Design of a Neural Network for Emotion Classification using Tweet Data - neural-network

I have a dataset of four emotion labelled tweets (anger, joy, fear, sadness). For instance, I transformed tweets to a vector similar to the following input vector for anger:
Mean of frequency distribution to anger tokens
word2vec similarity to anger
Mean of anger in emotion lexicon
Mean of anger in hashtag lexicon
Is that vector valid to train a neural network?

Your input vector looks fine to start with. Of-course, you might later make it much advanced with statistical and derivative data from twitter or other relevant APIs or datasets.
Your network has four outputs, just like you mentioned:
Joy: [1,0,0,0]
Sadness: [0,1,0,0]
Fear: [0,0,1,0]
Anger: [0,0,0,1]
And you may consider adding multiple hidden layers and make it a deep network, if you wish, to increase stability of your neural network prototype.
As your question also shows, it may be best to have a good preprocessor and feature extraction system, prior to training and testing your data, which it certainly seems you know, where the project is going.
Great project, best wishes, thank you for your good question and welcome to!
Playground Tensorflow


Predict a number with a given image (0 to 1)

I am a total beginner to ML and Neural networks. I am currently working on a project where I have a lot of pictures stored in a MongoDB database. Each one of those pictures has a number from 0 to 1. For example "picture 1" 0.71.
I want to train my model given the database. The main goal for the project is that after the model is finished and trained, given an image the model will be able to return(predict) a number from 0 to 1. After doing some research and asking a few people I figured out some libraries that would be useful for the project are: Tenserflow and Keras. Some people told me that it is impossible, but I'm not sure therefore I came to ask here.
So my questions are: Is it possible? If so, how can I implement it? Are there any specific tools you recommend? If you specify a way that I should use for my project do I need to export my MongoDB database in a certain form? Since I am a beginner maybe there are some tutorials that you think that can help?
I'm sorry if this question is a bit too general, if there are any misunderstandings please comment and I will try to answer.
Thanks in advance!
What you want to do is totally feasible, this kind of project is called regression, since you are using images data the best type of models are called convolutional neural network (CNN), you'll need some understanding if you want to build your own model. I've done a project where I had to predict a number of bacterial colonies using an image, much like your problem except that I had no boundaries on the predicted values.
What is a CNN ? Here is a link
Basically a CNN will understand the features in the images and will use those features to predict a value.
You won't need to create your own model, most people just use well-designed one in the scientific litterature.
Go for keras, it's the easiest framework out there and work like a charm. Here is how to implement VGG16 (an architecture that is probably the best for your problem) : link
You should follow this tutorial to get going on developing with keras.
Last hint: don't use the same last layer as the one on the VGG16 implementation, use a Dense Layer with one neuron and with a sigmoid/linear/leaky relu activation.
#model.add(Dense(1000, activation='softmax'))
model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
This means : predict 1 number (sigmoid will bound it between 0 and 1, but maybe lrelu or linear is better)
Also, I guess you could use MongoDB to read the images as arrays, but I would just put the images on a folder.
Edit : When compiling the model, use a mean squared error as in
adam = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=1e-4)
model.compile(optimizer=adam, loss='mse')
Here you have the "hello world program" in terms of neural networks and digits classification. You can start studying it because I think you will end up with a similar architecture for your NN. What you should focus on is the output of your model, because in this example they are performing classification on 10 classes (digits from 0 to 9) but you are trying to read a real number. You could try to use a single neurone with sigmoid or linear activation at the end of your model.

Use a trained neural network to imitate its training data

I'm in the overtures of designing a prose imitation system. It will read a bunch of prose, then mimic it. It's mostly for fun so the mimicking prose doesn't need to make too much sense, but I'd like to make it as good as I can, with a minimal amount of effort.
My first idea is to use my example prose to train a classifying feed-forward neural network, which classifies its input as either part of the training data or not part. Then I'd like to somehow invert the neural network, finding new random inputs that also get classified by the trained network as being part of the training data. The obvious and stupid way of doing this is to randomly generate word lists and only output the ones that get classified above a certain threshold, but I think there is a better way, using the network itself to limit the search to certain regions of the input space. For example, maybe you could start with a random vector and do gradient descent optimisation to find a local maximum around the random starting point. Is there a word for this kind of imitation process? What are some of the known methods?
How about Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN, Goodfellow 2014) and their more advanced siblings like Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks? There are plenty of proper research articles out there, and also more gentle introductions like this one on DCGAN and this on GAN. To quote the latter:
GANs are an interesting idea that were first introduced in 2014 by a
group of researchers at the University of Montreal lead by Ian
Goodfellow (now at OpenAI). The main idea behind a GAN is to have two
competing neural network models. One takes noise as input and
generates samples (and so is called the generator). The other model
(called the discriminator) receives samples from both the generator
and the training data, and has to be able to distinguish between the
two sources. These two networks play a continuous game, where the
generator is learning to produce more and more realistic samples, and
the discriminator is learning to get better and better at
distinguishing generated data from real data. These two networks are
trained simultaneously, and the hope is that the competition will
drive the generated samples to be indistinguishable from real data.
(DC)GAN should fit your task quite well.

Multiclass Classifiers

I am working on a audio multi class classification problem (noise,vessels,2 types of animals) by using MFCC features. I am getting different results with different classifiers. I tried Bayesian type, Artificial Neural Networks, MSVM and decision trees.
Can anybody tell me what are the strengths and weaknesses of each of those 4 classifiers?
Many thanks
There is no “best” classifier
Averaged over all possible types of data distributions,
all classifi ers perform the same. Th us, we cannot say which algorithm
... is the “best”. Over any given data distribution or set of
data distributions, however, there is usually a best classifi er. Th us, when
faced with real data it’s a good idea to try many classifi ers. Consider
your purpose: Is it just to get the right score, or is it to interpret the
data? Do you seek fast computation, small memory requirements, or
confi dence bounds on the decisions? Diff erent classifi ers have diff erent
properties along these dimensions.
Learning OpenCV page 465

Neuroph Vs Encog

I have decided to use a feed-forward NN with back-propagation training for my OCR application for Handwritten text and the input layer is going to be with 32*32 (1024) neurones and at least 8-12 out put neurones.
I found Neuroph easy to use by reading some articles at the same time Encog is few times better in performance. Considering the parameters in my scenario which API is the most suitable one. And I appreciate if u can comment on the number of input nodes i have taken, is it too large value (Although it is out of the topic)
First my disclaimer, I am one of the main developers on the Encog project. This means I am more familiar with Encog that Neuroph and perhaps biased towards it. In my opinion, the relative strengths of each are as follows. Encog supports quite a few interchangeable machine learning methods and training methods. Neuroph is VERY focused on neural networks and you can express a connection between just about anything. So if you are going to create very custom/non-standard (research) neural networks of different typologies than the typical Elman/Jordan, NEAT, HyperNEAT, Feedforward type networks, then Neuroph will fit the bill nicely.

Optimization of Neural Network input data

I'm trying to build an app to detect images which are advertisements from the webpages. Once I detect those I`ll not be allowing those to be displayed on the client side.
Basically I'm using Back-propagation algorithm to train the neural network using the dataset given here:
But in that dataset no. of attributes are very high. In fact one of the mentors of the project told me that If you train the Neural Network with that many attributes, it'll take lots of time to get trained. So is there a way to optimize the input dataset? Or I just have to use that many attributes?
1558 is actually a modest number of features/attributes. The # of instances(3279) is also small. The problem is not on the dataset side, but on the training algorithm side.
ANN is slow in training, I'd suggest you to use a logistic regression or svm. Both of them are very fast to train. Especially, svm has a lot of fast algorithms.
In this dataset, you are actually analyzing text, but not image. I think a linear family classifier, i.e. logistic regression or svm, is better for your job.
If you are using for production and you cannot use open source code. Logistic regression is very easy to implement compared to a good ANN and SVM.
If you decide to use logistic regression or SVM, I can future recommend some articles or source code for you to refer.
If you're actually using a backpropagation network with 1558 input nodes and only 3279 samples, then the training time is the least of your problems: Even if you have a very small network with only one hidden layer containing 10 neurons, you have 1558*10 weights between the input layer and the hidden layer. How can you expect to get a good estimate for 15580 degrees of freedom from only 3279 samples? (And that simple calculation doesn't even take the "curse of dimensionality" into account)
You have to analyze your data to find out how to optimize it. Try to understand your input data: Which (tuples of) features are (jointly) statistically significant? (use standard statistical methods for this) Are some features redundant? (Principal component analysis is a good stating point for this.) Don't expect the artificial neural network to do that work for you.
Also: remeber Duda&Hart's famous "no-free-lunch-theorem": No classification algorithm works for every problem. And for any classification algorithm X, there is a problem where flipping a coin leads to better results than X. If you take this into account, deciding what algorithm to use before analyzing your data might not be a smart idea. You might well have picked the algorithm that actually performs worse than blind guessing on your specific problem! (By the way: Duda&Hart&Storks's book about pattern classification is a great starting point to learn about this, if you haven't read it yet.)
aplly a seperate ANN for each category of features
for example
457 inputs 1 output for url terms ( ANN1 )
495 inputs 1 output for origurl ( ANN2 )
then train all of them
use another main ANN to join results