Xbox Live User Sign In Failed on Xbox One - xbox-live

I'm testing out the new Creator's Program Unity plugin, and when running the SignInAndProfile example scene on my local machine, it signs me in correctly. However, if I try to deploy it on my Xbox One, the development console gives me the following error:
Warning: unknown type TaskYieldInstruction`1[Microsoft.Xbox.Services.SignInResult] detected. Using reflection to gather its type information. Consider to reference it from your scripts so it can gathered during the build process.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Scripting/Backend/DotNet/ScriptingTypeProvider_DotNet.cpp Line: 153)
Exception thrown: 'System.Exception' in Assembly-CSharp.dll
Exception: Sign in Failed. Status: UserInteractionRequired
at XboxLive.<SignInAsync>d__15.MoveNext()
at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)
at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.$Invoke1InvokeMoveNext(Int64 instance, Int64* args)
at UnityEngine.Internal.$MethodUtility.InvokeMethod(Int64 instance, Int64* args, IntPtr method)
(Filename: <Unknown> Line: 0)
I can't seem to find anything about what that status message means.
Thanks in advance.

If you're getting an error from RequestTokenSilentAsync, then you should try again with RequestTokenAsync which will bring up any resolution UI.
That said I want to ask first: have you switched your console to the right sandbox? I'm guessing this is likely your issue here.


Unity WebGL build error in NON-development mode only

I'm using Unity 2017.3.03f free personal edition, I've an application in unity that works normally in desktop and android platforms. However, When it's built for WebGL release (unchecked "development build" option") it gives this error in browser during loading splash screen:
> An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:
uncaught exception: abort(-1) at jsStackTrace (webgl-11B.asm.framework.unityweb:2:27460)
stackTrace (webgl-11B.asm.framework.unityweb:2:27631)
abort (webgl-11B.asm.framework.unityweb:4:33732)
_il2cpp_gc_disable (webgl-11B.asm.framework.unityweb:2:204426)
scripting_gc_disable() [vNc] (webgl-11B.asm.code.unityweb:10:1)
_main [eNc] (webgl-11B.asm.code.unityweb:10:1)
callMain (webgl-11B.asm.framework.unityweb:4:32097)
doRun (webgl-11B.asm.framework.unityweb:4:32800)
_String_Join_m2050845953 [run] (webgl-11B.asm.framework.unityweb:4:32986)
runCaller (webgl-11B.asm.framework.unityweb:4:31614)
removeRunDependency (webgl-11B.asm.framework.unityweb:2:34407)
I've tried to enable the development option and apply the steps of this article:
to enable debugging symbols and disable stripping code engine to see the errors in browser console. But the Development version works without error, but when I return to release build "unchecking the development option" again, the same error appears.
and the log of browser console contains the following message:
> IndexedDB is not available. Data will not persist in cache and PlayerPrefs will not be saved.
unreachable code after return statement[Learn More]
missing function: il2cpp_gc_disable
Use of the motion sensor is deprecated.
Use of the orientation sensor is deprecated.
uncaught exception: abort(-1) at jsStackTrace#blob:null/a2ab4d2b-6621-459b-b13f-f9b816ecb2f8:2:27460
If this abort() is unexpected, build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 which can give more information.
uncaught exception: abort(154) at jsStackTrace#blob:null/a2ab4d2b-6621-459b-b13f-f9b816ecb2f8:2:27460
why does this error happen? is it because of using unity free edition, or because the application reads some text file from Resources folder at loading?
thanks in advance.

Error in setting up Google play services in unity

Following the instruction on google play games plugin for unity, I have not been able to set it up correctly. My application crashes on signing in, with the following log output (with no more details). I've got no luck in finding a probable cause and searches seems to be out of any useful tip.
The actual error is displayed as:
Application ID () must be a numeric value. Please verify that your manifest refers to the correct project ID
The complete log output:
10-08 19:43:49.581 25688-25734/? E/linker: readlink('/proc/self/fd/49') failed: Permission denied [fd=49]
10-08 19:43:49.581 25688-25734/? E/linker: warning: unable to get realpath for the library "/data/data/com.testcompany.testapp/app_.gpg.classloader/d75c8e1bbeab9e1ddffb9d332585db71.dex". Will use given name.
10-08 19:43:49.667 25688-25734/? W/PopupManager: You have not specified a View to use as content view for popups. Falling back to the Activity content view. Note that this may not work as expected in multi-screen environments
10-08 19:43:49.675 25688-26526/? I/GamesNativeSDK: Auth operation started: SIGN IN
10-08 19:43:49.675 25688-26526/? I/GamesNativeSDK: Connecting to Google Play...
10-08 19:43:49.802 10946-10956/? W/GamesServiceBroker: Client connected with SDK 9683000, Services 9683438, and Games 37240038
10-08 19:43:49.837 10946-26540/? E/ValidateServiceOp: Application ID () must be a numeric value. Please verify that your manifest refers to the correct project ID.
10-08 19:43:49.842 25688-25688/? D/AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
10-08 19:43:49.846 25688-25688/? E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: com.testcompany.testapp, PID: 25688
java.lang.Error: FATAL EXCEPTION [main]
Unity version : 5.4.0f3
Device model : LGE Nexus 5
Device fingerprint: google/hammerhead/hammerhead:6.0/MRA58K/2256973:user/release-keys
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: A fatal developer error has occurred. Check the logs for further information.
at$zza.zzc(Unknown Source)
at$zza.zzv(Unknown Source)
at$zze.zzauc(Unknown Source)
at$zzd.handleMessage(Unknown Source)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
I've taken the steps needed to generate OAuth2 client ID and I've successfully applied that to GooglePlayGame plugin in unity. What could be the reason of the error message?
If we refer to the actual error as shown in your log output, the problem is caused by the application ID declared in your Manifest which is actually one of the top setup mistakes committed by developers as shown in this video.
To troubleshoot this kind of error, please check the following:
For Android:
please verify that the value of the #string/app_id resource matches your application's numeric ID. The value of this resource should only contain digits. For example:
<string name="app_id">123456789012</string>
Warning: Do not use the full client ID ( as your app ID. This will result in errors.
For iOS:
The application_ID is the number that Google Play Developer Console assigns to your project. Please note that is not the same as your Apple application_ID.
Then, after checking the application ID, please also check the certificate fingerprint. Please be noted that:
If you are debugging your game using your debug certificate but have configured games services using your release certificate, you should add a second linked app using the same package name and your debug certificate's SHA1 fingerprint. This will allow you to sign in to the application whether it's signed with the debug or release certificates.
For additional tips, refer to these related resources:
Top 7 Google Play games services setup mistakes - Video that describes common Google Play games services setup pitfalls and scenarios.
Android troubleshooting guide - Developer documentation that describes how to troubleshoot issues while developing Android games.
Lastly, this Q&A thread might also help wherein this GitHub post was suggested.
The problem was caused by multiple application configurations in Google play services. Although the game services panel was showing only one application with my package name, there were several instances of the same application configured in google cloud services previously for google cloud messaging and other services. The problem was only solved when I shut down all services, deleted the applications and patiently created one unified application configuration in Google play services.
I got this problem too. Here's My solution:
Delete old version of GooglePlayService and Admob plugins and import the new ones.
Open Android SDK Manager(In Unity, Window -> Google Play Games -> Downloads -> Google Play Gamse SDK(Android)), update the following ones:
Then try to set up Goole Play Service.
Additional, current verion of GooglPlayServices and Admob both import PlayServicesResolver/Editor/Google.JarResolverLib.dll(JarResolverLib.dll), just delete Google.JarResolerLib.dll.
Hope this can help you!

V8 version in node and ChromeDevTools?

My main questions are:
What version of V8 am I running from node 0.4.10?
How can I tell if this version is compatible with ChromeDevTools 0.2.2 in Eclipse?
Background: I've almost got Eclipse working for debugging node.js remotely. In fact it works perfectly (after adding a server proxy) for a simple "Hello World" app, but it won't hook up properly when I add "express" to the mix. The Eclipse error is:
An internal error occurred during: "Debug session initialization:
Remote NodeJS". Exception occured in callback
...which I tracked down to line 61 of the this source code (Thanks to the misspelling of "occured".)
I'd like to eliminate version skew possibilities before going further.
EDIT: Dug the stack trace out of the error log. Hmmm, maybe I have an encoding problem in my server proxy?
java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception occured in callback
at org.chromium.sdk.CallbackSemaphore.tryAcquire(
at org.chromium.sdk.CallbackSemaphore.tryAcquireDefault(
at org.chromium.sdk.internal.JavascriptVmImpl.getScripts(
at org.chromium.debug.core.model.VProjectWorkspaceBridge.reloadScriptsAtStart(
at org.chromium.debug.core.model.LaunchInitializationProcedure.execute(
at org.chromium.debug.core.model.LaunchInitializationProcedure.access$0(
at org.chromium.debug.core.model.LaunchInitializationProcedure$
Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Exception saved from callback
at org.chromium.sdk.CallbackSemaphore.callbackDone(
at org.chromium.sdk.internal.DebugSession$ScriptLoader$2.callbackDone(
at org.chromium.sdk.internal.StandaloneVmImpl$4.messageReceived(
at org.chromium.sdk.internal.transport.SocketConnection$
at org.chromium.sdk.internal.transport.SocketConnection$
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceException: < is an invalid character in resource name '<eval #83>.chromium'.
at org.chromium.debug.core.util.ChromiumDebugPluginUtil$4.tryCreate(
at org.chromium.debug.core.util.ChromiumDebugPluginUtil$4.tryCreate(
at org.chromium.debug.core.util.UniqueKeyGenerator.createUniqueKey(
at org.chromium.debug.core.util.ChromiumDebugPluginUtil.createFile(
at org.chromium.debug.core.model.ResourceManager.createAndRegisterResourceFile(
at org.chromium.debug.core.model.ResourceManager.addScript(
at org.chromium.debug.core.model.VProjectWorkspaceBridge$2.success(
at org.chromium.sdk.internal.DebugSession$ScriptLoader$1$
at org.chromium.sdk.internal.DebugSession$ScriptLoader$1.processCall(
at org.chromium.sdk.internal.DebugSession$ScriptLoader$1.success(
... 5 more
Caused by: org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceException: < is an invalid character in resource name '<eval #83>.chromium'.
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource.checkValidPath(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.File.create(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.File.create(
at org.chromium.debug.core.util.ChromiumDebugPluginUtil$4.tryCreate(
... 20 more
process.versions in the repl reveals this information:
> process.versions
{ node: '0.4.10', v8: '', ares: '1.7.4', ev: '4.4', openssl: '1.0.0d' }
There shouldn't be any version-related problem here, at least at initialization stage.
V8 debug protocol is evolving quite slowly.
Unfortunately the message you cite is too general. Do you think you can find a stacktrace somewhere? The message may have 'details' button (but you would probably spot it), also the exception is usually logged. You can try to open a view "General->Error Log" (available in most Eclipse configurations), or you can take a look inside a file in your Eclipse workspace: /.metadata/.log.
The code indicates that there is a cause exception, which is missing from the error message.
Thank you for the spelling error report. :)

Error publishing an asp 3.5 app

Well, I'm here to ask about some problem I have, the detail is that when I publish the application from my computer to the server folder and after make the changes in IIS when I try to browse the web app I get the next error:
Index and length must refer to a location within the string.
Parameter name: length
In my local computer, I installed Visual Studio 2008 with SP1 and in the server is not installed only Framework 3.5.
Is the error related with Entity Framework or it's another problem?
Well, I hope you could help me... regards !
Stack Trace:
[ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index and length must refer to a location within the string.
Parameter name: length]
System.String.InternalSubStringWithChecks(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length, Boolean fAlwaysCopy) +7495179
System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length) +11
InnovaWebSite.Global.Session_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Users\cvelazquezt\Desktop\InnovaWeb\InnovaWebSite\Global.asax.cs:117
System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule.RaiseOnStart(EventArgs e) +8783312
System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule.CompleteAcquireState() +237
System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule.BeginAcquireState(Object source, EventArgs e, AsyncCallback cb, Object extraData) +504
System.Web.AsyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +66
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +155
The error thrown is from a substring operation. Where it is actually being thrown, I have no clue, as you have not actually posted the stack trace on the error. This could be because you don't know how to do this?
If you can find the stack trace, or even detail your code that gets pieces of a string, you will have a better context of the exception and be able to start doing something to cure it.
As for root cause, the fact it is only happening after publish indicates a) something is missing on the server or b) the server is configured incorrectly (wrong version of .NET for the app pool for example) or c) you have not correctly published the site (maybe copied from your compiled application rather than published and moved the published version over, etc.???)

ClickOnce: DeploymentDownloadException: The operation has timed out

Symptom: ClickOnce installation starts and stops after around 600 kB (out of 2 MB).
Progress bar always stops at the same value (tried ten times).
Error log says that The operation has timed out (in inner exception) and fails with "DeploymentDownloadException (Unknown subtype)".
Error log details (irrelevant information trimmed):
Following errors were detected during this operation.
System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentDownloadException (Unknown subtype)
- Downloading http://fullpath/name.dll.deploy did not succeed.
- Source: System.Deployment
- Stack trace: at System.Deployment.Application.SystemNetDownloader.DownloadSingleFile(Downloa
dQueueItem next)
--- Inner Exception ---
- The operation has timed out.
- Source: System
- Stack trace:
at System.Net.ConnectStream.Read(Byte[] buffer,
Int32 offset, Int32 size)
dQueueItem next)
This only happens for two customers. The install works OK for thousands of others. I have found numerous posts via google with no answer or generic "firewall is the issue" or "customer was using dialup".
Has anyone solved this? Is this a ClickOnce bug?
Disabling firewall software on the machine did not help because a hardware firewall installed on the network was the cause (FortiGate 30B).
I doubt that it's a bug. However, it seems like it gets stuck at one file in the deployment path. Maybe it is a type of file that is blocked by a firewall.
I would just remove all files but one from the build and see if that gets downloaded ok, and then add the rest of the files one by one (or maybe type by type) and see at what file ClickOnce gets stuck downloading.
If that doesn't seem to do anything, I'd build a dummy app and deploy it with ClickOnce and see if it installs at all on the customer's box.