Displaying an image on Unity's timeline - unity3d

I am looking to create a Unity timeline tool that will display images onscreen in the manor of a story board, one after another, I have the display part down but I would love to be able to preview the image that is being shown on the timeline itself
any tips or pointer you can give me will be appreciated.

Select the object that contains the PlayableDirector your scene hierarchy.
Select "Preview" in the timeline and,
Use the "Scrubber" (the white vertical line) to move through the timeline sequence.
The "Game" and "Scene" window will both display the animation while out of play mode.


I need glowing outline around button in unity

I am working on a project in unity5, while I am making a menu contain buttons, I need button to make glowing outline, need help in this regard.enter image description here
same in the picture, I need button like this in my Unity 5
if you are using canvas you can do that without using any functions or events it can be easily done select button in inspector you will see button (script) component set transition to sprite swap and drop the desired sprite in pressed sprite box.

Show a select emoji screen

I am doing a game with Unity3D in which there are 2 players using the same mobile device in turns to play.
I am adding a Settings scene in which each players enters his/her name and can select an Emojicon to use as an avatar in the game.
I have already imported the png file in to my Resources folder and cut it to 80 sprites using the sprite editor called emojicons1_0 to emojicons1_79.
What I need is to enable the players to change the default emojicon in the Settings if they touch the existing emojicon or a button "Change" beside it.
I was thinking of showing a scroll list from the asset called Gamestrap UI and display an array of 4 x 20 emojicons, and they can select there the desired emojicon. I don't know how to do this, and I appreciate any help. I am open to other suggestions of course.
Thanks in advance for any help.
if you are using uGui, there is a number of ways to do it. I would simply create a view prefab, which will composed of scroll list with grid layout inside. It will have a script attach, which will initialise the view by loading textures/sprites and set it to image component of an instantiated button prefab, which represents one icon to select. Then view has callback and on click simply call it with selected image.
Here is references:

Unity sorting layer

I am developing a small 2d game. I have used sorting layers to my game objects. But when I add new ui text to the scene, it applies to the bottom layer of the scene. I even can not find a sorting layer option there. How can I bring the ui text to front. Thanx
It depends, it could be that you have your canvas set to a particular render mode. So try clicking on the canvas and where it has a drop down menu called render mode select screen-space camera, attach your camera to it and then set your sorting layers from there until you get what you need. Should work with 'World Space' as well. Hope that helps.

Getting Unity 2D Perspective Camera + World Space Canvas Image sorting to work

These are my current settings and let me know if you all need more information to help me solve this issue.
Camera : Perspective
Canvas Render Mode : World Space
In the picture below the focus here is when the user wants to select a ship of their choice they click where "Select V" is and you see "Fighter ship image, but the problem here is that not only is the "Green Circle" in the way but the dropdown itself it just not big enough.
In this second picture below you can see the scaling has been done to make the dropdown more visable but as you can see in this picture below that it is hidden behind another ship select box (ship2 in the Hierarchy).
I have tried making the Z coordinate larger/small and even if I have it come closer to the camera it still is represented behind the ship2 gameobject. I am at a total loss for ideas on how to approach this and if anyone could shed some light on this that would be awesome!
Here are 2 more screen shots just in-case the first 2 images were not enough information to go on.
If I understood your question correctly, your UI is behind the ship but you want it to be above the ship. If that's the case read below, else leave a comment.
objects in the hierarchy is rendered based on the order of your objects in the hierarchy, not the depth. The Unity UI is rendered from top to button in the hierarchy. Don**'t go changing the z-axis if you want to change the display order. It doesn't work like **NGUI.
If you want any object to be displayed on top, it has to be put bellow the object in the hierarchy NOT on top.
If object A is on top of object B in the scene, the problem is from the hierarchy. Go to the hierarchy and put object B below object A if you want object B to be on top of object A.
Also, don't scale the UI the way you did in picture #2. Change the scale of shipRow1 back to 1,1,1 then use the Width and the Height properties to change its size.

How can we move a scrollView object like history display in safari?

On touch move I want to slide my pictures like iphone music player changes its album in landscape mode.Or safari history pages changes by scrolling mouse.
Just want to know on touch move on iphone music player in landscape mode causes album to change by sliding one another together left to right and right to left.Do not want to use iCarousel.Want sliding animation that it applies by positioning z-index of views.
Thanks in advance.
I found out a sample. Download source here. Hope this helps.