Efficient hard data sampling for triplet loss - neural-network

I am trying to implement a deep network for triplet loss in Caffe.
When I select three samples for anchor, positive, negative images randomly, it almost produces zero losses. So I tried the following strategy:
If I have 15,000 training images,
1. extract features of 15,000 images with the current weights.
2. calculate the triplet losses with all possible triplet combinations.
3. use the hard samples with n largest losses, and update the network n times.
4. iterate the above steps every k iterations to get new hard samples.
The step 1 is fast, but I think step 2 is very time-consuming and is really inefficient. So, I wonder whether there are other efficient strategies for hard data sampling.

In practice, if your dataset is large, it is infeasible to sample hard triplet from the whole dataset. In fact, you can choose hard triplet for only a small proportion of your training dataset, which will be much more time-saving. After training the network using the hard triplet generated for K iterations. You feed the network with the next batch of images from the dataset and generate the new hard triplet.
In this way, the computation cost is acceptable and network is gradually improving as the training process goes.
see the article here for more reference.(section 5.1)


Dimensionality reduction, noralization, resampling, k-fold CV... In what order?

In Python I am working on a binary classification problem of Fraud detection on travel insurance. Here is the characteristic about my dataset:
Contains 40,000 samples with 20 features. After one hot encoding, the number of features is 50(4 numeric, 46 categorical).
Majority unlabeled: out of 40,000 samples, 33,000 samples are unlabeled.
Highly imbalanced: out of 7,000 labeled samples, only 800 samples(11%) are positive(Fraud).
Metrics is precision, recall and F2 score. We focus more on avoiding false positive, therefore high recall is appreciated. As preprocessing I oversampled positive cases using SMOTE-NC, which takes into account categorical variables as well.
After trying several approaches including Semi-Supervised Learning with Self Training and Label Propagation/Label Spreading etc, I achieved high recall score(80% on training, 65-70% on test). However, my precision score shows some trace of overfitting(60-70% on training, 10% on testing). I understand that precision is good on training because it's resampled, and low on test data because it directly reflects the imbalance of the classes in test data. But this precision score is unacceptably low so I want to solve it.
So to simplify the model I am thinking about applying dimensionality reduction. I found a package called prince which comes with FAMD(Factor Analysis for Mixture Data).
Question 1: How I should do normalization, FAMD, k-fold Cross Validation and resampling? Is my approach below correct?
Question 2: The package prince does not have methods such as fit or transform like in Sklearn, so I cannot do the 3rd step described below. Any other good packages to do fitand transform for FAMD? And is there any other good way to reduce dimensionality on this kind of dataset?
My approach:
Make k folds and isolate one of them for validation, use the rest for training
Normalize training data and transform validation data
Fit FAMD on training data, and transform training and test data
Resample only training data using SMOTE-NC
Train whatever model it is, evaluate on validation data
Repeat 2-5 k times and take the average of precision, recall F2 score
*I would also appreciate for any kinds of advices on my overall approach to this problem

How to deal with the randomness of NN training process?

Consider the training process of deep FF neural network using mini-batch gradient descent. As far as I understand, at each epoch of the training we have different random set of mini-batches. Then iterating over all mini batches and computing the gradients of the NN parameters we will get random gradients at each iteration and, therefore, random directions for the model parameters to minimize the cost function. Let's imagine we fixed the hyperparameters of the training algorithm and started the training process again and again, then we would end up with models, which completely differs from each other, because in those trainings the changes of model parameters were different.
1) Is it always the case when we use such random based training algorithms?
2) If it is so, where is the guaranty that training the NN one more time with the best hyperparameters found during the previous trainings and validations will yield us the best model again?
3) Is it possible to find such hyperparameters, which will always yield the best models?
Neural Network are solving a optimization problem, As long as it is computing a gradient in right direction but can be random, it doesn't hurt its objective to generalize over data. It can stuck in some local optima. But there are many good methods like Adam, RMSProp, momentum based etc, by which it can accomplish its objective.
Another reason, when you say mini-batch, there is at least some sample by which it can generalize over those sample, there can be fluctuation in the error rate, and but at least it can give us a local solution.
Even, at each random sampling, these mini-batch have different-2 sample, which helps in generalize well over the complete distribution.
For hyperparameter selection, you need to do tuning and validate result on unseen data, there is no straight forward method to choose these.

Using neural networks (MLP) for estimation

Im new with NN and i have this problem:
I have a dataset with 300 rows and 33 columns. Each row has 3 more columns for the results.
Im trying to use MLP for trainning a model so that when i have a new row, it estimates those 3 result columns.
I can easily reduce the error during trainning to 0.001 but when i use cross validation it keep estimating very poorly.
It estimates correctly if i use the same entry it used to train, but if i use another values that werent used for trainning the results are very wrong
Im using two hidden layers with 20 neurons each, so my architecture is [33 20 20 3]
For activation function im using biporlarsigmoid function.
Do you guys have some suggestion on where i could try to change to improve this?
As mentioned in the comments, this perfectly describes overfitting.
I strongly suggest reading the wikipedia article on overfitting, as it well describes causes, but I'll summarize some key points here.
Model complexity
Overfitting often happens when you model is needlessly complex for the problem. I don't know anything about your dataset, but I'm guessing [33 20 20 3] is more parameters than necessary for predicting.
Try running your cross-validation methods again, this time with either fewer layers, or fewer nodes per layer. Right now you are using 33*20 + 20*20 + 20*3 = 1120 parameters (weights) to make your prediction, is this necessary?
A common solution to overfitting is regularization. The driving principle is KISS (keep it simple, stupid).
By applying an L1 regularizer to your weights, you keep preference for the smallest number of weights to solve your problem. The network will pull many weights to 0 as they aren't need.
By applying an L2 regularizer to your weights, you keep preference for lower rank solutions to your problem. This means that your network will prefer weights matrices that span lower dimensions. Practically this means your weights will be smaller numbers, and are less likely to be able to "memorize" the data.
What is L1 and L2? These are types of vector norms. L1 is the sum of the absolute value of your weights. L2 is the sqrt of the sum of squares of your weights. (L3 is the cubed root of the sum of cubes of weights, L4 ...).
Another commonly used technique is to augment your training data with distorted versions of your training samples. This only makes sense with certain types of data. For instance images can be rotated, scaled, shifted, add gaussian noise, etc. without dramatically changing the content of the image.
By adding distortions, your network will no longer memorize your data, but will also learn when things look similar to your data. The number 1 rotated 2 degrees still looks like a 1, so the network should be able to learn from both of these.
Only you know your data. If this is something that can be done with your data (even just adding a little gaussian noise to each feature), then maybe this is worth looking into. But do not use this blindly without considering the implications it may have on your dataset.
Careful analysis of data
I put this last because it is an indirect response to the overfitting problem. Check your data before pumping it through a black-box algorithm (like a neural network). Here are a few questions worth answering if your network doesn't work:
Are any of my features strongly correlated with each other?
How do baseline algorithms perform? (Linear regression, logistic regression, etc.)
How are my training samples distributed among classes? Do I have 298 samples of one class and 1 sample of the other two?
How similar are my samples within a class? Maybe I have 100 samples for this class, but all of them are the same (or nearly the same).

Is there a better structure for training Fully Convolution Neural Network?

I am training a fully convolution neural network, with 3080*16 input images for training, giving 16 images in a batch. I am doing this for 100 epochs.
in every epoch:
after each batch:
calculate errors, do weight update, get confusion matrix
after each validation_batch
calculate errors and confusion matrix
I am trying to give the maximum batch size possible.
In this situation (when number of epochs is fixed) - you have the trade-off between number of updates and the quality of update. The more often you will update your network (the smaller the batch is) - the better network you might get (assuming that you are using right regularization and baby-sitting). The better approximation of a real update parameters you get (the batch size is bigger) - the faster your network might converge to the quality solution omitting changes which actually may worsen your model.
The best way to set a batch size is either research if someone already found out the best batch size for your task or a grid / random search meta optimization - where you set a reasonable values of a possible batch size and test each option in order to find the best value.

Batch training in SOM?

I am trying to implement a general SOM with batch training. and i have doubt regarding the formula for batch training.
i have read about it in the following link
i noticed that the weight updates are assigned rather than added at the end of an epoch - wouldn't that overwrite the whole networks previous values, and the update formula did not include the previous weights of the nodes, then how does it even work?
when i was implementing it, a lot of the nodes in network became NaN because the neighborhood value became zero for a lot of nodes due to gradient decrease at the end of training and the update formula resulted in a division by zero.
can someone explain the batch algorithm correctly. i DID google it, and i saw a lot of "improving batch" or "speeding up batch" but nothing about just batch kohonen directly. and among the ones that did explain the formula was the same and that doesn't work.
The update rule of the Batch SOM that you see is the good one.
The basic idea behind this algorithm is to train your SOM using the whole training dataset and so at each iteration, the weights of your neurons re present the mean of the closest inputs.
And so, the information of the previous weights are in the BMU (Best matching Unit).
As you said, some neurons weights produce NaN due to division by zero.
To overcome this problem you can use neighbor function that is always greater than zero (for example a Gaussian function).