How do I set an environment variable on Windows 10, which was generated from GitHub? - github

I want to make an updater for my Electron application, and I stuck on the GitHub access token.
I have generated a token from my GitHub account, and after that, I tried to set that token in my Windows environmental variables.
When I go to my application and I run this file
if [ -z "$GH_TOKEN" ]; then
echo "You must set the GH_TOKEN environment variable."
echo "See for more details."
exit 1
# This will build, package and upload the app to GitHub.
node_modules/.bin/build --win --mac -p always
I run this file ./ and I get this message:
You must set the GH_TOKEN environment variable.
I want to achieve step 4 and 5 in this example:
I tried to run this command from the Git Bash export GH_TOKEN="435468246872235283762846848267", but I get a return code of 0.

How do I set an environment variable on Windows 10, which was generated from GitHub?
Make sure to restart a new CMD session (in which you can type bash) in order to make sure your session does inherit the new Windows environment variable you have just set.
Once you have done that, you can check in the (new) Git Bash session which are the environment variables already set, with:
env | grep GH
Make sure your script starts with
The OP George points out in the comments that the correct form is:
(no double quotes)


How do not push ".env" file to the Github repository? [duplicate]

I've tried many different solutions on the web for this problem, but all have been unsuccessful.
Here's the problem: My app needs to know whether it is being run on Heroku (production mode) or locally (development mode). For this purpose, we want to use environment variables. I've understood that environment variables on Heroku can be set in a .env file. So my attempt was to run heroku run bash -a <app-name> and then to install vim by doing this:
mkdir ~/vim
cd ~/vim
# Staically linked vim version compiled from
# Compiled on Jul 20 2017
curl '' | tar -xz
export VIMRUNTIME="$HOME/vim/runtime"
export PATH="$HOME/vim:$PATH"
cd -
Apart from crashing repeatedly, vim didn't work anymore when I logged in and out of the shell:
~ $ vim // in the heroku shell
vim: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I also tried heroku plugins:install heroku-vim but running heroku vim after that only resulted in a long delay followed by the normal heroku shell opening, no vim.
I don't really care if I get vim to work. I just want to be able to write in a file named .env on Heroku so I can set environment variables in it.
How can I achieve this?
There is no need for an .env file on Heroku. In fact, such a file won't work very well since
Heroku gets all of its files from your Git repository,
has an ephemeral filesystem, meaning that changes to files like .env will be quickly lost, and
the .env file won't be available on other dynos if you scale your app
As such, creating an .env file on Heroku isn't a good approach.
Instead, you can use its built-in support for environment variables, using heroku config:set <var> <value> or its web UI. Either way, you'll get a regular environment variable.
It is fairly simple.
Just as you added them in your .env file, do the same with heroku's command line and you will see heroku restart and you are all set to fly again.
Just use the command :
(heroku config:set VARIABLE=this_is_the_value)
Remember to use the underscores in the value as spaces are not allowed not inverted quotes (" ")to turn it into a single string is permissible.

How can you solve a "File not found error: No such file or directory" when deploying on gcloud?

Hi I am new to programming and I hope someone can help with this.
A team mate of mine did some changes yesterday through github and now we get this error when we want to "gcloud app deploy on our gcloud": "ERROR: gcloud crashed (FileNotFoundError): [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/name/project/venv/bin/python3.8'."
The app itself still works but it seems we can not deploy anymore as we get this error. Really appreciate you reading this, thanks.
The error (No such file or directory: '/home/name/project/venv/bin/python3.8') suggests that, a virtualenv (venv) was running (perhaps while gcloud was installed) and it is no longer effective (unable to find /home/name/project/venv/bin/python3.8 in the path).
To reactivate the virtualenv, you can:
source /home/name/project/venv/bin/activate
Which should put python3.8 back in your path:
which python3.8
And should return gcloud to a working state for the current shell session.
When that session ends, you'll need to rerun the source ... command.
It's good practice to explicitly deactivate the virtualenv when you're done with it.
Often, when running, the command shell is prefixed with (venv) to indicate that you're in a virtualenv:
# Create a virtualenv in `xxxx`
python3.8 -m venv xxxx
# Activate `xxxx`
me#host:~ $ source xxxx/bin/activate
# Note my prompt is prefixed with `(xxxx)`
(xxxx) me#host:~ $ which python3.8
# Within the virtualenv, `python3.8` is ln'd
(xxxx) me#host:~ $ ls -l $(which python3.8)
/home/me/xxx/bin/python3.8 -> /usr/bin/python3.8
# Deactivate `xxxx`
(xxx) me#host:~ $ deactivate
me#host:~ $ which python3.8
(xxxx) me#host:~ $ deactivate
NOTE In the example above, rather than use the customer venv directory, I'm using xxxx to demonstrate the point.

Set global environment variables in VS Code with remote-ssh

I have the case that I need to use VS Code installed on Windows 10 and run it with the extension Remote - SSH on a RHEL 7.x.
The default RHEL 7.x runs with git 1.8.x. I have installed a newer git version but this is not in the default $PATH environment.
I have found this instructions which describe how to set the environment variables specifically for VS Code when usind WSL.
If you want to run additional commands or modify the environment this can be done in a setup script ~/.vscode-server/server-env-setup
This does seem to work only if you use WSL. Why does this not work with the Remote - SSH extension?
My special case is that I only want and need the git>=2 while usind VS Code. When I am connected regularly via ssh I would like and need the OS default tools and settings.
This gives me the special request that I don't want to edit the ~/.bashrc, ~/.cshrc or any other user environment files.
I would like to be able to edit the environment for VS Code only. Some kind, maybe like:
export PATH=/opt/rh/rh-git29/root/usr/bin\:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/rh/httpd24/root/usr/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
setenv PATH /opt/rh/rh-git29/root/usr/bin\:$PATH
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/rh/httpd24/root/usr/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Is there anything I have not found yet where I can make my requests to work or would this be some kind of request to the VS Code Team?
I think I found the solution in this issue comment and the follow-up response:
When vscode-server initially starts, it uses a login shell, sourcing .profile in your home directory.
However, any following interactive shells started through VS Code are non-login shells and thus only source .bashrc
A complication in fiddling with this is that vscode-server apparently caches the environment during its lifetimes, so changes to these dotfiles don't become visible until the server is restarted.
I have a better solution to minimize the proxy scope
export http_proxy=<proxy here>
export no_proxy=<no proxy here>
while IFS= read -r _file; do
if ! grep -s -q "export http_proxy=" "${_file}"; then
sed -i -e "/^ROOT/i export http_proxy=${http_proxy}" -e "/^ROOT/i export https_proxy=${http_proxy}" -e "/^ROOT/i export no_proxy=${no_proxy}" "${_file}"
done < <(find ~/.vscode-server/bin -type f -name "")

Updating environmental variables in Visual Studio Code on Linux

I changed the environmental variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH from the Ubuntu terminal (because I was receiving an error) and the changes were applied when I ran code (a Python code) from the terminal. But when I ran the same script from the Visual Studio Code, the error remains. How to update the environmental variable so that Visual Studio Code sees it, as well?
Environment variables are passed from parent process to child process; they are not (say) global to the system or the user. If you change a variable in one shell, the change is only seen in that shell and any processes started from that shell. So the simplest solution is to change the variable and then start VSCode from that same shell:
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/some/useful/path
$ code
If you want to keep using that shell for other things, run it in the background:
$ code >/dev/null 2>&1 &
The redirection to /dev/null is needed because otherwise VSCode prints logging information periodically, and that output will be mixed with whatever else you're doing.
If you want to set the variable permanently, see the question How do I set a user environment variable? (permanently, not session). After following those instructions, you'll need to start a new shell (and possibly even logout and login) first so the settings take effect. Then launch VSCode from the new shell.

Running .sh file on Windows 10 command prompt using cygwin

I am trying to change the author name of the pushed commits on GitHub. I am following the instructions here step by step: but I am stuck at step 3. I am currently using the command prompt on Windows to do it.
git filter-branch --env-filter $' OLD_EMAIL=“" CORRECT_NAME=“Jeffrey Yong" CORRECT_EMAIL=“" if [ "$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL" = "$OLD_EMAIL" ]
export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="$CORRECT_NAME" export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="$CORRECT_EMAIL" fi ' --tag-name-filter cat -- --branches --tags
So I literally copied and pasted the code above in my command prompt and pressed enter but it seems like there's an error. I already have Cygwin installed and I am wondering what is the best way to run the code above.
Create a file named with the above code in your project directory
Open cygwin
Browse to the project directory using cd command
Type bash to execute your script
Or you can simply create the file in the project folder and double click it to execute it with git-bash (CygWin in windows)
I realize this is somewhat ancient but I hit this issue. Git for Windows's bash environment on Windows 10 is a custom Cygwin environment (it seems).
I did the following to get some information on how Git sees it's environment when inside filter-branch:
git filter-branch --env-filter "printenv; echo" -- HEAD~..HEAD
This shows all sorts of handy paths like OLDPWD. But I think it's safest to put your script somewhere in your PATH.
So let's say %USERPROFILE%\bin is in your path go and you put your script in %USERPROFILE%\bin\
CORRECT_NAME="Jeffrey Yong"
if [ "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" = "$OLD_EMAIL" ] then
You can then invoke it like this:
git filter-branch --env-filter "source" --tag-name-filter cat -- --branches --tags
Note the use of source. The script needs to be sourced otherwise the environment changes will be lost with the child shell executing the script terminates. Sourcing makes the sh instance that will later execute the commit get the environment changes. It's particularly painful if source is omitted because when debugging it seems that the script is indeed executing (and it is) but not in the right shell.