SSIS: Data integration between SQL server 2008 R2 To PostgreSQL 9.5 - postgresql

I have a SSIS package where I take data from SQL Server Table, data conversion and load that into a table in PostgreSQL.
Package details:
Source : OLEDB Source
Transformation : Data Conversion (varchar data type conversion)
Destination : ADO NET Destination
Database connected is successfully using ADO.Net
Mapping has been done properly between Data conversion to Destination.
While executing package getting following error:
[ADO NET Destination [192]] Error: ADO NET Destination has failed to
acquire the connection {B63BB8E1-515E-4687-89D9-990575FBD5F0}. The
connection may have been corrupted.

We have to do some settings to overcome with this problem.
Setting properties of data flow task:
Go to Properties -> Execution
DelayValidation = True
Setting properties of control flow task:
Go to Properties -> Execution
DelayValidation = True
Setting properties of Solution:
Go to Configuration Properties -> Debugging -> Debug Options
Run64BitRuntime = False


Error while trying to create a new edmx file - VS 2013 , Entity Framework 5.0

As per my requirement i need to create a edmx file and establish a connection to sql server thats residing in a remote server and am following the VS 2013 , and using wizard model am trying to connect to DB.
But its throwing the error:
what am I missing, do i need set any settings / some installables?
Firstly i am getting the sqlclr types error, so i installed the same and other error was sharedmanagementobjects error, so i installed that msi as well.
my sql server is SQL SERVER 2012 STD - SP2,VERSION NUMBER : 11.0.5058
Loading metadata from the database took 00:00:03.2592313.
Generating the model took 00:00:03.1761556.
Could not save the XML to the configuration file 'D:\PoCSolutions\EDMXTEST_WINFORMS1\EDMXTEST_WINFORMS1\App.config' because of the error 'Access to the path 'D:\PoCSolutions\EDMXTEST_WINFORMS1\EDMXTEST_WINFORMS1\App.config' is denied.'.
Unable to update the App.Config file because of the following exception: 'Access to the path 'D:\PoCSolutions\EDMXTEST_WINFORMS1\EDMXTEST_WINFORMS1\App.config' is denied.'
Writing the .edmx file took 00:00:00.0009981.
I am getting this error when trying to create a new .edmx file using VS 2013 with Entity Framework 5.0

SQL Timeout when running an Entity Framework Migration

I am currently experiencing a SQL Timeout when running a SQL() command inside of an EF Migration.
I am replacing a bunch (>50) tables with one table, and need to convert the data from those tables I'm about to drop into the new table. I've organized the Migration the following way:
1.Create the new table.
In the same Migration, use the SQL() function to run a sql script that migrates the data.
3.Drop all the old tables.
Currently, the migration gives the following error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
The statement has been terminated. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The wait operation timed out
The error is happening in an environment where I give them an installer, and they run it without me involved, so I can't manually run individual migrations, and pause in the middle to run the SQL script.
Is there any way to change the timeout for a connection, or get around this issue?
EF 6.0 Code First
SQL Server 2012
See this answer.
Use Configuration.cs file to set custom time out:
internal sealed class Configuration :
public Configuration()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
ContextKey = "YourDbContext";
// New timeout in seconds
this.CommandTimeout = 60 * 5;
With this method, you can change the timeout only for migration and not everyone using your default connection string.
You should be able to set the connection timeout in the connection string, something like:
Connection Timeout=180;

DB2 exception: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory SQLCODE=-142,

I keep having the following error in MobileFirst Platform 6.3:
Runtime: org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create
PoolableConnectionFactory (DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-142,
SQLSTATE=42612, SQLERRMC=null, DRIVER=4.19.26)
This is my adapter code:
var test2 = WL.Server.createSQLStatement("SELECT * FROM WSDIWC.WBPTRR1");
function getCEID(cnum) {
return WL.Server.invokeSQLStatement({
preparedStatement : test2,
parameters : []
And adapter XML:
<connectionPolicy xsi:type="sql:SQLConnectionPolicy">
<!-- Example for using a JNDI data source, replace with actual data source
name -->
<!-- <dataSourceJNDIName>${training-jndi-name}</dataSourceJNDIName> -->
<!-- Example for using MySQL connector, do not forget to put the MySQL
connector library in the project's lib folder -->
I have remove the url, user and password.
Hope you help me out on clarification about the current problem.
I already know that the sql is not accepted since it's just a simple query.
I have also research about z/OS DB2 that it has issue with same error code sqlcode=-142.
While you say that this is a "simple query", the exception error code mentions the following:
An SQL statement was detected that is not supported by the database.
The statement might be valid for other IBM® relational database
products or it might be valid in another context. For example,
statements such as VALUES and SIGNAL or RESIGNAL SQLSTATE can be used
only in certain contexts, such as in a trigger body or in an SQL
System action
The statement cannot be processed.
Programmer response
Change the syntax of the SQL statement or remove the statement from
the program.
You should review the DB2 SQL guidelines for how to achieve what you want to achieve, and also explain that in the question if you'd like further assistance. For example, are you sure "WSDIWC.WBPTRR1" is actually available?
I encountered this same problem with JDBC connections to mainframe DB2 in MobileFirst 6.3. Connections to DB2 LUW worked fine. It appears that default pool validationQuery is valid for DB2 LUW but not DB2 z/OS.
You can work around the bug by doing the data source configuration in the Liberty profile server.xml. From the Eclipse Servers view, expand MobileFirst Development Server and edit the Server Configuration. Add the driver and data source there; for example:
<library id="db2jcc">
<fileset dir="whereever" includes="db2jcc4.jar db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar"/>
<dataSource id="db2" jndiName="jdbc/db2">
<jdbcDriver libraryRef="db2jcc"/>
<properties.db2.jcc databaseName="mydb" portNumber="5021"
serverName="myserver" user="myuser" password="mypw" />
Then reference it in your adapter XML under connectionPolicy:
A benefit of configuring data sources in server.xml (vs the adapter XML) is you have access to all data source, JDBC, and JCC properties. So if the connection pool gives you other problems, you can customize it or switch to another data source type, such as type="javax.sql.DataSource".

Getting DB2 SQL Error while firing a select query using Worklight 6.1.0?

I am trying to connect to DB2 in my local LAN using worklight 6.1.0 and firing a Select Query for lookup of data if exist. But i am getting below error:
"errors": [
"Runtime: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-204, SQLSTATE=42704, SQLERRMC=DATABASE_NAME.REGISTRATION, DRIVER=3.58.82.\nPerformed query:\nSELECT * FROM DATABASE_NAME.registration where DATABASE_NAME.registration.Mob_No = ?"
"info": [
"isSuccessful": false,
"warnings": [
My SQL adapter configuration looks like below:
<connectionPolicy xsi:type="sql:SQLConnectionPolicy">
<!-- Example for using a JNDI data source, replace with actual data source name -->
<!-- <dataSourceJNDIName>java:/data-source-jndi-name</dataSourceJNDIName> -->
<!-- Example for using MySQL connector, do not forget to put the MySQL connector library in the project's lib folder -->
And js file which has procedure looks like:
var selectStatement1 = "SELECT * FROM DATABASE_NAME.registration where DATABASE_NAME.registration.Mob_No = ?";
var procStmt1 = WL.Server.createSQLStatement(selectStatement1);
function registrationLookup(mobile){
WL.Logger.debug("Inside registrationLookup");
return WL.Server.invokeSQLStatement(
preparedStatement : procStmt1,
parameters : [mobile]
I did some Research about connecting DB2 with Worklight and came to know that i need to put below data in file.
But after adding it, i am not able to deploy Adapter and error says 'db2admin' does not exist. So i have skipped this step in the context of current question. But after going through error which i am getting without adding this data it seems to me that 'Object doesn't exist' as per or user table does not exist. Any suggestion would be helpful.
My IP address is from where i am invoking Adapter for DB2.
DB2 instance is running on # 50000.
Already Added db2jcc_license_cu_9.5.jar & db2jcc_9.5.jar in server/lib. It had name appended with '_9.5' which i have removed from both jar and kept only db2jcc_license_cu.jar and db2jcc.jar.
The error message is saying that your SQL statement is invalid, and I therefore infer that your connection to the DB is fine.
To diagnose this first run the SQL using DB2 command line or other tools. My guess is you mean
whereas you are saying DATABASE_NAME.registration
Got Answer to my own Question and its really interesting one. Thanks to [Glen Misquith]
Problem was with SQL Query framing which is Different what i did with MYSQL.
Adapter's Java Script file:
var selectStatement4 = "UPDATE \"LARSEN\".\"registration\" SET \"LARSEN\".\"registration\".\"Pass\"=?, \"LARSEN\".\"registration\".\"Re_Pass\"=? WHERE \"User_Name\" = ?";
var procStmt5 = WL.Server.createSQLStatement(selectStatement4);
function updatePassword(username,pass,repass){
WL.Logger.debug("Inside updatePassword "+username+" "+pass+" "+repass);
return WL.Server.invokeSQLStatement(
preparedStatement : procStmt5,
parameters : [pass,repass,username]
This is quite a Strange thing Slashes need to be used in SQL Statement while Preparing it.
I would really like to understand this behavior of DB2. And also i cant directly write 'Select * from schema.table_name' and precisely write column name from which data needs to be fetched.

Got a SQLCODE = -991

After the sub of the exec JCL, i've got the following error :
SQLCODE = -991
This error is triggered when i call a module that allows to query a table.
PS : i have the necessary privileges for the table.
From IBM's page:
And some general links for SQL return code information: - use the searches here to find lots of things
It is possible you are not running on the same LPAR as DB2 and you don't have sharing enabled.
Ensure you included DSNALI in your program bind (aka link) step, and that you're running on the correct LPAR.