run part of code as root - gtk

I have a package which runs uses Gtk and written in vala.A dialog box or a gui opens after selecting a file.I want this dialog box or gui to run as root so as to open and read the files which don't open with normal users.I have this code
static void open_file(string filename) {
selected_file = filename;
new ProgressWindow(selected_file, {});
I want to run ProgressWindow to run as root.Is it possible?

No. To run as root, it must be in a separate process and you must run that process using pkexec via PolicyKit. Here's a tutorial on PolicyKit in Vala.


Build Unity Server under ubuntu via command line

I created a very simple Unity Server, which uses a simple script (taken from here).
I tried to build it through the ubuntu bash with the following command:
~/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.4.30f1/Editor/Unity -batchmode -nographics -logfile stdout.log -projectPath /path/to/the/project -buildLinux64Player /project/build/destination -quit
And it worked! It's able to create a working build. The problem is that the 3D windows is displayed as well. I don't want to interact with any game object.
Is there a way to create or run the executable without GUI?
As you can see I used "batchmode" and "nographics" flags which were supposed to prevent the user interface to appear.
Which sort of mistake I have done?
Thanks for your time.
As you can see I used "batchmode" and "nographics" flags which were supposed to prevent the user interface to appear.
yes and it didn't!
However, these two flags only apply to this instance of the UnityEditor which performs the build ... they do not apply to the actual resulting built application ;)
Usually you would go to the BuildSettings and enable
Server Build
Enable this checkbox to build the Player for server use and with no visual elements (headless) without the need for any command line options. When you enable this option, Unity builds managed scripts
with the UNITY_SERVER define, which means you can write server-specific code for your applications. You can also build to the Windows version as a console app so that stdin and stdout are accessible. Unity logs go to stdout by default.
under CommandLine Arguments you can find for how to trigger a scripted build via the console. Instead of using -buildXYZ you could use -executeMethod and within that method define the exact player and build settings you want before starting the build process
using System;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
class ScriptedBuilds
// Invoked via command line only
static void PerformHeadlessLinuxBuild()
// As a fallback use <project root>/BUILD as output path
var buildPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "BUILD");
// read in command line arguments e.g. add "-buildPath some/Path" if you want a different output path
var args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
for (var i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
if (args[i] == "-buildPath")
buildPath = args[i + 1];
// if the output folder doesn't exist create it now
if (!Directory.Exists(buildPath))
// Simply use the scenes from the build settings
// see
// pass on the output folder
// Build for Linux 64 bit
// Use Headless mode
// see
// and make the build fail for any error
// see
BuildOptions.EnableHeadlessMode | BuildOptions.StrictMode
and then e.g.
~/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.4.30f1/Editor/Unity -batchmode -nographics -logfile stdout.log -projectPath /path/to/the/project -executeMethod ScriptedBuilds.PerformHeadlessLinuxBuild -quit
or with a custom build output path
~/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.4.30f1/Editor/Unity -batchmode -nographics -logfile stdout.log -projectPath /path/to/the/project -buildPath path/to/build/destination -executeMethod ScriptedBuilds.PerformHeadlessLinuxBuild -quit
Maybe you could try to add the #define UNITY_SERVER directive to the top of your script. This will enable the server build and disable visual elements see 'Server Build' option in the 'Platform list' table

VSCode extension testing: Use `vscode.executeDefinitionProvider` in test

I'm trying to auto-test my VSCode extension. The extension works with python files and uses vscode.executeDefinitionProvider and vscode.executeDocumentSymbolProvider on them.
vscode.executeDefinitionProvider always returns [], vscode.executeDocumentSymbolProvider always returns undefined.
When running the same code in a debug session of the extension (no test session), the commands work flawless.
I ensured the extensions to be available during the test and even manually activated them with
let ext = vscode.extensions.getExtension("ms-python.python");
assert.notStrictEqual (ext, undefined);
await ext?.activate ();
ext = vscode.extensions.getExtension("ms-python.vscode-pylance");
assert.notStrictEqual (ext, undefined);
await ext?.activate ();
How do I get the commands to succeed during automated test.
Edit: Workaround
Apparently VSCode takes its time to really activate the extensions. I could get it working placing a await sleep (10000); in index.ts::run () before return new Promise((c, e) => {.
While this is working, it's a really unstable workaround, Is there any way to make the code wait until the whole environment is fully loaded?
In the end nothing really stably worked for me, so I resorted to the following (perfectly fine working) solution.
My auto tests are run from the productive environment, like any other extension.
In package.json I created a new command _test.
the command would run ./test/suite/index.ts : run().
Extension<T>::activate(): Thenable<T>
Returns: Thenable<T> - A promise that will resolve when this extension has been activated.
await ext?.activate();

Can I run multiple integration tests with one single config file in Flutter?

I am trying to write Flutter integration tests and to run them all with one config file instead of making config file for every single test. Is there any way to do that?
For now I have login.dart and login_test.dart and so on, for every single test. I know its convention that every config and test file must have the same name, but that's not what I need, more configurable things are welcomed. Thanks in advance.
This is my config file (login.dart)
import 'package:flutter_driver/driver_extension.dart';
import 'package:seve/main.dart' as app;
void main() {
And test (login_test.dart) looks something like this
import ...
FlutterDriver driver;
void main() {
setUpAll(() async {
driver = await FlutterDriver.connect();
tearDownAll(() async {
if (driver != null) {
test('T001loginAsDriverAndVerifyThatDriverIsLogedInTest', () async {
Now I want to make new test file (e.g login_warning.dart) and be able to start both tests by calling single config file (login.dart). Is that even possible?
Yes, running multiple "test" files with the same "config" is possible.
In the flutter jargon, your config file is your target and your test file is your driver. Your target is always login.dart but you have the two drivers login_test.dart and login_warning.dart.
With the flutter drive command, you can specify the target as well as the driver.
So in order to run both drivers, simply execute the following commands
flutter drive --target=test_driver/login.dart --driver=test_driver/login_test.dart
flutter drive --target=test_driver/login.dart --driver=test_driver/login_warning.dart
This executes first the login_test.dart and then the login_warning.dart driver.
You can always have one main test file that you initiate, like say
flutter drive --target=test_driver/app_test.dart
Then in that call your test groups as functions, like so -
void main() {
void test1() {
group('test 1', () {});}
So with one command you get to execute all the cases mentioned in the main()
Like vzurd's answer my favourit and cleanest is to create a single test file and call all main methods from within:
import './first_test.dart' as first;
import './second_test.dart' as second;
void main() {
Then just run driver on the single test file:
flutter drive --driver=test/integration/integration_test_driver.dart --target=test/integration/run_all_test.dart
to expand on to #sceee 's answer:
you can put the multiple commands into a shell script named for example and run them with a single command that way.
flutter drive --target=test_driver/app.dart --driver=test_driver/app_test.dart
flutter drive --target=test_driver/app.dart --driver=test_driver/start_screen_test.dar
make executable:
$chmod a+rx
run it:
We can use shell command to automate this process.
The following solution will work even with any new test files without manually adding its name to any of the files.
Create a shell script with name inside the root directory. You can use the command
Inside file, paste the following code.
# Declare an array to store the file names and paths
declare -a targets
# Find all .dart files in the current directory and subdirectories
while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' file; do
done < <(find integration_test -name "*.dart" -type f -print0)
# Loop through the array and run the flutter drive command for each target
for target in "${targets[#]}"
flutter drive \
--driver=test_driver/integation_test_driver.dart \
Run the file with any methods:
Pressing the ▶️ button in that file (if you are in VS Code)
Running the script from command line ./

parcel watch only detects first file change

I have the following in ./js/parcel/build-js.js (it is more or less a simplification of exactly what the API docs example does, except that it takes an optional --watch argument):
#!/usr/bin/env node
const Bundler = require('parcel-bundler');
const path = require('path');
const watch = process.argv.indexOf('--watch') > 0;
if (watch) console.log('Watching files...');
(async function bundleJs() {
const jsBundler = new Bundler(path.join(__dirname, '../src/common.js'), {
hmr: false,
jsBundler.on('bundled', () => {
const bundle = await jsBundler.bundle();
When I run node js/parcel/build-js.js --watch, it detects the first change to src/common.js and prints:
Watching files...
✨ Built in 585ms.
This is as I'd expect. When I edit and save src/common.js, it sees that and then the total output becomes (done gets deleted):
Watching files...
✨ Built in 585ms.
✨ Built in 86ms.
But after that, no file changes are detected. I make changes and save but it just sits there, producing no more output or updating the build. Why only once?
Note: If I do strace node js/parcel/build-js.js --watch, it seems to just sit on an unfinished epoll_wait(3,, which I guess means it's waiting for something, but maybe watching the wrong file...
Edit: Versions!
parcel-bundler: 1.12.3
node: 10.15.1
Ubuntu 18.04
Edit: using parcel watch
This appears to be a system-wide thing for me. I did yarn globals add parcel (which also installed 1.12.3), and now watching any JS file with parcel watch path/to/file.js does the same thing.
It turned out to be a conflict between Parcel's change detection and the default Vim setup. From the Hot Module Replacement docs:
Some text editors and IDE's have a feature called safe write that basically prevents data loss, by taking a copy of the file and renaming it when saved.
When using Hot Module Reload (HMR) this feature blocks the automatic detection of file updates, to disable safe write use the options provided below:
I added set backupcopy=yes to my .vimrc and it started working.
The solution for other editors is documented there as well.
It is a Parcel issue! I dropped it (until they fix it)
IMHO: I do not have to change my editor's behavior just to make bundler work correctly. (webpack works fine in the situation)

Running JUnit-Tests that uses SWT-Display fails on Jenkins

I a have a few JUnit-Tests that makes use of the current Display to instantiate a few controls (TreeViewer for instance). Locally that works fine, no problem. When I commit these tests and jenkins runs the test I get a failed test for each test that makes use of Display.
My unit test uses the display variable in this manner:
public void testUtils() {
Display display = Display.getCurrent();
Shell shell = new Shell(display, SWT.NONE);
// org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite composite = new
// org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite(
// shell, SWT.NONE);
TreeViewer viewer = new TreeViewer(shell, SWT.MULTI | SWT.H_SCROLL
The error log jenkins generates is:
Time elapsed: 0.13 sec <<< ERROR!
org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles [gtk_init_check() failed]
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.createDisplay(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.create(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.<init>(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.<init>(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.getDefault(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell.<init>(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell.<init>(
Is there any thing wrong with the way I am using Display in my tests? It works when executed on my local machine
The way you use Display looks OK to me. The error is likely related to the fact that your server is not running Gnome, hence SWT can't create a Display when you ask it to.
I just found a recent blog post, which explains what you need to do to run SWT UI tests on a headless server in more detail. Although the steps provided are meant for Hudson, they should be applicable to Jenkins as well.
It should all boil down to these two steps:
Check Run Xvnc during build (and don’t bother to check take screenshot, it doesn’t work)
Add an Execute shell build action before launching your tests with metacity –replace –sm-disable &
See the linked blog post for screenshots and more details.
You can try following two things,
execute command "xhost" or "xhost+" from your terminnal.
execute command "xhost" or "xhost+" from, jenkins terminal.