Kubernetes V1.16.8 doesn't support 'node-role' label using "--node-labels=node-role.kubernetes.io/master=" - kubernetes

Upgrade Kube-aws v1.15.5 cluster to the next version 1.16.8.
Use Case:
I want to keep the Same node label for Master and Worker nodes as I'm using in v1.15 .
When I tried to upgrade the cluster to V1.16 the --node-labels is restricted to use 'node-role'
If I keep the node role as "node-role.kubernetes.io/master" the kubelet fails to start after upgrade. if I remove the label, kubectl get node output shows none for the upgraded node.
How do I reproduce?
Before the upgrade I took a backup of 'cp /etc/sysconfig/kubelet /etc/sysconfig/kubelet-bkup' have removed "-role" from it and once the upgrade is completed, I have moved the kubelet sysconfig by replacing the edited file 'mv /etc/sysconfig/kubelet-bkup /etc/sysconfig/kubelet'. Now I could able to see the Noderole as Master/Worker even after kubelet service restart.
The Problem I'm facing now?
Though I perform the upgrade on the existing cluster successfully. The cluster is running in AWS as Kube-aws model. So, the ASG would spin up a new node whenever Cluster-Autoscaler triggers it.
But, the new node fails to join to the cluster since the node label "node-role.kubernetes.io/master" exists in the code base.
How can I add the node-role dynamically in the ASG scale-in process?. Any solution would be appreciated.
(Kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl )- v1.16.8

I have sorted out the issue. I have created a Python code that watches the node events. So whenever ASG spins up a new node, after it joins to the cluster, the node wil be having a role "" , later the python code will add a appropriate label to the node dynamically.
Also, I have created a docker image with the base of python script I created for node-label and it will run as a pod. The pod will be deployed into the cluster and it does the job of labelling the new nodes.
Ref my solution given in GitHub
I have created as a docker image and it is publicly available


terraform: how to upgrade Azure AKS default nodepool VM size without replacement of the cluster

I'm trying to upgrade the VM size of my AKS cluster using this approach with Terraform. Basically I create a new nodepool with the required amount of nodes, then I cordon the old node to disallow scheduling of new pods. Next, I drain the old node to reschedule all the pods in the newly created node. Then, I proceed to upgrade the VM size.
The problem I am facing is that azurerm_kubernetes_cluster resource allow for the creation of the default_node_pool and another resource, azurerm_kuberentes_cluster_node_pool allows me to create new nodepools with extra nodes.
Everything works until I create the new nodepool, cordon and drain the old one. However when I change the default_nod_pool.vm_size and run terraform apply, it tells me that the whole resource has to be recreated, including the new nodepool I just created, because it's linked to the cluster id, which will be replaced.
How should I manage this upgrade from the documentation with Terraform if upgrading the default node pool always forces replacement even if a new nodepool is in place?
terraform version
terraform v1.1.7
on linux_amd64
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/azurerm v2.82.0
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/local v2.2.2

How to reconfigure the IP of a k8s node

I created a k8s installed by k0s on the aws ec2 instance. In order to make delivery new cluster faster, I try to make an AMI for it.
However, I started a new ec2 instance, the internal IP changed and the node become NotReady
ubuntu#ip-172-31-26-46:~$ k get node
ip-172-31-18-145 NotReady <none> 95m v1.21.1-k0s1
Would it be possible to reconfigure it ?
Work around
I found a work around to make the AWS AMI working
Short answer
install node with kubelet's --extra-args
update the kube-api to the new IP and restart the kubelet
Details :: 1
In the kubernete cluster, the kubelet plays the node agent node. It will tell kube-api "Hey, I am here and my name is XXX".
The name of a node is its hostname and could not be changed after created. It could be set by --hostname-override.
If you don't change the node name, the kube-api will try to use the hostname then got errors caused by old-node-name not found.
Details :: 2
To k0s, it put kubelet' KUBECONFIG in the /var/lib/k0s/kubelet.conf, there was a kubelet api server location
In order to connect a new kube-api location, please update it
Did you check the kubelet logs? Most likely it's a problem with certificates. You cannot just make an existing node into ami and hope it will work since certificates are signed for specific IP.
Check out the awslabs/amazon-eks-ami repo on github. You can check out how aws does its k8s ami.
There is a files/bootstrap.sh file in repo that is run to bootstrap an instance. It does all sort of things that are instance specific which includes getting certificates.
If you want to "make delivery new cluster faster", I'd recommend to create an ami with all dependencies but without an actual k8s boostraping. Install the k8s (or k0s in your case) after you start the instance from ami, not before. (Or figure out how to regenerate certs and configs that are node specific.)

gpu worker node unable to join cluster

I've a EKS setup (v1.16) with 2 ASG: one for compute ("c5.9xlarge") and the other gpu ("p3.2xlarge").
Both are configured as Spot and set with desiredCapacity 0.
K8S CA works as expected and scale out each ASG when necessary, the issue is that the newly created gpu instance is not recognized by the master and running kubectl get nodes emits nothing.
I can see that the ec2 instance was in Running state and also I could ssh the machine.
I double checked the the labels and tags and compared them to the "compute".
Both are configured almost similarly, the only difference is that the gpu nodegroup has few additional tags.
Since I'm using eksctl tool (v.0.35.0) and the compute nodeGroup vs. gpu nodeGroup is basically copy&paste, I can't figured out what could be the problem.
ssh the instance I could see the following error (/var/log/messages)
failed to run Kubelet: misconfiguration: kubelet cgroup driver: "systemd" is different from docker cgroup driver: "cgroupfs"
and the kubelet service crashed.
would it possible the my GPU uses wrong AMI (amazon-eks-gpu-node-1.18-v20201211)?
As a simple you can use this preBootstrapCommands in eksctl yaml config file:
- name: test-node-group
- "sed -i 's/cgroupDriver:.*/cgroupDriver: cgroupfs/' /etc/eksctl/kubelet.yaml"
There is some issue with EKS 1.16, even the graviton processors machine won't join the cluster. To fix it first you try upgrading your CNI version. Please refer the documentation here:
And if that doesn't work, then upgrade your EKS version to the latest available version then should work.
I've found out the issue. It seems to be mis-alignment between eksctl (v0.35.0) and the AL2-GPU AMI.
AWS team change the control group in docker to be "systemd" instead of "cgroup" (github) while the eksctl tool I used didn't absorb the changes.
A temporary solution is to edit the /etc/eksctl/kubelet.yaml file using preBootstrapCommands

Pull image from private docker registry in AWS EKS Autoscaler worker nodes

I'm using AWS EKS with Auto Scaler for the worker nodes. I've private Artifactory docker registry.
Now in order to download docker images from private registry, I've read many documents including kubernetes docs for - how to pull docker image from private docker registry.
There are three steps in the solution:
Create kubectl secret which contains docker registry credentials
Add "insecure-registries":["privateRegistryAddress:port"] in /etc/docker/daemon.json
Restart docker service
I've manually SSH into worker nodes and ran 2nd and 3rd step which works for temporary but as EKS Auto Scaler finds if that worker nodes is not in use then kill it and create new one as needed, where in this new worker node "insecure-registries":["privateRegistryAddress:port"] in /etc/docker/daemon.json is not added, and due to which pod scheduling fails.
There are two solutions I can think of here -
Configure AWS EC2 AMI which contains "insecure-registries":["privateRegistryAddress:port"] in /etc/docker/daemon.json default and use that image in auto scaler configuration
Create pod which has node level permission to edit the mentioned file and restart docker service - but I doubt if docker service restarted then that pod itself would go down and if that works or not
Please advise. Thanks.
Solved this from first approach I mentioned in question.
First of course created kubectl secret to login to private registry
SSHed into kubernetes worker nodes and added ["privateRegistryAddress:port"] in /etc/docker/daemon.json
Created AMI image out of that node
Updated EC2 launch template with the new AMI and set new template version as default
Updated Ec2 Auto scaling group with new launch template version
Killed previous worker nodes and let auto scaling group created new nodes
and voila!! :)
Now whenever EKS using Auto Scaling group increase/decrease EC2 instances, they will be able to download docker images from private docker registry.

kubernetes pods are restarting with new ID

The pods i am working with are being managed by kubernetes. When I use the docker restart command to restart a pod, sometimes the pod gets a new id and sometimes the old one. When the pod gets a new id, its state first goes friom running ->error->crashloopbackoff. Can anyone please tell me why is this happening. Also how frequently does kubernetes does the health check
Kubernetes currently does not use the docker restart command for many reasons (e.g., preserving the logs of older containers). Kubelet, the daemon on the node, creates a new container if the existing container terminated. In any case, users should not perform container lifecycle operations (e.g., stop, restart) on kubernetes-managed containers directly using docker, as it could cause unexpected behaviors.
EDIT: If you want kubernetes to restart your container automatically, set RestartPolicy in your pod spec to "Always" or "OnFailure". For more details, see http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/pod-states/