How to handle a PBXCp error with EarlGrey? - earlgrey

I keep getting this error recently when I did a pod update, pod install and then executed my test cases using EarlGrey.
And when I try to resolve the path with terminal, I do not have anything in that path, nor do I have a EarlGrey-1.0.0 in my system.

The answer for the same seems to be a simple one.
Although had to struggle a lot to find and a lot of going back and forth with EarlGrey dev team.
First step is to fix the 'podfile'.
Details below:
My podfile used to look like this while I encountered the problem.
And couldn't possibly figure out. Deleted 'Podfile.lock' and 'Pods' folder repeatedly and performed 'Pod update' and 'Pod install'. No luck.
Then I tried changing the path in "EarlGrey Copy Files" in Build Phases by browsing the 'framework' directly from my finder. Although that could solve my problem temporarily, it wasn't permanent. I checked my schemes to make sure if nothing got messed up there!
If all these are intact, then the problem is with podfile. As per the instructions mentioned here:
or have a look at my fixed podfile below:
Add this line as mentioned in the post install hook. Then do a pod install and clean build, should fix the problem.

although the above change may fix the problem, but after earlgrey gem 0.2 release, the integration process should be a lot smoother w/o any post_install or require in your Podfile.
for more info here


'GDTCORLibrary/Public/GDTCORTransport.h' file not found

I try to add Firebase to my project but on build stage this error appears.. where could the problem be? The strange thing is that the error appears in this particular project. When I tried to install Firebase to an empty project, there was no error.
I just dealt this issue as well, and this is what I tried.
First, listening to the comments above and I made sure that I was opening the .xcworkspace
Second, I would suggest completely cleaning your project including clearing derived data. Additionally, you can try running pod deintegrate and then trying pod install fresh, reinstalling everything fresh.
I was able to get my project running after doing the latter of these two.
I used Matthew S.'s solution above to fix this problem. I'll just add that I originally had a "Workspace Integrity - Couldn't load project" issue when I opened XCode today which seems to have resulted from Pushing the project to my git repository without also pushing the associated pods. When I Pulled the project back down from the repository I got a slew of errors including the one mentioned in the subject of this post.
So to summarize:
I got this error: "Workspace Integrity - Couldn't load project"
To correct:
Pull project from git repository
Delete derived data
Clean and build project
pod deintegrate
pod install
Thanks Matthew for saving my morning. SEEEK.

FBLPromises Framework not found

I am tryin to install Firebase using cocoapods so I may send push-notifications to user devices. However, everytime I follow the instructions step by step, I get this error that says "framework not found FBLPromises". Anyone have any ideas how to fix? Everything I have looked up online does not work.
The following worked for me:
What probably happened (for anyone still looking) is that after running
pod install
in your project's directory, you are still building the ".xcodeproj" file instead of running the newly created ".xcworkspace" from the pod install. Remember, after pod installing, you MUST do edits on and work with the .xcworkspace instead.
Go to your Pod target and add arm64 in Excluded Architecture
I was having the same issue, and I solved it by going to Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme... and selecting Find Implicit Dependencies. After that, the project was able to build correctly.
Probably late but I managed to fix it by linking FBL promises in my podfile to the rest of the project!
Click on the project > Targets. Select your target. Then click on Build Settings. Find "Runpath searches path" and add "$(PODS_CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR)/PromisesObjC". It worked for me, but it gave me another error dealing with another missing lib, so I had to do it again until all libs were found.
Go to your Pod target and set Build Active Architecture Only = YES For Debug Environments
Simply setting Build Active Architecture: Debug - Yes, Release - No fixed this for me. I had it set to No, No before. I think this matches the setting in the Pods project.
Open Podfile by typing the command open Podfile in the folder of the project using the terminal.
Type pod Promises

No such module error after copy

I have a working Xcode project, with cocoapods. I made a copy of my project to do some testing of new code. This was done to still be able to fix bugs, in the original, that users point out. But after i copied the project i can't build and run it anymore. The issue is a cocoa pod, SearchTextField to be specific, i get the error message 'No such module'.
To clarify, i didn't change any code yet. Just did a copy of the project and tried to run it.
I have done a clean before the build, but it did not help. Also i have reinstalled my pods, that also didn't help.
Why is it that i can't copy my project and run it? Could anybody, at least, point me in the right direction?
I now use the SearchTextField class without importing, by moving the swift file into my project. But now i have the same problem with IDZSwiftCommonCrypto, i think something is seriously wrong with my project. Removing and reinstalling of the pods does nothing.
Now i gradually disabled als imports and it seams like i have the same problem for all my pods. I think Xcode doesn't look at the right place for them, is that possible?

Cocoa pods GLM Error

So today I've been trying to try out a new project using Swift, but I've arrived to an abrupt halt. I've been trying to run the VideoCore sample project found here:
So during the initial setup I had to navigate to the directory and run pod install. pod install executed without any errors, and say I need to close Xcode, and reopen the new workspace, which I did. When I try to go and run the app for debugging (as according to the documentation I can run it right after pod install'ing, I get an error that says 'type_half.inl' file not found. A few screenshots are here to better explain/show:, and
I've tried reinstalling the pod multiple times, and I haven't been able to resolve this issue. Has anyone had a situation like this, or have any idea on how to get out of this blackhole?
This has been resolved by downgrading CocoaPods to version 0.38.2. Here's what I did:
gem install cocoapods -v 0.38.2
gem uninstall cocoapods -v 0.39.0
And that fixed my issues.
Instead of downgrading CocoaPods to version 0.38.2. This error can be resolved in other way as I have fixed recently on of my project.
STEP 1:- Search Header Search Paths under build setting on GLM target or target that uses GLM pod like in my project VideoCore cocoapods uses GLM
STEP 2:- make it recursive instead of non-recursive.
Build again error will be fixed.
NOTE:- if you update cocoapods that you have to redo the steps again. Also target will be in pod project.
Attached image for reference.

Target Integrity - The file "Pods-ios.xcconfig" couldn't be opened because its path couldn't be resolved. It may be missing"

I'm trying to utilize the four Examples that ship with RestKit Version 0.20.1 Currently trying to Build RKSearchExample. The Build "succeeds" but no simulator appears and I get two warnings
1st one - Target Intergrity - The file "Pods-ios.xcconfig" couldn't be opened because there is no such file. ....
2nd one - Target Integrity - The file "Pods-ios.xcconfig" couldn't be opened because its path couldn't be resolved. It may be missing"
I assume that this file is missing and even though the Build succeeds with only warnings, it missing is causing the project to not actually complete its Build.
Does anyone have any idea where to find this file? Has one built the Examples included in RestKit successfully?
Came across same problem. Solved it by
Make sure .pch file is updated and missing frameworks are added to Build Phases (See 'Adding Frameworks to the Precompiled Header File' in
Close the workspace, re-run '$ pod install' in the project directory,
Re-open the project (using .xcworkspace), do a Clean and Build.
Hey i had this same problem, I was getting the following error when running pod update however i didn’t realise the update wasn’t working.
$ pod update
Analyzing dependencies
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/pathname.rb:422:in `open': No such file or directory
It was because I forgot to run "pod setup" after installing cocoapods.
I ran pod setup from the terminal, followed it up with pod update (or pod install) and everything went to plan.