uber cadence :: want to store an object inside a workflow - uber-api

Want to store an object inside a workflow then want to receive it through cadence api.
ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsRequest listOpenWorkflowExecutionsRequest=new ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsRequest();
ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsResponse response=
I am open to go with any solution.

Use the QueryWorkflowExecution API to retrieve information from a single workflow.
The list API is used to get lists of workflows without querying them directly. You can attach custom information (called memo) to a visibility record that is returned by a list API. Use WorkflowOptions.memo property to add it.
The memo is not indexable. If you want the ability to index on custom attributes use the Search Attributes feature. One other feature of search attributes is that they are updatable from the workflow code using upsertSearchAttributes API. So for example, if the workflow code updates the "state" attribute on each state transition then it would be possible to find all the workflows in a given state. Also, all the search attributes are returned by the list API so their value can be shown in the UI list view even if they are not part of the search predicate. Note that this requires Elastic Search cluster integration enabled.


how to copy a dashboard in a different azure devops instance?

I have a requirement to copy an existing dashboard dashboard in an org(source org) to a different org(target org) under a different ado instance by any means possible. Dashboard can have widgets and widgets can be linked to
Query - A query can be referencing to a user, team, project, custom values of a standard field, custom fields
some other things that i have not encountered so far
So far my steps are as follows
get dashboard details using get dashboard rest api
identify widgets in dashboard details api response
get any pipeline if there is no pipeline create a dummy one and use its details for a widget that is using pipeline
identify distinct queries present in all widgets
create its equivalent query in target org and save its id
replace queryid in widget settings to its equivalent created queryid in targetorg
create dashboard in target org
I am facing issue in step 5
There are lot of moving variables in a query. Query might be referencing to things that does not exist in target org like a particular user, team, custom values of a standard field, custom fields. In order to create a query successfully i need to know possible values of a field in target org. While creating a new query from ui it shows possible values for a field in dropdown so i am wondering is there any rest api that gives possible values of a field and if no such field exist in target org then it should throw error.
Looking forward to suggestions for a simpler or alternative approach to replicate a dashboard across different ado instance and/or better approach for step 5
If you are looking for a rest api the query the fields in your target process of the organization, you could refer to this doc. Field-list.
GET https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/_apis/work/processes/{processId}/workItemTypes/{witRefName}/fields?api-version=6.0-preview.2
After that, you could create the fields in your target process, you could refer to this rest api. Fields-Create
POST https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/_apis/work/processdefinitions/{processId}/fields?api-version=4.1-preview.1
Or could you share more details of your requirement, like screenshots and widget definition or dashboards configuration for update.

Add a unique custom field in Azure DevOps

Can I add an unique custom field inside a work item.
So when a new work item is added, a validation error occurs if a previously added work item already contain a that value.
I've tried inside the "Rule" section of work item customization, but without success
There is no built-in rule to enforce uniqueness. The only field that is guaranteed to be unique is the work item ID.
It is possible to create a custom control that uses the REST API to query whether the contents of a field are unique and have it enforce that uniqueness. But that has a few caveats. The rule will only be enforced in the UI, other experiences (like bulk changes, excel etc) won't triggr this validation. Direct manipulation through he REST API won't either. And I would expect concurrency problems when you venture in this direction.

DocuSign API: Is it possible to filter envelopes by the value a document field?

Assuming I have a field with label FOO in all the envelopes sent, how do I filter the envelopes where the value of FOO is 123456?
I tried setting the search_text parameter with 123456 but it doesn't work.
This is the request I tried to use:
Unfortunately, there's not currently a way to search Tabs/Form Data via the API. We do have long term plans in this area, but nothing firm yet. I would pass this request along to your account team to let them know you are interested in learning more about that functionality as it develops.
The ListStatusChanges call doesn't allow you to pull form data in bulk. You'd need to make one GetEnvelope call per envelope with include=recipients,tabs to pull form data and parse through it yourself.
If this is something you are looking at building out, you could use populate a local database using the GetEnvelope results, and then use DocuSign Connect to automatically pass information about new envelopes moving forward.
It is possible to search for values of Envelope Custom Fields. Moving forward, if your application can populate an ECF, you can then search for that to find specific envelopes.

How can I retrieve the list of permissions assigned to a Sight (Dashboard)?

I'm trying to retrieve the groups/users that have access to view a particular Sight (Dashboard) in Smartsheet. I'm using the Java API from Smartsheet but I also don't see any method that associates the groups to what they have access from either end (Sight or Group). Can anyone tell me if there is a way to get that information?
You can get that information by using the List Sight Shares operation.
As the documentation describes, the following code uses the Java SDK to retrieve sharing information for the specified Sight (without specifying pagination info):
6327127650920324, // long sightId
null, // PaginationParameters
true // includeWorkspaceShares
This operation returns an IndexResult object that contains an array of Share objects -- one for each User or Group that has access to the specified Sight.

RESTful API design and load select options

Let's have a form, where I have a couple of selects. I need to fill them with options provided from server.
But a RESTful API should only have methods for
There's no place for retrieving some other data. I guess I should create these 4 method for each select options, but that seems to me like a overkill.
Your form data lists can be orthogonal to each other but your form must obviously put them together in a business context. The object that you would GET or PUT or POST or DELETE would be your business object that only has a property for each of the selects. You can GET the lists populating your selects separately.
You can have the 4 methods for each of those lists only if you wish to provide those services via REST as opposed to maintaining them directly (using SQL). Otherwise, only GET would suffice.