How do i get all values from a global pick list in salesforce using REST Api? - rest

I know i can get the values of the picklist via a call to describe an object.
Is it possible to get the values without adding the field to an object and to query the values regardless of the object it is used in?
Is it possible to do the same with GlobalValueSets? According to the documentation they are used since API 38.0 and later.

Since API 39.0 it is possible to access GlobalValueSets through the Tooling API. It is possible to access the GlobalValueSet without adding the field to an object.
The following REST call should be used:
GET /services/data/v39.0/tooling/sobjects/GlobalValueSet/{ID}
Where the ID can be found in SalesForce > Global Value Set > The Global Value Set you wish to access via the API > Grab the ID from the URL.


Azure Data Factory: Pagination in Data Flow with Rest API Source

I have a API source in an ADF DataFlow task. The API source gives me the current page and the toatl number of pages in the body of the response. I want to use that information to paginate through my API source. I'm able to paginate through it just fine outside of a DataFlow activity using the range function. The issue is that the Rest transformation in a DataFlow activity does not support the range function. I've been trying to use the AbsoluteUrl function plus an expression to do add one to the current page returned by the body but either pagination does not accept expressions or I cannot figure out the syntax
I have a url like this:
In this example my rest linked service URL has everything I need minus the &page=pageNumber. So I'm trying to add that part with the key/value pair function of AbsoluteUrl. The Key being &page= and the value should be currentPage +1. My desire is for it to get the first page, page 0 and then add +1 to that to formulate the next pages url. the end condition being when body.totalPages == body.currentPage
I've tried a bunch of different expression formaulations but none seem to work and debugging in a Data flow is tough b/c the logging and error messaging is poor
What I have right now.
As data flow don't support Range option or you cannot use dynamic expression to get page from API response.
To work around the issue, you can use Data Flow activity within ForEach loop using range function in dynamic expression.
First take a web activity and pass the URL of the Rest API as below Ito get the total no of Pages from API response
then take a for each activity to iterate on API like pagination give the Dynamic expression as #range(1,activity('Web1').output.total_pages)
I will iterate the API till the respective range in sequential manner.
create parameter with type string in source DataSource.
give that parameter as dynamic value in relative URL.
after this gave parameter value as ?page=#{item()} to give the no coming from range to the page.

uber cadence :: want to store an object inside a workflow

Want to store an object inside a workflow then want to receive it through cadence api.
ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsRequest listOpenWorkflowExecutionsRequest=new ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsRequest();
ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsResponse response=
I am open to go with any solution.
Use the QueryWorkflowExecution API to retrieve information from a single workflow.
The list API is used to get lists of workflows without querying them directly. You can attach custom information (called memo) to a visibility record that is returned by a list API. Use WorkflowOptions.memo property to add it.
The memo is not indexable. If you want the ability to index on custom attributes use the Search Attributes feature. One other feature of search attributes is that they are updatable from the workflow code using upsertSearchAttributes API. So for example, if the workflow code updates the "state" attribute on each state transition then it would be possible to find all the workflows in a given state. Also, all the search attributes are returned by the list API so their value can be shown in the UI list view even if they are not part of the search predicate. Note that this requires Elastic Search cluster integration enabled.

How can I retrieve the list of permissions assigned to a Sight (Dashboard)?

I'm trying to retrieve the groups/users that have access to view a particular Sight (Dashboard) in Smartsheet. I'm using the Java API from Smartsheet but I also don't see any method that associates the groups to what they have access from either end (Sight or Group). Can anyone tell me if there is a way to get that information?
You can get that information by using the List Sight Shares operation.
As the documentation describes, the following code uses the Java SDK to retrieve sharing information for the specified Sight (without specifying pagination info):
6327127650920324, // long sightId
null, // PaginationParameters
true // includeWorkspaceShares
This operation returns an IndexResult object that contains an array of Share objects -- one for each User or Group that has access to the specified Sight.

How does one get all query params from within a endpoint?

I'm writing a toy finch project and trying to allow requests to specify arbitrary query parameters to set some value. I am able to retrieve the value for a known parameter name (i.e. param[String]("foo")) but how can I get a Map[String,String] of all the query parameters?
i.e. hit /myendpoint?foo=bar&baz=baq and within the response handler be able to access the value Map("foo"->"bar", "baz"->"baq")
I looked in the docs and there seems to be some way to access all the headers but no equivalent functionality is given for accessing params.

Azure RBAC Rest API call to get Object Type

I am using this call{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments?api-version=2015-07-01 to get role assignment of subscription. The output is of this gives principalId and other values
Question is How can I differentiate the principalId is user principal or serviceprincipal?
This is needed to for me to query graph api to get appid (if service principle) or display name , upn ( if user principle).
Graph APi has 2 different call for this hence while automating I need to know which one to be called based on object type.
Service Pricipal:
Graph APi has 2 different call for this hence while automating I need to know which one to be called based on object type.
Based on my understanding, you could use the Objects - Get Objects By Object Ids Rest API to get the objects by principleid, no need to call 2 different calls. You also could get the object type from the response.
I test with 2 principalids, one is the service principal and another is user.
Test Result: