Combining files - scala

I am new to scala. I have two RDD's and I need to separate out my training and testing data. In one file I have all the data and in another just the testing data. I need to remove the testing data from my complete data set.
The complete data file is of the format(userID,MovID,Rating,Timestamp):
res8: Array[String] = Array(1, 31, 2.5, 1260759144)
The test data file is of the format(userID,MovID):
res10: Array[String] = Array(1, 1172)
How do I generate ratings_train that will not have the caes matched with the testing dataset
I am using the following function but the returned list is showing empty:
def create_training(data: RDD[String], ratings_test: RDD[String]): ListBuffer[Array[String]] = {
val ratings_split = dropheader(data).map(line => line.split(","))
val ratings_testing = dropheader(ratings_test).map(line => line.split(",")).collect()
var ratings_train = new ListBuffer[Array[String]]()
ratings_split.foreach(x => {
ratings_testing.foreach(y => {
if (x(0) != y(0) || x(1) != y(1)) {
ratings_train += x
return ratings_train
EDIT: changed code but running into memory issues.

This may work.
def create_training(data: RDD[String], ratings_test: RDD[String]): Array[Array[String]] = {
val ratings_split = dropheader(data).map(line => line.split(","))
val ratings_testing = dropheader(ratings_test).map(line => line.split(","))
ratings_split.filter(x => {
ratings_testing.exists(y =>
(x(0) == y(0) && x(1) == y(1))
) == false
The code snippets you posted are not logically correct. A row will only be part of the final data if it has no presence in the test data. But in the code you picked the row if it does not match with any of the test data. But we should check whether it does not match with all of the test data and then only we can decide whether it is a valid row or not.
You are using RDD, but now exploring the full power of them. I guess you are reading the input from a csv file. Then you can structure your data in the RDD, no need to spit the string based on comma character and manually processing them as ROW. You can take a look at the DataFrame API of spark. These links may help: ,
Using Regex:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// creating test data set
val data = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
// "userID, MovID, Rating, Timestamp",
"1, 31, 2.5, 1260759144",
"2, 31, 2.5, 1260759144"))
val ratings_test = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
// "userID, MovID",
"1, 31",
"2, 30",
"30, 2"
val result = getData(data, ratings_test).collect()
// the result will only contain "2, 31, 2.5, 1260759144"
def getData(data: RDD[String], ratings_test: RDD[String]): RDD[String] = {
val ratings = dropheader(data)
val ratings_testing = dropheader(ratings_test)
// Broadcasting the test rating data to all spark nodes, since we are collecting this before hand.
// The reason we are collecting the test data is to avoid call collect in the filter logic
val ratings_testing_bc = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(ratings_testing.collect.toSet)
ratings.filter(rating => {
ratings_testing_bc.value.exists(testRating => regexMatch(rating, testRating)) == false
def regexMatch(data: String, testData: String): Boolean = {
// Regular expression to find first two columns
val regex = """^([^,]*), ([^,\r\n]*),?""".r
val (dataCol1, dataCol2) = regex findFirstIn data match {
case Some(regex(col1, col2)) => (col1, col2)
val (testDataCol1, testDataCol2) = regex findFirstIn testData match {
case Some(regex(col1, col2)) => (col1, col2)
(dataCol1 == testDataCol1) && (dataCol2 == testDataCol2)


Checking if elements of a tweets array contain one of the elements of positive words array and count

We are building sentiment analysis application and we converted our tweets dataframe to an array. We created another array consisting of positive words. But we cannot count the number of tweets containing one of those positive words. We tried these and we get 1 as result. It must be more than 1. Apparently it did not count:
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
var tweetDF ="hdfs:///sandbox/tutorial-files/770/tweets_staging/*")
var messages ="msg")
println("Total messages: " + messages.size)
val positive = Source.fromFile("/home/teslavm/positive.txt").getLines.toArray
var happyCount=0
for (e <- 0 until messages.size) {
for (f <- 0 until positive.size) {
if (messages(e).contains(positive(f))){
print("\nNumber of happy messages: " +happyCount)
This should work.
It has the advantage that you do not have to collect the result, as well as being more functional.
val messages ="msg").as[String]
val positiveWords =
.map(word => word.toLowerCase)
def hasPositiveWords(message: String): Boolean = {
val _message = message.toLowerCase
positiveWords.exists(word => _message.contains(word))
val positiveMessages = messages.filter(hasPositiveWords _)
I tested this code locally with:
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
val spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[*]").getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._
val tweetDF = List(
(1, "Yes I am happy"),
(2, "Sadness is a way of life"),
(3, "No, no, no, no, yes")
).toDF("id", "msg")
val positiveWords = List("yes", "happy")
And it worked.

not able to store result in hdfs when code runs for second iteration

Well I am new to spark and scala and have been trying to implement cleaning of data in spark. below code checks for the missing value for one column and stores it in outputrdd and runs loops for calculating missing value. code works well when there is only one missing value in file. Since hdfs does not allow writing again on the same location it fails if there are more than one missing value. can you please assist in writing finalrdd to particular location once calculating missing values for all occurrences is done.
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("app").setMaster("local")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
val files = sc.wholeTextFiles("/input/raw_files/")
val file = { case (filename, content) => filename }
file.collect.foreach(filename => {
def cleaningData(file: String) = {
//headers has column headers of the files
var hdr = headers.toString()
var vl = hdr.split("\t")
if (hdr.contains("COLUMN_HEADER")) {
//Checks for missing values in dataframe and stores missing values' in outputrdd
if (!outputrdd.isEmpty()) {"value is zero then performing further operation")
val outputdatetimedf = sqlContext.sql("select date,'/t',time from cpc where kwh = 0")
val outputdatetimerdd = outputdatetimedf.rdd
val strings = => row.mkString).collect()
for (i <- strings) {
if (Coddition check) {
//Calculates missing value and stores in finalrdd { x => x.mkString("\t") }.saveAsTextFile("/output")"file is written in file")
It is not clear how (Coddition check) works in your example.
In any case function .saveAsTextFile("/output") should be called only once.
So I would rewrite your example into this:
val strings = outputdatetimerdd
.map(row => row.mkString)
.collect() // perhaps '.collect()' is redundant
val finalrdd = strings
.filter(str => Coddition check str) //don't know how this Coddition works
.map (x => x.mkString("\t"))
// this part is called only once but not in a loop
finalrdd.saveAsTextFile("/output")"file is written in file")

Looping through Map Spark Scala

Within this code we have two files: athletes.csv that contains names, and twitter.test that contains the tweet message. We want to find name for every single line in the twitter.test that match the name in athletes.csv We applied map function to store the name from athletes.csv and want to iterate all of the name to all of the line in the test file.
object twitterAthlete {
def loadAthleteNames() : Map[String, String] = {
// Handle character encoding issues:
implicit val codec = Codec("UTF-8")
// Create a Map of Ints to Strings, and populate it from u.item.
var athleteInfo:Map[String, String] = Map()
//var movieNames:Map[Int, String] = Map()
val lines = Source.fromFile("../athletes.csv").getLines()
for (line <- lines) {
var fields = line.split(',')
if (fields.length > 1) {
athleteInfo += (fields(1) -> fields(7))
return athleteInfo
def parseLine(line:String): (String)= {
var athleteInfo = loadAthleteNames()
var hello = new String
for((k,v) <- athleteInfo){
hello = k
return (hello)
def main(args: Array[String]){
val sc = new SparkContext("local[*]", "twitterAthlete")
val lines = sc.textFile("../twitter.test")
var athleteInfo = loadAthleteNames()
val splitting = => x.split(";")).map(x => if(x.length == 4 && x(2).length <= 140)x(2))
var hello = new String()
val container = => for((key,value) <- athleteInfo)if(x.toString().contains(key)){key}).cache
// val mapping = => (x,1)).reduceByKey(_+_)
the first file look like:
001,Michael,USA,male,1.96 ...
002,Json,GBR,male,1.76 ....
003,Martin,female,1.73 . ...
the second file look likes:
time, id , tweet .....
12:00, 03043, some message that contain some athletes names , .....
02:00, 03023, some message that contain some athletes names , .....
some thinks like this ...
but i got empty result after running this code, any suggestions is much appreciated
result i got is empty :
but the result that i expected something like:
(other name,1)
You need to use yield to return value to your map
val container = => for((key,value) <- athleteInfo ; if(x.toString().contains(key)) ) yield (key, 1)).cache
I think you should just start with the simplest option first...
I would use DataFrames so you can use the built-in CSV parsing and leverage Catalyst, Tungsten, etc.
Then you can use the built-in Tokenizer to split the tweets into words, explode, and do a simple join. Depending how big/small the data with athlete names is you'll end up with a more optimized broadcast join and avoid a shuffle.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val tweets ="csv").load(...)
val athletes ="csv").load(...)
val tokenizer = new Tokenizer()
val tokenized = tokenizer.transform(tweets)
val exploded = tokenized.withColumn("word", explode('words))
val withAthlete = exploded.join(athletes, 'word === 'name)"id"), 'name).show()

Scala/Spark: Converting zero inflated data in dataframe to libsvm

I am very new to scala (typically I do this in R)
I have imported a large dataframe (2000+ columns, 100000+ rows) that is zero-inflated.
To convert the data to libsvm format
As I understand the steps are as follows
Ensure feature columns are set to DoubleType and Target is an Int
Iterate through each row, retaining each value >0 in one array and index of its column in another array
Convert to RDD[LabeledPoint]
Save RDD in libsvm format
I am stuck on 3 (but maybe) because I am doing step 2 wrong.
Here is my code:
Main Function:
def testSpark(): Unit =
var mDF: DataFrame ="header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").csv("src/test/resources/knimeMergedTRimmedVariables.csv")
val mDFTyped = castAllTypedColumnsTo(mDF, IntegerType, DoubleType)
val indexer = new StringIndexer()
val mDFTypedIndexed =
val mDFFinal = castColumnTo(mDFTypedIndexed,"Majors_Final_Indexed", IntegerType)
//only doubles accepted by sparse vector, so that's what we filter for
val fieldSeq: scala.collection.Seq[StructField] = schema.fields.toSeq.filter(f => f.dataType == DoubleType)
val fieldNameSeq: Seq[String] = =>
val labeled:DataFrame = => convertRowToLabeledPoint(row,fieldNameSeq,row.getAs("Majors_Final_Indexed"))).toDF()
case ex: Exception =>
println(s"There has been an Exception. Message is ${ex.getMessage} and ${ex}")
Convert each row to LabeledPoint:
private def convertRowToLabeledPoint(rowIn: Row, fieldNameSeq: Seq[String], label:Int): LabeledPoint =
val values: Map[String, Double] = rowIn.getValuesMap(fieldNameSeq)
val sortedValuesMap = ListMap(values.toSeq.sortBy(_._1): _*)
val rowValuesItr: Iterable[Double] = sortedValuesMap.values
var positionsArray: ArrayBuffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer[Int]()
var valuesArray: ArrayBuffer[Double] = ArrayBuffer[Double]()
var currentPosition: Int = 0
kv =>
if (kv > 0)
valuesArray += kv;
positionsArray += currentPosition;
currentPosition = currentPosition + 1;
val lp:LabeledPoint = new LabeledPoint(label, org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors.sparse(positionsArray.size,positionsArray.toArray, valuesArray.toArray))
return lp
case ex: Exception =>
throw new Exception(ex)
So then I try to create a dataframe of labeledpoints which can easily be converted to an RDD.
val labeled:DataFrame = => convertRowToLabeledPoint(row,fieldNameSeq,row.getAs("Majors_Final_Indexed"))).toDF()
But I get the following error:
SparkTest.scala:285: error: Unable to find encoder for type stored in a Dataset. Primitive types (Int, String, etc) and Product types (case classes) are supported by importing spark.implicits._ Support for seri
alizing other types will be added in future releases.
[INFO] val labeled:DataFrame = => convertRowToLabeledPoint(row,fieldNameSeq,row.getAs("Majors_Final_Indexed"))).toDF()
OK, so I skipped the DataFrame and created an Array of LabeledPoints whish is easily converted to an RDD. The rest is easy.
I stress, that while this works, I am new to scala and there may be more efficient ways to do this.
Main Function is now as follows:
val mDF: DataFrame ="header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").csv("src/test/resources/knimeMergedTRimmedVariables.csv")
val mDFTyped = castAllTypedColumnsTo(mDF, IntegerType, DoubleType)
val indexer = new StringIndexer()
val mDFTypedIndexed =
val mDFFinal = castColumnTo(mDFTypedIndexed,"Majors_Final_Indexed", IntegerType)
//only doubles accepted by sparse vector, so that's what we filter for
val fieldSeq: scala.collection.Seq[StructField] = mDFFinal.schema.fields.toSeq.filter(f => f.dataType == DoubleType)
val fieldNameSeq: Seq[String] = =>
var positionsArray: ArrayBuffer[LabeledPoint] = ArrayBuffer[LabeledPoint]()
row => positionsArray+=convertRowToLabeledPoint(row,fieldNameSeq,row.getAs("Majors_Final_Indexed"));
val mRdd:RDD[LabeledPoint]= spark.sparkContext.parallelize(positionsArray.toSeq)
MLUtils.saveAsLibSVMFile(mRdd, "./output/libsvm")

Add scoped variable per row iteration in Apache Spark

I'm reading multiple html files into a dataframe in Spark.
I'm converting elements of the html to columns in the dataframe using a custom udf
val dataset = spark
.toDF("filepath", "filecontent")
.withColumn("biz_name", parseDocValue(".biz-page-title")('filecontent))
.withColumn("biz_website", parseDocValue(".biz-website a")('filecontent))
def parseDocValue(cssSelectorQuery: String) =
udf((html: String) => Jsoup.parse(html).select(cssSelectorQuery).text())
Which works perfectly, however each withColumn call will result in the parsing of the html string, which is redundant.
Is there a way (without using lookup tables or such) that I can generate 1 parsed Document (Jsoup.parse(html)) based on the "filecontent" column per row and make that available for all withColumn calls in the dataframe?
Or shouldn't I even try using DataFrames and just use RDD's ?
So the final answer was in fact quite simple:
Just map over the rows and create the object ones there
def docValue(cssSelectorQuery: String, attr: Option[String] = None)(implicit document: Document): Option[String] = {
val domObject =
val domValue = attr match {
case Some(a) => domObject.attr(a)
case None => domObject.text()
domValue match {
case x if x == null || x.isEmpty => None
case y => Some(y)
val dataset = spark
.wholeTextFiles(inputPath, minPartitions = 265)
.map {
case (filepath, filecontent) => {
implicit val document = Jsoup.parse(filecontent)
val customDataJson = docJson(filecontent, customJsonRegex)
biz_name = docValue(".biz-page-title"),
biz_website = docValue(".biz-website a"),
url = docValue("meta[property=og:url]", attr = Some("content")),
filename = Some(fileName(filepath)),
fileTimestamp = Some(fileTimestamp(filepath))
I'd probably rewrite it as follows, to do the parsing and selecting in one go and put them in a temporary column:
val dataset = spark
.withColumn("temp", parseDocValue(Array(".biz-page-title", ".biz-website a"))('filecontent))
.withColumn("biz_name", col("temp")(0))
.withColumn("biz_website", col("temp")(1))
def parseDocValue(cssSelectorQueries: Array[String]) =
udf((html: String) => {
val j = Jsoup.parse(html) =>})