strategies to handle these sort of situations with neural networks, apart from preprocessing the image?
Using 1 pixel per input node is usually not done. What enters your network is the feature vector and as such you should input actual features, not raw data. Inputing raw data (with all its noise) will not only lead to bad classification but training will take longer than necessary.
In short: preprocessing is unavoidable. You need a more abstract representation of your data. There are hundreds of ways to deal with the problem you're asking. Let me give you some popular approaches.
1) Image proccessing to find regions of interest. When detecting traffic signs a common strategy is to use edge detection (i.e. convolution with some filter), apply some heuristics, use a threshold filter and isolate regions of interest (blobs, strongly connected components etc) which are taken as input to the network.
2) Applying features without any prior knowledge or image processing. Viola/Jones use a specific image representation, from which they can compute features in a very fast way. Their framework has been shown to work in real-time. (I know their original work doesn't state NNs but I applied their features to Multilayer Perceptrons in my thesis, so you can use it with any classifier, really.)
3) Deep Learning.
Learning better representations of the data can be incorporated into the neural network itself. These approaches are amongst the most popular researched atm. Since this is a very large topic, I can only give you some keywords so that you can research it on your own. Autoencoders are networks that learn efficient representations. It is possible to use them with conventional ANNs. Convolutional Neural Networks seem a bit sophisticated at first sight but they are worth checking out. Before the actual classification of a neural network, they have alternating layers of subwindow convolution (edge detection) and resampling. CNNs are currently able to achieve some of the best results in OCR.
In every scenario you have to ask yourself: Am I 1) giving my ANN a representation that has all the data it needs to do the job (a representation that is not too abstract) and 2) keeping too much noise away (and thus staying abstract enough).
We usually dont use fully connected network to deal with image because the number of units in the input layer will be huge. In neural network, we have specific neural network to deal with image which is Convolutional neural network(CNN).
However, CNN plays a role of feature extractor. The encoded feature will finally feed into a fully connected network which act as a classifier. In your case, I dont know how small your object is compare to the full image. But if the interested object is really small, even use CNN, the performance for image classification wont be very good. Then we probably need to use object detection(which used sliding window) to deal with it.
If you want recognize small objects on large sized image, you should use "scanning window".
For "scanning window" you can to apply dimention reducing methods:

Which predictive modelling technique will be most helpful?

I have a training dataset which gives me the ranking of various cricket players(2008) on the basis of their performance in the past years(2005-2007).
I've to develop a model using this data and then apply it on another dataset to predict the ranking of players(2012) using the data already given to me(2009-2011).
Which predictive modelling will be best for this? What are the pros and cons of using the different forms of regression or neural networks?
The type of model to use depends on different factors:
Amount of data: if you have very little data, you better opt for a simple prediction model like linear regression. If you use a prediction model which is too powerful you run into the risk of over-fitting your model with the effect that it generalizes bad on new data. Now you might ask, what is little data? That depends on the number of input dimensions and on the underlying distributions of your data.
Your experience with the model. Neural networks can be quite tricky to handle if you have little experience with them. There are quite a few parameters to be optimized, like the network layer structure, the number of iterations, the learning rate, the momentum term, just to mention a few. Linear prediction is a lot easier to handle with respect to this "meta-optimization"
A pragmatic approach for you, if you still cannot opt for one of the methods, would be to evaluate a couple of different prediction methods. You take some of your data where you already have target values (the 2008 data), split it into training and test data (take some 10% as test data, e.g.), train and test using cross-validation and compute the error rate by comparing the predicted values with the target values you already have.
One great book, which is also on the web, is Pattern recognition and machine learning by C. Bishop. It has a great introductory section on prediction models.
Which predictive modelling will be best for this? 2. What are the pros
and cons of using the different forms of regression or neural
"What is best" depends on the resources you have. Full Bayesian Networks (or k-Dependency Bayesian Networks) with information theoretically learned graphs, are the ultimate 'assumptionless' models, and often perform extremely well. Sophisticated Neural Networks can perform impressively well too. The problem with such models is that they can be very computationally expensive, so models that employ methods of approximation may be more appropriate. There are mathematical similarities connecting regression, neural networks and bayesian networks.
Regression is actually a simple form of Neural Networks with some additional assumptions about the data. Neural Networks can be constructed to make less assumptions about the data, but as Thomas789 points out at the cost of being considerably more difficult to understand (sometimes monumentally difficult to debug).
As a rule of thumb - the more assumptions and approximations in a model the easier it is to A: understand and B: find the computational power necessary, but potentially at the cost of performance or "overfitting" (this is when a model suits the training data well, but doesn't extrapolate to the general case).
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Optimization of Neural Network input data

I'm trying to build an app to detect images which are advertisements from the webpages. Once I detect those I`ll not be allowing those to be displayed on the client side.
Basically I'm using Back-propagation algorithm to train the neural network using the dataset given here:
But in that dataset no. of attributes are very high. In fact one of the mentors of the project told me that If you train the Neural Network with that many attributes, it'll take lots of time to get trained. So is there a way to optimize the input dataset? Or I just have to use that many attributes?
1558 is actually a modest number of features/attributes. The # of instances(3279) is also small. The problem is not on the dataset side, but on the training algorithm side.
ANN is slow in training, I'd suggest you to use a logistic regression or svm. Both of them are very fast to train. Especially, svm has a lot of fast algorithms.
In this dataset, you are actually analyzing text, but not image. I think a linear family classifier, i.e. logistic regression or svm, is better for your job.
If you are using for production and you cannot use open source code. Logistic regression is very easy to implement compared to a good ANN and SVM.
If you decide to use logistic regression or SVM, I can future recommend some articles or source code for you to refer.
If you're actually using a backpropagation network with 1558 input nodes and only 3279 samples, then the training time is the least of your problems: Even if you have a very small network with only one hidden layer containing 10 neurons, you have 1558*10 weights between the input layer and the hidden layer. How can you expect to get a good estimate for 15580 degrees of freedom from only 3279 samples? (And that simple calculation doesn't even take the "curse of dimensionality" into account)
You have to analyze your data to find out how to optimize it. Try to understand your input data: Which (tuples of) features are (jointly) statistically significant? (use standard statistical methods for this) Are some features redundant? (Principal component analysis is a good stating point for this.) Don't expect the artificial neural network to do that work for you.
Also: remeber Duda&Hart's famous "no-free-lunch-theorem": No classification algorithm works for every problem. And for any classification algorithm X, there is a problem where flipping a coin leads to better results than X. If you take this into account, deciding what algorithm to use before analyzing your data might not be a smart idea. You might well have picked the algorithm that actually performs worse than blind guessing on your specific problem! (By the way: Duda&Hart&Storks's book about pattern classification is a great starting point to learn about this, if you haven't read it yet.)
aplly a seperate ANN for each category of features
for example
457 inputs 1 output for url terms ( ANN1 )
495 inputs 1 output for origurl ( ANN2 )
then train all of them
use another main ANN to join results