Weex keep app running in background - plugins

I want to make an alarm app using weex. However I guess I will need a service that will run in the background.
How can I do it using weex? Is there something ready for this like a plugin or so?

No, you can't. you need write custom module to support this.
iOS doc: http://weex.apache.org/references/advanced/extend-to-ios.html
android doc: http://weex.apache.org/references/advanced/extend-to-android.html


is it possible to make an application for video calls in Ionic?

I need to write an application with video chats (1:1), and i know Angular. There are tons of SDKs for Angular(or web) to handle video calls(like e.g. twilio.com, agora.io?). But my client need mobile app. It's possible to write native app in Ionic with video calls support? However, do I have to use something more professional like flutter to achieve this?
Is there any ready SDK to handle this in Ionic?
I am looking, I am looking for and I cannot find anything. And I have to make quick decisions in part.
Please help me :)
You can use the camera and the microphone with Ionic (in native or pwa mode).
Ionic fully supports Angular and Angular components.
I recommend you the use of notifications like Google FCM to notify the caller.
You can trigger an action directly from the notification (app in background or in app which is not the same).

Ionic Native: how to trigger some function at an absolute time

I am new to Mobile development and I am using Ionic Native. I want to trigger a function at a fixed time point, e.g. every 12:00 pm on Friday, no matter my App is running or not.
I guess I need to register this function into the system service level but have no idea how to achieve this. I currently run my App on Android but maybe IOS later. I assume the solution will be different.
First: ionic is a css and angular directive and services framework binding your app with Cordova framework. As general rule of thumb if something is unrelated on how your app look or feel it is Cordova related issue
Second: It is not currently possible to keep running a code in background if the user kill your app in IOS.
if you want to run a background services in Andorid you can look at this
If you want to push a notification you can add Cordova(or ngCordova) plugin for local notificationhere. you can read

Can we use voice command for interaction in iPhone App

Is there any api or method available for integrating voice command in iPhone app for simple operations like going next and previous? I doubt that it is available but I need clarification on this. Thanks!
There is no such thing provided by the iOS Library. Not for the regular voice commands and not for Siri. This might change with the upcoming version, but there's nothing announced yet.
Even on CocoaPods there's no such library avaliable, so I think you might have to buy something or start from scratch

Icons of running application in iOS

I'm learning iOS programming. I was wondering if there is any way to show the icons of all the running apps in the phone. I know how to get a list of apps that are running currently, but is it possible to access their icons?
If not, what is the best way to do this? Crawl the appstore for icons and store it in the app?
As far as I know there is no API for getting the current running apps in iOS (but there is something like this for Android).
If you want to show only the currently running app icons, how will crawling appstore help?
If you cannot do it directly through some API trickery, how about a sideways workaround? If you know the names of the apps that are running, you could build a process that grabs the app icons through the iTunes Store Search API (using NSData's initWithContentsOfURL: method (docs), or with NSURLConnection and its delegates).
It might be a bit convoluted, but is probably the most straightforward way of getting the icon of any app that might be running.
I have tried to grab app icons using the API and I make it!
Take an example of app yelp, the premise is you get the buddleid of this app, which you can refer to Finding list of installed apps on iphone
And https://itunes.apple.com/lookup?bundleId=com.yelp.yelpiphone
helps to get the information in the form of json. Use the value for key "artworkUrl60" to get the icon of yelp

Possible to use Buddypress within an iPhone app?

I want to create a community for my venture and also an iphone application for the same. I am thinking of using Buddypress for the community.
But is it possible to use buddypress with an iPhone app? I'd like that when user posts a message via the iPhone app, it is also posted on buddypress? Or do I have to write custom scripts for editing the buddypress db according to user actions in the iPhone app?
I remember reading about a plugin for BuddyPress, called BPDEV XMLRPC that allows you to communicate with BuddyPress via XMLRPC. I'm not sure if it's out of the development trunk yet, but it seems like you could use that to post messages to BuddyPress from an iPhone app. bp-dev.org seems to be down at the moment, but I read about it there.
It's entirely possible to do -- but will require some heavy development work. Would have to modify heavily a child theme and do lots of stuff to make it work. Let me know if you find anything that works.