parcel watch only detects first file change - parceljs

I have the following in ./js/parcel/build-js.js (it is more or less a simplification of exactly what the API docs example does, except that it takes an optional --watch argument):
#!/usr/bin/env node
const Bundler = require('parcel-bundler');
const path = require('path');
const watch = process.argv.indexOf('--watch') > 0;
if (watch) console.log('Watching files...');
(async function bundleJs() {
const jsBundler = new Bundler(path.join(__dirname, '../src/common.js'), {
hmr: false,
jsBundler.on('bundled', () => {
const bundle = await jsBundler.bundle();
When I run node js/parcel/build-js.js --watch, it detects the first change to src/common.js and prints:
Watching files...
✨ Built in 585ms.
This is as I'd expect. When I edit and save src/common.js, it sees that and then the total output becomes (done gets deleted):
Watching files...
✨ Built in 585ms.
✨ Built in 86ms.
But after that, no file changes are detected. I make changes and save but it just sits there, producing no more output or updating the build. Why only once?
Note: If I do strace node js/parcel/build-js.js --watch, it seems to just sit on an unfinished epoll_wait(3,, which I guess means it's waiting for something, but maybe watching the wrong file...
Edit: Versions!
parcel-bundler: 1.12.3
node: 10.15.1
Ubuntu 18.04
Edit: using parcel watch
This appears to be a system-wide thing for me. I did yarn globals add parcel (which also installed 1.12.3), and now watching any JS file with parcel watch path/to/file.js does the same thing.

It turned out to be a conflict between Parcel's change detection and the default Vim setup. From the Hot Module Replacement docs:
Some text editors and IDE's have a feature called safe write that basically prevents data loss, by taking a copy of the file and renaming it when saved.
When using Hot Module Reload (HMR) this feature blocks the automatic detection of file updates, to disable safe write use the options provided below:
I added set backupcopy=yes to my .vimrc and it started working.
The solution for other editors is documented there as well.

It is a Parcel issue! I dropped it (until they fix it)
IMHO: I do not have to change my editor's behavior just to make bundler work correctly. (webpack works fine in the situation)


How to get path excludes working in Madge?

I'm trying to run madge on a fairly big typescript project. Its compiled output goes to dist/*, and its React frontend are in public/*. Madge's documentation is pretty clear about how to exclude directories, but no matter what I try, it appears to still be checking these directories.
First attempt:
madge --circular --extensions ts,js --exclude '^(dist|public)' --ts-config ./tsconfig.json --warning .
The reason I think it's still checking there is because, first, I still see it scanning those directories as it runs:
And also, its warnings show imports that only occur in public/:
(the '#'-style import is from module-alias)
What I've tried:
Using a regex like ^.*public.*$
Specifying the excludes in .madgerc rather than on cli:
"fileExtensions": ["js","ts"],
"tsConfig": "tsconfig.json",
"excludeRegExp": ["^.*dist.*$", "^.*public.*$"]
Running with --debug (the output is so massive I can't really make much of it - if I run it to console it crashes with out-of-memory, and if I pipe to a file, it gets so big that it literally fills up my SSD - I had to cancel when the log file surpassed 25 gigs).
Interestingly, it doesn't seem to be reporting any cycles in public/ or dist/, so I think it might be "partially" working. However, it does still seem to be scanning & processing those excluded paths, so I can't get rid of all the warnings that shouldn't be relevant to this run.

VSCode extension testing: Use `vscode.executeDefinitionProvider` in test

I'm trying to auto-test my VSCode extension. The extension works with python files and uses vscode.executeDefinitionProvider and vscode.executeDocumentSymbolProvider on them.
vscode.executeDefinitionProvider always returns [], vscode.executeDocumentSymbolProvider always returns undefined.
When running the same code in a debug session of the extension (no test session), the commands work flawless.
I ensured the extensions to be available during the test and even manually activated them with
let ext = vscode.extensions.getExtension("ms-python.python");
assert.notStrictEqual (ext, undefined);
await ext?.activate ();
ext = vscode.extensions.getExtension("ms-python.vscode-pylance");
assert.notStrictEqual (ext, undefined);
await ext?.activate ();
How do I get the commands to succeed during automated test.
Edit: Workaround
Apparently VSCode takes its time to really activate the extensions. I could get it working placing a await sleep (10000); in index.ts::run () before return new Promise((c, e) => {.
While this is working, it's a really unstable workaround, Is there any way to make the code wait until the whole environment is fully loaded?
In the end nothing really stably worked for me, so I resorted to the following (perfectly fine working) solution.
My auto tests are run from the productive environment, like any other extension.
In package.json I created a new command _test.
the command would run ./test/suite/index.ts : run().
Extension<T>::activate(): Thenable<T>
Returns: Thenable<T> - A promise that will resolve when this extension has been activated.
await ext?.activate();

React-Snap with Create-React-App and Service Workers

So, my understanding is that react-snap as per its features "Works out-of-the-box with create-react-app - no code-changes required."
I read through the documentation and I see that it required some adjusting to work with Google Analytics which I implemented.
However, it also suggests changes to be made if one is going to use the default service worker that comes with CRA.
However, what is confusing is that it seems one has to perform a EJECT in order to make the necessary change.
navigateFallback: publicUrl + '/index.html',
You need to change this to an un-prerendered version of index.html - 200.html, otherwise you will see index.html flash on other pages (if you have any). See Configure sw-precache without ejecting for more information.
My question is - and note I am quite novice - does one have to eject? I kinda want to keep things simple. The only place I could find this line was in WebPack. navigateFallback
Also, if I don't see the negative side of the flashes on pages as per the documentation, is it okay to omit this step or will it have issues on other things?
Although this question is more than a year old, I'd like to take the opportunity as I've been able to implement service workers in react-snap (although with a varying degree of success).
Here's stereobooster's reference in GitHub:
You can configure it without ejecting. What you need to do is the following:
Download and install sw-precache and ugfify-js:
npm install sw-precache uglify-js --save-dev
yarn add sw-precache uglify-js -D
Then, in your package.json add the following entries:
(Replace the build script with the following)
"scripts": {
"generate-sw": "sw-precache --root=build --config scripts/sw-precache-config.js && uglifyjs build/service-worker.js -o build/service-worker.js",
"build": "react-scripts build && react-snap && yarn run generate-sw"
Then, create a folder in the root level (next to your package.json) called scripts
and add sw-precache-config.js file.
module.exports = {
// a directory should be the same as "reactSnap.destination",
// which default value is `build`
staticFileGlobs: [
stripPrefix: "build",
publicPath: ".",
// there is "reactSnap.include": ["/shell.html"] in package.json
navigateFallback: "/shell.html",
// Ignores URLs starting from /__ (useful for Firebase):
navigateFallbackWhitelist: [/^(?!\/__).*/],
// By default, a cache-busting query parameter is appended to requests
// used to populate the caches, to ensure the responses are fresh.
// If a URL is already hashed by Webpack, then there is no concern
// about it being stale, and the cache-busting can be skipped.
dontCacheBustUrlsMatching: /\.\w{8}\./,
// configuration specific to this experiment
runtimeCaching: [
urlPattern: /api/,
handler: "fastest"
Note, if you're not using an app-shell but you're loading the whole page (Meaning there's no dyanmic content), replace where it says navigateFallback: "/shell.html" with navigateFallback: "/200.html"
This basically allows you to cache the entire page
You can look for more information here:
One thing that I'd recommend to check (I'm close to start that process as well) is the workbox-sw.
What to do if React-Snap fails
error at / TypeError: Cannot read property 'ok' of null
ERROR: The process with PID 38776 (child process of PID 26920) could not be terminated. \node_modules\minimalcss\src\run.js:13:35)
Reason: There is no running instance of the task.
You may get these infamous errors. I don't know exactly what causes them, but I know they're mentioned here, and here. In this case, delete the build folder, open a new terminal window, and try again.
If the problem still persists, then break down the script:
"scripts": {
"build": "react-scripts build"
"postbuild": "react-snap",
"generate-sw": "sw-precache --root=build --config scripts/sw-precache-config.js && uglifyjs build/service-worker.js -o build/service-worker.js",
And try running them independently.

Reprocessing - VSCode Reason Refmt breaks project

I'm hunting a fun little bug in a tiny reprocessing test: reprocessing01.
The project builds just fine until I make a change and trigger refmt via vscode, and then the project will no longer compile.
Here's the code that compiles and runs just fine for me before making any changes.
open Reprocessing;
type stateT = {
image: imageT,
let setup = (env) => {
Env.size(~width=800, ~height=600, env);
let image = Draw.loadImage(
~isPixel=false, env);
image: image
let draw = ({image} as state, env) => {
Draw.background(Constants.white, env);
run(~setup, ~draw, ());
If I open the project in vscode, make a change such as adding let myvar = 42; at the top, and save to trigger refmt, that introduces this error:
/Users/myer/dev/react/reasonml-playground/reprocessing01/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/bsc.exe -pp "/Users/myer/dev/react/reasonml-playground/reprocessing01/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/refmt3.exe --print binary" -bs-super-errors -w -30-40+6+7+27+32..39+44+45+101 -bs-D BSB_BACKEND="bytecode" -nostdlib -I '/Users/myer/dev/react/reasonml-playground/reprocessing01/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/ocaml' -no-alias-deps -color always -c -o src/index.mlast -bs-syntax-only -bs-simple-binary-ast -bs-binary-ast -impl /Users/myer/dev/react/reasonml-playground/reprocessing01/src/
File "/Users/myer/dev/react/reasonml-playground/reprocessing01/src/", line 12, characters 4-5:
The line in question is the last one of this code block:
After this, the only way out is to revert the code to before the changes introduced by refmt.
I suspect that my version of refmt is out of sync with the one required by bsb-native#2.1.1, but I'm not sure which one to install. I have:
$ refmt --version
Reason 3.0.0 # bee43b0
Is there a table that shows compatible versions between reason-cli and bs-platform?
Are there other ways I should investigate this issue or other potential root causes of this behavior?
I was able to upgrade bsb-native to the master branch and it worked when building to native until I added some more code in reprocessing02
this issue is because bsb-native#2.1.1 comes with an old version of refmt (pre version 3) which can't read the code that your global refmt outputs (most likely because of the trailing commas). I'm working on making a new release 3.2.0 on all platforms, which comes with the latest refmt. If you're on OSX you can try it by just changing your dep to bsansouci/bsb-native#3.2.0, nuking node_modules and reinstalling.
Sorry for the inconvenience. I'm planning on making my release cycle tighly coupled with bsb's release cycle.

How to get Resharpers InspectCode to recognize Plugins?

I am trying to run ReSharpers command line tool InspectCode.exe. It's running fine doing it's job with the expected output.
However after my earlier attempt to get plugins to work, this time with the new version it is supposed to be supported. There is a switch in the command line interface that allows to specify the extension you want to use.
/extensions (/x) – allows using ReSharper extensions that affect code analysis. To use an extension, specify its ID, which you can find by opening the extension package page in the ReSharper Gallery, and then the Package Statistics page. Multiple values are separated with the semicolon.
But I cannot get it to work properly. I cannot even provoke any reaction to the /x switch at all. No matter how or what I pass, I get no feedback from the executable and the output is identical. I don't even get an error message when passing obvious garbage.
I tried the following commandlines for the exact same result:
inspectcode.exe /o="rcli.xml" /swea /x="ReSharper.StyleCop" "my.sln"
inspectcode.exe /o="rcli.xml" /swea /x=ReSharper.StyleCop "my.sln"
inspectcode.exe /o="rcli.xml" /swea "my.sln"
inspectcode.exe /o="rcli.xml" /swea /x=ABCDEFG "my.sln"
JetBrains Inspect Code 9.1.1
Running in 64-bit mode, .NET runtime 4.0.30319.18444 under Microsoft Windows NT
6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
Enabled solution-wide analysis according to Inspect Code command line Setting.
Analyzing files
Inspection report was written to rcli.xml
What am I doing wrong? How to get extensions to work?
I already tried the R# forums, but it took them more then 24h to approve my post and so far I'm not sure someone else even read it.
Unfortunately, the support for extensions was dropped in 9.0 due to the refactorings in the "ReSharper platform". I hope that JetBrains will bring it back soon.
See RSRP-436208.
This is a late answer that might help future readers (like myself). Currently inspectcode.exe will automatically look for and use any NuGet packages that are in the same folder as the executable (source).
Example for CleanCode extension:
if you have a R# instance on some machine and install the extension, it will be placed in C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Local\JetBrains\plugins\MO.CleanCode.5.6.15
copy MO.CleanCode.5.6.15.nupkg and paste it next to inspectcode.exe
when running inspectcode with verbosity = VERBOSE, the extension should appear in the Zones list:
$cmd = "..\JetBrains.ReSharper.CommandLineTools.2019.3.4\inspectcode.exe"
$outputFile = "..\Output\$($outputName).xml"
& $cmd -o="$outputFile" $sln --verbosity=VERBOSE
Zones: (52pcs)[CodeInspectionPageImplZone, DaemonEngineZone,
DaemonZone, IAmd64CpuArchitectureHostZone, IAspMvcZone,
IBatchToolEnvironmentZone, IClrImplementationHost Zone,
IClrPsiLanguageZone, ICodeEditingOptionsPageImplZone,
IConsoleEnvironmentZone, ICppProductZone, ICpuArchitectureHostZone,
IDocumentModelZone, IEnvironmentZone, IHostSolutionZone,
IInspectCodeConsoleEnvironmentZone, IInspectCodeEnvironmentZone,
IInspectCodeZone, ILanguageAspZone, ILanguageBuildScriptsZone,
ILanguageCppZone, I LanguageCSharpZone, ILanguageCssZone,
ILanguageHtmlZone, ILanguageIlZone, ILanguageJavaScriptZone,
ILanguageMsBuildZone, ILanguageNAntZone, ILanguageProtobufZone, ILa
nguageRazorZone, ILanguageRegExpZone, ILanguageResxZone,
ILanguageVBZone, ILanguageXamlZone, INetFrameworkHostZone, INuGetZone,
IOperatingSystemHostZone, IProjectMode lZone,
IPsiAssemblyFileLoaderImplZone, IPsiLanguageZone,
IPublicVisibilityZone, IRdFrameworkZone, IRiderModelZone,
ISinceClr2HostZone, ISinceClr4HostZone, ITextContro lsZone,
IToolsOptionsPageImplZone, IWebPsiLanguageZone, IWindowsNtHostZone,
PsiFeaturesImplZone, ReplaceableByIntelliJPlatformZone, SweaZone]
Packages: (23pcs)[JetBrains.ExternalAnnotations,
JetBrains.Platform.Core.Ide, JetBrains.Platform.Core.IisExpress,
JetBrains.Platform.Core.MsBuild, JetBrains.Platform. Core.Shell,
JetBrains.Platform.Core.Text, JetBrains.Platform.Interop.CommandLine,
JetBrains.Platform.Interop.dotMe moryUnit.Interop.Console,
JetBrains.Platform.RdProtocol, JetBrains.Psi.Features.Core,
JetBrains.Psi.Features.Cpp .Src.Core, JetBrains.Psi.Features.src,
JetBrains.Psi.Features.Tasks, JetBrains.Psi.Features.UnitTesting,
JetBrains.Psi.Features.Web.Core, JetBrains.ReSharperAutomatio
JetBrains.ReSharperAutomat ionTools.src.DuplicatesFinder,
JetBrains.ReSharperAutomationTools.src.InspectCode, MO.CleanCode]