Price calculator for woocommerce - plugins

can someone tell me is there a plugin for this cost calculator for woocommerce. And if there isn't how to connect whit the woocommerce plug in. This is the example that I'm looking for

Same functionality is not available in WooCommerce any plugin.We can implement same functionality with custom plugin.So please share your requirement.


Flutter : Am integrating PayPal subscription API for recurring payment purpose, I am not able to find any working Solution for that

Flutter: Am integrating PayPal subscription API for recurring payment purpose, I am not able to find any working solution for that,
Can anyone give me a working solution for PayPal recurring payment?
Thanks in advance
Basically, you can create a paypal subscription plan on your business account.
After that (there's a wizard) you can copy the button link to subscribe into your code.
The hardest part is to manage your subscriptions.. you can use the cUrl APIs that you can find here
or, probably, find how to translate it into your programming language.
This guide can also help you
Hope this hints can help you!
I struggled with this too, there's not much documentation online

Can I use Paypal for recursive payments or for subscriptions in Ionic 3?

I want to create monthly and weekly subscriptions in my ionic 3 application and I want to use Paypal for this purpose.
I can not find the proper way to integrate it. Can anyone help? I also want to check the subscription status of the user whenever he opens the application.
From best of my knowledge you cant do this with ionic. Since they just have single payment option available. You can't do this until unless you do some native coding write down custom code.
All you can do this is you can open a your website URL in InAppBrowser and from there user can purchase its subscription and once the subscription is successfully purchased you can close the InAppBrowser.
I have mentioned PayPal available plugin listed below.

Payment Gateway within Magento - Accept payments through Credit Card

I will cut the post short.
I need to accept credit card payment through my Magento Install. Now I thought it should be straight forward where I will get the API from some provider (say and put in my API details within the admin, but alas.
When I searched, all I find is that people are trying to create Custom Payment Gateways instead of using Magento's own admin. I am new to this and I need help in this.
I will be thankful if you can help me in finding answers for:-
What is the straight forward way (a tutorial may be) to implement payment gateway on my website
What is the best payment gateway company
Do I need to make Custom Payment Gateway?
Thanks a lot
as my knowledge gate way is best payment gateway for magento,because it is already used by so many developers and there is a great community forum to help us.So as my suggestion better to use
coming to integration method you,use*AMI* method. In Magento Admin System->Configuration->Payment Method You can see payment Method in that you can Customize with your API Login information.please go through this link for more details.
hope this may help you,thank you very much

Integrating paypal mobile express checkout with iOS

Hi i'm creating an app which have shopping cart and payment done via paypal gateway.I tried reading some of documentation under paypal library..but i can't find it...Does any one know simple tutorial or any sample code that is used to integrate paypal gateway in my app.
U can directly go to under developers menu select MPL library thats the simple way of integrating paypal in your app..The document attached to that will provide you info abt step by step integration..Follow simple payment method that will be helpful..I hope this answer will help u...

Using Paypal on iOS by taking smart card information

I am using Paypal for the payment in my iPhone application.I gone through the sample code and I noticed that all the codes in objective c were showing express payment i.e. log in and make the payment.
I understood that but I want the same thing to be done by second method i.e. if the user is not having the account with paypal then he should be able to do the payment by providing his smart card information like its shown here(Direct Payment).
But I want it to do it in iPhone and not in PHP.
Any suggestions are most welcome :)
Update: As per the link ,its possible to pay using PayPal by giving card information.Has anyone tried it?Please help me regarding this.
Using new library libPayPalEC solved my issue as it provides facility to the user to pay using his card