Grafana Worldmap-Panel threshold options not working - grafana

I am using grafana-worldmap-panel to display information store in influxdb. I've store geohash, and val(0-10) as field in influxdb. Data points is being display properly.
I also have specified thresholds which is not working.
Though val has 0-10 values, all data-points are appearing green. If I checked "With only nulls" under Hide Series all data points disappears.
I'm I doing something wrong ?

Setting an alias to the field worked for me


Power Bi Plot dataset with x-axis dates

I am working with a dataset with which I am creating a dashboard. My dataset is very simple, a first column of [yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm], and a second column with many values.
I read in many threads and forum about the difficulty to plot dates on x-axis (including hours and minuts).
As reference I am using this dashboard built in PowerBi .(Public data of Italian electric energy generation)
This is exactly the outcome I would like to obtain, but by now I cannot display the hours and minuts. I used their data to reproduce the dashboard.
I tried to switch from a "dates" x-axis to a "text" x-axis, but the result is not the same, and furthermore the plot does not occupy the whole page but I have to move to the right.
enter image description here
I really cannot understand how the linked dashboard was built.
Any idea?
I guess your problem is that you have been using Date Hierarchy on the x-Axis you instead of Date only.

Why the line graph is not continuous

I have 4 series of data in Grafana chart, but graph lines aren't continuous. Anyone knows why? Here is a sample graph with query:
It means that some data exists on a specific timeline whereas some data doesn't. So, for instance, in your case, your data that is represented as a yellow colour has something at 23:07, however, the one that is a blue colour has nothing in a database for this time. As a result, you have gaps in your timeline.
If you want to connect missing points, just change the Connect null values parameter from Never to Always:

Why does AWS CloudWatch dashboard widget does not respect scales when drawing two lines?

I'm new to AWS and CloudWatch.
Here is a screenshot of a CloudWatch dashboard showing two parameters related to a Dynamo table.
As you can see in the pop-up the value of the sample for the orange timeseries is 2,252 while the value of the sample for the red timeseries is 7,000, yet the red chart is drawn under the orange chart. If you check the scale on the left, it seems the red series is the one that get drawn correctly, while the line of the orange one is somehow "inflated".
Can you please help me understand what is the reason behind this?
It looks like your mouse hover point data and the popup data are out of sync. Just a UI glitch.
The popup is showing 09:57 and probably on the chart at 09:57 those are the correct values.
The hover point you chose is a particular peak and is at what time? The last digit is cut off from the display but it's definitely not a 7! Looks like "09:50" maybe?
Minor UI glitch is my diagnosis.
Eventually I come up with this different set up, where one of the series has values mapped on the left Y-axis, while the other series has values mapped on the right Y-axis.
The main drawback is that the two series are not directly comparable, but at least the difference in value is more evident.

How can I filter over a bar graph data while showing the average of the entire data set?

I am making an interactive dashboard in Tableau that looks something like this:
(for your best viewing experience, please view the dashboard in the fullscreen view - button on bottom right corner of the board)
I need some help with the bar chart.
I currently have a reference line in place to mark the two averages so that they don’t move as I filter through data. When using the average line feature, the filters on the left change all the graphs on the dashboard in real-time (and thus the average with it). So, it seems like the average line is built from the data points currently on display rather than all the data points in our data set.
I want to show the averages on the bar graph as they are in the image (a constant for the whole data set) without having to manually set the average each time I add/update the data.
How do I make it so that when I change the filters, the bar graph changes but the average stays constant?
Thank you so much!
You can self-blend the data sources - duplicate the data source, but DON'T join any fields/set up relationships. The lack of join can make the secondary source act as a constant.
Alternatively create a FIXED calculation to calculate the average. This should also act as a constant - just make sure none of your filters are in context.

Need more control over Pentaho PI chart slices

Pentaho gives you the option of easily generating a PI chart using it's report designer. I have a query that can return the following values
Over Inflated
Under Inflated
Within Specification
These values will each represent a slice within the PI chart. I have two problems.
Problem number 1
I have a query returning the following,
Over Inflated
Within Specification
Within Specification
Over Inflated
Over Inflated
Over Inflated
Note that the results do not include a single value that is equal to Under Inflated. This will result in a pie chart as indicated below.
I need the pie chart to indicate to the user that there is also a third slice represented within this chart (Under Inflated). Even though the value for Under Inflated records is 0%.
Problem number 2
Pentaho gives you the option to specify the colors of the slices. I need to link the colors of the slices to a specific value. For instance Over Inflated should be displayed as red, Under Inflated should be displayed as orange and Within Specification should be displayed as green.
Is there any way in Pentaho to do this?
There is no easy way to bind colours in PRD other than by ensuring the data is in a consistent sort, and defining the colours in that order - i.e. it wont always work.
However saying that you can bind the actual data values if you use a beanshell chart processing script.
To get the 0% slice appear you just ensure your data set returns it. So the best way to do this is just to outer join from your dimensions to the actual data, then you'll always get the 3 values - even if one is zero.
If you want more/ultimate control you could move to ccc charts. PRD is moving to ccc charts in the future anyway - but unfortunately the only way to use these currently would be to link via CGG - not a perfect scenario (not least of all because that needs a running server too). But a possibility.