procedureFormat in project element is having no affect - codefluent

I would like all stored procedures generated from the model to have the name prefixed with "cf_". I added procedureFormat="cf_{0}" to the project element. However, it did not work. Is there something else I'm missing?
Below is the project element:
<cf:project defaultNamespace="DemoNaming" xmlns:cf="" xmlns:cfx="" xmlns:cfps="" xmlns:cfom="" xmlns:cfasp="" defaultConnectionString="Database=DemoNaming;Server=.\DEV_SQL_1;Integrated Security=true" createDefaultMethodForms="true" createDefaultApplication="false" createDefaultHints="false" procedureFormat="cf_{0}">

You forgot to define the naming convention to use, so CodeFluent Entities uses the BaseNamingConvention.
From the documentation, you must set the namingConventionTypeName attribute to CodeFluent.Model.Naming.FormatNamingConvention, CodeFluent.Model:
FormatNamingConvention derives from the BaseNamingConvention class and adds format capabilities and is used as the base class to all other out-of-the-box naming conventions.
namingConventionTypeName="CodeFluent.Model.Naming.FormatNamingConvention, CodeFluent.Model"

BONUS CODE - Changing the naming convention does not delete the old stored procedures, which is probably a good thing. The following query will create a drop statement for each of the old stored procedures. To use, run it in SQL Management Studio, click the column from the result tab and copy to clipboard. Then paste in a new query window.


How to use LIKE Keyword in sql scratch pad within EA

I would like to get an object from t_object if its keyword contains word "Test" . Even if has "Testing" or "Tested" i need to get that data rom row .
In sql we can use LIKE keyword. But how to use it inside EA SQL Scratch Pad ..?
SELECT * FROM t_object where t_object.PDATA5 like '%Test%'
The above is not working within EA.
Depends on the RDBMS. If you use EAP the wild card is *. Most others use %. But Mickeysoft always implements its own flavors.
(See also chap. 13 of my Inside book.)

When to use $ vs #?

I am confused about using $ vs #. I didn't found any guides for this. I used them as
name = #{name}, name like '%${word}%', order by name ${orderAs},where name = #{word}
Sometimes , these are work fine but at the sometimes , parameters aren't included or gave me error like
org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ReflectionException: There is no getter
for property named 'name'.......
So, I'd like to know when to use $ or # ?
Following the myBatis guidelines #{} is used in your sql statements.
If you take a look any of MyBatis Reference in the Section Mapper XML Files it says explicity:
Notice the parameter notation:
Otherwise ${} is for
1- Configuration properties.
For example:
<properties resource="org/mybatis/example/">
<property name="username" value="dev_user"/>
<property name="password" value="F2Fa3!33TYyg"/>
Then the properties can be used like next:
<dataSource type="POOLED">
<property name="username" value="${username}"/>
<property name="password" value="${password}"/>
2- String Substitution ${} (Parameters section):
By default, using the #{} syntax will cause MyBatis to generate
PreparedStatement properties and set the values safely against the
PreparedStatement parameters (e.g. ?). While this is safer, faster and
almost always preferred, sometimes you just want to directly inject a
string unmodified into the SQL Statement. For example, for ORDER BY,
you might use something like this:
ORDER BY ${columnName}
Here MyBatis won't modify or escape the string.
NOTE It's not safe to accept input from a user and supply it to a
statement unmodified in this way. This leads to potential SQL
Injection attacks and therefore you should either disallow user input
in these fields, or always perform your own escapes and checks.
So definitively in name like '%${word}%' ororder by name ${orderAs}` you need to use String substitution not a prepared statement.
This (${} - simple variable)
SELECT * from user where usernum = ${usernum}
translates into this
SELECT * from user where usernum = 666
, but this (#{} - equivalent to PreparedStatement in JDBC)
SELECT * from user where usernum = #{usernum}
translates into
SELECT * from user where usernum = ?
, so the best usage would be something like
SELECT * from ${tablename} where name = #{name}
I was also confused with this . Then I did some research. I had a query which is something like select * from tablename h where in ibatis. Then I had to migrate it into mybatis 3 . The same statement didnt work. So I had changed it into select * from tablename h where{userid}

SQLRPGLE DB2 Select into variable

I'm having problems with my query returning errors. What I have at this moment is this:
comi C X'7D'
SqlQuery S 500A
VarSel S 10A
VarSel = *blanks;
SqlQuery = 'select USU into VarSel from FXXUSELN ' +
'where USU = upper(' + comi + %trim(pusuario) +
comi + ') and PWDUSU = upper(' + comi +
%trim(ppassword) + comi + ')';
Exec SQL execute immediate :SqlQuery;
psqlcod = sqlcod;
But when I try to debug that code, it returns -084: UNACCEPTABLE SQL STATEMENT as sqlcod. Printing the SqlQuery variable in the debugger call I get this string, which seems to be correct:
select USU into VarSel from FXXUSELN where USU = upper('usua
rio') and PWDUSU = upper('password')
Anybody knows how to solve this problem so I can make a login stored procedure? Thanks in advance.
The problem is that SELECT INTO can not be dynamically prepared.
If you look at the Invocation section of SELECT INTO in the manual you'll see:
This statement can only be embedded in an application program. It is an executable statement that cannot be dynamically prepared. It must not be specified in REXX.
Also note the following Actions Allowed on SQL Statements section of appendix B in the manual which summarizes where/how each statement may be used.
Finally, if what you tried had worked, you'd have opened yourself up to SQL Injection attacks. Generally speaking, for any DB you should avoid dynamic SQL. If you must use dynamic SQL, then you should use parameter makers instead of directly concatenating user input into the string.
In your case, there's no need for dynamic SQL if the first place. Static SQL is easier, safer, and allows the use of SELECT INTO
exec SQL
select USU into :VarSel from FXXUSELN
where USU = upper(:pusuario)
and PWDUSU = upper(:ppassword);

How do I rename a tSQLt test class?

I'm developing a database using the Red Gate SQL Developer tools. SQL Test, the SSMS add-in that runs tSQLt tests, lacks a way to rename test classes.
I have a test called [BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests].[test uspMaintainCustomerPermissions throws error when PermissionValue is missing or empty].
The name is so long it breaks Deployment Manager.
2013-12-05 18:48:40 +00:00 ERROR The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
There are other unwieldly test names in this class, so I want to start by shortening the class name.
A more succinct class name would be CustomerTests.
sp_rename is no help here.
EXECUTE sys.sp_rename
#objname = N'BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests',
#newname = N'CustomerTests';
Msg 15225, Level 11, State 1, Procedure sp_rename, Line 374
No item by the name of 'BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests' could be found in the current database 'ApiServices', given that #itemtype was input as '(null)'.
How do I change it?
tSQLt test classes are schemas with a special extended property.
Cade Roux's great solution for renaming schemas is to create a new schema, transfer all the objects, then drop the old schema.
If we did that here we'd lose the extended property.
Let's adapt it for the tSQLt framework.
How to rename a tSQLt test class
Create a new test class.
EXECUTE tSQLt.NewTestClass
#ClassName = 'CustomerTests';
You should see the old class and the new class together in the tSQLt.TestClasses view.
FROM tSQLt.TestClasses;
Name SchemaId
----------------------------------------- ----------
SQLCop 7
BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests 10
CustomerTests 14
Cade used Chris Shaffer's select variable concatenation trick to build a list of transfer statements, and print the result.
SELECT #sql = #sql +
N'ALTER SCHEMA CustomerTests
TRANSFER BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests.' + QUOTENAME(name) + N';' +
CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
FROM sys.objects
WHERE SCHEMA_NAME([schema_id]) = N'BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests';
PRINT #sql;
Ugly, but effective.
Copy the output and execute as a new query.
ALTER SCHEMA CustomerTests
TRANSFER BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests.[test uspMaintainCustomer validate merged data];
ALTER SCHEMA CustomerTests
TRANSFER BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests.[test uspMaintainCustomerPermissions throws error when PermissionValue is missing or empty];
I've shown only two tests here, but it should work for all of them.
Now drop the old test class.
#ClassName = N'BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests';
The old class should be gone from view.
FROM tSQLt.TestClasses;
Name SchemaId
----------------------------------------- ----------
SQLCop 7
CustomerTests 14
Run all your tests again to check that it worked.
|Test Execution Summary|
|No|Test Case Name |Result |
|1|[CustomerTests].[test uspMaintainCustomer throws error on missing APIKey] |Success|
|2|[CustomerTests].[test uspMaintainCustomerPermissions validate merged data] |Success|
|3|[SQLCop].[test Decimal Size Problem] |Success|
|4|[SQLCop].[test Procedures Named SP_] |Success|
|5|[SQLCop].[test Procedures using dynamic SQL without sp_executesql] |Success|
|6|[SQLCop].[test Procedures with ##Identity] |Success|
|7|[SQLCop].[test Procedures With SET ROWCOUNT] |Success|
Test Case Summary: 7 test case(s) executed, 7 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored.
Sorry to come into this so late! I'm a developer who's working on SQL Test.
We've just added the ability to rename test classes to the latest version of SQL Test.
It's now as simple as right clicking on the context menu for a test class, or pressing F2:
Please bear in mind that this option will not appear for old versions of tSQLt. To upgrade, right click on the database to uninstall the framework, then do Add database... to re-add it (the right-most button in the window):
Alternatively, you could just call a new procedure in tSQLt called tSQLt.RenameClass, which is what SQL Test calls behind the scenes.
Please let us know if you have any issues with this!
What is your workflow like? If you have all your tests for that test class in one script with exec tSQLt.NewTestClass 'BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests' then you can just find and replace the testclass name and you are done.
EXEC tSQLt.DropClass 'BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests'
EXEC tSQLt.NewTestClass 'CustomerTests'
CREATE PROC [CustomerTests].[test_Insert_AddsACustomer]
etc, etc
This will work because the EXEC tSQLt.NewTestClass 'CustomerTests' will drop all objects in the testclass and they will be recreated as the rest of the script runs.
Simplest is probably:
EXEC tSQLt.RenameClass 'old test class name', 'new test class name';
See the tSQLt docs for RenameClass
It seems Red-gate have added that ability to SQL Test since this question was posted, but the raw SQL code is somehow leaner and cleaner (whether or not you use the excellent SQL Test)

Specifying a DB table dynamically? Is it possible?

I am writing a BSP and based on user-input I need to select data from different DB tables. These tables are in different packages. Is it possible to specify the table I want to use, based on its path, like this:
data: path1 type string value 'package1/DbTableName',
path2 type string value 'package2/OtherDbTableName',
table_to_use type string.
if some condition
table_to_use = path1.
elseif some condition
table_to_use = path2.
select *
from table_to_use
I am new to ABAP & Open SQL and am aware this could be an easy/silly question :) Any help at all would be very much appreciated!
You can define the name of the table to use in a variable, and then use the variable in the FROM close of your request :
data tableName type tabname.
if <some condition>.
select * from (tableName) where ...
there are a few limitation to this method, as the stable can not contains fields of type RAWSTRING, STRING or SSTRING.
as for the fact that the table are in different package, i don't think it matters.