Can't delete underlying VM for a node in Kubernetes - kubernetes

I'm running a three node cluster on GCE. I want to drain one node and delete the underlying VM.
Documentation for kubectl drain command says:
Once it returns (without giving an error), you can power down the node (or equivalently, if on a cloud platform, delete the virtual machine backing the node)
I execute the following commands:
Get the nodes
$ kl get nodes
gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-6q21 Ready 43m
gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-rx9p Ready 6m
gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-xr4z Ready 23h
Drain node rx9p.
$ kl drain gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-rx9p --force
node "gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-rx9p" cordoned
WARNING: Deleting pods not managed by ReplicationController, ReplicaSet, Job, DaemonSet or StatefulSet: fluentd-cloud-logging-gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-rx9p, kube-proxy-gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-rx9p
node "gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-rx9p" drained
Delete gcloud VM.
$ gcloud compute instances delete gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-rx9p
List VMs.
$ gcloud compute instances list
In the result, I'm seeing the VM I deleted above - rx9p. If I do kubectl get nodes, I'm seeing the rx9p node too.
What's going on? Something is restarting the VM I'm deleting? Do I have to wait for some timeout between the commands?

You are on the right track with draining the node first.
The nodes (compute instances) are part of a managed instance group. If you delete just them with the gcloud compute instances delete command the managed instance group will recreate them.
To delete one properly use this command (after you have drained it!):
gcloud compute instance-groups managed delete-instances \
gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-grp \
--instances=gke-jcluster-default-pool-9cc4e660-rx9p \


Kubernetes V1.16.8 doesn't support 'node-role' label using ""

Upgrade Kube-aws v1.15.5 cluster to the next version 1.16.8.
Use Case:
I want to keep the Same node label for Master and Worker nodes as I'm using in v1.15 .
When I tried to upgrade the cluster to V1.16 the --node-labels is restricted to use 'node-role'
If I keep the node role as "" the kubelet fails to start after upgrade. if I remove the label, kubectl get node output shows none for the upgraded node.
How do I reproduce?
Before the upgrade I took a backup of 'cp /etc/sysconfig/kubelet /etc/sysconfig/kubelet-bkup' have removed "-role" from it and once the upgrade is completed, I have moved the kubelet sysconfig by replacing the edited file 'mv /etc/sysconfig/kubelet-bkup /etc/sysconfig/kubelet'. Now I could able to see the Noderole as Master/Worker even after kubelet service restart.
The Problem I'm facing now?
Though I perform the upgrade on the existing cluster successfully. The cluster is running in AWS as Kube-aws model. So, the ASG would spin up a new node whenever Cluster-Autoscaler triggers it.
But, the new node fails to join to the cluster since the node label "" exists in the code base.
How can I add the node-role dynamically in the ASG scale-in process?. Any solution would be appreciated.
(Kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl )- v1.16.8
I have sorted out the issue. I have created a Python code that watches the node events. So whenever ASG spins up a new node, after it joins to the cluster, the node wil be having a role "" , later the python code will add a appropriate label to the node dynamically.
Also, I have created a docker image with the base of python script I created for node-label and it will run as a pod. The pod will be deployed into the cluster and it does the job of labelling the new nodes.
Ref my solution given in GitHub
I have created as a docker image and it is publicly available

Replacing dead master in Kubernetes 1.15 cluster with stacked control plane

I have a Kubernetes cluster with 3-master stacked control plane - so each master also has its own etcd instance running locally. The problem I am trying solve is this:
"If one master dies such that it cannot be restarted, how do I replace it?"
Currently, when I try to add the replacement master into the cluster, I get the following error while running kubeadm join:
[check-etcd] Checking that the etcd cluster is healthy
I0302 22:43:41.968068 9158 local.go:66] [etcd] Checking etcd cluster health
I0302 22:43:41.968089 9158 local.go:69] creating etcd client that connects to etcd pods
I0302 22:43:41.986715 9158 etcd.go:106] etcd endpoints read from pods:,,
error execution phase check-etcd: error syncing endpoints with etc: dial tcp connect: no route to host
The node is the one that died. These nodes are all running in an AWS AutoScaling group, so I don't have control over the addresses.
I have drained and deleted the dead master node using kubectl drain and kubectl delete; and I have used etcdctl to make sure the dead node was not in the member list.
Why is it still trying to connect to that node's etcd?
It is still trying to connect to the member because etcd maintains a list of members in its store -- that's how it knows to vote on quorum decisions. I don't believe etcd is unique in that way -- most distributed key-value stores know their member list
The fine manual shows how to remove a dead member, but it also warns to add a new member before removing unhealthy ones.
There is also a project etcdadm that is designed to smooth over some of the rough edges about etcd cluster management, but I haven't used it to say what it is good at versus not
The problem turned out to be that the failed node was still listed in the ConfigMap. Further investigation led me to the following thread, which discusses the same problem:
The solution that worked for me was to edit the ConfigMap manually.
kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -o yaml > tmp-kubeadm-config.yaml
manually edit tmp-kubeadm-config.yaml to remove the old server
kubectl -n kube-system apply -f tmp-kubeadm-config.yaml
I believe updating the etcd member list is still necessary to ensure cluster stability, but it wasn't the full solution.

How to restart master node in kubernetes

I have a kubernetes cluster with 3 masters and 3 workers, I want to restart one of the masters to update the system of the master machine.
So can I just reboot the machine directly on the console with reboot,
or some steps need to be done before the reboot to void the risk of out of service and data loss?
If you need to reboot a node (such as for a kernel upgrade, libc upgrade, hardware repair, etc.), and the downtime is brief, then when the Kubelet restarts, it will attempt to restart the pods scheduled to it. If the reboot takes longer (the default time is 5 minutes, controlled by --pod-eviction-timeout on the controller-manager), then the node controller will terminate the pods that are bound to the unavailable node. If there is a corresponding replica set (or replication controller), then a new copy of the pod will be started on a different node. So, in the case where all pods are replicated, upgrades can be done without special coordination, assuming that not all nodes will go down at the same time
If you want more control over the upgrading process, you may use the following workflow:
Use kubectl drain to gracefully terminate all pods on the node while marking the node as unschedulable:
kubectl drain $NODENAME
This keeps new pods from landing on the node while you are trying to get them off.
For pods with a replica set, the pod will be replaced by a new pod which will be scheduled to a new node. Additionally, if the pod is part of a service, then clients will automatically be redirected to the new pod.
For pods with no replica set, you need to bring up a new copy of the pod, and assuming it is not part of a service, redirect clients to it.
Perform maintenance work on the node.
Make the node schedulable again:
kubectl uncordon $NODENAME
Additionally if the node is hosting ETCD then you need to be extra careful in terms of rolling upgrade of ETCD and backing up the data
Take a backup of the ETCD if it's hosting the ETCD. You can use the in-built command to backup the data like
ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints=https://[]:2379 --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt \
--cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt --key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key \
snapshot save /tmp/snapshot-pre-boot.db
Now drain the node using
kubectl drain <master01>
Do the System update | patches and reboot.
Now uncordon the node back to the cluster
kubectl uncordon <master01>
Whenever you wish to reboot OS on the particular Node(Master, worker), K8s cluster engine does not aware for that action and it keeps all the cluster related events in ETCD key value storage, backing up the most recent data. As soon as you wish carefully prepare cluster Node reboot, you might have to adjust Maintenance job on this Node in order to drain it from scheduling and gracefully terminate all the existing Pods.
If you compose any relevant K8s resource within defined set of replicas, then ReplicationController guarantees that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any one time through each available Node. It simply re-spawns Pods if they failed health check, deleted or terminated, matching desired replicas. In case of Master nodes which host ETCDs you need to be extra careful in terms of rolling upgrade of ETCD and backing up the data.
1. Backup a single master
As mentioned previously, we need to backup etcd. In addition to that, we need the certificates and
optionally the kubeadm configuration file for easily restoring the
master. If you set up your cluster using kubeadm (with no special
configuration) you can do it similar to this:
Backup certificates:
$ sudo cp -r /etc/kubernetes/pki backup/
Make etcd snapshot:
$ sudo docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/backup:/backup \
--network host \
-v /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd:/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd \
--env ETCDCTL_API=3 \ \
etcdctl --endpoints= \
--cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt \
--cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/healthcheck-client.crt \
--key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/healthcheck-client.key \
snapshot save /backup/etcd-snapshot-latest.db
Backup kubeadm-config:
$ sudo cp /etc/kubeadm/kubeadm-config.yaml backup/
Note that the contents of the backup folder should then be stored somewhere safe, where it can survive if the master is completely destroyed. You perhaps want to use e.g. AWS S3 (or similar) for this.
There are three commands in the example and all of them should be run on the master node. The first one copies the folder containing all the certificates that kubeadm creates. These certificates are used for secure communications between the various components in a Kubernetes cluster. The final command is optional and only relevant if you use a configuration file for kubeadm. Storing this file makes it easy to initialize the master with the exact same configuration as before when restoring it.
If master update went wrong you can then simply restore old version of master node.
You can also automate etcd backups.
Doing a single backup manually may be a good first step but you really need to make regular backups for them to be useful. The easiest way to do this is probably to take the commands from the example above, create a small script and a cron job that runs the script every now and then. But since we are running Kubernetes anyway, use a Kubernetes CronJob. This would allow you to keep track of the backup jobs inside Kubernetes just like you monitor your workloads.
More information you can find here: backups-kubernetes.
2. Next step is to mark a node unschedulable, run this command:
$ kubectl drain $NODENAME
The kubectl drain command should only be issued to a single node at a time. However, you can run multiple kubectl drain commands for different nodes in parallel, in different terminals or in the background. Multiple drain commands running concurrently will still respect the PodDisruptionBudget you specify.
3. Execute the system update or patch and reboot.
4. Finally uncordon the node back to the cluster, execute command below:
$ kubectl uncordon $NODENAME
On GCP there is option such auto-upgrading nodes which improve managing node updates.
About maintenance Kubernetes nodes's you can read here: node-maintenace.

How to prevent a specific node from being killed during GKE node pool resize

While reducing number of nodes in node pool in GKE, I want a specific node to be not killed by GKE. Is it possible to do that?
As explained in detail here - you can drain and delete the instance from the instance group (Not direct delete instance)
kubectl drain gke_instance_name --force
The delete from instance group command followed by wait-until-stable command:
$ gcloud compute instance-groups managed delete-instances $GROUP_ID --instances=gke_instance_name
$ gcloud compute instance-groups managed wait-until-stable $GROUP_ID
This will not allow you to blacklist some instances from being deleted - but other way around that you can delete specific instances and leave others untouched.

Use kubectl to delete a node that has running pods on it

We are using Heat + Kubernetes (V0.19) to manage our apps. When do rolling update, sometimes container staring will always fail on a node but kubelet on the node will always retry but always fail. So the updating will hang there which is not the behavior we expected.
I found that using "kubectl delete node" to remove the node can avoid pods scheduled to that node. But in our env, the node to be deleted may have running pods on it.
So my question is:
After using "kubectl delete node" to remove the node, will the pods on that node still worked correctly ?
If you just want to cancel the rolling update, remove the failed pods and try again later, I have found that it is best to stop the update loop with CTRL+c and then delete the replication controller corresponding to the new app that is failing.
kubectl delete replicationcontrollers your-app-v1.2.3