Why the line graph is not continuous - grafana

I have 4 series of data in Grafana chart, but graph lines aren't continuous. Anyone knows why? Here is a sample graph with query:

It means that some data exists on a specific timeline whereas some data doesn't. So, for instance, in your case, your data that is represented as a yellow colour has something at 23:07, however, the one that is a blue colour has nothing in a database for this time. As a result, you have gaps in your timeline.
If you want to connect missing points, just change the Connect null values parameter from Never to Always:


Grafana stack line graph shows hidden series with value 0

I am using a stacked Grafana line graph and has given the option of hiding the series for values with zeros.
But yet there is a line drawn in the stacked series for a metric with value 0 (line colored in yellow). It is not shown in the legend as configured. It is not visible even in the tooltip.
Is there a way to hide the graph as well?
You can just set line width to 0.
This is due to the queries for different series happen one after another and there can be instances where the queries return a different number of data points.
The above issue can occur when some additional data gets written into the database in between queries and some series may not have values towards the end of the timestamps (null values). Therefore Grafana shows this as a drop in the series.
I had the same confusion recently with one of my dashboards. There is an open bug with Grafana to not draw the lines for the 0 values, during the time frame that they are zero, so as not to hide other lines with value underneath.
See https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/15690#issuecomment-1276981815

Crystal Report graph not showing properly

I have 2 graphs in one report:
The top graph has 2 similar points, which each points showing itself as is, I have encircled the points in brown just to be clear.
The graph below the first one has a similar point also, which I encircled in blue, but the problem is it does not reflect the same as the top graph, Is there a fix for this problem?
Here are the things which I have tried.
1) I Deleted the graph below, copied the graph above and pasted it on the location of the below graph, then put put the necessary data to be populated, the graph produces the error.
2) I created another line graph, with the necessary data to be populated, the graph produces the error
I am using the default graph of crystal reports viewer
This is the Raw Data of the graphs, I encircled the data of the first graph in red. The data of the second graph is encircled in blue.
This is the data without the circles.
I used the Chart wizard to create these charts, the 1st screenshot is for the 1st graph.
This is for the 2nd graph
The two points in the second chart are printed on each other because they have (nearly) the same value for X. Additionally Y is the same for both points - it looks like one point is missing.

Grafana Worldmap-Panel threshold options not working

I am using grafana-worldmap-panel to display information store in influxdb. I've store geohash, and val(0-10) as field in influxdb. Data points is being display properly.
I also have specified thresholds which is not working.
Though val has 0-10 values, all data-points are appearing green. If I checked "With only nulls" under Hide Series all data points disappears.
I'm I doing something wrong ?
Setting an alias to the field worked for me

Line graph using Tableau

I am trying to plot a graph like in attached image ,using tableua by getting data from a text file .
It is having 3 fields Datetime ,track ,inuse
We have 43 different track sizes.Need to plot graph for each track with all in a single graph.
Please help me out.
This should be easy to do in tableau. Try putting time on columns, "inuse" on rows and "track" on color.
I do not have your data but am using the data that tableau desktop ships with. Here is what it looks like with the superstore demo data:
To display the labels, also place track on the label shelf. If you then click on the label shelf, you can choose options about where to display them. To mimic your example, label the line ends.

Need more control over Pentaho PI chart slices

Pentaho gives you the option of easily generating a PI chart using it's report designer. I have a query that can return the following values
Over Inflated
Under Inflated
Within Specification
These values will each represent a slice within the PI chart. I have two problems.
Problem number 1
I have a query returning the following,
Over Inflated
Within Specification
Within Specification
Over Inflated
Over Inflated
Over Inflated
Note that the results do not include a single value that is equal to Under Inflated. This will result in a pie chart as indicated below.
I need the pie chart to indicate to the user that there is also a third slice represented within this chart (Under Inflated). Even though the value for Under Inflated records is 0%.
Problem number 2
Pentaho gives you the option to specify the colors of the slices. I need to link the colors of the slices to a specific value. For instance Over Inflated should be displayed as red, Under Inflated should be displayed as orange and Within Specification should be displayed as green.
Is there any way in Pentaho to do this?
There is no easy way to bind colours in PRD other than by ensuring the data is in a consistent sort, and defining the colours in that order - i.e. it wont always work.
However saying that you can bind the actual data values if you use a beanshell chart processing script.
To get the 0% slice appear you just ensure your data set returns it. So the best way to do this is just to outer join from your dimensions to the actual data, then you'll always get the 3 values - even if one is zero.
If you want more/ultimate control you could move to ccc charts. PRD is moving to ccc charts in the future anyway - but unfortunately the only way to use these currently would be to link via CGG - not a perfect scenario (not least of all because that needs a running server too). But a possibility.