How to upgrade theme from 6.0.5 to Liferay 7? - liferay-7

As we upgrade database from Liferay 6.0.5 to 7.It time to upgrade themes from Liferay 6.0.5 to 7 but, I didn't any answer when I did small search in google. What are the steps that I need to follow for upgrade? Any suggestions?

there's a task defined in liferay 7 theme generator for it [upgrade]
Further there's a task for bootstrap 2 to bootstrap 3 migration.
you can check gulp code in
any liferay 7 theme's node module's liferay-theme-tasks/lib/upgrade/6.2/upgrade.js
this involves all the steps needed.


Upgrading TYPO3 to v8 LTS via the BE?

I want to update my TYPO3 8.7.8 to the v8 LTS, but i can't seem to find any way to do this via the Backend. Do i need to manually install the new version as a fresh installation?
You don't need to add TYPO3 Source manually if you have create symlinks in your typo3 installation and already running with TYPO3 Version 8.7.x.
If your TYPO3 Version running in 6.2.x Then First you need to upgrade TYPO3 Version 7.6 and after TYPO3 8.7. You can't upgrading Directly version 8.7 if your systems is running in 6.2.x.
Just you need to follow below steps.
Login TYPO3 BE and Go To Install Tool.
In Important actions you see the Check for core updates button. click on this, Here you can find latest TYPO3 version.
After download latest TYPO3 Version. Click on Compare current database with specification and update typo3 core Database.
After compare DB Go to Upgrade Wizard and perform all required steps.
Note: When performs all above steps first you need to take a backup of your database. So, in case of any problems then you can restore old DB.
Follow the upgrade guide in the docs

Is service fabric compatible with .netstandard2.0 or .netcore2.0

I have a set of service projects that i build about 12 months ago. I've tried updating nuget packages as often as possible but with .netstandard and core 2.0 I assumed it would be ready to port to the new sdk and packages without too much trouble.
I've managed to update most of my libraries to .netstandard2.0 but any of the services using service fabric packages won't work.
I've had to default my libraries to 4.6.2
I've tried by updating the csproj to use the new style layout. I've also tried by creating a new service fabric project, selecting the .net core option template and copy the settings from there but that doesn't work either.
Service Fabric is compatible with .netstandard 2.0 and .net core 2.0 (where the project is actually netcore2.0 and not net462) but with this 2 conditions:
Visual studio 2017 15.5 (only in preview as of now)
Service Fabric Tools 2.0 (only in preview as of now)
The good news is that you can create the project/solution from the preview version and then reopen it from the regular version and it will work.
Here's an example of such a solution

How to downgrade typo3 7.4.0 to 6.2.15

What are the steps to downgrade a typo3 site and is this even possible?
I cannot get a few plugins to work on my 7.4 typo site so I decided to downgrade but I cannot find anything about it on typo forums or in the documentation. Are there any steps I can follow if this is possible.
Before upgrading your website you should always backup your data and avoid downgrading at any time.
Compatibility mode for TYPO3 6.x
The system extension compatibility6 is shipped with TYPO3 7, have you tried installing this extension already?
See also: Retaining compatibility to TYPO3 CMS 6
Downgrading from 7.x back to 6.2
There is no such thing as a documentation with downgrade instructions. But if you have no other option than you can try the following:
Before running TYPO3 again:
Backup your data
Remove the TYPO3 7 core as well the composer.json (and /vendor/ directory), .htaccess and index.php file from your website.
Remove the content of /typo3temp/, /fileadmin/_processed/ and /fileadmin/_temp_/.
uninstall all TYPO3 7 related (system) extensions by setting the state to inactive in the /typo3conf/PackagesStates.php file.
Uninstall or downgrade all extensions which are only compatible with TYPO3 7.x.
Set manual the ['SYS']['compat_version'] in /typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php to '6.0' (we let TYPO3 think that we are uograding from 6.0. Please note that TYPO3 7 doesn't have this option anymore and you need to create it yourself.
Remove all array items from the array ['INSTALL']['wizardDone'] in /typo3conf/PackagesStates.php.
Set manual options such as ['FE']['activateContentAdapter'] back if needed.
Put the TYPO3 6.2 core back in it's place.
Now you're allowed to run TYPO3 again:
Log in on the install tool by accessing /typo3/install/.
Run the database compare but please don't remove fields or tables that belongs to extensions which you have temporary disabled for downgrading purposes.
Clear all caches from the install tool.
Run al steps from the upgrade wizard.
Reactivate disabled extensions (manually).
Check if the ['SYS']['compat_version'] is set to '6.2'.
Test your TYPO3 instance as good as you can.
Arek van Schaijk solution worked to downgrade 8.7 to 7.6. But a couple of additional changes might require.
in the file
change fileCreateMask from 0664 to 0660
change folderCreateMask from 2775 to 2770
Symbolic links can be rectified with this solution.

DNN javascript error during installation on step 2

I am new to DNN CMS , I have installed the latest version 7.2 but on installation steps
on step 2 while the product is being installed, it keeps loading but no progress.
I opened the firebug and noticed that there are javascript errors [Json parse error].
As below image shows:
Any idea/solution will be appreciated.
the latest version of DNN is 7.3.2 abd you probably should be using that one. Also make sure that the server meets the DNN requirements and that your browser supports javascript

Upgrading SugarCRM

I have a problem when upgrading Sugarcrm from 6.2 to 6.3 version. When I upgrade a local Sugarcrm installation it works but when I start upgrading my Sugarcrm 6.2 site and uploading the upgrade package it doesnt upload.
The same thing works on local server rather than the remote server of same version.
If you are using the in-app upgrade wizard, perhaps this blog post may help...
Upgrade wizard has lot of limitation. Try silent upgrader. That will help