'GDTCORLibrary/Public/GDTCORTransport.h' file not found - swift

I try to add Firebase to my project but on build stage this error appears.. where could the problem be? The strange thing is that the error appears in this particular project. When I tried to install Firebase to an empty project, there was no error.

I just dealt this issue as well, and this is what I tried.
First, listening to the comments above and I made sure that I was opening the .xcworkspace
Second, I would suggest completely cleaning your project including clearing derived data. Additionally, you can try running pod deintegrate and then trying pod install fresh, reinstalling everything fresh.
I was able to get my project running after doing the latter of these two.

I used Matthew S.'s solution above to fix this problem. I'll just add that I originally had a "Workspace Integrity - Couldn't load project" issue when I opened XCode today which seems to have resulted from Pushing the project to my git repository without also pushing the associated pods. When I Pulled the project back down from the repository I got a slew of errors including the one mentioned in the subject of this post.
So to summarize:
I got this error: "Workspace Integrity - Couldn't load project"
To correct:
Pull project from git repository
Delete derived data
Clean and build project
pod deintegrate
pod install
Thanks Matthew for saving my morning. SEEEK.


Suddenly can no longer compile - No such module 'SDWebImage'

So suddenly my project stopped working and I have no idea why and I'm running out of ideas.
I've found some blogs 1 2 and similar requests 1 2 3 for help but nothing seems to work for me. I may be doing something wrong though.
running xcode 13.4.1
I've got 4 distinct errors
Command EmitSwiftModule failed with a nonzero exit code
error: accessing build database "/Users/myuser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-btdfdbatbdurmeawknwdwmjrqpsw/Build/Intermediates.noindex/XCBuildData/build.db": disk I/O error
Virtual filesystem overlay file '/Users/myuser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-btdfdbatbdurmeawknwdwmjrqpsw/Build/Intermediates.noindex/App.build/Debug-iphoneos/App DEV.build/all-product-headers.yaml' not found
/Users/myuser/myapp-ios-app/App/UI/Feed/FeedVC/FeedVC.swift:11:8: No such module 'SDWebImage'
I believe the EmitSwiftModule is related with not being able to handle the pod therefore causing the issue in the "all-product-headers.yaml" which is generated to fetch all the pods headers?
So assuming that all things in derived date are as they should be (because i've deleted it) I tried to focus on why is the pod no longer compiling. To my co-worker is working fine. Maybe he will have the same issue if he deletes the derivedData? Maybe we are using some older version files?
Some things I've tried:
clean the project
reset pods cache
delete derived data folder
update the pods
clean xcode preferences
for this pod they say we should add :modular_headers => true in pod file
re download the project clean to another folder
instead of cocoapods use the package manager for SDWebImage
due "all-product-headers.yaml" issue i read here that i could just add a header to my project
I've tried to create a project from scratch and just use the same pods and the project seems to run fine. But this is not a solution.
Can someone please help me? Any ideas?

FBLPromises Framework not found

I am tryin to install Firebase using cocoapods so I may send push-notifications to user devices. However, everytime I follow the instructions step by step, I get this error that says "framework not found FBLPromises". Anyone have any ideas how to fix? Everything I have looked up online does not work.
The following worked for me:
What probably happened (for anyone still looking) is that after running
pod install
in your project's directory, you are still building the ".xcodeproj" file instead of running the newly created ".xcworkspace" from the pod install. Remember, after pod installing, you MUST do edits on and work with the .xcworkspace instead.
Go to your Pod target and add arm64 in Excluded Architecture
I was having the same issue, and I solved it by going to Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme... and selecting Find Implicit Dependencies. After that, the project was able to build correctly.
Probably late but I managed to fix it by linking FBL promises in my podfile to the rest of the project!
Click on the project > Targets. Select your target. Then click on Build Settings. Find "Runpath searches path" and add "$(PODS_CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR)/PromisesObjC". It worked for me, but it gave me another error dealing with another missing lib, so I had to do it again until all libs were found.
Go to your Pod target and set Build Active Architecture Only = YES For Debug Environments
Simply setting Build Active Architecture: Debug - Yes, Release - No fixed this for me. I had it set to No, No before. I think this matches the setting in the Pods project.
Open Podfile by typing the command open Podfile in the folder of the project using the terminal.
Type pod Promises

Asset Catalog Compile Error with On-Demand Resources: has no output specification

I've been trying to get On-Demand Resource to work but I keep getting this compile error:
/* com.apple.actool.errors */
: error: The tag combination "tagName" for "xxx.imageset/xxx#3x.png" has no output specification.
I had a look at actool man page and there's an option:
--asset-pack-output-specifications filename
Which says:
Tells actool where to write the information about ODR resources found
in the asset catalog. The emitted file will be a plist.
But I'm not really sure what to put as an argument/where this plist is used or even if this option is in the right track of fixing the error.
My coworkers and I struggled with this error for over a day and were only able to fix it by wiping our existing local repos and installing a fresh clone from our remote repos with the code that contains the on-demand resources.
In our case, I was the one that created the on-demand resources functionality and did the tagging for the assets. I built and ran all of that code, and everything worked fine locally on my machine. I pushed those commits to our remote, and when my coworkers pulled they received the asset catalog compile error that you reported when they tried to build.
I compared my build logs with those of my coworkers and found that I had the --asset-pack-output-specifications flag along with a filename whereas they did not, even though all of our production code was the same. I never set that flag manually myself during development, it was automatically generated at some point in the process but I have no idea where -- I didn't even know it existed until this build failure occurred. After struggling for many hours we noticed that if my coworkers deleted their local projects entirely and basically started fresh by installing a new project and repo again from the remote, they suddenly were able to build. They had already tried to clean and nuke their derived data, but that didn't work. Only totally deleting the repos and the projects entirely did the trick. Not sure why, but something about wiping the project and all associated directories and building themselves totally fresh from their own local machines triggered something that enabled the --asset-pack-output-specifications flag.
I just faced this issue and was totally against deleting my repo and cloning again.
I noticed that alongside this error, I also got a warning stating that I had assets under the same name (thus being duplicated).
Deleting the duplicated asset in order to get rid of the warning, fixed the compilation error.
Hope this helps someone, as deleting the repo and cloning again shouldn't be an option.
I just faced the issue.
I could solve it just by deleting on-demand resource tags and tagging them back again.
I just solve it by rebooting Xcode then run successfully. The error seems to only appear once...I don't know why.

One or more packages could not be completely uninstalled

I have an ASP.NET MVC 4 application. I used NuGet to update all of the NuGet packages that were installed when I created the application. One of the packages was Microsoft.Bcl.Build.
After updating these, NuGet displayed the following message at the bottom of its window:
I have since restarted Visual Studio several times, but the message still exists. When I checked the installed packages, it did appear that the updated version (1.0.8) of the package was present.
How can I fix this?
Instead of deleting all of ~/packages, see if there are any *.deleteme files in ~/packages and delete them. Then restart Visual Studio.
I believe this problem is caused by the packages being read-only or otherwise inaccessible at the file system level.
Packages under source control
Temporary work-around (untested)
Check out the entire packages folder prior to telling NuGet to restart Visual Studio to delete the packages.
Permanent work-around
I found that this could be permanently resolved by removing the packages from source control and instead using NuGet Package Restore.
Packages not under source control
Temporary Work-Around
I worked around this by deleting from the solution's packages folder all of the files that referenced the package in question. Specifically, these were:
Folder: Microsoft.Bcl.Build.1.0.7
File: Microsoft.Bcl.Build.1.0.7.deleteme
In my case, the relevant package folders remained in ~\packages, although they were empty. I deleted the folders and restarted Visual Studio, and this warning went away.
I've just deleted the folders of each package that had error in the Packages folder in my solution folder and also deleted the .deleteme files and everything works fine!
1) Delete the entire ~\packagesfolder.
2) Restart VS.
3) Go to Manage NuGet Packages and Restore
I'll agree that this can happen when your packages folder is under source control. If you like to have it there, instead of removing the bindings you can check it all out, remove the package with the NuGet Package Manager, and then check in after wards.
In my experience, I found my answer on this thread, but using a combination of a couple of different answers above so I thought I would share what I found.
I had the exact same issue with "Microsoft.Bcl.Build" as the original poster. I had been trying to update references for other functionality using NuGet and had issues with some of the updates (compatibility then rollbacks). After this NuGet failure, I started getting this error.
I initially used the selected answer and Jedidja's answer and was able to get this to work, but it only partially solved my problem. It did fix the VS restart error, but it caused a downstream issue with TFS as I could no longer check in the project as it was expecting that "*.deleteme" file. This got me thinking, so I did some testing. When I restored the file from recycle bin, I started getting the restart error again.
Here is where I deviated from the posted answers and got my full resolution to my version of the problem.
When I checked into TFS this time, the project checked everything in (after I got the projects all updated using NuGet while the "*.deleteme" file was deleted). Once it checked everything in, I noticed that file was still pending check-in so I checked the solution in again and TFS accepted that file, but it was as a deletion....assuming it checked in the first time and then VS auto deleted it which required the second check-in. Anyway....after the last pending change check-in, the file was gone and VS no longer complained about needing to be restarted. I can't say for sure because the problem is gone, but I get the feeling if I had checked the code in before deleting the file in the first place it might have solved the problem without manual file manipulation.
** Hi, everybody.**
i resolve this problem this ways.
If you have source control run the vs as administrator ( it is important )
in the solution packages -> delete thing about packages.
sample -> i deleted all entity framework version folders.
restart the vs
open solution and solution right click -> manage nuget packages for this solution.
you will see restore button :) restore
that is all.
If you are using Entity Framework 6, then you can install the NuGet package "EntityFramework.SqlServerCompact".
This enabled me to use the standard ASP.NET Identity tooling that comes with the project templates for 2013 and MVC5.

Target Integrity - The file "Pods-ios.xcconfig" couldn't be opened because its path couldn't be resolved. It may be missing"

I'm trying to utilize the four Examples that ship with RestKit Version 0.20.1 Currently trying to Build RKSearchExample. The Build "succeeds" but no simulator appears and I get two warnings
1st one - Target Intergrity - The file "Pods-ios.xcconfig" couldn't be opened because there is no such file. ....
2nd one - Target Integrity - The file "Pods-ios.xcconfig" couldn't be opened because its path couldn't be resolved. It may be missing"
I assume that this file is missing and even though the Build succeeds with only warnings, it missing is causing the project to not actually complete its Build.
Does anyone have any idea where to find this file? Has one built the Examples included in RestKit successfully?
Came across same problem. Solved it by
Make sure .pch file is updated and missing frameworks are added to Build Phases (See 'Adding Frameworks to the Precompiled Header File' in https://github.com/RestKit/RestKit/wiki/Installing-RestKit-v0.20.x-via-CocoaPods)
Close the workspace, re-run '$ pod install' in the project directory,
Re-open the project (using .xcworkspace), do a Clean and Build.
Hey i had this same problem, I was getting the following error when running pod update however i didn’t realise the update wasn’t working.
$ pod update
Analyzing dependencies
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/pathname.rb:422:in `open': No such file or directory
It was because I forgot to run "pod setup" after installing cocoapods.
I ran pod setup from the terminal, followed it up with pod update (or pod install) and everything went to plan.