Installation of EPIC within eclipse juno - eclipse

I'm installing EPIC within eclipse but always get an error:
Unable to read repository at
I tried the second answer in this post which is:
1) add the line in eclipse.ini: = true
2) delete eclipse/p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository/cache directory
But still get the error. However I can install CDT correctly.
I'm using Mac OX Lion and Eclipse Classic 4.2.1 the mac os 64bit version. I also tried to switch to 32bit version but didn't work. Any help is appreciated.

There are 2 ways to install EPIC in Eclipse:
Way One:
Open Eclipse
Go to Help -> Install New Software and click Add button
Enter Name as EPIC and Location as follows: (for the stable 0.5.x, older version of EPIC) (for the most recent 0.6.x version)
Follow the instruction of eclipse pop up
After successful installation go to Window -> Preferences and observe the list as "Perl EPIC" at
left side panel
Way Two:
Open Eclipse
Go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace
Type EPIC at Find text box and click Go button
Click Install button at "EPIC - Eclipse Perl Integration" area
Follow the instruction of eclipse pop up
After successful installation go to Window -> Preferences and observe the list as "Perl EPIC" at
left side panel

This is another posible answer, besides the ones already provided.
I just hit this, and it was a firewall rule the issue.
In fact the file content.xml doesn't exist on the plugin update (it has instead a site.xml) but that is what the error says when it cannot reach outside world
Solution would be to just open ports 80 and 443 to Eclipse
PS: this happened to me while installing a new version of Eclipse which was not whitelisted in the firewall rules

Remove the site from your "Available Software Sites".
1) Go to "Help" > "Install New Software" > "Available Software Sites"
Find the URL you mentioned in the list and delete it.
Note: Then install EPIC from marketplace if required.


Eclipse Marketplace Install pending

I just installed a new version of eclipse IDE(2020-12) and tried to install the plugins I had on the older version but had no success.
As shown in the picture, when I find the plugin in the Eclipse marketplace and click install, "install pending" shows up and nothing happens. I neither get any pop-ups that ask me to proceed with the installation nor see any progress at the bottom right of the eclipse window. For the older version(2019-06), I can install without any changes in preferences or some other sort of settings. I wonder what could cause this issue?
I have the same problem but it works via update site:
From Eclipse menu open: Help->Install New Software and paste the link.
I think the problem is with Editbox but I can't figure out what exactly is wrong (I'm the author of the plugin).

Installing Findbugs plugin for MyEclipse

I am trying to install Findbugs plugin for MyEclipse 6.0.1 using follwing steps:
In Eclipse, click on Help -> Software Update -> Find and Install...
Choose the Search for new features to install option, and click Next.
Click New Remote Site.
Enter the following:
Name: FindBugs update site
URL: one of the following (note: no final slash on the url) for official releases and click OK.
"FindBugs update site" should appear under Sites to include in search.
Click the checkbox next to it to select it, and click Finish.
As soon as I click Finish eclipse shows me error saying "No features found on selected sites".
Can anyone plz tell me how should I proceed for Findbugs plugin inatallation in MyEclipse v6.0.1.
MyEclipse 6.6 is based on eclipse 3.3, so I assume 6.0 is also based on eclipse 3.3. That version of MyEclipse is now unsupported. However, you might be able to download the Findbugs plugin from here (which also list several update sites) and install it manually. I don't recall how to add plugins manually to eclipse 3.3 but there is probably a section in the help that comes with MyEclipse.

getting error while connecting with repo [duplicate]

from my computer (Mac OS X Leopard) through shell I can check out without problem a remote SVN repo. I already established ssh keys and all that stuff. Now I installed eclipse helios on mac and the subversive pluging. I find no way yo make it work with the svn+ssh repo, could you point me to some good tutorial? MY google caan not find anything useful today
PS: This is the error I get:
SVN: '0x00400006: Validate Repository Location' operation finished with error: Selected SVN connector library is not available or cannot be loaded.
If you selected native JavaHL connector, please check if binaries are available or install and select pure Java Subversion connector from the plug-in connectors update site.
If connectors already installed then you can change the selected one at: Window->Preferences->Team->SVN->SVN Connector.
Selected SVN connector library is not available or cannot be loaded.
If you selected native JavaHL connector, please check if binaries are available or install and select pure Java Subversion connector from the plug-in connectors update site.
If connectors already installed then you can change the selected one at: Window->Preferences->Team->SVN->SVN Connector.
PS2: It seems there is a problem with the already JAVA connector, how oculd I install a new one like the SVN kit one?
Go to Help > Install New Software...
Paste in the URL
for juno:
for kepler:
Select the connector you wish to install (I usually go with SVNKit). You need to select both the wanted connector and the generic "Subversive SVN Connectors" item.
Click Finish
You should be able to use your repository now, but if not :
Go to Window > Preferences
Browse to the Team > SVN item
In the SVN Connector tab, make sure that SVNKit is selected as the active one.
For eclipse juno you have to replace word "updated" to "juno" in the plugin link.
So working link for eclipse juno is:
for eclipse kepler you can use this
I have solved the issue in Helios using subclipse.
Go to Help> Eclipse Marketplace
search for subclipse and install
Go to:
Help -> Eclipse Marketplace -> Subclipse
worked for me in Eclipse Luna
Last version (July 2019):
See 'How to' picture below:
See 'How to' version without pictures below:
In your internet browser,
Go to
In eclipse,
open the menu 'Help'
choose 'Install new software'
click on 'Add' in the 'Install' popup
click on 'Archive' on 'Add Repository' popup
choose the zip downloaded previously
click on 'Open'
tick all the checkboxes in the 'Install' popup
click 'Next'
wait eclipse calculations to process
click 'Next'
click the radio button 'I accept the terms of license agreement'
click 'Finish'
click 'Install anyway' in the 'Security warning' popup
wait eclipse to process
click 'Restart now' in 'Software Updates' popup
wait eclipse to restart

Installing ADT on Eclipse Indigo

On Eclipse Indigo 64-bit, I tried to install ADT (Android Development Tools) plugin ver 15.0. But I get this error :
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
not be found. Software currently installed: Shared profile ( Missing requirement: Shared profile ( requires 'org.maven.ide.eclipse []' but it could not be found
Do I need to install an eclipse dependency ?
I installed eclipse into /opt as root. I had this exact issue.
Seems that this has something to do with permissions (Yeah, great error message, I know).
I simply installed the plugins while running eclipse as root:
user#computer ~$ sudo eclipse &
Problem solved!
Instead of this, when you install it, you can change the ownership of the eclipse files so that you don't have to run as super user every time you want to install an addon.
user#computer /opt $ sudo chown -R user eclipse/
It's an Eclipse bug, see:
You shouldn't need to be administrator to install additional plugins...
Alright... this solved my problem:
Open Eclipse
Go to Help > Install New Software > click on Available Software Sites.
Make sure that "" is checked.
Then.. enable the "contact all update sites.." option on the Install new software page.
You should be all set!
Try to enable the "contact all update sites.." option on the Install new software page.
That said, ADT should not have a dependency on epp packages, unless you have some other software installed along with Eclipse. Please make sure you're using one of the following Eclipse versions:
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
Eclipse Classic (versions 3.5.1 and higher)
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Follow instructions on thereafter.
Run Eclipse with administrator priviledges... If on Windows right click, and select run as admin
Try to download the SDK archive and follow these instructions, it worked for me.
Download the ADT Plugin zip file (do not unpack it):
Start Eclipse, then select Help > Install New Software.
Click Add, in the top-right corner.
In the Add Repository dialog, click Archive.
Select the downloaded file and click OK.
Enter "ADT Plugin" for the name and click OK.
In the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to Developer Tools and click Next.
In the next window, you'll see a list of the tools to be downloaded. Click Next.
Read and accept the license agreements, then click Finish.
If you get a security warning saying that the authenticity or validity of the software can't be established, click OK.
Lastly, when the installation completes, restart Eclipse.

How do I stop the SVN window from opening on Eclipse startup?

As best as I know, I don't need the svn add-on, yet it keeps opening a window on eclipse startup asking for me to choose which svn I want to use. I close the window without cheking any options, and all is well. But this window is very annoying.
I think what has happened is that you have somehow installed the Subversive plugin (maybe it is included in your Eclipse distro by default somehow). The Subversive plugin requires an additional feature to be installed, and that feature is the actual SVN libraries to use. You have a choice of SVN libraries and that is what the dialog is likely asking you to install.
See here for a detailed description:
You have 2 choices:
Install a subversion connector and the dialog will never come up again. This will not harm your system and one day if you choose to use SVN, you will already have the plugin configured.
Uninstall subversive. Go to: Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation Details. Scroll down to the Subversive entries. Select them all and click "Uninstall".
Uninstall the addon.
Help → Install New Software → What is already installed? → [uninstall your SVN plugin here]
Sometimes even though you uninstall subversion, there are still some plugins related to SVN that remaining. You can see them in [Installation details -> Plugins].
Go to your eclipse installation folder (e.g. C:\Eclipse on windows, /Applications/Eclipse on Mac OS X) then plugins folder and remove every file starting with ""
You can see the list of the files that need to be removed from Plugins section of Installation details.
Try giving it a fake one and see if it goes away? :)