Create collections in cloudant - ionic-framework

I'm trying to build an ionic application which retrieves data from Cloudant using pouchdb. Cloudant allows creating only databases and documents.
How can I create some collections in Cloudant?

Two part answer:
A set of documents that meet certain criteria can be considered a collection in Cloudant/CouchDB. You can create views to fetch those documents. Such a view might check for the existence of a property in a document ("all documents with a property named type"), the value of a property ("all documents with a property named type having the value of book") or any other condition that makes sense for your application and return the appropriate documents.
You basically have to follow a three step process:
determine how you can identify documents in your database that you consider to be part of the collection
create a view based on your findings in the previous step
query the view to retrieve those documents
Above documentation link provides more details.
Properties in your document can represent collections as well, as in the following example, which defines a simple array of strings.
"mycollectionname": [
How you implement collections really depends on your use-case scenario.

Long post, but hope that helps.
I would like to explain this with a RDBMS analogy.
In any RDBMS, a new database would mean a different connection with different set of credentials.
A collection would mean the set of tables in that particular database.
A record would mean a row in a table.
Similarly, you can look at a single Cloudant service instance as a database(RDBMS terminology).
A collection would be a "database" in that service instance in Cloudant's terminology.
A document would correpond to a single row.
Hence, Cloudant has no concept of collection as such. If you need to store your related documents in a separate collection you must do it with multiple databases within the same service instance.
If you want to use only a single database, you could create a field like "record_index" to differentiate between the different documents. While querying these documents, you could use an index. For. e.g. I have a student database. But I do not want to store the records for Arts, Commerce, Science branches in different databases. I will add a field "record_type": "arts", etc. in the records. Create an index,
{ selector: {record_type: "arts"}}
Before doing any operation on the arts records, you can use this index and query the documents. In this way, you will be able to logically group your documents.


MongoDb constraint allowing only one entry in collection

Can I make a constraint to prevent more than one document appearing in a collection? The collection will store the version of the database structures
In SQL I would have put a check constraint on the table that checks the count of rows in the table is less than 2
I believe the best way would be using User-Defined Roles to provide Collection-Level Access Control. You can create a document with an innitial database_version and posteriorly assign to your user a role that restricts the access to the collection to only find and update documents.
P.S.:While searching for a solution you may have come across a possible alternative called Capped Collections. It won't work in your case as Capped Collections restrict updates if the updates result in increased document size.

Collection or documents for multiple projects?

I want to manage multiple projects data in mongoDB. Each project contains multiple users from multiple departments with multiple role assigned to them. plus certain task is assigned to each user. Now I am confused about schema, not able to decide which entity should be kept as collection & which one as document ? What is the best efficient way to store ?
should I keep all under single collection as embedded documents or in separate collection ?
First of all if you are using mongodb you should know why are you using it. MongoDB is not about normalize stuff. If you are able to create data structure is de-normalize way then and only then go for MongoDB.
I think you should maintain one single document containing all the mentioned things above. But the scenario which you have mentioned above is good for relational database. you need only 3 entities in relational database and your problem is solved.
Still if you want to go for mongodb you can go with one collection only. which contains project details number of users working there and their roles and department.

How to manage relation in MongoDB?

I am new to MongoDB.I have one Master Collection user_group.The sample document is shown bellow.
And second collection user_detail
How can I maintain relation between these two collections.Should I use reference from user_group into user_detail or any other alternative?
Often, in MongoDB, the "has many" relationship is managed on the opposite side as in a relational database. A MongoDB document often will have an array of ObjectIds or group names (or whatever you're using to identify the foreign document). This is opposed to a relational database where the other side usually has a "belongs to" column.
Do be clear, this is not required. In your example, you could store an array of user details IDs in your group document if it was the most common query that you were going to make. Basically, the question you should ask is "what query am I likely to need?" and design your documents to support it.
Simple answer: You don't.
The entire design philosophy changes when you start looking at MongoDB. If I were you, I would maintain the previlege field inside the user_detail documents itself.
{"user_name":"abc","group_name":"xyz","previlege" : ["add","delete"]}
This may not be ideal if you keep changing group priviledges though. But the idea is, you make design your data storage in a way so that all the information for one "record" can be stored in one object.
MongoDB being NoSQL does not have explicit joins. Workarounds are possible, but not recommended(read MapReduce).
Your best bet is to retrieve both the documents from the mongo collections on the client side and apply user specific privileges. Make sure you have index on the group_name in the user_group collection.
Or better still store the permissions[read, del, etc] for the user in the same document after applying the join at the client side. But then, you cannot update the collection externally since this might break invariants. Everytime an update to the user group occurs, you will need to apply those permissions(privileges) yourself at the client side and save those privileges in the same document. Writes might suffer but reads will be fast(assuming a few fields are indexed, like username).

Mongodb : multiple specific collections or one "store-it-all" collection for performance / indexing

I'm logging different actions users make on our website. Each action can be of different type : a comment, a search query, a page view, a vote etc... Each of these types has its own schema and common infos. For instance :
comment : {"_id":(mongoId), "type":"comment", "date":4/7/2012,
"user":"Franck", "text":"This is a sample comment"}
search : {"_id":(mongoId), "type":"search", "date":4/6/2012,
"user":"Franck", "query":"mongodb"} etc...
Basically, in OOP or RDBMS, I would design an Action class / table and a set of inherited classes / tables (Comment, Search, Vote).
As MongoDb is schema less, I'm inclined to set up a unique collection ("Actions") where I would store these objects instead of multiple collections (collection Actions + collection Comments with a link key to its parent Action etc...).
My question is : what about performance / response time if I try to search by specific columns ?
As I understand indexing best practices, if I want "every users searching for mongodb", I would index columns "type" + "query". But it will not concern the whole set of data, only those of type "search".
Will MongoDb engine scan the whole table or merely focus on data having this specific schema ?
If you create sparse indexes mongo will ignore any rows that don't have the key. Though there is the specific limitation of sparse indexes that they can only index one field.
However, if you are only going to query using common fields there's absolutely no reason not to use a single collection.
I.e. if an index on user+type (or date+user+type) will satisfy all your querying needs - there's no reason to create multiple collections
Tip: use date objects for dates, use object ids not names where appropriate.
Here is some useful information from MongoDB's Best Practices
Store all data for a record in a single document.
MongoDB provides atomic operations at the document level. When data
for a record is stored in a single document the entire record can be
retrieved in a single seek operation, which is very efficient. In some
cases it may not be practical to store all data in a single document,
or it may negatively impact other operations. Make the trade-offs that
are best for your application.
Avoid Large Documents.
The maximum size for documents in MongoDB is 16MB. In practice most
documents are a few kilobytes or less. Consider documents more like
rows in a table than the tables themselves. Rather than maintaining
lists of records in a single document, instead make each record a
document. For large media documents, such as video, consider using
GridFS, a convention implemented by all the drivers that stores the
binary data across many smaller documents.

Creting collection only on MongoDB

I want to create only the collections structure.
Say Products collection contains a list of Categories.
I want to specify this container structure by creating this dependencies, but I do not want to create any collection entry (say there is a loader program somewhere that bulk uploads the data).
The closet analogy in RDBMS is; DBA creates the schema design with constraints and dependencies; application or ETL tool loads the actual data.
Most of the examples that I see simply create a sample collection and then invoke the
Is it even possible in MongoDB?
if the question is not clear, please let me know.
The short answer is NO.
You cannot create a schema in MongoDB. A collection is just a set of documents. Furthermore, dependencies are likely to be represented with embedded documents (as opposed to referenced documents).
We can be more specific if you post the data you want to represent.