How to use LIKE Keyword in sql scratch pad within EA - enterprise-architect

I would like to get an object from t_object if its keyword contains word "Test" . Even if has "Testing" or "Tested" i need to get that data rom row .
In sql we can use LIKE keyword. But how to use it inside EA SQL Scratch Pad ..?
SELECT * FROM t_object where t_object.PDATA5 like '%Test%'
The above is not working within EA.

Depends on the RDBMS. If you use EAP the wild card is *. Most others use %. But Mickeysoft always implements its own flavors.
(See also chap. 13 of my Inside book.)


Simple `to_tsvector` configuration - postgres

How can I change the to_tsvector configuration to use a simple tokenization rule like:
split by spaces only
Executing the following query:
SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'birthday=19770531 Name=John-Oliver Age=44 Code=AAA-345')
I get these lexemes:
'-345':9 '19770531':2 '44':6 'aaa':8 'age':5 'birthday':1 'code':7 'john':4 'name':3
The kind of searching I'm looking for is like:
(!birthday | birthday=19770531) & (code=AAA-345)
It means, get me all records that has a text "birthday=19770531" or doesn't have "birthday" at all, and a text equals to "code=AAA-345"). The way lexemes are being created it is not possible. I was expecting to have something like this:
'birthday=19770531':1 'age=44':2 'code=aaa-345':4 'name=john-oliver':3
You would have to code a custom parser. This can only be done in C.
But you might be able to use the existing testing parser test_parser, it seems to do what you want. If not, it would at least be a good starting point.
The problem may be that this is in src/test/modules/, and I don't think it ships with most installation packaging. So it might take some effort to get it to install. It would depend on your OS, version, and package manager.

Grafana (V7) adding variable in table name

I need to be able to use variables in table names - I basically have the same set of tables used for different types of data, so I would like to just have one dashboard and swapping between all types instead of always having to set up multiple identical dashboards.
My query is something like:
select * from table_$variable_name;
Where my list of possible variable is something like cat, dog, bird
I can seem to make this work, if I only put the variable as shown above I get the following error
Error 1146: Table 'table_$variable_name' doesn't exist
If I enclose it in curly brackets, I get this error instead.
Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '{bird}' at line 1
(i.e. with the selected variable actually being visible this time)
I'm not sure if the issue is having underscores in the table names, I tried putting underscores around my variables too to check and I had no luck with that.
Another thing I tried was gradually adding on to the table name, so e.g.
select * from table_$variable;
Still returns an error, but I can see the table name starting to form correctly
Error 1146: Table 'table_bird_' doesn't exist
However, as soon as I add another underscore, the variable is not picked up abymore
```Error 1146: Table 'table_$variable_' doesn't exist``
I'm sure it's something silly I am missing in the syntax of the query - anyone has any suggestions?
Using this for reference
As #arturomp suggests, use
At least in my case, this was the solution that worked.
I found double square brackets work. e.g.
Rather than
select * from table_$variable_name;
select * from table_[[variable_name]];

How to create element from API with name from appropriate sequence?

I'd like to use EA to generate Requirement elements programatically. I need to use the same sequence numbering (REQ00000xy), as with the GUI when pressing "Auto" button in "Add Element ..." dialog in order to keep´consistent numbering for Requirement elements created either from GUI or from API.
Selecting the last used sequence number from already existing Requierement elements won't help, as it don't move the sequence number up and next Requirement created from GUI .
Is there a way to get (and properly use) the sequence number via EA API or EA SQL?
The table you're looking for is t_trxtypes. This contains something like (EA's output)
Autocount;1,00;prefix=bla;suffix=x;active=1;active_a=0;counter=126;;Class;1; ;
You're interested in the column Notes which holds as CSV list like
This is a test setting for a class which currently has the number 126. So the next created class would be named bla126x and the entry would change to
Just keep the columne t_trxtypes.notes in synch with your creations.
Note EA does not (seem to) allow direct DB access. However, it has a proven back door:
Repository.Execute("UPDATE t_trxtypes SET Notes='prefix=bla;suffix=x;active=1;active_a=0;counter=127;' WHERE TRX_ID=<your id>")
will do the update (replace <your id> with the appropriate key). Though Execute is undocumented it works ever since and for sure Sparx will not limit it as nowadays everyone relies on it.
As a side note: This counter is not safe. There are lots of ways (the easiest is a simple rename) to break it. You'd need some script/add-in to have regular checks your numbering is still consistent. If you rely on requirement numbering you better use an external system like, I dare to say, DOORS.
Finally, RTFM....
For elements, where sequence is defined, if you use empty name in set =AddNew() function, EA generates the sequence upon .Update(). Not earlier. So if you plan to use the generated sequence and add some description, you need to create the element with empty name first, then Update() it and after that append your description to the content of the Name field.
As easy as this.

how to use for each loop in Progress?

Basically i'm trying to do a simple join. I'm a beginner in progress and even if i'm reading always the same things... my problem still unresolved ! :'(
I'm using unixodbc to communicate with my base and this is working like a charm when i'm using simple command like : SELECT * from PUB."Art"
I understood I have to do something who looks like that to join 2 tables :
FOR EACH PUB."Art" WHERE (PUB."Art".IdArt = 16969) ,
EACH PUB."ArtDet" WHERE (PUB."ArtDet".IdArt = PUB."Art".IdArt)
But this only return me [ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLPrepare
I then try to simplify the thing with :
for each PUB."Art": display PUB."Art".IdArt end.
I try to put colon (or not) after the for each loop, using point / comma etc... but I never use the right syntax apparently... or I'm missing a thing to execute this command !
Is anyone can advice me ?
Thx a lot !
You appear to mixing SQL and 4GL syntax.
"FOR EACH" is 4GL. The SQL equivalent is "SELECT".
(If you are using 4GL you do not need then "PUB" prefix and quoting table and field names will not work.)
To do a join with SQL (or the 4GL) use a "," between the table names. For SQL your syntax would look something like:
SELECT * from PUB."Art", PUB."ArtDet"
Gory details regarding WHERE clauses, SQL INNER & OUTER joins etc. can be found in the online documentation:
You will want to navigate to your specific release and then find the "SQL" guide.

Multiple Search in SSRS when using only a part of the field

I Have created a stored procedure:
#DeviceID nvarchar(20) =''
left(amd.Deviceid,len(#DeviceID)) in (#DeviceID)
The length of amd.Deviceid is about 15 characters
In Visual Studio I create a parameter #DeviceID and when I am entering e.g ABCDE ( the first 5 characters from Deviceid) everything is working perfect.
the problem is that I want to put multiple values like
jhmcl*, jhmgd*.
So I created my own little version of your report and I believe the problem is your LEN() function. I'm surprised it doesn't return an error because it errors out in Report Builder for SQL Server 2014(simple version of SSRS). I would test what your LEN(#DeviceID) is returning. I would bet it's not returning the correct value. Instead you might try this to cover every possible pattern. I don't know how it will work performance wise.
FROM YourTable
WHERE LEN(DeviceID,1) IN (#DeviceID)
OR LEN(DeviceID,2) IN (#DeviceID)
OR LEN(DeviceID,3) IN (#DeviceID)
OR LEN(DeviceID,15),IN(#DeviceID)