Inheriting from Sealed classes in MATLAB - matlab

In MATLAB, one of the attributes of a class (defined after classdef) is Sealed, which means that no class can use it as a superclass (or to be more precise, "to indicate that these classes have not been designed to support subclasses."1).
For example, if I try to instantiate a class that's defined as below (considering table is Sealed):
classdef SomeLie < table
I would get the 'MATLAB:class:sealed' error:
>> A = SomeLie;
Error using SomeLie
Class 'table' is Sealed and may not be used as a superclass.
As I refuse to be told by a machine what I may or may not do, I would like to subclass a Sealed class, regardless. How can I do that in MATLAB R2017a?
I'm having a hard time believing that this system is completely airtight, so I'm looking for a solution that would cause the Sealed attribute to be silently ignored (or something of that sort). The desired solution should work without modifying any "library class definitions" to remove Sealed from them.
I tried playing around with "reflection", but arrived at a dead end...
classdef SomeLie % < table
properties (Access = private)
innerTable table;
properties (GetAccess = public)
methodHandles struct = struct();
function slObj = SomeLie(varargin)
slObj.innerTable = table(varargin{:});
% methodHandles = methods(slObj.innerTable);
ml = ?table; ml = {ml.MethodList.Name}.';
ml = setdiff(ml,'end');
tmpStruct = struct;
for indM = 1:numel(ml)
tmpStruct.(ml{indM}) = str2func([...
'#(varargin)' ml{indM} '(slObj.innerTable,varargin{:})']);
slObj.methodHandles = tmpStruct;
function varargout = subsref(slObj,varargin)
S = struct(slObj);
varargout{:} = S.methodHandles.(varargin{1}.subs)(varargin{:});
(There's no need to fix the above code, I was just sharing)

I do not think the machine is the problem, but the class designer and he certainly has good motivations to seal the class. "Philosophy" of coding, a part, you could 'own' the class in a wrapper class without defining it sealed.
For example, supposer the class Hello is sealed and has a method (or function, if you wish) sayHello which you would like to use in inherited classes you could define a class FreeHello (public) which contains an instance of Hello. At the constructor you build the corresponding Hello and then you define a sayHello method whose body simply calls your Hello instance and makes it execute the sayHello method (and returns the output, accordingly).
In order to 'open' the sealed class, you need to do these for all properties and public methods; of course you are still not capable of accessing private methods, but now you can subclass your wrapper class, as you wish.


Python C API - How to inherit from your own python class?

The newtypes tutorial shows you how to inherit from a base python class. Can you inherit from your own python class? Something like this?
PyObject *mod = PyImport_AddModule("foomod");
PyObject *o = PyObject_GetAttrString(mod, "BaseClass");
PyTypeObject *t = o->ob_type;
FooType.tp_base = t;
if (PyType_Ready(&FooType ) < 0) return NULL;
though you need to define your struct with the base class as the first member per the documentation so it sounds like this is not possible? ie how would I setup the Foo struct?
typedef struct {
PyListObject list;
int state;
} SubListObject;
What I'm really trying to do is subclass _UnixSelectorEventLoop and it seems like my only solution is to define a python class that derives from my C class and from _UnixSelectorEventLoop with my C class listed first so that it can override methods in the other base class.
I think you're basically right on your assessment:
it seems like my only solution is to define a python class that derives from my C class and from _UnixSelectorEventLoop with my C class listed first so that it can override methods in the other base class.
You can't define a class that inherits from a Python class because it'd need to start with a C struct of basically arbitrary size.
There's a couple of other options that you might like to consider:
You could create a class the manual way by calling PyType_Type. See this useful answer on a question about multiple inheritance which is another sort of inheritance that the C API struggles with. This probably limits you too much, since you can't have C attributes, but you can have C functions.
You could do "inheritance by composition" - i.e. have you _UnixSelectorEventLoop as part of the object, then forward __getattr__ and __setattr__ to it in the event of unknown attributes. It's probably easier to see what I mean with Python code (which is simply but tediously transformed into C API code)
class YourClass:
def __init__(self,...):
self.state = 0
self._usel = _UnixSelectorEventLoop()
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._usel, 'name')
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in self.__dict__:
object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
setattr(self._usel, name, value)
# maybe __hasattr__ and __delattr__ too?
I'm hoping to avoid having to write this C API code myself, but the slots are tp_getattro and tp_setattro. Note that __getattr__ will need to be more comprehensive in the C version, since it acts closer to the __getattribute__ in Python. The flipside is that isinstance and issubclass will fail, which may or may not be an issue for you.

Validate property to be a sublclass of an abstract class in MATLAB

I'm brand new to OOP in Matlab, and still fairly green when it comes to OOP in general, but what I do know I learnt in C++.
I'm following the Matlab documentation found here Property class and size validation. I want to validate a property so that it must be a specific class and I'm using the example from the link. This is what my class looks like:
classdef simpoint
outputType dataType
In my code dataType is a class I've written. What's more it's abstract.
I'm getting the error
Error defining property 'outputType' of class 'simpoint':
Class dataType is abstract. Specify a default value for property outputType.
The class dataType is abstract to force the user to implement some methods. I'm trying to use property validation to make sure when outputType is set, the class is a subclass of dataType.
I don't really want to set a default value, because forgetting to set outputType should throw an error.
How can I validate outputType to make sure it is a subclass of dataType? Is there a better way to do this in Matlab?
There is a more elegant solution to this problem, which is apparently not well known.
MATLAB has a concept of Heterogeneous Class Hierarchies. This is just fancy way of explicitly declaring the common root class (abstract or not) so that it can be used for property validation. In practice, all you need to do is to make your abstract class inherit from matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous.
Here is a quick example:
classdef (Abstract) AbstractItem < handle & matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous
classdef Collection < handle
items AbstractItem
Then you have no problem:
>> x = Collection
x =
Collection with properties:
items: [0×0 AbstractItem]
Without the matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous inheritance you would get an error like you described:
Error defining property 'items' of class 'Collection'. Class AbstractItem is abstract. Specify a default value for property items.
Your current code uses the following logic:
Create a new simpoint object
Ah this object needs an outputType property
Initialise the outputType property to be an empty dataType object
Uhoh, we can't instantiate an abstract object - error.
Instead, you could also use setters and getters to validate data types. This removes steps 3 and 4 above, since the initial property value will be [].
classdef simpoint < matlab.mixin.SetGet
% ...
methods % Setters and getters
function set.outputType( obj, v )
% When the 'obj.outputType = X' is called, this function is
% triggered. We can validate the input first
assert( isa( v, 'dataType' ) );
% If the assertion didn't error, we can set the property
obj.outputType = v;
function v = get.outputType( obj )
% Nothing bespoke in the getter (no not strictly needed), just return the value
v = obj.outputType;
For more informative validation, you could use validateattributes instead of assert.
In this case, the default value of outputType will be [] unless you initialise it in the constructor.
Note, by using matlab.mixin.SetGet to enable setters and getters, I've implicitly made your object a handle. In broader OOP terms, the object is now accessed "by reference" rather than "by value". Read more here.
If you don't want a handle then you can remove the < matlab.mixin.SetGet and, by your own comment, define the setter more explicitly
function obj = set.outputType( obj, v )
% Have to return 'obj' if the class isn't a handle.
% ...

Force conversion of struct to object in MATLAB loadobj function

I am working with a custom defined class I called "PathObj_Standard". I want to make sure that when I load this class, if the property CalcDate was saved as a cell array it is converted to a standard array. However, I changed the class definition some time ago, so when I use the loadobj function, I am getting a struct instead of an object. The original code I'm using has a lot more properties, so I'd rather not create a new object by assigning property by property from the struct to a new object. Furthermore, I'm also hesitant to change the constructor to accept a struct as an argument.
I tried using the class function inside loadobj, but I am getting a Cannot redefine class 'PathObj_Standard' without a call to 'clear classes' error. Isn't this function supposed to force conversion of a struct to an object? Why doesn't it work within the loadobj function?
classdef PathObj_Standard < handle
properties (SetAccess = protected)
function obj=loadobj(s)
if isstruct(s)
if not(isempty(obj.CalcDate)) && iscell(obj.CalcDate)
function obj=PathObj_Standard(Name,CalcDate)
The issue is that calling class attempts to create a class which you can't do from within your loadobj. You'll want to call the actual constructor
Also in my experience, the easiest way to construct a class from a struct is to inherit from hgsetget rather than handle as that automatically has the set and get methods of MATLAB's graphics objects and these methods can accept property/values in the form of a struct. In newer versions of MATLAB, you can also use the SetGet mixin
classdef PathObj_Standard < hgsetget
If you do this, you could change your loadobj method to be something like
function obj = loadobj(s)
% Update the input struct as needed
if isfield(s, 'CalcDate') && ~isempty(s.CalcDate) && iscell(s.CalcDate)
s.CalcDate = cell2mat(s.CalcDate);
% Call the default constructor
obj = PathObj_Standard();
% Update all properties that were supplied to loadobj
set(obj, s)

Avoid repeating a superclass' package name in Matlab

How can I avoid repeating a long tedious package name in matlab classes in the following cases:
When specifying the Superclass, e.g. classdef Class < tediouspkgname.Superclass
When calling the superclass constructor, e.g. obj = obj#tediouspkgname.Superclass(...).
When calling superclass methods, e.g. val = somefunc#tediouspkgname.Superclas(...).
I'm looking for an equivalent of matlabs import statement, which is not usable in these cases unfortunately.
Lets have a folder called +tediouspkgname/ in our Matlab path. So Matlab recognizes there's a package called tediouspkgname.
Lets have a Class ExampleClass which is saved in the file +tediouspkgname/ExampleClass.m:
classdef ExampleClass
function obj = ExampleClass(p)
obj.p = p;
function print(obj)
Let there be another Class, derived from ExampleClass, living in the file
classdef DerivedClass < tediouspkgname.ExampleClass
function obj = DerivedClass(p)
obj = obj#tediouspkgname.ExampleClass(p);
function print(obj)
I want the following commands to work without errors while mentioning tediouspkgname. as little as possible:
e = tediouspkgname.ExampleClass('Hello');
o = tediouspkgname.DerivedClass('World');
In particular, this definition of DerivedClass gives me the error ExampleClass is not a valid base class:
classdef DerivedClass < tediouspkgname.ExampleClass
function obj = DerivedClass(p)
obj = obj#tediouspkgname.ExampleClass(p);
function print(obj)
import tediouspkgname.ExampleClass
You have two examples at the command line:
e = tediouspkgname.ExampleClass('Hello');
o = tediouspkgname.DerivedClass('World');
For these cases, you can use import at the command line:
import tediouspkgname.*
e = ExampleClass('Hello');
o = DerivedClass('World');
and it should work fine.
For the other cases you have (in the class definition line, and when calling a superclass method), you need to use the fully qualified name including the package.
I dislike this aspect of the MATLAB OO system. It's not just that it's tedious to write out the fully qualified name; it means that if you change the name of your package, or move a class from one package to another, you have to manually go through your whole codebase in order to find-and-replace one package name for another.

Classname in static methods of abstract classes

I would like to access the class name of the concrete class that's invoking a static method implemented in an abstract superclass.
This is the code (part of) of the abstract superclasss:
classdef (Abstract) AbstractJobProcessor < handle
properties (Abstract, Constant)
methods (Static)
function res = getVersionMajor;
res = AbstractJobProcessor.VERSION_MAJOR;
function res = getVersionMinor
res = AbstractJobProcessor.VERSION_MINOR;
function res = getVersionInfo
res = sprintf('**CLASSNAME**: v%d.%02d (last modified: %s)',...
Basically, I would like to access the classname of the concrete subclass and use it in the method getVersionInfo in place of the string **CLASSNAME**.
All the methods returning meta information about a class (that I have found in the documentation) require a reference to an instance of the class (like, for example, mc = metaclass(object)).
The below function will give you what you want - subclass name, that was used when invoking an (inherited) static superclass method. Just call it inside your superclass method like you would any normal function:
className = getStaticCallingClassName();
What it does handle:
Both the case when method was invoked programmatically (i.e. by a running script / function), as well as when it was invoked from the command window.
Arbitrarily nested package names (i.e. classes located inside directories prefixed with +).
What it does not handle:
Does not work if the static method is called in a non-static context, i.e. on an object instance. But you should not be using such syntax anyway. This would've been possible if we were able to use evalin with 'caller' workspace recursively, but it does not work this way.
A brief explanation behind the idea: second entry in the stack trace, produced by dbstack, would correspond to the superclass, which we can use to extract the static method name. The next steps depend on:
If the method is invoked programmatically, third stack entry would point us to a line in the the parent script/function which we need to read, e.g. using dbtype. All that's left to do is extract the subclass name using regexp based on the method name.
If the method is invoked from command window, we query the last command and use that as the input for our regular expression.
Note that even if stack has 3 entries or more, it doesn't mean that the method was invoked programmatically. For example, if we've stopped on a breakpoint somewhere and invoke the method from command window, stack trace would be long, but regexp based on the line from the third stack trace entry will not give us the answer. In this case we fall back to the command window approach.
Warning: it heavily relies on undocumented features and may break in any feature release. Tested on Matlab 2015b, but should work on most previous releases as well. Some may say it is quite dirty, but it works very well, and it's the only method that I'm aware of to achieve such a behavior.
function [className, fullPath] = getStaticCallingClassName()
ST = dbstack('-completenames');
% First one is getStaticCallingClassName, second one is the superclass
methodName = char(regexp(ST(2).name, '[^\.]([^.]*)$', 'match'));
% matches string (combination of alphanumeric/underscore/dot characters) preceeding the given method call.
pattern = sprintf('[\\w.-]*(?=.%s)', methodName);
% If the parent called static method programmatically, we should be able to find it via the next (third) stack trace
if length(ST) > 2
command = evalc('dbtype(ST(3).file, num2str(ST(3).line))');
className = char(regexp(command, pattern, 'match'));
else % was likely called from command window. Long stack trace means that we're simply waiting in a breakpoint somewhere
className = []; % go straight to command window approach
if isempty(className) % means that static method was called directly from command window
javaHistory = com.mathworks.mlservices.MLCommandHistoryServices.getSessionHistory();
command = char(javaHistory(end));
className = char(regexp(command, pattern, 'match'));
fullPath = which(className);
Here's a workaround. According to the MATLAB documentation:
'Ordinary methods define functions that operate on objects of the class',
'Static methods are (1) associated with a class, but (2) not with specific instances of that class'.
You can have both aspects of static methods if you call an ordinary method with an empty object array.
For example, suppose we have a base class:
classdef base
function obj = base()
disp('constructor called')
function dispClassName(obj)
disp(['class name = ', class(obj)]);
and a subclass
classdef sub < base
Now call the methods as follows (this will not invoke any constructor):
>> base.empty.dispClassName
class name = base
>> sub.empty.dispClassName
class name = sub
A real solution (for which I did an enhancement request 03315500 to MathWorks) would be to extend the MATLAB language with a method attribute 'Class' to define methods that are associated with the invoking class (similar to the Python #classmethod decorator). Methods of this class would automatically receive the metaclass of the invoking function as a first argument. With such an extension we could define a base class:
% Future MATLAB syntax extension
classdef base
methods(Class) % New method attribute ‘Class’
function dispClassName(cls) % implicit argument (meta.class)
disp(['class name = ' cls.Name ]);
and a subclass
classdef sub < base
and call
>> base.dispClassName
class name = base
>> sub.dispClassName
class name = sub