How do I gotoAndPlay on a button to a nested movie clip on a different frame on the timeline in Adobe Animate using easelJS? - easeljs

New to Stackoverflow and very grateful to everyone's input.
I have a button in Adobe Animate CC that I want to go to a different frame on the main timeline to a movie clip on that same frame. I can't for the life of me figure out how to reference the frame in the timeline in the function for EaselJS.
So if I have:
this.back_btn.addEventListener("click", fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame.bind(this));
function fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame()
Any help is appreciated :)


ScrollView Level Menu on Unity

I'm trying to create a ScrollView with inside images, the images are the levels in the game, and when the user choose a level(a image), he can click the button (like "PLAY") so doing that change the scene to the level selected.
And another i can do to the images still in the center of the scroll view?
I think you are asking for how to do a scrollable list, covered in this tutorial.
Instead of putting buttons in it, you put your images in.
To detect clicks on the image, you add a script to your image containing the OnClick() method. (somthing like this)
I hope I could help you.
Maybe try to put little more effort in your research before asking questions.
I will remove this Question, because i found how to do it...
Btw for the second question, i just create a script which i can make move to the center all the images/buttons/objects. And if you don't know why i'm doing this, it's for create like an animation to show much easier what button/object are you selecting..if you see an image return to the center of the scrollview, you will know that is your image.
I know... I don't, explain well what i want..but i'm new in this world of programming..

swift camera edit frame after take photo

I am always helping with Stack Overflow. I have a question about programming Swift cameras.
My app has the ability to load photos from a camera / photo album and put them into ImageView. At first, I put the image / image into the imageview immediately, but it is difficult to put it in the desired position as it is.
So I pressed the camera shutter button and inserted the editing function. I used the following code:
imageController.allowsEditing = true
imageController.showsCameraControls = true
However, in this case, only the square white line frame appears in edit mode. Can I set the white line frame size proportionally? And can I capture the photos in that frame?
Please help me. It is very difficult to find a way. Thank you.

Displaying an image on Unity's timeline

I am looking to create a Unity timeline tool that will display images onscreen in the manor of a story board, one after another, I have the display part down but I would love to be able to preview the image that is being shown on the timeline itself
any tips or pointer you can give me will be appreciated.
Select the object that contains the PlayableDirector your scene hierarchy.
Select "Preview" in the timeline and,
Use the "Scrubber" (the white vertical line) to move through the timeline sequence.
The "Game" and "Scene" window will both display the animation while out of play mode.

How can we move a scrollView object like history display in safari?

On touch move I want to slide my pictures like iphone music player changes its album in landscape mode.Or safari history pages changes by scrolling mouse.
Just want to know on touch move on iphone music player in landscape mode causes album to change by sliding one another together left to right and right to left.Do not want to use iCarousel.Want sliding animation that it applies by positioning z-index of views.
Thanks in advance.
I found out a sample. Download source here. Hope this helps.

How do you return draggable content to their original positions in iPhone dev?

I am wanting to create a button in my iPhone app that when touched will return other draggable elements to their original position. I have looked at the Apple "MoveMe' example, but that returns the button to the center of the screen. I want to be able to position draggable objects around the screen, drag the objects within the app, and then return them to their original starting positions by pressing a designated button.
Any help appreciated!
Cache the initial positions of your draggable objects, and use an event handler on the button to reset their positions. I'm a little confused. The MoveMe example code is exactly what you need to answer your question -- what more do you want? You won't find a perfect code example for any arbitrary problem you can dream up.
Play around with saving the original positions and using MoveMe to reset the objects and I bet you'll have what your looking for in no time at all.