Using Paypal on iOS by taking smart card information - iphone

I am using Paypal for the payment in my iPhone application.I gone through the sample code and I noticed that all the codes in objective c were showing express payment i.e. log in and make the payment.
I understood that but I want the same thing to be done by second method i.e. if the user is not having the account with paypal then he should be able to do the payment by providing his smart card information like its shown here(Direct Payment).
But I want it to do it in iPhone and not in PHP.
Any suggestions are most welcome :)
Update: As per the link ,its possible to pay using PayPal by giving card information.Has anyone tried it?Please help me regarding this.

Using new library libPayPalEC solved my issue as it provides facility to the user to pay using his card


How can I save user card details and make payment later in PayPal?

In Paypal, I m trying to implemen t a Auto payment system using paypal. Where user can save their card details then whenever the invoice is generated using card details invoice can be paid automatically.
I read the document of paypal but not found regarding that.
Please let me know how can I implement Auto payment system using PayPal.
There's quite a bit of information on the Subscriptions page, but most of that is a generic overview. However, there is link to the Integrate Subscriptions page that gives more links to specific API and SDK instructions.
Follow through the step-by-step information to get all this set up. It'll take a while to get everything correct, so definitely use their testing APIs so you aren't doing a bunch of tests on their production APIs and spending your own money doing it.
Once you get the subscriptions created and someone subscribed, PayPal does the rest. You just need to create the subscription and allow people to subscribe.
Also, PayPal keeps track of credit cards and other payment forms for you, so you don't have to go through all the PCI security procedures for storing that information yourself. That gets real involved and can cause you to get in serious trouble with fines and lawsuits if you aren't certified. It's much easier to use a payment processing gateway such as PayPal for this than create your own, especially since you are going to be using PayPal for processing the payments anyway.

Create a QR code to a specific paypal checkout option

I have a website that uses paypal to allow students to purchase a textbook. I am interested in making a QR code that when scanned brings students directly to the paypal app (or the web based address). Is there a tool that would allow me to do that fairly simply
I imagine since the paypal button takes me to a link, I can somehow generate a QR code that takes people to the same link? Or is that the wrong way to do it?
Thank you for your help!
If the paypal link includes all of the necessary information, then you could take that link and use this generator.

paypal different pages - visa/debit payment not create account

Hi I have searched for this solution and although others have experienced the same problem I couldn't find a solution that works for my site.
My wordpress site mainly sells registrations/bookings for events and I'm using the s2Memberplugin to process the payments with Paypal. The problem is that when we direct the users/customers to the paypal page to complete the transaction which i want set up with the option of paying via credit/debit card if the user/customer doesn’t have (or doesn’t want to create one) a paypal account. That has been working perfectly except for when users/customers are using a variety of internet browser with various cookie settings so the user/customer get’s directed to a completely different page both in appearance and functionality from the page I want them to see. This incorrect page ‘requires’ users/customers to have or create a paypal account to make the payment, no option to pay via card is available. I tried calling paypal and of course they say it is something wrong with my site.
Over 20 days ago i lodged a support ticket with Paypal MTS (or whatever they are called) and of course no response. I have lodged about 5 more tickets and made about 10 more phone calls and they simply don't care about customers. That is clearly demonstrated when you ask to speak to the complaints section and they say "We don't have a complaints section'
Thanks very much, any assistance is greatly appreciated
I haven't been provided with any error codes, unfortunately - i did ask for them but nobody supplied them.
we just discovered that the payflow and IPN settings within my sites plugin were empty but i'm filling them in now but i have two questions:
The vendor, is that just my username for my paypal account? (why don't they just use the same terminology - confusing)
My s2Member plugin say's i'll need my IPN url (and then supplies a url, but whn i look at the IPN notification url within my paypal settings it's a totally different link. Should i be changing my paypal IPN url to that which is supplied by my s2Member plugin or am i getting two different url's confused?
Thanks for your help again mate.
If you're using Payments Standard this experience is cookie based as you mentioned. If you want to make sure the full credit card form shows up and allows people to pay with a credit card without creating an account you can use the Express Checkout API instead.
In your SetExpressCheckout request you just need to set SOLUTION=Sole and LANDINGPAGE=Billing.

Integrating paypal mobile express checkout with iOS

Hi i'm creating an app which have shopping cart and payment done via paypal gateway.I tried reading some of documentation under paypal library..but i can't find it...Does any one know simple tutorial or any sample code that is used to integrate paypal gateway in my app.
U can directly go to under developers menu select MPL library thats the simple way of integrating paypal in your app..The document attached to that will provide you info abt step by step integration..Follow simple payment method that will be helpful..I hope this answer will help u...

PayPal: Sandbox UI is different from "real" UI?

As I've been integrating with PayPal, I've noticed that their sandbox UI is very different from their real UI.
When I set my button to post to, I get something like this:
But when I post to from a browser that has never visited PayPal before, I get this:
Is there any way to setup the sandbox so its interface will be closer to the "real" PayPal's interface?
I've not seen it, but perhaps that's a New UI? The quote below is about all I've been able to find out about it though.
The Adaptive Payments consumer
experience will be upgraded to the new
PayPal payment flow design being
rolled out across all PayPal products.
The new UI will show the merchant's
business name instead of their email
address and will have a split slider
showing the payment breakdown on the
left and the login/approval on the
David seems to be right — they are rolling out a new UI on the real site, but I guess the sandbox hasn't gotten it yet.
Also, clearing all my * cookies gives me a "pay with credit card" screen instead of the "log into PayPal" screen.
There is problem with new paypal interface, also mentioned in developer community forum on their website. many of the users are having problem since 1 month, and paypal is still working on it to resolve the issue.
Mazhar Karimi